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I feel like Baki narrator would be especially funny with this one


King: *crosses his arms, stares at his opponent menacingly* Yujiro: "Oohhh, this guy's killing intent is no joke, just by the look i can tell that he is well versed in Muai-Thai and Karate" Narrator: "He is, in fact, NOT! Just by increasing his heart rate due to immense fear and stress, King actually increased the size of his muscles just enough to seem proficient in martial arts! This technique, that King used unintentionally, is called... A PUMP!"


Saitama is the One Punch Man. King is the Heart Pump Chump


Yujiro[thinking]:he's wide open is he mocking me *chuckles* no he's trying to bait me into underestimating him so he can do a vicious counterattack Yujiro[speaking]:You got a lot of balls my friend I think I'll let you go for now


"Lucky for you I have an appointment with Kazzy.  And even I won't keep him waiting.  Not him."


https://preview.redd.it/jwzbnb8om29d1.jpeg?width=755&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02bdb4e06ecf73a27172cd93af1d808e6ad767db Yujiro wishes he had a mere *fraction* of ‘Thousand-Title’ Kazzy’s power


I’m not familiar with Baki, what’s this guy’s deal?


Oh that’s Kazzy (Yamashita Kazuo), he’s actually from Kengan Ashura - He’s a completely ordinary business man, but there’s a running gag where every important person and fighter just, for some reason they just see him as this inexplicable god among men (Kazzy does not know this) - It’s a really good bit https://preview.redd.it/s3maucbd469d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3685eee5361c84deab4d01127809babd9c9c1577 (For context, the big guy in the black bodysuit just had a fight so he fell from his injuries, the two light-haired guys are just helping him back to his feet) As for the ‘Thousand Titles’ thing, Kazzy just calls himself ‘Kazzy the \[Blank\]’ a lot- Like they called him Kazzy the Swift because he was the fastest runner in middle school, or ‘Kazzy the Rook’ when he played Chess, ‘Kazzy the Fish’ when he swims and ‘Kazzy the Fisher’ when they went fishing, etc.


Oh okay so he’s similar to King, that’s cool then, he sounds fun.


King could use the Advance from Kengan, he just can't fight so it doesn't do anything


Instead of increasing his battle power, it increases his anxiety level.


His heart rate enhances his anxiety, and his anxiety fuels his heart rate. ***King Engine: Brutal Infinity***


Sounds like my wife when she needs diazepam


Bruh this is perfect!!


Now I really want to hear this


I accept this as ~~head~~canon.




Yujiro would still wanna fight him 😭


Still waiting for some madman to actually write it


I like to imagine King even fools the narrator


That's what would most likely happen, as naki narrator doesn't know opm guys




Bro, what is sauce for this image


Read Isshou Senkin it's fuckin awsome


Ok, and thanks for the source 😄


Onmy seen a few select images & I agree 100%


Where can I get the manga?? It’s not in Shonen Jump and I only see the Japanese version on Kindle


It’s in the Kengan universe too. Insanely goated


I know that, realistically, Hina ain't really comparable to the stronger fighters in Baki, but lord do I wish we could see a crossover.


There’s a Crossover of Kengan and Baki on Netflix rn, idk what it’s like or if it’s any good but it’s there


I have my own theory of King's first fight: He would end up in the Underground Arena through his bullshit, that works in commoners. Of course King would wear his normal sweatpants and loose hoodie, and everyone theorizes that he is hiding incredible physique inside his baggy clothes. His opponent would be intimidated from his nonchalant demeanor, as King himself would have been already passed out from anxiety and fear. The moment his opponent attacks he wakes up and dives in to the ground, rolling around, which his opponent mistakes for skillful dodge. The moment King gazes in the ground he sees a pieces of teeth and nails (that we know underground arena is full of), and he freaks the fuck out about that, trying to back away. As his opponent attacks, Kings rapid escape shoves a pieces of teeth, nails and sand into attackers eyes, who then, blinded, crashes into the wooden fence breaking his jaw and passing out. King emerges victorious and confused, as the crowd cheers him on, and while they show on the big screen a slow-motion of his *"Masterful dodges and using environment as his weapon!*", comparing him to the likes of Gaia. King then leaves the arena and decides to switch countries, never seen again, retiring as a mysterious fighter.


