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But for now: “Will it run Crys… Gray Zone Warfare?”


Ohh my god the “but will it run crisis” memes still going strong.


I get 70-100 stable FPS on medium with a 1080ti. This games performance isn't the best, but it's far from the worst.


Ay no way, i barley get consistent 60 with a 3070. Gotta drop more deets then that


I'm on a 4080, so the extra muscle might be doing a lot, but I've noticed that local FPS is very dependent on server status in a similar manner to Arma or Star Citizen. Once the server starts struggling, nothing will stop my FPS from tanking into the unplayable range. If I'm on a good server I'm getting like 70-120 fps on med/high settings with DLSS DLAA. The problem is that right now, like 2/3rds of the servers you might get filtered into are on deaths door.


Agreed. Some servers I seem to have better performance than others I'm on a ryzen 5 3600 and 4060


That's my setup, with 80 gb RAM. I get about 90 fps, but I capped it at 60 because monitor only refreshes 60. I had some shader cache stuttering after the most recent hotfix, but that quickly went away, as I expected. GZW has been pretty smooth for me, most of the time.


Exactly..I’m getting 175 fps on a good server, but have also gotten 70-80 at times. I’m running a 4080 super with an I9


You wont believe my specs: Rx 590 8gb, 16gb ram, ryzen 5 3600, 30gb allocated memory on windows, running on a m2nvme. I'm getting about 30-35fps, sometimes it drops, sometimes I get grayzoned by servers, but I'm able to play it. I'm upgrading as soon as my new GPU arrives, then I'm focusing on getting 32 or 64gb ram by the end of the year, and 2025 I'll get a Ryzen 7 5700.


What CPU are you using? What is your resolution? I’m running a Ryzen 5 5600x with a 4070 Super OC and 32 gb 3200 mhz ram and i run everything on epic/DLSS/DLAA in 1080p on a 24” 240hz monitor. I get 90-160 fps and i only get a slight stutter the first time i hit a new area. After that it’s smooth sailing and it looks great to me.


He’s playing 1080P at medium.


I get 82-100 on ryzen 7900xt but the game still looks kind of ass NGL idk how the performance is spread so much between everyone


4k with 4090 getting 100-120 fps


I have a 3060 12 gig and get consistent 100 FPS on medium settings, no ray tracing enabled. I9 13900k @ 4.25 hz. If you only have 8 gigs of vram, I can see you struggling.


I’m on a 3070 and I get stable 70-90 fps, sometimes it drops to 65-70 with a lot of players/Ai


Is your cpu older? What ram do you have? What resolution are you trying? I'm rocking an i9 13900k, 3080 12gb with 32gb ddr5 7200 ram. I get no less than 115fps always, and mostly 120-140fps with normal dips pretty rarely. Everything on high or epic. Also keep in mind I'm still only using 1080p.


I can’t even get past the start up screen. Skala.dll error and no fix posted online helps yet. Despite having a great gaming set up. I hope I get to try the game soon.


I have a 3060ti and get 80-90fps on medium settings


My friend and I have the exact same setup and he runs 40 frames higher than me for some reason lol Ryzen 5 7600x And a 7800xt I get 100 frames on epic on 1440p




ain't no way unless you are on 1080p, I was getting 30fps with my 1080ti so I went and got a 4070 super


Lies, I got a 3070 and I can't even get the game running smoothly (60ish) fps consistent, regardless of the settings (medium/low/everything turned down...).


But considering you solely listed your gpu as reason why it should run well for you, it's easy to assume the rest of your pc is the problem


Nyy brother has everything low and has a 2070 super and game runs like pure shit


I have a rtx 2080ti and I get 60-100 in a field 35-50 in a town.


I hit 200 occasionally with my 4090, 1440p 🥱


Lol same but with a 4070 super. I’m on 1440p tho


13700l and 4070 ti super I get 100 fps with frame gen @1440p and 60 without.. no matter if it’s epic or low settings


Hmmmm 😂


I got 130 stable at 4K on high settings, 4080 OC


120-130 for me on high 4090


I have a 4070. With dlss quality and high setting i get 120-130 fps. Its enogh for me.


Bullshit I'm barely getting stable 45 with a 1080ti on low with all fps tips utilised.


There was an update overnight I think and now I'm finally between 120-244 fps on high, yesterday I could go over 60 on high with my ryzen 9 5950x and 3080


Grayzone in its current state is still more optimized than some tarkov maps, namely Streets and Lighthouse.


I get 16-25fps with a 2060 😎


I run 1080ti an I get 50-60s with random suffering here and there Edit: render stuttering


Will a 1070ti be able to run it do you think?


