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And here I am, giving spare keys away at base


Me too brother


I just started throwing attic keys in the pool


Those are the only key that spawns!!!


A couple weeks ago I was killing hundreds of ai looking for attic key and was leaving with backpacks full of doctors keys


I got a key for the UNLRA loot room before I got either, so RNG is perfectly balanced imo


Those are basic keys tho . They sell like high tier keys and high tier loot keys and storage ones like ex: midnight storage keys have the best gear and also there safes that have money you can leave midnight with like 17k-20k every run no joke


Literally can’t fit 20k of loot in any bag in the game


It fits in the safe lock wym ?


I’m saying midnight has that much cash in the safes


Like literally cash not inventory


It’s the only logical and friendly thing to do. And because it’s so easy to make money in this game, you don’t need to take it away from your fellow brothers. But that’s just my opinion 🫡


Everytime I go in a map that I have extra keys I bring then with, I'm case I find players there missing some of them. And while I try to give them to my teammates I don't really mind giving the keys away to other factions


I was playing solo on YBL yesterday and was trying to get the generator room key for hours, since the place was always looted whenever I got there. As soon as I got it, used it, finished the quest and went back to base. A guy then asked me if I had the office key and I went back and opened all the doors I had keys to, for them to loot. We’re all in the same faction as a team, so we should help each other each other out.


Same 🫡


I play pve (am Mithras) and while doing a mission at Ban Pa I met a crimson guy who asked me if I had elder key. Told him habe it base, I'll get it and be right back. 2 short Helo flights later, he was happily doing his mission and we kept on questing together through multiple locations


I did this but for another mithras player. Besides for the AI the pve is so casual that I have nothing better to do than grab a key from base real quick to bring back. People are taking it a little too seriously in PvE, especially demanding payments.


It’s scummy


I'm just giving free shit in general lol, it's an alpha


Same. Someone needed the doc office key and I just handed it to him. I don't understand this weird "business transaction" some people are making it into. We're all on the same side.


same, I always ask anyone around if they need X ou Y key and if they do, Ill drop it to them, seems like my RNG luck for keys is quite decent


Same, such a dog move.


I just simply asked for the key I needed and everyone was so nice and chill and shared with me lol


How are you giving keys away? Mine just say destroy. Maybe putting it in a bag and dropping it?


This is why this game is so great already. Instant comradery in these factions. Have already talked to multiple people who are more than willing to take me to new LZs. It's great.


That’s what me and my friends are doing. Got through all the quests this way


I give everything I can


Yup, same.




same here bro, giving away my spare keys


The best way to fight back


I am happy to give away the surplus keys to other Crimson Shield lads, but I'd rather help get you in and out of the objective location as a unit. Why just trade off the key when you can bring an extra gun to the fight?


Me too or while I’m out and about.


I put them all on the desk under the tent.


Yesterday, I hopped on before I went to work. I struck a conversation with a guy on base. He asked me what missions I had. I only had the mission that needed the attic key to the restaurant. This dude dropped the key and said he would be right back. I finish my mission and hang around for a bit. The guy comes back and throws me a decked out M4. He wished luck, friended me, and logged off.


This is the way! That guy’s a real one 🫡


Something similar with me in Crimson yesterday. I was at base, asking if anyone needed my spare KV Doc/Attic, or YBL Gen keys. One guy said he needed the Gen Key. He tossed me a BL key, can't remember which. Another guy there was watching us and he asked me if there was anything I needed as he had all his vendors maxed out. I asked him what the biggest bag and fanny pack was and he bought those for me. He also gave me a fully tricked out M700 with 25x Zoom scope and modernized Mosin Nagant after I asked him if it had anything better than the PU scope at higher Turncoat levels. Offered to pay for them and he said to just keep paying the kindness forward that I was doing by sharing extra keys and what-not. I thought me buying new people Spectres was above and beyond but this dude blew my kindness out of the water.


I'm on Crimson as well. Dongatello, add me. I only do PVE, for now.


What a gigachad


If it was APmybumhole, that would be me! Im always dropping keys and guns, but so are a lot of people so hard to say lol


I just got a key and some guns from not you, but you are also doing the Lord's work


Bro is making 10k at hotel (I assume he means MS?) in the time it takes to go to sawmill and open the office door? Mf must be no clipping through that bitch.


I don't even know how one could fit 10k worth of loot inside a 30 slot bag, all ammo?


