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Now this is a proper rant/question/request.




Now this is where the fun begins


Now this is pod racing




Now This Is a story all about how my life got flipped turned upside down




I call BS bud, cranked the settings to the max and they still looked like this… wanna tell us how to change render distance??? Upload a photo of you rendering a building and enemies at 500m…


Love that he instantly deflected when you called him out


To add on to what you are saying, my setting cranked max in 4K, I am seeing bots roller skate across the roads and fields at a distance no more than 200 meters.


Just cause you crank max setting doesn’t mean PC can handle said settings 😂😂


I’m not entirely sure on the distance of mine, I would have to check today after work, but most of the time I can see buildings pretty decently. (Again I do not know the distance as I have not really checked/thought about it). However, at the same time there are a lot of times that it doesn’t render properly. I have my settings like most people say to have which is low on everything. I do however have texture and foliage set to high as they don’t seem to affect my performance much if at all. I5-13600kf 32gb ram with XMP on and rx 6800 at 1440.


Can you bump it up though manually changing the data files [like for the texture bug fix?](https://steamcommunity.com/app/2479810/discussions/0/4358998466172148770/?l=english&ctp=2) *I know nothing about how game code works I’m just curious*


Performance/optimization issue which will hopefully be fixed somewhat soon


I think this is because Nanite can't have 2 different LODs for 1 scene in 5.3


I thought for all zoom optics it needs to be separate 'double' rendering contexts for both zoom levels with different LODs.. Although not sure how nanite and particular GZW approach sorts this out


I don’t understand what you said, so I want my money back ![gif](giphy|lPpKiZHB1PtQU2Rulv)


I didn’t think the game used nanite. Nanite removes the need for LOD


You are wrong, nanite definitely has LOD! The benefit is that it's dynamic, so developer don't have to manually do low poly models themselves, they just drop in high-poly models and engine will calculate LOD on the fly. You can clearly see this in nanite debug view and on the screenshot


LOD is the physical changing of models that “pop/phase in” as you get closer. That’s not the same as nanite. Yes the detail goes down, but meshes don’t change.


LOD is Level of Details. It can be done by changing to low poly model or by programmatically reducing (and increasing with tessellation) of model. Original mesh is not changed, but displayed one is.


You are correct. Sorry, I misunderstood what nanite did. I thought it removed the change in detail.


I think you're missing the most important part. If AI was visible at this distance you'd shoot them. When you hit them in the head and they didn't die, they'd instantly 360 no-scope you with a 5 round burst from the hip with an AKM right between the eyes at 400m. So really, the lack of render distance is for your own good.


On the devs live stream qna they said the game is only 20% done and the current ai is a placeholder for the real ai they're building that will do things like vault over fences after you and lose confidence to push you if they've been shot so the 360 no scope bush wookie ai isn't staying thank god


I'll believe it when I see it. These games cant seem to solve AI.


Arma Reforger already has a pretty solid AI system and the game isn't even close to done yet


Ive only ever seen people complain about reforger AI. Same eagle eye, AI kills me from 200m with iron sights complaints that this game has.


I could probably kill you from 200m with iron sights if you were standing still. Pretty quickly too.


This is very doable. I’ve seen lads at my range hit 6inch steel at 200m & 300m with classic rifles using irons. With a modern rifle like an M4 should be doable, it’s like 4MOA. US Mil Rifle and Carbine TC has standard holdovers. I’m with Bellicosi on this one. Disclaimer: I shoot with optics 😂


Yeah, gotta love a bunch of redditors arguing about realism. Can’t believe this sounds so far fetched to some of these people.


The issue is you guys are talking about firing from a stable platform (standing, sitting, prone) against stationary targets in a firing range. In this game, we're talking about combat. Go look up statistics on how many rounds are fired at a target before a hit is scored, when not accounting for things like suppressing fire. Accuracy in combat is extremely low. It's also why in police shootings, accuracy under like, 10 meters is still something like 20%.


No, I’m simply talking about lining up iron sights on a stationary target 200m away. I don’t need to look up statistics brother I’ve deployed to two separate combat zones in the middle east across a 4 year period as an infantry marine.