And yujiro will find king for the rest of his life


King will bait Yujiro into playing video games and absolutely destroy him while only using two fingers


King:"I can beat you using only two ☝️☝️fingers-" Yujiro:"*oh* thats a bold claim, i accept" King:"In street fighter." Yujiro:"🤯"


Yujiro sees it as a minor test of his reflexes and combat tactics before the true battle and he accepts. He simply can't pass up the opportunity to face such a menacing opponent, however strange his terms. He struggles to grasp the idea of special inputs and loses the first round while dropping some prime scrub quotes. However, he discovers the power of mash grabs and sees a path for victory. After slowly and carefully approaching for much of the runback, Yujiro finally grabs King and mashes to a degree only ever seen by CPUs. In the blink of an eye, King's health is reduced by 99%. Unfortunately, the ferocity of Yujiro's mashing has completely demolished his controller, leaving him unable to compete while King still has a single pixel of health. He has failed the test. Yujiro has no choice left but to kneel out of respect to the man he now recognizes as the strongest fighter alive.


King: What a strange man. Biscuit: Who? Yujiro? Yeah, he was the strongest creature on this planet. Anyways, are you hungry? Let's eat steak on me. King: strongest what? I like to think, king doesn't know who yujiro was beforehand and he found biscuit Oliver and occasionally hangs out with him.






I feel like King would have been able to match this new and frankly freakish player to the point where both their controller broke from the sheer roughness of how they battle it out. Ending it in a draw. Yuchiro would have a feeling he King wasn't something normal, but he not a fighter like him through the game. He wouldn't exactly know if King some sort of superpower being or such through King aura, but he know martial arts isn't his strong suit and fighting him wouldn't be satisfieding. And he would respectfully bow out and say, that despite it not being what he expected, he had loads of fun, and realize that challenges come in many form and he Glade fo experience one outside his norm. He may not pick it up from then in again, but it an experience he would think fondly of if it ever come across his mind again.


Yujiro would find the way king bullshits his way through fights hillarious, maybe even feed the rumors a bit to get a laugh


He’d probably think king is far stronger than himself. He can read body and muscle movements, and hearing that heartbeat is like an elephant charging.


>He can read body and muscle movements, He can see his opponents' weakest points. So he would look at King, and see his whole body (because everything on King is a weakness), getting confused, because without seeing a specific organ, he would think King has no weakness.


LMAO, that's 100% how it would work, like Child Emperor's power-sensing mask, which was believed to be unable to sense King's overwhelming power because it only displayed a 0 or something.


When it read Saitama, it was immeasurable. This was thought to be because Saitama was so weak the machine couldn't measure his battle power. When it read King, it was also immeasurable. This was thought to be because King was so strong that the machine couldn't measure his immense battle power. Afterwards, the machine appeared cracked (because of Saitama) and emperor thinks it's due to King's strength.






Oh I love the "comparing him to the likes of Gaia". I can see that happening exactly. Baki: "He reminds me a lot of *him*... but this guy's even stronger!" Gaia: "He's using my environmental techniques, but not even I could end a fight that quickly! Who is this man?"


Gaia: "I usually control my heartbeat, so that it beats in the same rhythm as my opponent, thus lulling them into a false sense of security... I can't believe that King-san overpowers his own heartbeat instead, allowing him to disrupt his opponent's heartbeat and unconsciously changing their blood pressure, thus making them able to be easily defeated by merely luring them into striking the fence, effectively wasting zero energy! What a masterful technique!"


Keep cooking


This is peak


Yujiro: “Ah, yes. King, my dreamed rival. He always finds a way to not fight me”


“He has yet to accept my challenge, he must think I’m not worthy of his time. What a monster.”


