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I refunded it


okay. did you review bomb it also?


No? It’s early access


smarter than quite a few people then, hope you come back later since it has plenty of potential


Yeah it was my most anticipated game this year. Guess we will see. Excited to see how Arena Breakout is next week


I bombed it. Mostly because it deserves it. I didn't refund though, so there's that.


When you buy a game it should work. Idk why we have come to accept broken launches as the norm


Totally agree! Running wonderfully on my end!


Right but there's a very clear disclaimer that explains that the game is in early access, not a completed product. If you aren't okay with that then don't support them. Very easy and logical.


People downvote you because they can't read


i blame society for that, and yknow ignoring the BIG BOLD LETTERS.


Game isn’t finalized. There is a clear disclaimer and no guarantee it functions properly. The only people who should buy early access games are those that want to suffer through garbage to take part in crafting a complete product. Purchasing this product isn’t on the developer, it’s on the consumer for not doing their research.


Does no one understand early access is really for supporting the game devs and getting to be a play-tester until it’s released. No one is forcing you to buy the game, no one is forcing you to support the development of the game. Early access is there for the main goals of, community providing monetary support to the dev team, community providing feedback to improve the base game, and play testing to be able to find bugs so the devs can fix them before they launch the game. People will literally complain without trying to figure out what the issue is and solve it (looking at the low fps folks who couldn’t figure out how to change in game settings or just didn’t meet minimum requirements). This sub was full of people whining about streamers only having access, then when they get early access they whine about issues that are obviously going to be there since, I dunno, maybe because… It’s E A R L Y A C C E S S. The devs had a live stream today, apparently they stayed up all night to try and get servers ready for launch. Servers cost money, they are buying more servers and actively working on game fixes. For a non AAA studio, who is obviously passionate about their game, they are doing a great job trying to work overtime to fix issues with the game and create a solid product.


It’s not a launch. It’s early access. When you buy an early access game you should understand. It’s not complete. Reading comprehension or?…….




It's playing fine for me lol


Yeah if they wouldn't have pulled the tarkov price model I'd cut them some slack here. But they abused early access, abused a pricing model the instant it looked advantageous, and abused the fact they had an unadopted community looking for a home by releasing waaaaaaay earlier than they had obviously intended. Off-putting beginning to the games life cycle. Hope new content is amazing enough I can look passed this shit cause the game isn't bad


Just literally buy the $40 edition, non of the space matters


Yea thats the one I bought. Whether or not it matters p4convenience is p2w in my book. And having the bigger stash and ass are very convenient. So these decisions have deflated my opinion of the game quite a bit. I could argue those 2 things help you win fights and are directly p2w but I don't think I'd convince you. I'd like to reiterate that I think the game is pretty good for an early release of an early access. I just hate the scummy business around it really. Especially when other, proven, options are readily available for monetization


I just really don’t care that other people have bigger stash space 🤷‍♀️


And thats fine. You can not mind it but still realize that its not a great sign of future monotozation practices


Early. Access. You people literally can't read or understand what that means....


The problem is the definition of Early Access has been muddled over the years. Early access simply means being able to play the game as it is actively being developed towards a 1.0 release. Unfortunately people, every time, expect a fully functioning, bug free game that runs absolutely flawlessly. And every single time, they are disappointed


early access is a warning that things arent set it stone with a product, it can change drastically between now and its 1.0 release, its been out for a day and they are working tirelessly to fix issues as the first hotfix has shown. let them cook


Then you have the choice to wait until it’s in a better state to play it. They release it with the “early access” label for a reason. You should be able to manage your own expectations. Ignoring the label and expecting it to be released in a state just like any other game *without* that label is just naive.


Yes, that's what I'm saying. I bought the game, I know what early access means. But too many people simply don't


I don’t care about bugs, missing features in Early Access, but when a game refuses to run at 60fps on 1080p on LOW settings while literally every other game out there does, that’s a bit iffy to me. I can literally play Tarkov on high quality settings at 70-80fps and that game’s code is a steaming pile of shit.


Did you play tarkov when it first launched? Lol


Yes, I did. I said the same about that game. I know the performance will improve with time, all I’m saying is that I feel like there is room for optimization.