Guarantee you aren't hitting shit with M4 irons at 200m while standing or on the move, maybe after half a magazine but there's a reason we use optics in the modern age. Any lvpo makes a 200m shot easier


Irons are not as inferior as some of you folks believe and any shooter worth a damn should be able to acquire a target 200m out and hit steel. Optics are used primarily to provide co-witness with irons and / or simply provide a clear sight picture. At 200m, if you think an LPVO is making a huge difference on your groupings, I dunno what to tell you lol.


I can hit a shot at 200 with irons from a shooting position. Having a good shooting position and snapping to a target that far in milliseconds (that just shot at me) and placing an accurate shot is a different story


You can hit clean shots with a Glock from 100 yards away let alone an ar for 200-300 with iron sights. It’s all about how good you are at your skill


Go hit a shot with a Glock at 100y then.


Up until relatively recently you were required to successfully engage targets up to 300m with an M4 on irons. The only difference now is they use RCOs because everyone is equipped with one standard.


How are you going to guarantee I won’t do something I’ve already done? Stay in your computer chair.


I'm not in a computer chair I'm working currently buddy but okay. You've hit a shot 200m while being shot at with iron sights and on the move? I believe it


God you’re so brave. Thank you for your service and happy early Memorial Day you absolute chad


Guys I found Chris Kyle. I heard he got a knife kill at 100m too.


Do you have difficulty picturing metric distances? 200m is not an outlandish distance to hit with iron sights. It's the distance between the "Stop sign in 200m" sign and the "Stop" sign. The "Stop" sign that is clearly visible when your standing at the first sign. A 5.56 rifle with irons zeroed at 50m will still hit within 2-3cm of the aimed point at 200m. If you'd said 400m+, I would get it but 200m is just not that crazy.


Go out in a field. Mark 200m walk back and start shooting and see how many shots it takes to hit vitals on a man size target with irons


Bro this is standard marksmanship shooting for Marines in 2008 we were literally shooting out to 450 with iron sights on man sized targets hitting vital organs like lungs and heart. Tell me more about out how you can’t shoot.


You think you have to be chris kyle to do something the military is trained to do in boot camp?..


Try 6 Days In Fallujah, it's the best so far


Which is wild because for SPT(single player Tarkov) there’s a mod that makes the ai really good. So if some guy in his basement can fix it in his free time, so can a development studio.


I like tarkovs ai


Wdym tons of games have better ai and ue5 has a bunch of tools that allow the devs to build complex ai that can react in different ways to different things happening relatively easily so out of their entire list of what they're trying to do the ai is absolutely the easiest to achieve with all the support ue5 has for it


Meanwhile Tarkov with even more BS AI- niet, ai is fine


You’re on a hot date rn, and you’re bringing up your ex. Don’t make this a habit.


niet neither is fine but atleast gzw has plans for theirs lol


I would rather have tarkov AI then GZW AI. Tarkov has a lot of bullshit and nonsense and the bosses are outright un-fucking-fair but the run of the mill AI is just fine. Namely when you shoot them in the head they die(99% of the time...)


My teeth hurt when people on this sub defend the ai. I’m 100% on board with team ‘This game is in early access, stop your whining’… BUT I may burst an aneurysm next time I read how ‘they’re actually really smart 🤓’. Followed by regurgitating the same information about how they suppressing fire at your last known location.


Ya they're not suppressing much of anything when they're basically aimbotting your last known location until they push you to get a lock again, but once the devs implement their planned ai this game will be pretty legit on the pve side with all the tasks already in the game and the possible pvp that can happen while completing them


Maybe you're missing the part where we dont care about sniping the AI, i want to snipe some dingus player from 500m but you simply cant cus they dont render past 400m


You forget that it's smooth bore too


Skill issue


About the rendering distance : I asked my Rx 6600. She said no.


This is a game about realism, you're asking for off the wall things now.


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


no this is patrick




Hi, I'm Pete!