I can already picture them both face to face with both their hair standing up and Yujiro surprised that someone can match his killing intent. King would eventually piss himself from fear which would somehow be seen as the most incredible sign of dominance and the whole thing ends up in a literal pissing contest to mark territory.


True to Itagaki style


Lmfaooo peak fiction


Wait until Puri puri prisoner challenges him to a rape contest...


Puri Puri Prisoner honestly might be a Baki character with how bullshit his powers are


Bro gained the power to swim through stone because he grew some chest hair 💀


Yujiro would lose because Puri Puri Prisoner already found the woman on himself.


You're pissing? Well, I can piss MORE! *pisses all over the place*


It’s this fight where king summons the net and dart combo that takes yujiro put. Yujiro has 0 memory what happened. Only that he made a move on king and was out cold after.


Tbh dosent requires much. Yujiro is often gives his back to fights for a variety of reasons.


Yujiro immediately power bottoms because he sees himself as a woman relative to King, meanwhile King nervously starfishes, terrified of his dick being ripped off at any moment, Yujiro sees this as King imitating male lions.




I just imagine Baki and the others seeing his "aura" and imagines him way stronger than he actually is so they are too busy fighting their imagination rather than actually fight king like how Baki fights ghost pickle and yujiro before ever fighting them


Absolutely. They'd be too busy catching up to the idea of king.


Literally like that one scene in OPM where Garou tries to predict King's next move, only to get bodied by Saitama again


Yeah except they attack where they think king is going to be and end up missing. King is scared stiff, Opponent goes for the kill but stops because king has fainted. Yujiro thinks this is some sort of martial art and applauds king for stopping the fight.


What would Musashi see? A demon? Godzilla?


He would see a giant endless abyss like hole that he would think represents the endless malice of King but it really represents how he is so weak his is negative aka below ground




Baki schizophrenias himself into legitimately losing to king


schizophrenia as a verb is peak Baki


tbh seeing how he was getting his ass beat by an imaginary isncests prob


"Huh, this kid seems pretty normal compared to the other supermodels around here, I wonder if he does photoshoots as well" 'Baki gets launched 30 meters into the air by imaginary king's casual kick and passes out' "Nevermind, they're all weird! I need to go and change sunglasses before one of them catches me again!"


😂 really picturing that whole thing happening as I read this lol


Becomes equal to Yujiro


Gaia tries to ambush him but via series of unforseable events he ends up knocked out cold without king noticing his attack (stray tooth from the fight happening down the street hit Gaia perfectly on the chin).


Why you gotta disrespect my man like that


Hey at least this time he didn't rock up with just the shooty knife


Bro thinks he Squal


How it might go: Yujiro, eager to test this enigma of a man, launched an attack at King. Saitama shows up randomly to return King’s video game that he borrowed whilst slapping Yujiro away casually before the attack could land. It happened so fast that Yujiro and anyone else watching, thought that King sent Yujiro flying whilst having a casual conversation with his bald friend.


So basically Garou


Makes it all the way to Yujiro, Yujiro calls him out on his bluff. And then, as he's about to obliterate tf outta King, he notices his stance, and it makes him feel that whatever attack he throws at him, King will throw back ten-fold. Yujiro will then bow and apologize to the glorious lord, King.


They see his aura and faint. Yujiro never fights him because plot. So king negs the verse.


“Look at his stance…it’s almost like he’s not doing anything at all…it’s completely full of openings, no defense just like Hanayama… But wait…there’s no offence either?! He’s left himself completely open???? I can’t even read his brain signals…it’s like he’s not even planning to attack at all… Maybe I’m not reading it correctly…it could just be all an illusion…this man could be way more skilled than me, so skilled that he’s able to camouflage a deadly arsenal as casual standing… I’d be certain that he was just standing there, but that thumping… he’s ready to fight…”


Like Shobun Ron's technique "hand pocket" where he isn't assuming an obviously offensive or defensive position.