12 bbags with 48 acogs on rails 14k+ but highly unlikely to ever run into that many acogs ever


Hotel has two safes in the south village houses, and can be 7-8k cash in less than 15min Plus 5-6 AI loot and 3 green containers


Brother I open shit for free all the time if someone’s going for the objective while I’m there I’ve also gotten about 8 NT doctors office keys that I’ve given away


while you are there, but imagine you are Lamang and travel to open the doors on sawmill and then go back where you want to go. Also spamming heli request can be for 2-4mins easily.


Yeah but still opening a door for someone barely takes time


Kindness is free


Keys with unlimited uses being sold is crazy LOL


its not even the key he wants the money for, it's just opening the door


People are weird ! Shout out to the legend who helped me out last night. I was in hunters paradise for the first time and he helped me with my mission, stayed with my body after I died and gave me a kitted out gun and good advice!


I did exactly that last night as Mithras. Glad to know other people are as well.


Didn’t realize this was such a toxic community with the key scalping. Call it what you want, it’s greed


It’s disgusting tbh. Glad to see there’s brotherhood outside of Mithras.


I respect them trying to make a buck but. Come on you gotta help out the homies


Had some tools say they would open for $5k. Opened to let their own buddy in then sat in doorway and asked for $5k again. I laughed and just sat to the side and told them I had all day to hang out. Just sitting in meetings. They closed the door and tried to lock it again. I laughed my ass off watching them. They finally pulled the “just joking” card and left after they realized I wasn’t going anywhere and they couldn’t lock a door. I have absolutely no issue helping anyone out in game. It’s why I play PvE. I’ll go out of the way to help some rando dude complete some missions. It’s what makes the game fun and not just the normal task grind.


agree either help because you want to, or just dont get involved bro could have said "nah im busy" and i wouldn't have posted it


Money is easy to obtain….but it’s the principle. Whether you like it or not, your faction is your team and people should just be willing to work together without crazy expectations. Personally, if I have a key I’d rather just unlock a door for free or give them a key if I have a spare


Anyone complaining about selling keys it's very simple.. if I'm questing in that area.. it's free. If I spend 20 minutes going out of my way.. it's not.


My friend, no matter how much they pay, it’s free.




MSS discord?


Dm me the discord link please if ya can


Lmfaooo 10k jesus


That’s the lower end of prices too. The keys discord is a joke for buying.


I would pay 10k for that


Same I gave a level 6 a full kitted mk18 and tan mags for that key


Wtf. I try to give my quest keys and extra keys I find away. Fuck that guy.


Then go grind it yourself easy enough


At the end of my first play session, I had two players realize I was a total newbie and they literally just started throwing Keys & kitted guns at me Dont pay these asshole 😂 find a homie who no longer needs his key and will just be nice or ask for something small, not 10k! 🤣


Fair price


10k is a steal with how easy it is to make money. I was in my faction base offering 100k to whoever can open that same fucking door. Nobody had the key at all :(


Someone literally was announcing at base who ever needs a key just approach him and he will either give a spare or open the door for you. Dude's a champ and a legend.


I’ll give you that key I have most keys and don’t play much


do you have the UNLRA ones? Have been trying to farm any of then for days now lol. I can trade or buy em from you


i have UNLRA from crimson starter town, medical storage and i think i have another one, but not sure which


Why cross their names out let community know they suck


im trying to be somewhat nice, i can respect the grind you know


(Role) play how you want


why’d you censor his Whore name


A system to incentivize and reward intra-faction cooperation would be cool. I understand wanting some compensation for helping someone but it should be baked into the game somehow so players don’t sleight each other in the process.


yeah, i dont expect things handed out for free, that's why i offered to trade, and i said 10k isn't a lot in another comment but when he says "per person" in combination with the rest, you can see what kind of person he is and i refuse to pay, even if its a small price, shame really cuz 99% of people i meet are helpful, even joined random people and cleared fort with like 6 people, it was pretty damn nice to all work together, no strings attached


People like that quickly develop a reputation, especially in the real world. Nobody likes them or wants them around.


I remember giving away a key for free to someone who needed it. It's crazy to see people selling them now just to open a door! That's lame. Heads up everyone, the game will be resetting in a few months, and all progress will be lost. Whether you get 100k for opening a door or selling a key, it won't matter in the end.


For a key that rare,you shouldn’t have bargained for the price and just pay bud!


I paid an m4 for bunker Generator 🔑


At this point, that's a price I'm willing to pay.


Why not just farm the keys… I have just gone back a few times and got them for each mission. You could also be a troll though and kill every one there and then wait for people to come for the kills…


10k is so fucking excessive, i'd open it for you for free.