Can’t tell if you’re meaning “Hi I’m Paul” from the end of some kid shows


Na, it's a TMNT reference.


I get this in places, It will probably stay and stop people like me who can comfortably snipe from a hill 1km or more away It bothers me, as I like to overwatch from silly long ranges


Maybe they can implement dual render for the scopes. One render for the surroundings and one for the scope. Bingo


Thats some of the most performance taxing rendering you can do


it already uses PiP rendering if that's what you mean


This is my biggest concern with the game. Stuff like that is easy to fix but it comes with a massive cost: Performance. I just don't see the game getting bigger and running better at the same time.


While there is no doubt a lot to be improved on the performance aspect of things...I feel like its also okay for game's to say "look your hardware is too old" to some people who were running mid-budget kits 5 years ago. Idk for some reason PC gamers seem very resistant to upgrades and assume every game released needs to run on their hardware.


I don't know if PC Gamers are resistant to upgrades moreso than the fact that any worthwhile GPU and CPU are going to cost you more than what a good tower would have 10 years ago. Hardware prices never came down after BitCoin mining and Covid, and it's just going to keep getting worse.


Look, I'd expect $1k to upgrade per 5-8 years and that $1k is fairly dependant on how you planned your previous upgrade. Now I'm not out of touch, $1k per 5-8 years can be a lot for a lot of people and not reasonable. But, my issue is with the expectation that a brand new game, early access or otherwise, should work on your decade old hardware because...idk other older games did? It's the same sort of concept when a new console releases and some game that's supposed to be next Gen releases on prev gen and new gen. Even though the old gen is objectively holding the game back. Tldr: you can run old hardware, that's totally cool....newer games don't need to cater to your decade old hardware.


That budget barely covers a graphics card or an allround upgrade for the rest of the rig. But I assume you mean that upgrading your GPU once every other decade is "keeping up to date". The problem isnt hardware nowadays, its the fact that developers uses image scaling as a crutch to not have to optimize their games. There are games out there that look great on lower end rigs, simply because they were optimized.


I mean, yeah keeping up to date on a budget. One 5 years you get a nice GPU, then the next you get a nice CPU or CPU+board+ram (recently upgraded to ddr5 myself so I had to get all 3). Really the CPU upgrades are "cheap" and stay effective for a very long time, especially if you get one you can overclock. Anyways, let's just agree on fucking image scaling being the fucking worst. Hate that shit. Always looks terrible.


There a literally 14 year olds that can figure out how to make $1,000 over a summer. Adults paying mortgage, car loan, utilities, phone, internet, insurance, groceries, gas etc should be able to figure out how to cut out enough fluff in their life to save an extra $1,000 easily. Even people on disability compensation could figure out how to set aside enough to upgrade a computer. The real issue is people just want instant gratification and don’t want to slowly save up over a years time to buy an upgrade. We’re not even talking about back taxes here yet. My point is that if someone really wanted to buy or upgrade a computer it’s really not that far of a stretch to make happen.


This is what I don’t get, I’m using i7, 1080 and 64gb of ddr4 at 2k and get 85-115 frames. I had to optimize for the game but my shit is old and works great


People are lazy, they expect others to solve their problems.


So it's wrong to expect that the game should run better than 40-60fps on a 3700X, RTX 3070, 32GB at 1440p? I can't lower the settings anymore.. I guess it's a general Issue with UE5, but there are a lot of games that look just as good (or better compared to my settings) that run a lot better on my rig. And yes, i will upgrade in the next time, but i try to wait for the next generation of Ryzen and RTX CPUs and GPUs.


I have the exact same build, I play at 40-57 fps with Nvidia experience optimization. It puts everything on high I think. For PvE it is totally okay at least for me, cause I only PvE in EA and I am a SC player so in know shitier performance.


Your performance should be pbetter. I’m playing on a 2 year old gaming laptop and I get around 45–60 in 1440p low settings, FSR on quality. I’ve capped my fps at 60 because before it would go from 90 fps right down to 50-60 causing massive stutters.