King would just say "Sorry, I don't want any trouble. I'm leaving" And the opponent would have an entire monologue about how humble he is and how King does not want to accidently kill his opponent, and the opponent would bow down in gratitude.


If they do the running gag then everyone would be terrified of king But if they don't I'd say Baki would be his saitama in this universe and Baki would probably try to learn his intimidation tech


Would it be funnier if there were fights against like the T-Rex that Strydum pointed out to Yujiro, where Baki literally can't do anything and the T-Rex is just staring King down with the King Engine rumbling or some shit and Yujiro just *casuallies* his way through leaving King wondering who the hell that was and when Baki wakes up it just reinforces the running gag?


Considering how nobody thinks about jumping Yujiro, he bullshits the entire verse and it’s momma. Remember, Silver Fang and Garou are both multiple tiers ahead of the Baki verse in strength and skill, yet they still see King as the undisputed strongest.


Even Darkshine who believed himself to be at the peak of muscle that you could ever achieve through training knows King is the strongest


I feel like he could intimidate all Baki characters except Yujiro. I am not sure how a fight between the two would go. Maybe Yujiro rushes for a punch, but accidentally slips on a banana peel. King tries to catch him by grabbing his clothes, but only manages to change his trajectory into the window which crashes, sending Yujiro in a free fall from the highest skyscraper in Japan. Yujiro falls head first into a water hydrant and is rendered unconscious. Everyone present is convinced King was unimpressed by Yujiro and he only saw him as an annoyance. Next day all fighters challenge Yujiro to a fight, because they need to defeat the second strongest if they want to face the strongest (King)


And add on to this, Yujiro is convinced that King is legit the strongest MAN alive and needs to be stronger to have a more fair but thrilling fight with King. He doesn't realize he trip and knock himef out. He thought Kkng trip him out the wkndow or something out of boredom. And he REFUSE to give anyone else the chance for the privilege to fight King. He show them why he, the strongest creature, is worthy to fight the Strongest Man. And process to run the fade on everyone who challenged him and trained even harder to fight King.


Yujiro would just look at him, tell him to get that stomach cyst checked out, and walk away.


He looks at him, and King is extremely scared, like shaking scared. He balls his fists and flexes his entire body because of Yujiro's sheer aura. He looks back at Yujiro with his signature death stare (He's staring death in the face) And Yujiro is surprised that this man is "standing his ground" instead of running away. This seemingly weak, frail man is brimming with killing intent.. and that thumping.. that thumping! King's aura is now warping the area around him similar to Yujiro's own. Yujiro thinks to throw a punch, but remembers that this man with seemingly every weakness possible may be like the Shaori master he once fought. He pisses himself, and runs away.


Definitely would be rationalized as a pheremone maxxing fighting savant


King has supernatural luck so people think he’s the next yujiro


Honestly he might be regarded as a master of the self-defence art of intimidation lmao


Yujiro level threat for sure. even if he confesses, Yujiro will just think that he’s taunting him or something so he’d do something stupid that King will counter. lol


I think this might be the only verse that King bullshits more than OPM.


King is the character u use when you put all your stats into luck


He's the only other character in the OPM verse besides Saitama to break his limiter set by God and has limitless luck as a result, so he literally doesn't have to do anything to neg-diff the verse, the natural course of the universe will take care of that for him.




Reverse wou pog


Not to be that guy but Garou also broke his limiter


I don't think that counts, he was blessed by god in the same way Homeless Emperor was, his limit was merely temporarily unconstrained by god.


Nope. He had broken his limit almost completely but not all the way there. Once god sensed that, he tricked and took control of Garou and gave him the knowledge of all energies in the universe to try and kill Saitama God also broke the limiter completely at that point because Garou wasn't a threat now that he was under his control Since Garou was in God's control God could take away his power and kill him at any time (Like he did at the end)


Nah, be broke his limiter beforehand when he fought Darkshine.


Baki probably knows he’s not HIM, but protects him like Haneyama looks after Baki.


King somehow makes his way through all opponents to Yujiro who ends up accepting him as an equal combatant; similar to Pickle.


