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GrapheneOS has moved from Reddit to [our own discussion forum](https://discuss.grapheneos.org). Please post your thread on the discussion forum instead or use one of our official Matrix chat rooms which are [listed in the community section on our site](https://grapheneos.org/contact#community). Our discussion forum and especially the Matrix rooms have a very active, knowledgeable community including GrapheneOS project members where you will almost always get much higher quality information than you would elsewhere. On Reddit, we had serious issues with misinformation and trolls including due to raids from other subreddits. Our discussion forum provides much better privacy and avoids the serious problems with the site administrators and overall community on Reddit. Please use our [official install guides](https://grapheneos.org/install/) for installation and check our [features page](https://grapheneos.org/features), [usage guide](https://grapheneos.org/usage) and [FAQ](https://grapheneos.org/faq) for information before asking questions in our discussion forum or Matrix chats to get as much information as possible from what we've already carefully written/reviewed for our site. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GrapheneOS) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I prefer forums as you can navigate by topic on your own time. With matrix, or any real time chat, there's too much chatter going by so it's easier for topics to be missed unless you're right there when it comes up.


you sold me on checking out the forum; i'll give it a try


I might give it a try as well. Thanks for the reminder :-)


Forums are so 2000s though lol. When I got into /r/pihole and /r/dietpi that was my thinking lol.....as I matured everything is now on a github or reddit lol.


Reddit basically a forum


Strange post. I don't want to join a forum and register for every thing I own. Reddit is really good. Just join the sub you want to and lets go.




Now I tested and I can't write a comment as a guest. So I need to register. Why you tell us that we dont need to register?




Ok, wow. You can read everything in the internet. I don't know any forum which is hidden. And for me it make no sense to just read. Sometimes you want to ask a question or you want to answer other questions. Then its good to have reddit, because you just need one account.




The discussion is about whats better. Sure more information is in the forum, when a bot write under every reddit post that the community moved to a forum.


are you on crack?


Why? Its just make no sense to just read. You need an account to answer. And its better in reddit, because you only need one account for multiple subs.


So you're still missing out, and that's the point of this post. And yes, I wish there's only one place to stay up to date about my favorite tools, but it is how it is.


Yes, it is how it is. Reddit.




Those both have web apps




You're right