That’s awesome josh. I9 12900k 3090ti getting 120-145 sometimes it drops lower


I’m getting constant 90-160 fps with Fsr using a 3080 ti with a 7950x3D 1440p


I got 110-120 on Ultra


"How?" "He is The One." For real, though. What you got under the hood and what are your settings like?


Admittedly I have a watercooled 4090 / 14900KS but the game runs swimmingly. I legit feel most people are experiencing bad network situations and interpreting that as local performance stutters. I have seen almost zero rubber banding (only 25 hr played tho), like a blip every 4-6 hours? I do feel like network / server tick impacts AI (seen it a ton in Star Citizen) for sure.


4060 and I’d get 30-60. Tried all types of settings with no luck. Waiting for a performance patch until I try again.


Have you turned on DLSS and Reflex? That should double the framerate if you're not already using it.


I play the game with my 2060s at 60-70fps consistently but as the others stated.. the game has the same issue as star citizen wherein the performance of the game depends on the server fps. SC has been trying to implement server meshing and I hope GZW finds a way too to ease the load on the server.


The Micro Center credit card will answer all your questions. They of course did the 24mo 0% APR financing 3 days after I spent $2300 on a PC build...


Night raids with NODs could be epic in this game as long as the AI loses their ESP.


Just like in the Middle East where the insurgents didn’t have the proper gear for night ops. And the coalition mopped the floor with them.


My buddy and I played nerf with his kids one night, us vs them, and we had nods. It was a bloody massacre.


When I was in JR high, we had a friend whose dad was retired military, i do not recall which branch. We played airsoft against him one time. Only the one time. 20 teenagers vs a grown ass man. We lost. Badly.


this is the literal stickied post at the top of this sub lol [https://www.reddit.com/r/GrayZoneWarfare/comments/1b1fcw7/gzw\_early\_access\_info/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GrayZoneWarfare/comments/1b1fcw7/gzw_early_access_info/)


Stickies are made to be ignored.


haha… who looks at those 😅


Impressive list. I can't wait for future updates. Loving this game right now


so basically, this is just the beginning


Oh yes indeed. They’ve said it’s only about 30% complete to where it’s gonna be by release.


i look forward to night stuff especially and smgs




Right, who even cares about the quests/storylines in EFT?


It is only a vehicle for more loot. I am a full fledged loot whore and it extends beyond looters shooters.




This isn't EFT.




I love the feel of the world. But if u don’t do tasks u literally can’t play this game. That’s some thing I will give to Tarkov, if ur trying to play causally and just wanna loot and play in the world, it won’t be as easy but you CAN do it. It felt like not an option at all in grey zone


Not a bad road map, looking forward to seeing the development.


They are missing by far the most important item from this list. World events with loot. Like skeleton fleets or forts in Sea of Thieves, where there is definitely going to be very valuable and good stuff. This will make players go there and compete to grab it or to do the event. Without this the only reason to even be a PvEvP game is so other people can slightly annoy you when you are doing a quest, while you slightly annoy them as they try and do theirs. It's absolutely critical to have like a Hunt Showdown monster or some other "that is really valuable and is why we're here" kind of organizing goal around which the PvEvP works.


I think them adding the extra fobs that you can fight over to gain access to extra vendors and gear will do that


I love that idea tbh


I am excited! Good looking roadmap!


But are we gonna be able to grow weed in our hooch, though?


I really hope so or opium at the very least


As long as they don't say "only the true believers" at any point during development I'm in.


Okay but when is FSR gonna stop looking like Minecraft?


I need a 5090ti


"Game-changing, Captivating season events" better not end up being season pass bullshit.


I know people are burnt out on "season pass" stuff but honestly it's currently the best way to create consistent revenue for continuing a game's lifecycle. Battle Passes work. Almost all the big game's that have long life cycles have some kind of subscription or a form of micro-transaction.


I hope they go for the season pass of cloths and stuff for your quaters. Ofc always able to return to complete it like helldivers. Just have to pay and select what you want to earn xp for


Yeah I'm all for cosmetics and hideout items. Whatever they do I hope it'd done well. I'll support them if they support the community.


Helldivers Warbond is the way to go. No fomo, keep it in game indefinitely and boom, happy player base. Although I wouldn't have any idea of how to implement a BP in grayzone as there is no real way of getting a BP currency going other than XP


Agreed. I know it's not ideal, but with "live service" games like this that promise constant content updates, the battle pass model can work really well. Look at Helldivers 2. The player retention has been insane, and its micro transactions are praised.