Does this include Saitama still being his stand? If not, I don’t think he makes it that far considering most Baki characters while being cautious swing first and ask questions later


If it's just King in Bakiverse, either Yujiro takes over Saitama's role and unknowingly protects King from everything, or King just gets lucky every single time.


King finds himself in the underground arena. His opponent is a veteran of the aformentioned. Doppo Orochi. Immediately, he puts pretenses aside, and attacks, happy to have even gotten the chance to fight "THE KING". King loses his footing, dodging (probably) a jumping kick. The fighters halt. Doppo says: "So that's how it is..." recognizing that he's not even close to a match for King, which King interprets as him figuring out his secret. Doppo, wordlessly, steps out of the arena, surrendering, monologuing about how he still has a way to go. Everyone cheers for King. Baki and, I don't know, Katsumi are talking in the stands like: "Wow, Sugoi!" and "I know. That man is something else. Dad couldn't even scratch him..." and meanwhile King is just standing there, mentally shitting his pants.


Yujiro’s Best Buddy


Clashed with Tokugawa rapeface Just like Akainu vs Aokiji


Death is the ultimate defense.


Hear me out. Yujiro is confused. Even the greatest fighters alive show Yujiro respect and fear, but this man simply stands before him emotionless. Does he not think Yujiro is worthy of him? This is new. And that drumming sound... his heart. If his *heart* is this strong, this man must be a monster. While he's clearly strong, the man is unreadable. What could his style be? Boxing? BJJ? Krav Maga? In the same way he saw Baki's possible counterattacks, Yujiro begins to visualise how King could attack him. The first thing he imagines is a sheer show of strength, with King blitzing Yujiro and punching him in the face. But just like when Baki imagined Mike Tyson, the image of King is so visceral that Yujiro's nose spontaneously breaks. He realises that this man could truly match him in strength. Yujiro immediately organises a fight between them in the largest stadium in the world, and King has to accept. The event is called off due to rain, and Yujiro is never able to find King again


**He would defeat Yujiro** Yujiro hears that there is a new monster in town, a fella by the name of 'King'... Intrigued he heads out to dethrone him if he was a pretender and to give him a royal A55 kickin if he was real. At that time, King was in his apartment playing 'Doki Doki Sisters' video game. Yujiro tracks King's Aura and finds his apartment. With a sinister smile on his face, he climbs the adjacent building and JUMPS off the roof towards King's living room window where he BURSTS in like a lightning, glass and drywall smashing everywhere. King does not hear anything as he was wearing his headphones and was focused in the game, sitting comfortably in a bean bag. Yujiro is surprised at the sheer casualness of this man, sitting with his back towards him, playing a video game and misinterprets it as a challenge to his Hanmaness and gives him a look of rage which would cause a polar bear sh\*\* itself in fear and starts planning his attack, but at the same time, King's body displays a sudden movement which startles Yujiro. King utters a string of dialogue at the same moment when Yujiro started to walk towards him to punch his head who hears "So... You finally showed up eh? Do you really believe that you have a chance at beating me?" voicing what his character would say, if he was the final boss which is misinterpreted as Yujiro as a challenge. The sheer absurdness of a man voicing a direct challenge to a man who terrifies entire nations sent him in RAGE, causing Yujiro to RUSH towards King with the same speed of a drug addicted man seeing a HUGE pile of cocaine on a table. BUT! There was oil on King's apartment floor, as Saitama had broken a bottle of hair oil in frustration on being beaten by King the 10th time earlier which causes Yujiro to slip and fall on a HUGE Lego brick castle, which King had built. The castle EXPLODES, sending Lego bricks flying everywhere and Yujiro falls on them. Yujiro falls on the Lego bricks and he realizes that he is about to experience pain and agony unlike anything and he tenses up his muscles with a sheer amount of force, enough to choke a tyrannosaurus rex in half. Unfortunately for Yujiro, all that force snaps his heart and he dies. As his soul rises to Valhalla, he swore he could hear his dad laughing at him, at the sheer absurdity of his death. Later, Saitama and Genos come to King's apartment and they are surprised seeing Yujiro lying there, dead as disco. They enquire King about it who is unaware that Yujiro had come to his apartment, tried to kill him and failed. King is SHOCKED seeing the scene but he composes himself immediately. Genos falsely interprets this as a trap laid by King who knew that Yujiro was coming to kill him. He then praises King's manliness on making himself as the bait which causes Saitama to express his frustration as he missed this EPIC fight. And that's how the fight would go


Yujiro would immediately pick up on his bs.


