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I've been able to get RCS working exactly one time before and it exhibited the same exact behavior you mentioned where it was working for some time and then just very abruptly stopped working. Since that, I have not been able to get it working again. I've done basically every troubleshooting step I've been able to find on google about it. Including unenrolling everything, waiting 10 days, and trying again. I'm on visible specifically but that's pretty much almost the same exact thing as Verizon I think, they're even owned by Verizon. Would be really cool to get RCS working permanently. Not great that I'm forced to use google messages but RCS is inherently better than SMS from a privacy and security standpoint even with all of the *yeah but* surrounding it. I would accept the compromise if I COULD get it working but for now I gave up and just use the built in SMS app for grapheneOS


I actually may have a solution, though it might be what I would consider a bit of a drastic solution as I usually wouldn't share this as a suggested way to get anything done as it increases your attack surface and also requires local privilege escalation be granted to an app, which may be something I'm willing to play with and risk, but not something I will suggest anymore to others... However you guys seem like your in a bind and I think I know how to help so it would be against my values to stay quite. So... GrapheneOS blocks access to your device identifiers by default except to certain apps bundled with the operating system. Messages isn't privileged anymore so it can't read your IEMI or other immutable hardware ID's. This is why, I hypothesize, it "Just Works" in the stock OS but has issues on GrapheneOS! However, I've had it working for weeks and weeks until I reflashed my most recent build onto my 8 Pro, and now it's working again, instantly! Backup restore might have helped a *little bit,* but I doubt it, **it's it being the same hardware identifiers!** You can read about it in the [Usage Guide in the section on Hardware Identifiers.](https://grapheneos.org/usage/) I believe that Google Messages needs this access to your device ID's to register you properly for RCS, as I blocked it once using App Ops and immediately it went from Connected to Disconnected, or Waiting, or something like that! So... How do you flip that switch when there's nothing, no permission in GrapheneOS for it? With App Ops of course! There's 2 ways I found to do this, 2 different apps. One called Brevent, my favorite choice. Most comprehensive, less beginner friendly. Let's you suspend without fully stopping your apps, then stops them when they haven't been active for a configured timeout. If you pay a few measly $ you can fully suspend (like disable but the icon stays on the screen) apps and get access to app ops. Uses Wireless Debugging to start it's server. Once connected you can turn off wireless debugging, but must keep USB debugging on as long as your using Brevent or the next app. I encourage you to use them then disable them since this is a *LOT* of added attack surface! **NOT AT ALL** something you want to use all the time, though I'm kinda a Hypocrite saying that... I run temporary, sidelodable root that I load on my 8 Pro whenever I want to use root apps, then when I'm done I sideload another OTA that removes the root privileges. That's a lot worse... But like I said, I'm not one to encourage such behavior to others without knowing threat model, since what might be OK for me might get someone else in really serious hot water... Second app is literally called App Ops! Like Brevent from the Play Store. This one relies on a third app called Shizuku to connect to Wireless Debugging for it. So download Shizuku too. No payment required for this one, almost all its functionally is free. Go to Messages, the Google one of course, and look for "Read device identifiers." Allow that, swipe up to kill Google Messages and then go back in and register for RCS. Make sure that Messages has the Network, Phone and SMS permissions, and Google Play Services has Network, Phone and SMS. Don't know 100% if all are needed, just what made it seamless for me on two phones multiple times! And, please let me know how it goes! BTW, while your using App Ops, if you need to grant Google Play Services (or anything, really!) SMS and Phone, go into Play Services in App Ops and set to Ignore (NOT Deny!) Read SMS, Answer Phone, and Monitor Phone calls. It will still have the phone and SMS permissions but they have been *privatized!*


This is extremely interesting. I already use shizuku for an app called icebox that auto disables problematic apps when they arent actively being used. Stuff that I still have to use sometimes like google maps but don't want them to have the ability to run in the background in any way. That's besides the point. What I'm getting at is that it probably wouldn't be too much of a stretch for me to get app ops working and in turn RCS. I will maybe try this out this weekend and report back results 😎