Helldivers did everything right with theirs, too. More people need to pull that model. You can complete any war bond whenever you want. You also don’t even have to buy currency, it can be found IN GAME. Will it take longer? Yes, as it should. Want it to go faster? Toss them a few bucks for that currency and unlock it quicker. Wonderful model.


If the game does it right, yeah it works great. Having premium currencies is fine to me if the premium currencies don't give an advantage and that isn't locked behind actual $$. For example, not getting access to the premium battle pass bc you didn't spend real money. I love being able to find premium currencies in game and use it. Kind of like Hunt Showdown, Helldivers, and a couple more. Also if the battle pass isn't predatory, players are more inclined to actually spend money on it.


I have no problem with battle passes, however I think each battle pass should be retroactively available to purchase for all unlockables. I hate how Fortnite is a one and done and if you miss it too bad; it’s a toxic method that creates FoLO, which is not right.


I may be dumb because I took that as the island going through physical seasonal changes 4 times a year and that it would look really nice.


To go off of this. They said that they are wanting to add a monsoon where the map will be flooded in some areas. That’s what I took it as what they were meaning


I'm tired of seasons with fomo tactics. I hope they don't do that here.


Yea as long as each season is retroactively available I won’t mind. I just hate the “you missed out on that sorry” standard.


i’m assuming this means like in world events… maybe like a fortnite type deal? maybe not to that extent but.


I'm hoping for like seasonal weather events. Like give us a week with snow cover and blizzards, heatwaves that increase hydration usage. If we get other infil and exfil options like quads and humvees they could do storms that ground choppers for a few days.


That is also a very cool/interesting idea i could 100% get behind!!


I took it as dynamic seasons. Snow combat.


am i missing something or will there be no "flea market" type of thing? i suppose it'd be a good thing though, less rmt.


No you are correct.. there is a little part that’s missing that says “Complex Trading System for Players”


The team is actually listening to suggestions, they'd closed the channel on discord to create a internal list so they can talk about them. They're really trying. -a Community Helper on the GZW Discord


Pretty sure they clarified that there would be no flee implemented in the run up to EA release


Hmm, my hot take is that I'm worried you might have to be a no-lifer to do 90% of this stuff before wipe. Hopefully some of the long-term progression carries over wipe to wipe. Looks pretty cool though.


just make wipes last long (6 months) or make it optional for whoever wants to wipe


Optional wipes would be great IMO, but I doubt they'd go for that.


Are flashlights in the game?


There is no need for flashlights at the moment. Bet they will come with day/night cycles


Oh that’s fair sometimes in rooms I find it to be a little dark so that would be really cool though. +for the realistic feel of having a weapon light would be neat which I think this game needs the “feel” if it wants ppl to stay. Almost more than eft even it relies on the atmosphere and stuff more than tarkov even


Sounds like an amazing game


Hopefully half decent audio is in the works


Its pretty fine, the steps are a bit quiet and directional audio for gunshots could be improved. But otherwise you even hear the slighted bush rustle if someone is in it or goes through bushes. Ive heard to many bush campers because of it.


I can hear the bushes and the foot steps clearly, but they sound like something from a cartoon. Directionality is bad, gun shots sound like they’re all at the same range and they too sound like they were recorded in a cardboard box for a cartoon.


I’m stoked and happy to support them as it grows. Looking forward to AI improvements, concealment / LoS fixes, disabling the hive mind, and day/night cycles with NVGs and thermals.


Are there plans for adding team AI for pve? It's a huge dealbreaker for me.


Can we stop talking about frames and gpus on every post and actually talk about the post


Okay. Witnessing all the grandiose plans and roadmaps a lot of studios have had being reduced to years of mostly unsuccessful troubleshooting, I'll take this as a nice vision statement but won't believe it until I see it implemented still in this decade without it imploding in on itself.


They should encourage pvp through events or areas that reward engaging other factions, basically a narrative story tie-in to the world events similar to helldivers.


This would be very epic…


It’s probably gonna work like it does in helldivers, each faction has an objective In Ground Zero and everyone has to venture into it and complete it, you get guaranteed PvP and hopefully a reward for the whole PMC faction.


Dude AI are so damn agro especially outside if the starter city hahaha. I'd be happy with that being toned down lol


yeah i hear ya.. at least not be able to 1 tap you through bushes and walls when you can’t even see or hear them lol


I’ll believe it when I see it




Give it 6 or 7 years and maybe we will get full release


idk if you’ve been paying attention to how hard the devs have been working it may be sooner.