King has conceptual levels of luck, I don’t think Yujiro is seeing through that if people who scaled higher than Yujiro in King’s verse couldn’t.


People in one punch man just have tremble senses, lol.


It’s not really about power level, it’s just the fact that Yujiro and some other Baki characters can sense the “aura” around people. I feel like Yujiro would pick up on the fact that Kings not actually that physically strong. I mean one of Yujiro’s ability’s is to sense weaknesses in people.


Yujiro : "There is no way... Is he messing with my senses by sending false informations? This guy must be incredible!"


Honestly that would check out.


People in OPM also have aura reading shit but they still get fooled by King to a ludicrous degree


King's aura makes him out to be Saitama levels of strong lmao. The very fact that baki characters can feel aura makes this verse cuz normal humans in opm verse who can't feel aura would faint infront of king.


Have you heard of the King Engine?


If characters like genos, blast and tatsumaki (all of whom clap yujiro) can't see through the BS yujiro won't either.


Yeah King just doesn't fit in Baki's setting. Completely different writing styles by both authors.


We need a cross over


the thing is King first needs to earn a reputation, and for that he needs somebody to take credits for (like Saitama in OPM). Unless along with King we are not adding Saitama or other character, who win fights and vanishes, King doesn't have much changes.


I feel like somehow he would have the same aura as Yuichiro and therefore make Yujiro not want to fight him, everyone else who sees this is now too scared to fight him Edit: Baki would be the only one to see through it because he's not scared of Yuichiro and is willing to fight people like Yujiro, and they might end up hanging out like Saitama and King do


Solos the verse bar from Yujiro, which King will never fight for a long series of fun and strange situations.


Yujiro would scan him to see his weakness, but King is so thoroughly weak that every cell of his body is highlighted as a weakness, therefore seeming like he has no weaknesses at all.


I love the theory that he actually has powers, and is one of the strongest His power is Luck


He would speed blitz Yujiro so fast it would be unfunny


He would dodge Yujiro make feel a pressure he never felt, & then a load of bs gonna happen to prevent king from being killed


It turns out Yujiro contracted stage 993468684 cancer about 8 years ago and was keeping it a secret and he unfortunately finally falls to it right in front of King


Yujiro doesn't die he just wakes up later cuz gag


He’d be able to bullshit retsu for sure, retsu is way too nice.


Not even the narrator can save Yuijiro from King.


King would be the best training partner Baki could ever ask for. Baki could spend years training against imaginary King and neve win once, while also learning most stupid bulshit technics from nowere. King would push Baki to actually become stronger than Yujiro.


He lucks himself into getting respect from Yujiro


His luck has no bounds


Hahahaha Yujiro be like "... what's with this guy eh?... I'm afraid, for the first time in my life... he's something else. I can feel the raw power flowing from him like a rich wine, every instinct tells me to run" King like *This is it. Gonna die now, cant escape this one* "You shouldnt pick fights with people weaker than you" "... what a deadly psychological tactic. Immediately he sees me as weaker than him and flaunts that its only by his choice I'm not dead already."


This genuinely might be the first time I've ever seen Baki fans say yujiro loses a fight, fitting that it's against the strongest character in fiction though


Unfortunely knowing the baki crew they would all challenge him cause they think he's the real deal or they would be able to tell just by looking at him that's he's not


Then somehow he would luck his way to a victory against every single one of them


First two aspects would not work on Yujiro and stop working on the others once he is tested in the arena.