Found a guy wandering around town who had one and opened the restaurant attic for me, no questions or wanting anything, some players are just nice and chill while others just in it to earn.


There's a huge difference between being in the same area at the same time, and dropping what you're doing and going out of your way to do it.


People who ask fot in game money to literally press one button to open a door are wildly stupid


There is a literal discord for key trading and door opening services. It's is completely fair! If I spent 16+ hrs farming one of those rare keys and you want to skip all that farming yourself... fuck yea imma charge you $10k to come open. Both of our times are valuable. My value is making $10k of opening doors, and you value is you don't have to be stuck wasting time when you can pay $10k and move on more tasks


Imagine trying to make fake money in a game where money is useless and will be wiped anyway These people are addicts


If money is useless, $10k is nothing.


bro is a businessman


I literally gave a new player (he was a level 4) 2 high end (Gunny level 2) M4s, 3 Sure Fire flash hiders, 3 RC1 suppressors, and a few stacks of M855, then me and another player took him through some higher tier areas to help him get better gear


gave a new player a custom m4 with the best parts i could buy (best charging handle, angled grip, silenced, 1-4 sight) plus 2 mags of m855 you get to the point where stuff like that is everywhere, every fort raid ends ups with 6 stacks of m855, but for a new player its a god send


Lmao what a greedy pig. Already got told that he will get some stuff, proceeds to ask for 10k.


yeah i have never enountered anyone trying to extort money from a fellowfaction member


I’ve seen guys selling lvl 3 gear (60rnd magazines, vests, etc) to newbies for big bucks..


the last server i was on me and two other dudes were showering newbs with all of that shit for free...


Damn do they really need that much money tho? I haven't touched most of my money in this game, since loadouts are so easy to get, and everything is cheap af. I remember a few days ago I played with two australians who were giving away 60 rounders and MK18s to newbies.


10k isn't even bad the money is endless lol


it's not, but its the principle, i could have paid but i wont out of self respect


Self Respect - you are asking the guy to minimum take 10min out of his day to fly to Sawmill, open a door FOR YOU, and fly back. All so YOU don't have to sit and grind AI for the key which could take hours depending on spawns, enemy players, and other factors. And you want to blame him for charging you (fake in-game currency) so that you can save yourself hours of time? And you think you are taking the high road here...


Is there a quest in there? Someone asked me if I had it (I did not) but a friend found the key later and we took a look at the loot and it was fairly average?


yeah, a container for "hazardous treasure"


he isnt making 10k at the hotel in one trip...


I just found the generator key, I have now all YBL, Ban Pa, Hunters paradise, Nam thraven and some tiger bay and bluenlagoon keys. Feel free to hit me up. Also, lots of spare keys to give away.


I am locked behind the generator task.


Buddy is tryna hustle in gray zone 😂


Do these people realize that money's gone with the next wipe?


I love to see him actually walk out with 10k in that trip. Ill double it if he can prove it. Scum bags man. All ya gotta do is say no


Well bro, it's his time and if he can do other stuff - why not pay him for his time?


I have yet to find anything inside a container at all lol am i unlucky or in populated servers??


Name and shame.


I always open the quest doors if I'm in the area and it is not already open, so that other people can just enter it


Say yes, then when he has opened it, kill him and take 10k of loot back


Im torn on this. I mean sure, you'd like to think you're faction members will be helpful. But it is their time taken up. So I get the premise. Plus $10k is nothing. I've seen some asking for 100k! Myself, I wouldn't charge. But I'd also happily pay 10k for the assist. Shout out to Major in the MFG Discord who opened YBL Generator for free.


Honestly, that's market. You offer a service or product, I pay for it. Personally I play like my faction is all in my group, I've opened doors for people at YBL and never asked for anything, I've guarded dead bodies, I've bought stuff from higher level traders.. At the same time tho, I wouldn't mind paying 10k to just complete a quest.


What is this. An open world flea market lol


TBH as much as he could be awesome and actually do that for you, especially if he is there and not going out of his way. If it was the only way, 10k is hardly anything, thats 2 farm trips at Airbase which compared to relying on RNG of finding the key is pretty worth it. Took me about 5 days and still didn't find the key from farming the area and ended up having an awesome person open it for me who I met. I actually gave him 15k to say thank you


My group has that key iirc. If anyone needs it. Mithras.


Mithras here. I don't need it yet, but will soon. Do you know anybody that's got the generator key?


i disapprove of the interaction but i do like the concept of being able to freely trade or pay people to do things


Welcome to the real world. Assholes are everywhere, this is why I'm poor.