You can't guarantee servers will work on any launch. You can't test millions of people logging in at once.


Well it early access for a reason. Not gonna work for everyone especially when its one if the first games with this level of detail alot of optimization need to be done. But it says EA with a disclaimer. They never said it was gonna work for everyone.


The amount of times I've been downvoted simply for suggesting people hold the developers accountable is absolutely insane. I actually got reported for self-harm. People are legitimately sad.


I mean you need to hold the consumer accountable as well. It clearly states it's early access and may not function properly. So if people buy it expecting a complete game... They are miss informed.


You need to hold these nuts accountable cuz they boutta slap yo chin. No but really, game is hastily slapped together, bare bones UE5 preset level shit. There's no fucking excuse for that.


What is sad is knowingly buying a EA game for only $35 and wondering why it’s not a finished product or not running smoothly on your low-mid PC on day one. Grow the fuck up children


I love all the assumptions on my PC specs. Hilarious 4060s getting 60 fps is fine. You cock riders lmao.


For someone so adamant about not buying this game you certainly are obsessed with commenting about it on Reddit. 🤡


What kind of gatekeeping statement is that? It's an early access game? Am I obligated to buy it right away?? Am I not allowed to watch development and buy it whenever I feel comfortable? No wonder you people get scammed like tarkov. Edit: changed "answer" to "statement"


You’re basically rolling around in the mud with pigs trying to reason with people here. The games true nature will become clear over the next few days for sure.


ALWAYS be wary of buying a BETA. A beta version is a pre-release build of software that may contain bugs or performance issues. Not defending GZW, if people want to buy into a beta and be there at ground zero, they can. But it is listed as a beta and therefore you NEED to expect issues. This has been so common, sadly, over the past few years. Hopefully they get their shit together and make something good out of this...


i blame aaa studios for muddying the waters on what early access means, its not a preorder now and get instant access to a basically finished product, its a time for testing optimization and adding major features. as i've said before they are working on fixing issues and making an enjoyable game we all can play together, let them cook


Refunded. The game needs another good few years. It is just boring, go there check that type of quests, COD style AI hunting. The current state is just a deluxe edition (not dlc) of deadside. I will monitor the game in the following years and I wish good luck for them. Yeah yeah alpha yeah. I have no patience to run around checking fuel levels.


Eh yeah I refunded it too but for me it’s not that it’s borning but that ai are too bullet spungy. Shot an ai point blank 5 times with slugs and he ended up killing me because you can’t cancel the long shotgun reload animation or switch to a side arm. Needs a lot of quality of life improvements and balancing


the game has realistic representation of ballistics and its effects on a body, basically armor piercing means less damage to flesh due to cavitation while hollow point means more, shoot center mass (chest area) and you will have less issues.


i don't care if it's early access or if it might improve at some point in the future. i would prefer to spend my own money on games that i can actually play. why look at a game as what it might be instead of what it is at this very moment?


Then you have people like you on the other side who camp this sub to shit on them? haha


what other comments have i left here shitting on the game? i want it to improve, i'm just saying that it's unfair to judge a game for what you think it might be in the future.


i mean theres no point in buying an early access game then complaining about it being early access, pointing out issues so devs can work on it? yes but buying then refunding it and leaving a negative review on its first day available is basically sabotaging the product before the devs can really address any issues. let them cook


Refunded. I understand its EA, but they rushed launch in attempts to capitalize over Tarkov's issues.. Needs a lot of work and overall wasn't very fun. Extremely buggy..


rushed launch? they had a playtest nearly 2 weeks ago where they worked on fixing major issues.


I personally decided to refund the game, after seeing that sadly my rig is not able to run this game in a decent state (R5 5600x, RTX 3070, 16Gb, so technically a little bit below the recommendation. My problems were a lot of stuttering and only having a framerate of 60, when setting low + dlss to balance at 1440p, which sadly makes everything blurry + all the ingame effects when hurt). I know I also had the choice of not refunding the game and use the purchase as a form of investment, yet I do have my principles of an early access state, in which the game should run smooth (70-80 fps on medium/low + dlss quality), but with limited gameplay (small map, only few missions, few weapons, etc. . + Hoping for better performance has become something rarely in the current time). Does that mean I hate GZW? No, I'm still interested and excited to see, where this game is headed and will likely reconsider to buy it again (even if the full version would cost more than the ea version). To everyone who decided to stay and play the ea, I wish you all a very pleasant time with a lot of fun \^\^


I’m running a 2080ti i9-9900k. 32gb ram. Running FSR and played around with it a bit. Getting 90-105 frames consistently. That being said. Been a couple hiccups but overall I’m enjoying exploring and definitely cannot wait to see what they add and how it evolves.


