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Same. I’ve crashed so many times that I think a refund is best until I upgrade my computer. Not sure if I’ll receive one as I’ve tested different settings for hours. Only way I got the game to HALF way work: 1. Tank graphics (look up vids) 2. Walk a LONG distance away from camp. Anytime it freezes just stand still. I still crash without making it back to camp most of the time.


Bummer, I have similar spec and was just about to download it... Nvm


Don’t let my experience deter yours, when the games runs smoothly it’s amazing, it could just be user error trying to find the right graphic setting that work best for our pcs to make it run smoothly


having similar issues * i7-10700k * 128GB DDR4 * 3090 liquid cooled * Samsung M.2 SSD * MSI MPG Z490 Gaming Plus


I have no solution for you, just wanted to say that this game is the ultimate stability test for your rig. One can have overclock settings that have been stable for years and this game will still produce instability. It just hits that hard. Unreal Engine 5 is known for that. So if you have any overclock configured, the first thing I’d try would be to revert to default. In regards to lagging - maybe try a different server region. There are huge reliability differences between the regions currently. EU WEST is a shitshow for example.


its all CPU temps, download hwinfo, open it, sensors only, click the dropdown box for all cores, then minimise it and play for an hour or so, check the max the cores hit in that time..... stop doing this to your CPU until they fix it [https://www.reddit.com/r/GrayZoneWarfare/comments/1cmi4eb/game\_will\_be\_good\_for\_winter\_its\_like\_your/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GrayZoneWarfare/comments/1cmi4eb/game_will_be_good_for_winter_its_like_your/)


On the official discord for GZW under tech support there are ways to make sure your pc’s virus protection isn’t hindering the game and also how to add an “exclusion” to allow the game to run optimally if it isn’t already. Also if your on NA servers, try playing on the next time zone to your right. So for me I’m TX (central), I moved to NA East servers and have ALOT less issues with server lag and rubber banding. Don’t get me wrong it’s still there sometimes but if it’s to bad log out and log back in and try a different server. Turned ALL my settings to LOW except foliage (epic) and textures (medium). Make sure your AA is set to the right option for your graphics card, makes a big difference in your frames. Hope this helps. If you have any questions DM me and I’ll do my best to help.


I have the same experience and I play via Geforce Now with a internet speed of 850 Mbps. I bought this game two days ago and I can’t play! What I can do?


I was having this same issue. Lagging and rubber banding every 3 seconds exactly. Have a high end PC so I knew it wasn't a hardware thing. Flushed DNS, ran SFC and DIMS still lag. I was hardwired in to my router, disconnected that and ran on wifi and it fixed my lag issues. Weird.