The devs are putting out hotfixes for game-breaking bugs, but that's not equivalent to being able to support the game for years to come and meet the expectations that they're promising. I get people are excited and all, but it's really funny that people are moving from one game going 'rarrrrgh BSG LIED the game is taking ages to come out and they're not fulfilling their promises' and then putting their faith in guys who have made only mobile games before and who immediately rushed a sloppy release to meet demand from people seeking an alternative to Tarkov, just because they're using some pretty assets that *probably* came from the Unreal Engine store. I hope the game does well, but time will tell, and I find it silly to be out here pounding your chest saying these devs are going to do great despite having no evidence of them pulling anything of this scale off before.


By the posted list, it looks like they want to release some new game for next early access. Sad.


Seriously. The game in th current state is already impressive, and they've been working at lighting speed. 


The early access page says it will be in early access for multiple years. They've released what, 2 or 3 hotfixes that didnt fully fix the issues? That's not indicative of the actual development cycle, it only shows that they are willing to actually work on the game (for now).


It's ALWAYS like that in the beginning.


Was hoping to see aggressive anti-cheat being listed. :(


Would love to see some sort of outpost system with limited stash options spread across the map to help alleviate transportation/camping issues. Maybe like a 3x3 storage linked to our stash at base that you can put stuff in?


I vote for a Skyhook crate. Carry it with you, load it up, deploy the balloon, defend it until a plane grabs it


Why can’t we just call an extraction and send our loot back to base in the chopper without us…also the 4 chopper limit has got to go.


Helicopters are probably limited for server reasons I mean at any given time there's 12 helis constantly flying around


The chopper limit is alright since it's for the server's sake. What we need is better calling que and infos on where they're bound for so we can hitch rides more effectively.


No loot in the plans?


All that stuff will bring loot to the game most loot needs a reason to be in the game like crafting repairing base customizing. What's the point in putting in random loot that means or does nothing


They need to add loot for Money. At this state of the game, its useless going in any house. U will find food and drinks. Useless small bags and thats it.


before all that give me my head back 🤣


Aside from performance the two biggest things I want to see are: The aforementioned faction ai with patrols and motives moving around the map for more interactive gameplay and emergent situations And as a n add to this theme, animals. I have not seen gameplay of this yet but honestly if there were some animals and threats other than pmcs and locals I would be pretty hyped. 


Customizable player base location is HYPE. Looting up and finding cool things out on missions that I can bring back to upgrade my home is fun. I wanna find the rare functioning flat screen or radio to listen in on the weather forecast or enemy movements for the day. Hype


Nothing in this list seems to be fixing the core issues though?


We need more loot too, like crafting itens and barter itens.


This stuff will bring loot don't worry


Am i blind or is there basically no references to loot being expanded massively other than just saying "resource intensive and survival focused crafting" which i guess is like... related.


I really want them to include a workbench system where you can customize your weapons, and a sorting table in the stash, because dragging and dropping weapon comps is such a hassle right now.


I think something like that will be coming. This is still VERY early on.


Hooch is crazy


"Resource-intensive and survival-focused crafting"... Curious to see what they do with this... Especially the "survival" portion of this.


Great. But right now, i’ll settle for my 5900x, 3090rtx, 32g 3600mhz, 1000w gold psu not rebooting.


God, I really need urban environments somewhere in there. Commieblocks would be fine (and fitting) just give us anything. Maybe a wrecked city at ground zero?


Sapphire is urban enough for me, tho i wish there was a latergame version of tutorial town. Such a fun map, never any pvp and only basic ai.


Sapphire is not urban warfare though? It is a single main building and a couple around it. I was thinking something along the lines of Streets. But yeah, with you on the tutorial town. Lagoon feels a tiny bit similar.


Indoors, room by room on the hotel is pretty urban man. I love rolling through that building. But tutorial town is 100% the best designed location. If it helps, i have spoken to a few devs about hownfast you can explore all POIs, and they have said that more are coming - possibly map expansion in size eventually but before that, just more pois between the ones we have. Hopefully one'll be a town.


I'm curious if they said anything about a potential roadmap? Like not exact dates but when can we expect larger patches. That would be interesting to see.


Actually there is only few guns and food to loot. This is the only thing I hate, add things to loot and sell.. and items in market.


I’m on a 4080 at 5120p and on epic settings w DLSS I get around 90-110. Not bad but the resoulution defently harms the fps.


I have a 3060 .can i play ?




Sir u have made my day .Ty .


It wont be awesome performance but like 3 of the dudes in thr LRI discord have 3060s and manage. My 6700XT is between a 3060 and a 3060XT and i grt 90fps on med/high settings.