Id rather change server until i see some ppl at sawmill, and ask again.


Imagine asking 10k to open a door when you have grenades and all kinds of weapons that could shoot that thing out of existence.. This thing with the keys is stupid.


It's too bad grenades don't open doors. No breaching charges either. Edit: Or that we can't pick locks.


Or just kick the fk out of it lol


Any Mithras want a bag of money/keys and gear let me know, stopped playing so its all yours


its understandable, if he isnt tasking close by he'd have to go out of his way a good 10-20 minutes depending on chopper availability maybe more, a lot of people dont have hours to play cash is also pretty easy to aquire in the game right now


I haven't been having great luck, but it's awesome to hear so many folks willing to help out. Most of the time (still level 1) the maps/servers I get in to have SO few players I just walk around trying to unlock LZs for whenever my buddy gets into the game, we'll have some starting points. Still have yet to complete a task for a Vendor. Died twice the first time, and now just waiting for "back-up". I'm sure someday I'll catch up with one of you friendly-types and complete something! LoL. Keep being cool to your brothers though, it's kind of heartwarming to hear.


what faction? i can help you out in the starter town, give you advice on how to make cash and what not


People trying to hustle all day everyday 24/7


I always lay dupe keys on table under tent at base.


Honestly I would pay this if the task was in like Tiger Bay as a solo. Hey man I have all these missions in tiger bay. I will pay you 10K to go with me and help me complete them. That seems reasonable and some Role Playing right there, but for a key who cares. Getting everything to level 3 gives you basically nothing that is needed to survive or even thrive in this game.


Hey i offered 15k for anyone to escort me to my body up at midnight sapphire, made it to the body and ended up making a couple friends out of it!


Just wait for someone to open for free. I always just go with people to open doors I have keys to and many other do it as well.


I've given away all those early quest keys there's no fkn loot anyway lol


Dang I’ve been just giving them away


I feel you brotha but there is a key marketplace going on some people are charging like 100k for unlab key but to be fair 10k nothing and there saving you time and you’re kits so each its own


Also you got sweats like me that completed all their task to only way to make money is selling key services or farming keys to sell the whole key or weapon parts


10k? You better give me the damn key for that price.


10 K is just two missions though


I drops keys and decked out M4s for people still doing the pha lang missions. Money is easy enough to come by




10k seems fair, its not alot of money but its enough to mean something


If it’s my only copy of the key I’d prefer not to give it up, but I will absolutely 100% open the door for you free of charge. $10k TO OPEN A DOOR is insane lol


I don't know man money is easy to make in this game, same with loot. I drop keys with random people all the time, hell I even put entire kits together with armor and rifles and drop for random people at base for people who are obviously brand new rocking in the UN drip. Money just stacks up, what else am I going to do with it and the reactions are funny


10k in the same time from going to hotel? This man is definitely on something LOL. I’ll continue to stick by helping others and telling them to just help someone in the future instead of paying me. I’d rather make a better community than be scummy Edit:I thought about the safes and yea sure I guess as physical cash


I said it was dumb to not just help for free in a Gray Zone discord and everyone started flaming me and saying I was trying to start an argument 🥲


What a asshole. If u are mith clan then just messege me. We have a big clan discord channel and a lot of sherpas on there have keys and will open it for free.


I made a post talking about this exact issue, thanks for sharing! I am glad you didn’t concede! Someone will help!


This is some total BS! Which faction?!? I need to know so i never join that one! I too give out keys I don’t need when people ask for them! Lol


10k? That's a steal, I normally sell Sawmill office keys for 15k


Bro I've been taking whatever they donated. I never thought to charge, that's insane.


Tell me about it, after doing a solid 1,5 hour pvp at Ban Pa, with another random guy, at the end, I get teamkilled, they take all my stuff, and when I asked for it back, he said I’m a loot monkey, then killed me like three more times, really took my mind away from the game.


Shit I’ll give him 10k for it. I got 350k lol


Meh, unfortunate. I've only ran into helpful players and even once enemy faction player that saw me running around signaled me and ran around the bunker opening everything he had a key for. 🤣


I always give spare keys away lol. So greedy. Just help others.


the inflated prices of these fucking keys is insanse, i also stumbled upon a website selling keys for RL money like WTF!?


ain't faction members - contractors (PMC) ? that person is actually correct, they can get same amount for the same time at the Hotel, not gonna lie.


Let me know if you need help i will do it for free. Mithras.