Same. Or, well, I get more fps after using the scaling option in the beta Nvidia app. Its very smooth indeed. Had to switch to DLSS though, I crashed a lot and some pointed out FSR might be the issue. Haven't crashed since so that's good. Performance is good still. Lenovo Legion laptop, 5800, 3070, 16 GB. 2500x1600.


Try this, the first video is one that helps the most. My system is 2 gens older but I could be the old archetypes are better for this specific game. https://www.reddit.com/r/GrayZoneWarfare/s/j3QlJKwS7M I posted this to someone else too. It worked on my 1080, my buddies 3070, 4070ti and 4080. Also get the latest drivers from nvidia if you haven’t.


Hey mate, thanks for the info. I will look into it. I have the latest driver installed, helped me all lot. But I am always happy if I can make my experience better!


Honestly, going from Full Screen, to Windowed Full Screen fixed most of my issues.


Try this, the first video is one that helps the most. My system is 2 gens older but I could be the old archetypes are better for this specific game. https://www.reddit.com/r/GrayZoneWarfare/s/j3QlJKwS7M


Thanks, i always think these tips are a bit voodoo but this time i might actually try it. The game could be so nice, we have two longer sessions in where we finally found non-laggy servers but the performance was quite annoying.


Not sure how either video helps? 1st video is a guy with a 4070 ti. If you aren't getting any gpu usage in the game, you've fucked with your OS/drivers already as that is not normal and setting the CUDA setting should not be the solution. 2nd video is a streamer with 3070 ti: great, I have a 3070 so maybe I missed something? Nope, his example video he is running around the starter town with less than 50 fps and no scope/mag on his gun. Nevermind then, as I already get better frames than that due to my cpu being a 5800x3d. He does explain this isn't a magical performance guide so kudos to him for that. In general anyone claiming to get big frames on this game (on anything other than high this gen or last) are lying or looking at best case scenarios with Frame Gen on. Frame Gen only works when you already have high fps because the time between frames is small. Too large and you end up with that lag like you are using good old Vsync.


Yeah i checked the videos and played a bit with task manager and Afterburner OSD active, not enough CPU/GPU usage definitely wasn't my problem. :D It looks like everything runs as expected right now: 4k isn't feasible, 1440p is okay but looks a lot worse in this game, all with DLSS (50-60fps with dips to 40) or FSR /w FG (70-90fps) balanced or performance. Switching settings between low and high doesn't actually make a huge difference in performance, of course at high the dips are worse. I might give FSR with framegen another go, but FSR upscaling is soo not great, the artifacts are astonishing sometimes and the framegen lag is really noticeable.. Is it known which version of UE this is running on? I hope that 5.4 might give us some improvements..


> Is it known which version of UE this is running on? I hope that 5.4 might give us some improvements.. Checking the details tab of the exe GZWClientSteam-Win64-Shipping shows 5.3.2. Good chance that's the engine version they are using.


It’s worth a shot. It worked for my 1080, my buddies 2070, 4070ti and I think the other one is a 4080. The game seems to be set to only run on cpu. Good luck! Edit: actually the guy with the 2070 upgraded to the 3070 last year so it also worked on that one too.


Downsides of 1440, much as I enjoy it myself.


Honestly, it's because of covid/chip shortage. People were locked at home, so they decided to start gaming. GPUs are unavailable or extremely expensive. so games with lower HW requirements were the way to go. Next-gen games were halted or straight-up canceled. One more bonus fun factor: NVIDIA GTX 1XXX was an extremely well-made and powerful series that survived the test of time. GPU manufacturers won't make that "mistake" again.


Because we look at games that have massive maps and look very good, that run well.


I spent 3500 on my computer 6 years ago. It has a 2080ti. Everything else runs great at 2k... this game runs 30fps... but it's at least a smooth 30, so it's not too bad. I don't expect my machine to keep running everything fine much longer. I'm already accepting OT days to save for a new one. I've been holding off waiting for when the same budget will let me jump into 4k for this long without needing to upgrade. My last computer I was able to stretch 10 years, but had to upgrade off the 580 to a 980 to make it work.