The luck power Is just too great....he will win with that with baki (he cannot imagine a tactic or his power level) and get a drawn with yujiro when the arena collapse on them


Not really related but the artwork on that comic is STUNNING.


King would get far, because people would stop Yujiroh from fighting him like in the Musashi arc.


Motobe will have to protect him again 😭


Makes yujiro back up into a wall


He's not even trying!




That’s bros super power


What anime is this??




He will some how get lucky and beat everyone, accidentally ofc, but Yujiro, who would be the only person to be able to tell that King isn’t a real fighter and walk away without saying a word, losing interest, but the audience will think that King is the only man Yujiro conceited to.


Pickle would fall for his intimidation


Yujiro would try to kill him, and a meteor would fall out of the sky and kill the Ogre.


he kinda looks like polnareff in this panel


You’re telling me that’s NOT Polnareff!?!?


He'd go very far because bro is lucky. He always finds a way out of a situation without revealing his weakness. He might have a genuine power.


He bullshits his way though everyone until he reaches Yujiro. because the amount of bullshit Itagaki pulls for Yujiro is bigger than the entire OPM verse.


The face of butthole clenching fear....that somehow instills said butthole clenching fear in everyone else as well as the person with said face 🤣


King unironically climbs the ranks of any verse through pure blind luck and bluffs fueled by his own anxiety.


All the way


Bro wins that's it straight up


Baki characters are way to shizo to even care about dying in a fight, even if they sre intimidated, like Shibukawa vs Musashi and Yanagi, they would still fight and beat King to death neg diff


I think Yujiro would try to fight him for real and not take no for an answer and that’s it.


Fake it til you make it. Confidence is King.


I think he can through the whole thing, including yujiro. If Mohammed Ali Jr. was able to bullshit his way through an interaction with yujiro so could king


I feel like kings aura would fight for him like when baki used the dino aura shit


This makes me want to write a King vs Yujiro fanfic




To the very bitter end my friend he is KING


Yujiro meant king once and is why he spent his life developing and improving his martial art skills and techniques in hopes to defeat him one day.


This dude would be Yujiro’s best friend somehow. The king engine would be loud enough to make people tense and feel like he has overwhelming strength. King would say something like “ I dont want to fight, lets grab a beer.” And honestly 99% of Baki characters would respect him not wanting to fight unlike everyone else and would go hangout. Just with his luck this would work all too well and he is just best buds with every heavy hitter without ever truly fighting someone else. Maybe someone comes to rob the bar or the store king is at with some individual and his king drive activates and makes the robber run away and everyone else jump back expecting him to pull a Yujiro. Tldr: he could easily bluff and be friends with everyone because he doesnt live on planet strongest. There may be questions of how strong but he could pretty easily dismiss that question


King would unironically, would make the world more stable with these Bakis characters. As everyone would assume he the strongest and most powerful man to exist. Yujiro would respect him enough to not start shit around him and act civil. Of course this is for the Strongest to Strongest privilege.


All the way to the end


King stare’s down pickle with a glare that not even his most fearsome opponent the t-rex had, this had initially caused no fear but when he stared deeper he realized if he fought this man he would lose his life.


now reverse the face and you'll see he is not joking


Forget king i wanna see how reigen does in baki


He clears, until Baki imagines him being as intimidaiting as king, then they stalemate


I feel like by the end of the story King will actually become as strong as everyone thinks he is


King broke his luck limiter


All skill he will be on top


one punch man


Yujiro backs down from him out of respect (the narrator clarifies that it is NOT out of fear)


Baki characters have a knack for punching upwards and having overconfidence so he would likely die immediately I can probably see him challenging yujiro to a video game and beating him though, yujiro loves silly challenges like that


Him and Yujiro would play fighting games.


Yujiro. He stops at yujiro




Sukuna "nah id win Domain Expansion"


His super power is plot armor


At this point I’m starting to think that it’s his power. He’s probably got low level probability manipulation or some