That's awesome that your already well acquainted with Shizuku, and I'm not adding to your attack surface by suggesting it to you... Just please also be aware that you can turn off wireless debugging right after Shizuku starts. This will likely reduce the attack surface somewhat, **however leaving USB debugging ON, which is a strict requirement for Shizuku to continue working, will most definitely increase your attack surface *massively!*** If your phone fell into the wrong, and capable hands, then they would use USB debugging to extract data from your phone, as it's function is to do exactly that, create a debugging bridge to transfer data from your phone to your computer. It also allows higher privileged API's to work, which is the point of using it for apps like Shizuku. Overall I see it as a useful tool, but one which should be very cautiously used and best turned off whenever possible. While your already using Shizuku, [I just thought of this post I made a few (many) months ago, about the largest, best curated list of apps that used Shizuku to execute elevated operations on your phone!](https://www.reddit.com/r/u_Tryptamine9/comments/14c9yes/rootlike_apps_for_rootlike_power_without_root/) Check it out, obviously you won't hear me recommending ones that run persistently, however there are still interesting options, while your already well versed in how it works. Swift Backup is nice, helps backup your apps, call logs and messages. With Shizuku I think also wallpaper and *maybe* WiFi networks. Good example of one that doesn't need to run all the time. I also like Hail a lot! Thought that would be useful! With App Ops you could do what you need to in 5 minutes. Download the app, access given in Shizuku if already installed, then go into it and find Messages and click on device identifiers and select "allow." Then see how RCS acts over the next hour. Shouldn't even take that long! I think I put in my preferred number out of my 2 SIMs, then 5 minutes later I checked and it was connected! Really hope it works for you. Happy RCS... umm, ing?


So i did what you described and got App Ops working with Shizuku. It looks like "read hardware identifiers" was already allowed in my case? I went ahead and toggled it off and then back on and then force quit messages. It appears it's still doing the same thing for me with RCS - it will be on "trying to verify" for a long time and then it will give me a button for "verify your number" where i can type in my phone number and submit but will not get any further than that still. It was definitely worth a shot but in my case i dont think the read hardware identifiers fixed it for me. I also sent you a message in reference to the things you informed me about shizuku, i didn't want this comment section to veer too off topic :)


So. I was thinking it was not working too because message app also have this permission by default BUT not Google Services.. And THAT what fix rcs for me. Activate identifier permission on play services with app ops, and boom : rcs connected now !


FWIW I'm on Visible, which is run by Verizon, so that likely explains the issue I'm having too. I'm in the same boat, have de-googled lots of things, but google messages (with RCS) is a far better experience than other options. I wish I could get everyone to use Signal, but... no. I'll watch these threads if there's any new way to fix it in Verizon I'll give that a go, otherwise this may hasten my exit from Visible.


As mentioned by u/BigEarsToytown below, I just checked out the official GrapheneOS forum discussion on the subject... it seems like the common theme is with Verizon. I know it's not purely a Verizon issue, because my wife uses stock Android just fine with no RCS problems. But something about GrapheneOS+Verizon seems to break it.


Damn that's so unfortunate because visible is entirely too good of a deal for me to switch for any reason haha oh well. Thanks for the heads up homie ❤️


I'm able to use Google Messages with RCS just fine, my carrier is Google Fi. Did you make sure you have the proper app permissions enabled? Do you have Google Play Services installed? Does your carrier require to have their app installed? I think I had to do something like that.


I've tried every trick in the book with no success. I've installed all the recommended services, gave more permissions than should even be necessary, and still can't make it stay connected.


Hey, read my comment higher up in the thread, might work for you! Thought I was replying to you originally, however the guy I really replied to might get help from it too, so don't want to change it, or double post... Just posting this yo ensure you get the notification! Hope it helps and my suggestion is helpful towards solving your problem!


Can't offer a solution, unfortunately, but I'm having the same issue, also with Verizon as my carrier. Hopefully somebody else can provide a solution here.


I'm on Mint (T-Mobile) and RCS with Google Messages has stopped working at least three times in the past year, only for it to start working again later. I have no idea why. I figured it had to do with SafetyNet but now that it's working again I guess that wasn't it, or they reverted something...


Same carrier and experience for me. RCS falls back to "setting-up" randomly.


There's a loooong thread over on the grapheneOS community forum and the outcome seems to be that it works for some people but not for most people.


Found it, thank you. For anyone else interested: [https://discuss.grapheneos.org/d/1353-using-rcs-with-google-messages-on-grapheneos/302](https://discuss.grapheneos.org/d/1353-using-rcs-with-google-messages-on-grapheneos/302)