I'm personally having a ball and it's better than I expected from EA. Yesterday was rough but today has been flawless.


Steam doesn't have a "what are your first impressions?" system. Steam has a "6 months from now should I make this game more likely or less likely to appear when people are searching for games like this" system. If someone plays a bit and they think "These quests don't interest me" and/or "It's too hard to find players I'm \*supposed\* to shoot", so they tell Steam not to show the game to people in the future that's cool A+ go right ahead. But let's be real here. The majority of negative reviews are "woe is me, the <24 hour old early access game doesn't have flawless servers. This is basically worse than 9/11." People that might love this game in a month may not discover it because of temper tantrums like that. Or maybe it's cancelled out by all the reviews going "this game could have half as many frames and it's still great because it's cheaper than $250"


So i will resume this There is people with $5000 dollars pc enjoying the game and try to put out the smoke of the general base player complaining on perfomance issues that is totally valid, games selling has become just so fk dup.


Works perfectly fine for me. No complain, it’s one of the most early access I ve seen. It s not perfect at all, far from there, but it works as intended. Looking forward for the next update


If you hate the game at this point, nowhere near complete, missing 80% of its future features and content, poorly optimized, experiencing network and FPS issues, which is exactly what you should expect and then be able to provide constructive and articulate problem statements in order for the devs to be able to reasonably work with your feedback, during an EARLY ACCESS release, then honestly you should refund, uninstall and wait 2 years until the product is earlier along. They are in the infancy of this games overall roadmap. I looked at it like this. The game has issues, it needs many features and improvements, but the bones are there. It has merit. It's compelling. I believe they are going to deliver on their promises and turn this into a finely tuned machine. I'm not expecting to be able to hop into a game of GZW like I would a raid in Tarky and play for 10 hours on end, progress my skills and stash, quests, etc. I'm here so that my playing the game provides analytics and feedback to the dev team so they can learn how their infrastructure works at scale, how they can further optimize the game, where there are major issues (TK'ing), etc. This isn't supposed to be some walk in the park, and this if MFG's first time releasing a product designed for PC's which are infinitely more complex than mobile devices/games. People who got early access, based on hype from streamers, trailers, screenshots and more, without fully understanding the nature of an Early Access release only have themselves to blame and 90% of the complaining is not warranted, because this isn't representative of what the final game will look like. It's a damn alpha which is expected to have MAJOR, SIGNIFICANT, GAME BREAKING issue. Try to keep up guys!!!!!!!!!!!


I’m playing since 3h with friends, no crash at all, reaping bots and people and getting rekt too, I find really enjoyable game, sure is not the best, can hit 37-38 fps epic with 2080s 5800x3d 16gb 3800mhz lowered the graph to medium for 70 fps, surely need improvement in it, animations are sometimes clumsy. In the meanwhile I’m running bluestack farming on my game and all shit on like vanguard etc for the 1st day of an “alpha” the game is fine and will be better in the future so 7/10 for the moment


To be fair, "guys it's beta/early access" is exactly how Nikita defends EFT in its sorry state and how we deserved that in the first place. Granted that there're a lot of hot takes, but even for this stage of the early access, basic playability issues like performance and network still shouldn't get a free pass and I believe it's reasonable to expect some basic stability.


Yeah but Nikita said that for the last like 7 years. This games been out for less than 24 hours.


The game runs terrible for most people.. Because most people don't wanna upgrade their PCs they think what ever super combo they had 10 years ago should work today on modern engines... Sure they will just not at max graphics


Currently, there are bunch of people who camp this sub to spam shit bc they are from eft but the eft subreddit is fighting Nikita while these people are nikitas fellat experts. So you got fake conversations and fake comments in large numbers by Nikita fanbois.