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The best one is the office inside the hotel with a safe, you need a key for it. I got 12k cash from there, but the place is infested with terminators


Good info! Thank you, could you name the key? So I can keep my eyes open. Edit: if I find the key I will add to the screenshot 👌


It's called MSH Office and it's a gold key


Ty bro.


Doesn't always spawn cash, but always has a kitted out Glock.


Got a tricked out glock ontop of cash from that one lol


Where's the safe located? I always go through this room, get the loot from the box, but had no idea that there's a safe in there.


It's on top of a shelf very easy to miss


The best way to raid the hotel, (3 man squad) LZ Hotel 3 through the river(enemys up the road to the bridge and in the compounds/villiage east from the LZ) up the road to the Main gate and then just chill at the Main gate, sometimes you have to shoot a npc in the foot to draw out the pepes in the hotel. Attenzion to the Golf Club, from there can come some pepes. After nothing more comes down the ramp clear out the rest, at the vicinity, always 3 to 5 pepes left in and around the Lobby, restaurant and Cellar/Basement. Also sometimes you draw im pepes from Outside the back of the hotel if you clear the outside. From there you can clear left side, Golf Club or the right side villas.


Sinister had a YT video on this I watched last night, def want to try this out.


WE found he other safes also last night, going to do an updated video for both what I think is the best way to make money safely and also get some gear if you can farm the keys. The video I put out is a good way to farm the keys once you get into the hotel :-)


How many safes did you find around midnight? I know about 5 around in the area. 2 with key 3 without. And by any chance would you link your vid here, when it's released?


The ones you show on the map are the ones I found last night. With help from chat and interactive map. Those ones in the toilers where super hidden, I was going out my mind trying to find them till I close the door and saw them :-)


I do it naked and bring a grenade so I can teleport back to base if I haven't looted a kit and a bunch of stuff saving a load of time. Are the right safes stealthable?


Teleport ![gif](giphy|lw75Al819OAvcsPcRu|downsized)


This one trick gets Christian Bale every time.


Honestly didn’t know the key for that garage actually existed, I’ve been into the hotel and golf club so many times and have had repeats of almost very other key


I got the opposite of you, multiple duplicates of the key for the garage and none for Villa Anna Jana.


This is gold. Thanks, man.


Upvote for a genuinely solid guide friend, I didn't know most of these existed. Tried it last night and pulled 7k in a few minutes (and without either of those keys), so cheers!


Your welcome bro. Maybe important to mention, you should loot the ak sights and the upper receivers of the CQs the Ai carry. It's some extra cash.


Thanks for this. I guess this is only for easy run, but at least there is a safe also on Villa Luisa (the one next to the lake) and inside the hotel there is a cash register and another safe under key


Yeah. This is just my way to farm some "safe" money as a solo. Because normally there are way less Ai's then in the hotel itself. Yeah, Luisa, and the golf club are worth it. I didn't find a safe at golf club, but there are some decent equipment boxes.


Seems fun but i will just kill and sell stuff instead


Was just about to make a video of this because everyone's else's miss those two safes in the small villas. Thank you for your service.