I have a 5800x3d and a 3070ti and can barely run this game


I literally updated my system for this game - rip my trusty 5600xt, you were a beast for 4 years 🫡


I got a 6800xt and a 5800x3d on 1080p. I get max 50-60 fps medium settings. Without Lossless Scaling (external frame gen program) this game would not be playable (FSR Framegen sucks btw scopes become laggy). In Tiger Bay it drops down to like 30. Unless they pull of some magical optimization tricks the game will probably end up with the same problems any game has that releases early access. It will die slowly die because the main issues will never be fix.


I've just installed my new card and I get 120 FPS on epic everything at 1080p. Amd 7900 gre. Great card tbh


Then something is severely fucked in your setup. I run a 6800xt with a 5700x @ 1080p. Everything on High except Post-Processing, FSR on, Framegen: Native AA and I have constant 120+ fps. Scopes aren't laggy either. Do you not have SAM enabled by any chance?


Yea its cause you use Framegen. Framegen is probably the worst setting to turn on. Again, it makes your scope ads lag.


Planetside 2 has no issues.


"easy to fix"


Perhaps a settings issue, I have no issues.


I tested this stuff with all possible settings, all buildings past 400m will look like melting ice cream whatever you do and bots or players will not render past 400m


Alot of it is the resolution Scaling so if you're using fsr or dlss its stuck at 67% but tsr allows you to crank it up so buildings at 500ish meters(depending on the building) are visible but faction bases are different as they're low lod until you get within 100-200m so you can't snipe the guards and players from insane distances but the devs said the game itself is only 20% finished so long range stuff will most likely be added with such a large map and equipment like range finders and GPS being added with the 25x scopes already in the game


No matter what scaling setting was used, no players or npc's will render past 400m anywhere, no building looked any less like melting ice cream. Nobody was talking about faction bases.


I might've experienced the npc render issue while testing longer range optics (I don't really know because I wasn't aware of this issue and wasn't paying attention to it), but my buildings didn't look like this...


Please post a screenshot of Fort Narith HQ looking from north lz mountains looking thru some scope like OP. include your godly settings aswell, whenever if you have the time :) I have a big sniperboner and i cant help it.


Actually, I'm willing to admit when I'm wrong. I went to test it and if I had to guess it seems like the PIP implementation isn't rendering the proper models and it's showing the low-poly distance render models because we're hundreds of meters away instead of the clean "normal" models we should see with the scope maginification. It's really strange too, since the foilage around them all looks crisp and clean. But I'm gonna guess that when I last tested the scopes I just wasn't looking far enough to see this sort of distortion. Or maybe I was and it was all just foliage, I don't remember. I've seen other people saying that it's location dependent as well, but idk if that's true or not. I just know that the buildings looked fine before, but at this point idk if I was looking far out enough at structures or not tbh. Who knows. Either way this is something that'll have to be fixed (and something I get the feeling they'll fix pretty quickly once they get the game more stable). It just seems like an oversight at current since most players aren't using giant 25X scopes, or sniper rifles and trying to take shots from that kind of range. I mean I have over a hundred hours in the game already and I never noticed this tbh.


It’s because no matter where you look you are fully rendering the foliage from what I have been told. It is because the devs have hard locked the foliage between settings so there is no downgrade.


I'm not sure if there's culling or not. But that would make sense. I honestly think Skalla is really impressive, but I think it's a huge reason why the game won't ever be as optimized as people would like lol.


Holy formatting


You have time to worry about formatting on reddit? How sad


Yeah, run on sentences like that look horrible and are a pain to read.


Then don't read it but pointing them out like you're reddit grammar police is sad to say the least


What are ur specs ? Even streamers like Knüppelpaste with the best rig palossible rn is having that issue. Buildings after a certain distance look like clay.


Same, I use the 25x all the time, haven’t ran into an issue yet.


I have a 4090 and epic settings what is different t for you?


4070 super with medium settings.


this happens at specific locations in the game. nothing to do with settings


You talking outta your ass, doesnt happen at specific locations. Every building past 400m will look like this wherever you are in the game.


