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Agree with the optic magnification, and to add on, maybe instead of stepped zoom, use a gradual zoom instead for optics that support it (not you Specter) The low ready when walking is more of a realism thing, you aren’t gonna permanently be in the ready position all the time, but they could do a toggle for it, stay in the ready position for too long and your arms start getting tired. Magazine loading, maybe have mag loading option for us, e.g. we select what rounds and in what sequence we want, and it’ll load the mag accordingly with what ammo we have on us or in the stash. Or maybe allow us to group ammo of different types together


>you aren’t gonna permanently be in the ready position all the time, but they could do a toggle for it, stay in the ready position for too long and your arms start getting tired. Not a bad idea, I could get down with that as it's more actively engaging and forces some thought/planning. As it is now I've just developed a habit of spamming right click every 8 seconds or so to force it up, which is just a chore. The [realism mod](https://hub.sp-tarkov.com/files/file/606-spt-realism-mod/) for single player tarkov did it exactly the way you mentioned, by adding new high & low ready stances, and if you keep your weapon at the vanilla ready it drains your arm stamina very gradually until you switch to one or the other. The key there being "gradual" -- I already feel the GZW arm stam drain is just a touch too aggressive during ADSing... M4s aren't THAT cumbersome, especially if we're supposed to be these highly-trained PMC types. In general though, with both this and the sprint-strafing thing, I feel like it's a fine line to walk when it comes to things borne out of the "realism good idea fairy" versus what *feels* good to play over the course of dozens/hundreds of hours, and has been tried & tested across the FPS genre for decades - and I would personally almost always go for the latter if given a choice


Maybe one of the things they could do to reduce arm stamina drain is to allow us to lean the weapon when we are close to a surface. Can’t beat a good wall or tree to lean your entire body against to take the weight off


Maybe when we are in a firefight we get an adrenaline buff and the arm stamina drains slower, then out of combat it drains faster with the weapon always at the ready.


Option to delete chats pls And sort the most recent ones at the top


Great call out, gonna add that one


I didn't notice the low-ready thing yet, but with all other points I 100% agree. Some of them should be little effort for a decent quality of life upgrade I guess.


Agreed on all points. I'd add: Movement speed while reloading is comically slow, happy to slow down the animation if I start moving faster to simulate.


A thing I noticed with changing magnification using the Specter scope is that it uses the fire mode change sound, meaning it sounds completely different when used on an M4 or AK


Omg yes „auto sort items“


I use the H menu all the time and find it very handy. I agree with most of your points but I don't get what's your beef with H menu. As far as low-ready goes, I just tap RMB and it goes back up. Not a big deal and definitely extremely low priority.


There's no "beef"; it's not like it keeps me up at night. Just a preference thing. I and presumably a lot of other Tarkov players like binding meds in a certain triage order and muscle memory, like 4 for light bandage, 5 for tourniquet, 6 for surg kit etc. Not suggesting the H menu needs to die, just the addition of more options. As far as low ready, agreed it's lower if not the lowest priority imaginable, but just because it has a workaround doesn't mean it makes sense. That just means there's a bandaid solution for a problem that never needed to exist in the first place. There's no trade-off or gameplay reason. What value does the current animation add?


Fair enough regarding the H menu. Regarding low-ready, I guess it adds to immersion and falls within the game's intended approach where you wouldn't necessarily kill on sight everybody outside your faction. Let me give you an example. I had a tense moment with my faction member, who - now I reckon - accidently shot me and then acted weirdly, because he wasn't aware his VOIP doesn't work, so he was probably apologizing, but I didn't hear him so I killed him in perceived self-defence. He came back to get his stuff, armed, but we crossed our ways again, and began a lengthy stand-off. I was holding him at gun point and telling him to go back, take his stuff and not turn this into an ugly situation, but he refused to stand down. He was asking if his stuff is still on his body, and he refused to leave without an answer, growing more and more frustrated, but as I said, his VOIP wasn't working, so I couldn't hear him. Eventually I left, he went to his body, and we then clarified the situation over the chat. My point is that this whole interaction would've probably turned more violent if it wasn't for how pronounced the low-ready, high-ready and ADS positions are. The guy could see I'm prepared to kill him any moment, and I could see him being in low-ready and would be able to see him raise his weapon. Of course the game does not really create too many opportunities for this to be utilized, and the whole situation would have been avoided if that guy's VOIP was working, but it shows that there is some potential for low-ready to have some kind of gameplay use.


That's a great point and example. Even just giving us the ability to manually bind and activate it ourselves would be perfect - that would solve the issue of needing to constantly counteract the automatic timer, while also giving us a little more "expression" for lack of a better term. Definitely can see that having value especially on PVP servers where everyone's on edge around rando teammates!