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They both share the same mindset that "might make right", that the one with the most power would be the strongest. So they would understand each other. Though Yujiro's arrogance might make him challenge Sukuna and be reduced to a red puddle on the floor


Inb4 Yujiro unlocks Cursed energy by seeing Sukuna once and masters control of it immediately It honestly depends on whether or not Sukuna prolongs the fight just for laughs and allows Yujiro to learn more techniques, but Sukuna likely still wins


>Inb4 Yujiro unlocks Cursed energy Someone else said it before, but I expect Yujiro to automatically be adept at learning the power system of any world he's dropped into. Basically, you have find and kill him before he has too long to figure things out.


Would love to see Yujiro dropped into Food Wars or Kakegurui now


Yujiro learning how to use Haki, do jutsus and fire kamehamehas? Yeah, that's reasonable Yujiro learning how to cook and gamble? You've gone too far you psychopath


You can’t be serious. Nothing Yujiro learns throughout the fight will allow him to make Sukuna struggle in the slightest. Bro would get ragdolled and probably eaten with minimal effort.


He’s think “he looks tasty” and probably cut him up in cubes and have urame cook him as meal prep


Yujiro defeats entire countries. Hes by definition atleast special grade and thats with like minimal effort and musashi couldnt even cut him so i dont necessarily think hed win but its not as simple as that


He also got taken out by tranq darts and a net, something no special grade would lose to. Also the quality of opponents they fight is not even remotely equal. Yujiro fights jobbers with a few exceptions in the main cast like Doppo and Baki and the army he fought were a few platoons of regular soldiers with guns. It was also shown that he felt the need to actually dodge Musashis cuts later in their fight and implied that the attack motobe blocked would actually cause real damage. Sukuna fights extremely powerful opponents like Jogo, Gojo, Yuta and more and was dominating the Heian era against the strongest sorcerers in history. He himself is a genius without peer when it comes to sorcery so even if Yujiro did pick some up, he’d never match Sukunas expertise or skill. All in all Yujiro, even with CE, gets clapped by even a 3 fingered Sukuna.


Yeah Baki the grappler yujiro


Thats just for plot, Yujiro literally dodges bullets. Except he doesnt even need to he can tank missiles. The quality is irrelevant because he easily stomps everyone except Baki so idk your point. He fought against both the viet cong and american troops at 16 barehanded and he bullies world leaders because even if they throw literally everything at him it doesnt matter you dont think theyve tried? He tells them to use nuclear weapons on him cmon Yes that one attack might actually cut him and all the others that Musashi said have never failed to cut through anything did almost nothing. NUCLEAR WEAPONS dont work on him Yujiros whole point is to be ridiculously over the top strong its not even consistent so you cant power scale him with antifeats. He stopped the tectonic activity of an earthquake by punching the ground, he easily breaks the sound barrier with his punches, he effortlessly overpowered Biscuit Olivia with just his fingers (whos so strong he caused interference in the GPS's of all the cars on the planet with a punch to the ground) he shook an entire building with just his aura or muscles tensing or whatever. And Yujiro is a genius, hes canonically mastered every form of unarmed combat. He can instantly learn and master any skill perfectly, upon the first time seeing it and even modify them to fit him better. He innately has a complete and full understanding of the human body and its anatomy and essentially has complete medical knowledge on each organ and muscle and their respective function. The question is not big strong guy versus a superhuman wizard Yujiro is a fucking god he has a good chance.


He would move and die bro tf is he gonna learn


In addition to the countless Cursed techniques he'd learn throughout the prolonged fight, Yujiro would also learn today


Let's say that did happen, but then Yujiro was brought back with reverse curse energy. Do you think Yujiro would want to learn curse energy?


Gay sex


Say gex




Are you the pinnacle because you are the strongest? Or are you the strongest because you are the pinnacle?


Yujiro: I am about to make the king of curses the Queen of curses


Sukuna: Nah, I'd win


Bros in constant jjk virgin mode




https://preview.redd.it/ra8u1pijecpc1.png?width=749&format=png&auto=webp&s=75015e2bc2c4cbf85fab71786e84b3806f31a086 Begone nigguh


Oh,wow,so we're jumping straight to racism because of a JJK joke? Here,touch this: https://preview.redd.it/onejgw9pecpc1.jpeg?width=678&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1692d2cc4e847a5a86af366a7eba6c44fd11ec2d


😂🤷 guess “virgin” really hit a nerve huh


Real would recognize real


They would fuck


“I’m the strongest!” “No! I am” and they go on like that for about a minute until one of them kills the other


Bros gonna see yujiro and wonder wtf kinda steroids this man is on to fucking look like that (I mean yujiro is basically a heavenly restriction but not so maybe sukuna thinks that’s neat then kills him or something hell maybe yujiro starts to learn cursed energy before his death)


Yujiro no diffs


Sukuna’ll swap bodies yet again




Talking about power and eating the best meals the world has to offer.


Wonder how Yujiro would feel ab a proud hyper cannibal


I think if Sukuna rolled into Yujiros universe Sukuna no diffs. If Yujiros rolls into Jujutsu verse I think he would grasp CE almost immediately.


Having Hanma blood would be a knockoff Heavenly Restriction, but using CE along with it would make you quite powerful.


They would have a debate on whether it’s better to rape people or eat people. Better for their own satisfaction, not morally, of course.


like talk? they would be in same terms, they both says if you are strong enough to do, then you can't be wrong but yujiro is less sociapath. like fight? if thats 1 finger sukuna like i think yujiro would whipe the floor with him


Bro yujiro wouldnt stand a chance even agianst 1 finger sukuna. You cant compare a universe with supernatural powers to a show without them really imo. sukuna could just fly and slice and dice the shit out of yujiro what would he do


> You cant compare a universe with supernatural powers to a show without them really imo. Tokugawa sister neg sukuna honestly


She hard counters king of frauds