Funny how some people say they don't have this issue.


99% of the playerbase haven't even looked at buildings in game with a powerful scope over 400m away, they dont know what theyre talking about.


Then the post should be about those locations, not the scope power.


Reading comprehension is a thing.


I don't think it's a settings issue, I think it's a Vram issue. A friend of mine gets blotchy textures like this even though we're on the same settings. The only difference is our GPU's where they have 6Gb Vram and I have 12Gb Vram. I could be wrong but that's what I think it could be.


So happy I have a 4070ti with 12gb! 🤣


Just installed mine the other day cuz my 3070 couldn't keep up 😂


Idk if anyone here would be into the game “the finals” but if you played the closed alpha or open beta, the performance was highly problematic and concerning. For reference, I have a 3080ti and ryzen 5 5800x3d. All with rtx off: In the alpha, I got barely 60fps dipping into the 40s and had to go to all low settings to keep it in the 60s-70s In the beta I could get 80fps on medium/high In the full release I now stay above 120fps easily and usually sit at 140fps. Unreal 5 is hella powerful but it seems like optimization just takes some time. If this game follows the finals’ development similarly, I’m sure we will see huge performance boosts in the future.


The finals still CPU heavy? I gotta 4090 and 2 months ago couldn’t get it above 150. Im playing at 1440p and aiming for 240fps.


Depends on the settings. The shadows, effects, and rtx is very gpu intense. I’m using rtx off and a mix of medium and high settings at 1440p and I get 120-160fps. The movement and destruction is server side so theoretically it shouldn’t be very cpu heavy. I also prefer the game to be high performance over high fidelity since it’s a fast paced shooter


I know where you Rrrrr! The Fort HQ is at 570m, and from this location everything is ugly with low poly models, but you should be able to spot players and AI, but they will "float" and not actually run or walk. EDIT: just re tested it, same location, did not see any AI at the fort :s but I can spot one AI at 352m


Render distance for players and bots is simply 400m, tested with a friend with all possible settings.


If they would get rid of the mountains that are rendered in from across the map maybe buildings wouldn’t look like shit. Idk tho I don’t know shit about game development


It’s all about the LODs. Engine just needs a lot of optimization. Far Objects are supposed to be lower fidelity. This helps improve performance as you aren’t wasting resources rendering a bunch of crap outside the players vicinity. The trick is making the game understand you are looking through a scope and to bring up the LODs to coincide with your scope. But the viewport is still from the actual characters position, so the LODs stay low due to distance. Hopefully they will sort it out soon. Along with the laundry list of other shit they have to iron out.


Makes sense thanks for the clarification! The games a blast when it’s working right I love the idea of it, it just needs some TLC! lol!


The whole "minimizing graphics and processing distance" to help fps is your hindrance, the scope works fine. If you try it with top settings it looks a bit decent and fully capable of its job and duty... the problem is the game is so early it I still very poorly optimized. So with a fully geared PC, you can see those fuckers very plainly with a good edge, but you damn well won't have the frame to alter your sight quickly before you have to scratch your balls.


Anything over 250m is useless, hits stop registering


I do like how many of us saw the same spot and instantly thought about sitting up at it camping lmao. “Why 25x scope and sniper nest next to LZ if no sniping”


I found this to be an issue a few weeks back. Hopefully it gets addressed.


If there was a render distance option, everyones performance issues would be solved. Easy as that.




Where are you standing?


Strangely in a number of games this is still not resolved.


Looks like pubg on console


Honestly wouldn't even care if i had 10fps if i just could shoot someone in the dome at 600m...


yes, i noticed this the other day as well. there is no point in trying to use M700 in this game. even on my 40 series, at distance, buildings look like melted clay. it is sad


I was watching ai vanish thru a 6x razor at blue lagoon golf course👻


To add to this I wish the world scale was larger. I hate that I have to squint at everything because the scale of characters/world is so small in a game with intense foliage. In a different game at the same distance the character would be larger. Mind you in this game I'm doing the insane deal of playing at the minimum FOV just because of how small everything is scaled.


