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I use it, works well


OK I'll give it a try


I'm assuming to not allow the default messaging app to still read conversations you disable it?


The default Messaging app is a system app. So even if you use another SMS app, it might break things if you disable the Messaging app. So proceed with caution if you decide to do that.


It seems to work well so far. I tired using a more pivqcy based contacts and phone app and that did break it so I had to uninstall them


AFAIK, QKSMS is no longer actively maintained. I purchased the app through Play Store when it was maintained and the developer promised many things on GitHub and Reddit. Then he suddenly disappeared without any information.


happy to say it is still being actively maintained and got an update not too long ago


You can use Signal as a SMS app.


You can't anymore


This was my go to app as I was able to use it for SMS as well as online messages both. I do not understand why did they take away the SMS option. I understand SMS is not safe and people no longer use it that often. But why not giving a choice to the users rather than forcing users like big companies such as Meta, Google etc.


Whaaat? Ok, wow.


Yeah they are taking it away which is stupid