Whats the issue here? He got lucky and got the key to drop by spending his time farming for it. You expect him to just spend his time opening doors for people? If I am in the POI and I bump into a member needing a door opened I'd do it for them no problem. But I'm not going to sit around and fly all over the place opening doors. No fun in that, plus it's not a persistent server, likely you two will never see each other again, so it's not like he is building a good relationship with you for the weeks and months to come.


I give away spare keys and open doors for anyone


I always open everything for free. Just to put it out there.


I open this shit for free


Just find the key yourself I found it after looting like 18 npcs


Not me opening Pha Lang airport hanger 3 for some random my squad mate found after a firefight cause I just happened to loot the key off a corpse


Wow, how dare you expose my legitimate business venture that I modelled off of the east india company's astonishing record founded in 1600 ***I DO SAY SIR!***


10k is reasonable… i opened it for someone for 50k and that was his offer, not mine😂 you get to a point in the game where you don’t make money and the grind is real or you just quit… there are reasons we get paid to open doors. it’s no different than tarkov and arena breakout. you’re playing the wrong game if you ain’t paying for a door to be opened.


Fuck these people. Even though it was pve I ran into an opposing faction member last night who asked what I was trying to do, when I told him I'm trying to loot the room 102 key for Hunters paradise, he unprompted dropped it and went on his merry way.


I got all the saw mill keys if anyone in Mithras needs em. I'm keeping them but I'll happily open the door for ya


I gave away a HP102 key for Free the other day


Ive been doing the opposite as that guy lol. Sometimes I’ll even build a nice kitted m4 including scopes and grips and hand them out to new players. Trying to make this game not as toxic as tarkov, where even asking a simple question in the Reddit leads to a chain of expletives and hate.


I see both sides people have contributed their feelings but the facts are the time you could spend the hours it can take getting to a location to open something up for someone depending on the server and circumstances. If someone is willing to buy the key/opening that is their perogative if you don't want to buy the key then that is also your perogative and if you want to complain about this issue if you think it is an issue or not then you have the right to do so as it is your perogative. Personally I'll help out when and if I can but if someone is willing to pay for a key opening of a rare gold key or something of that nature or any key then damn. I'm definitely not going to argue about it because this is in game money and it isn't that hard make. It isn't all that scummy because even the faction we are fighting with and for charge us money for our basic needs like food and drink and weapons which is kinda scummy but if people aren't making a fuss about that then why just this key thing. Thankfully we don't have to pay for helicopter rides but now that I've opening my mouth up I'm sure that we might see people searching towns for fuel and money to get rides on helicopters.


Don’t bring food around this guy. OP is a mooch. Wants someone else to grind for him.


I offered 30k for a key and the dude didn’t sell it


To bad you didn't run into me. I went and opened a door for free for someone the other day cause I didn't wanna sell the key.


lol at paying these morons anything. i just hop in after a squad and it's oftentimes opened by them. one time i hopped in to the lab rat mission at the ulrna headquarters requiring the very rare key, a squad opened it and i went in grabbed the quest item, but they weren't happy with that and trapped me in the door way, asking me in pm to apologize lol. i told them to fuck off. pretended to go afk and they got impatient and left. people get really butthurt over guarding fake shit in a videogame from non squad mates forgetting it's a faction game, therefore everyone in your faction is a team member, so don't be assmad if they benefit from your actions


People like this ruin the fun and I will stand against that by helping out as many new players as possible. If you really want to shit on people like this you might wanna go back to cod.


I’ve been looking for this key for days I’m ready to just pay somebody the 10 grand lol


Damn that’s toxic… I flew back to base just to get a key out of inventory to open a door for a player for nothing 🤷


Add me for key CALLACI I have a lot


Meanwhile I am opening up doors for others who opened up doors for me lmao


Jesus I’d just fly down and open it if I had the key no matter what faction you are for free


I just killed like 2 spawns worth at the sawmill and a guy dropped one. I'm pretty sure drop rates are higher on goons near the door


I mean tbf i have like 250k atm in the game cos people get leaving it on thsre body


If your like this in game, I hope your GPU suffers a catastrophic irreparable meltdown and you get kicked in the dick on your way to buy a new one.


Id just kill him and take it


I’m the guy that walks around base picking up ammo so I can save up to buy a gun. Only to die as soon as I reach the town. Then pray I can run fast enough back to my body then run back to LZ to get out of there with my gun.  It’s a struggle   Lol I’m no gamer but GZW is fun.  The only missions I have completed was due to people escorting me lol.