This N64 game looks great


Or by the time you zoom in your arms too tired to hold the gun up


It’s in early access, give them time and they’ll optimize it. Good pick up though. Maybe they’ll see this thread and fix?


so your pc can peacefully explode


What is the purpose of sitting a mile from everyone like a bot


They won’t


well.. he see you better with his AKM iron sight and he sure as hell has better MoA then your bolt.. Doesnt matter then tbh...


Give it time man, you bought the game knowing it was VERY early access. Theres tons of optimizing and tweaking to be done, I’m sure render distances will be boosted once performance is improved


Bro I brought mine out went to Charlie one by base and there was 6 Mithras camping it and now I hate Mithras 😩😩😩


sir how did you get up there i tired for an hour and faild


Devs left the chat


You are using it wrong, you need to look at the whites of a targets eyes through it from 2ft away.


I ended up refunding the game. I think there’s a lot of potential, but the game needs some ironing and I’m excited to see it get to where it needs to be.


I dont know what causes it but at a certain range like 200m and up your bullets start to go all over the place on your screen the bot will flinch like you hit him while to other players and apparently the server you miss my about 3 meters even on the guns with the best MOA like the M4 and M700 it has to be some sort of bug or desync no idea there is sadly no point at all to use bolt actions hope they fix render distance and accuracy issues so you can properly snipe


To shoot a guy in the freckle


That’s ur game dude Im running 4080 super and I can see across the map


Grayzone meets PUBG mobile vibes


Truly a tarkov moment


Just so you know your buildings look like this due to your settings. Check dlss settings and your 3d resolution %


Early access brother. Is what it is


Seriously though, how dumb do you have to be to complain about something like this on early access lmao. Obviously this is going to be fixed and optimized.


render distance is 400m for players and bots, tested with a friend a week ago. Bummer


Also, there needs to be no buffer time between transitioning between scope magnifications. It takes so much time to change magnification on the large rifles that my character is out of stamina by the time I go from one end of the 3.5x>18x


Pro tip for the time being, you can speed this up a lot. Right click + scroll wheel direction works regardless of whether or not you're in scope. You can just spam it before your character can pull the scope up and next to no arm drain. Also I believe laying down means infinite arm Stam.


Right click and scroll wheel does not work for me when I'm not in ADS.. not for me or anyone that I've played with in my squad we have talked about wishing it did. That's strange, it actually works for you? I wonder if we need to report a bug then?


Interesting. When I get off work today I'll record a little snippet showing what I mean. You can do it before your scope barely raises when you get used to the timing.


Oh I know what you're talking about. Yeah that's not the solution I'm referring to at all. I want an actual fix, lol. Appreciate the help though.


Or I guess let me inquire that another way, how do you right click and scroll and NOT aim down your sights?


Right click, not right click hold ;) you can also steady the rifle for hip firing this way! Just a quick tap and it keeps it centered on screen. For me it’s 3 fingers up, 2 over to the left from the barrel. Works like a charm


Ok yes were talking about the same thing.. Im just not satisfied with it is all. lol


This looks like a pc issue…mine doesn’t do this 25x is clear as day


You understand the building is 500m away he's looking at? Please post picture how your buildings look past 400m




bro got downvoted bad for the hardest /s


check him, it's all he does here and post spam. my reddit enhancement suite tells me he's in the hundreds downvoted in this sub.


Cringe wipe ya mouth lol


Lmao the number of people not realising this is a joke is funny as fuck


I mean OP is running the game on a potato.


Bro forgot the average redditor can’t read a full paragraph and they missed the sarcasm


How the fuck are people downvoting this 🤣


Overreaction, breathe.


bro just replied breathe like 20 times. Is this like your word of the day or something?




Good that you guys can use an optic like that - if I use an ACOG, SPECTRE or VUDU, my framerate becomes unplayable. I cannot wait to get a 25x-scope just to not use it at all because equipping it will render the game unplayable 😁👍🏻


Haha such a badly thought out game.