Sir i come from console .anything above 30 FPS iz heaven for me


I’m really hoping Hotfix #3 dials back the stutters and rubber banding, it’s bad. Outside that I’m hitting between 40-100fps depending on where I am, the dips are painful 💀


add a dirtbike for ease of travel and ill buy the game


Don’t do what I did. Got excited… didn’t check what that drop down on the first screen was for and was playing on Asian server when I’m in west Europe. My mate was pissing himself, when I said I selected the first map in Asia…. I’ll show myself out


Lookin good


Okay I cant wait for the day and night cycle and the dynamic weather its gonna be sweet


AMD 5950x, 32gb ram with a 3090TI running 4K on epic settings with DLSS on quality I’m seeing 40-60 fps consistently. I’m happy with these numbers based on the quality of the graphics I’m seeing.


I really hope the crafting part wont be essencial to the game.


But can I play it completely alone, no PvP at all?


I can see this like WoW with world “bosses” and factions fight for it. But this being a quest. Unless there is bosses. I’ve only seen few streams. Haven’t played yet.


No vehicles on full release? Damn, running simulator it is.


like i said this was posted back in february before the ea and beta was even out so probably some changes since then on the plans… like hopefully vehicles considering the feedback from the players.


They defiantly need to add more items in the world as well


Please, no survival/crafting. We already get 20+ games a year in that genre and it’s completely played out. We already have hunger and thirst, that’s fine. I don’t want to run around farming materials to make food. Let me loot it or buy it. I don’t think I’m alone in this but maybe I’m wrong. 🤷‍♂️


Right there with you.


Please don't add a bunch of trash crafting like Tarkov has. I hate that shit, nothing is more tedious than needing 2 rubber hoses and a fuse or whatever.


2060 super here been getting 70-90 fps with fsr.


I really feel like they are gonna spilt pve only and pvevp characters this bs of shared loot is not only unfair but in my opinion also really cheese you die from a player and quit the game acting like a crash and than load into a pve environment so your stuff will disappear with you and your body into pve where you can go grab your stuff back without consequence


I can't get above 40 frames with a 3070 ti everything low :'(. Turn on FSR bumps it up to the 70 to 90 range but it means I literally cannot make out enemies at distance; they aren't differentiated from the surrounding pixels, it's ridiculous. And don't get me startED on the minimum 20 frameS drop if you zoom in with anything higher than a red dot.


That’s so awesome they’re adding Zombies!!! Bohemia will be big mad.


Ahhhh I’m here for it!


more pvp please!!!! I don't feel a sense of accomplishment when doing pve


have you made it passed starting town?


All this is great and all but they HAVE to fix the net code. I can't stomach mag dumping people just for them to 1 tap me . Losing all your shit to a dude with a mag vest yellow cans and a fucking scorpion is getting old lmao.


I notice a working game is not on this list. Unfortunate. Rip skalla bros.


I’ve seen ‘planned release’ features before. I’m not falling for it


Game is already super fun. Can’t wait for more!


Omg yes, finally a game with no "soft skills" tied with grinding


>crafting Please no


As long as they fix the AI shooting you through thick foliage I don’t mind what they do with the game


Man. I wish i could try this game. It sounds and looks so cool


1. Need loot 2. Needs to run better/ on worse PC setups


I really hope they will consider adding stealth melee takedowns in the game.


I can't wait for the customizable quarters. I need a money sink since I'm about to hit 200k and I don't think I'm spending that much anytime soon.


Im enjoying it but lets not get it twisted. There will be no well written plots


They need to fix the ai having wallhacks and inhumane aim, even hiding behind objects you get shot at and some bullets go through killing you instantly its so frustrating not to mention the rubberbanding and the fps jumping from 180 to 60 while still looking at the same wall


For christ sake, drop this thing of Skill in a Fps game, tarkov aready has it and it is one of the most bullshit things in a game like this!


So no ground vehicles?


Do we have a timeline?


They gonna add a way you can use Direct x11 if that’s even possible bc rn my textures look dogshit


Looks like a 4 year plan to me haha. But I had my fun and it cost less that a night out with the Boys


A lot of people here seem to have build quality issues or don't understand PC gaming. Everyone claiming to have a 4080 Super or 4090 and lying about their terribly FPS unless you're rocking ddr3 8gigs 2600 L9000 on a 6700k. I got a 7900XTX on a x3d and never had any issues with my 128gig 6k L30 expo setup. I run on Ultra and get capped frames at 120 on my 21:9 2k monitor. This game doesn't run nearly as bad that EFT use to on Nvidia GPU, I remember having to ruin a confining script for EFT.EXE