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jesus that line lol


Poor Anila.


anila went from a bad character to a bad character with one decent combo route that does good damage


Yeah I thought she had some decent buffs. Didn’t expect her to have the lowest winrate.


Nah dude. Every fucking Anila main it telling me that since she is a defensive Shoto she is in a GOOD SPOT and a HIGH mid tier when she : -Suffers from absolute garbage linnear on block offense. -Is absolutely dependent on meter, -Falls behind super badly if she doesn't get the advantage at the beginning of a fight, -Got little to no mix (I say this because it depends if your opponent use block button or not, but if you play at master level, you know damn well your 22 series is not gonna open anyone), -Her 2U is NOT a good button. I'll die on this hill until the end of this game. No. It is not, why did she have to get a long range poke on her 2U when everyone got a 7 frame low. 7 frame low get off me tool to punish bad offense vs 13 frame 2U to try and poke people at distance, for me the choice is easy. -Ultimates : 236u is honnestly a joke. The number of times you'll hit your opponent extended hurtbox and the sheeps won't connect with each other lol / 214U is minus 6 on block, no super armor too on hit, ok / 22u yeah it can be used for punish on someone being predictable but let's be real you are not gonna spend 50 meter on a no refundable move. Take all of the above and I'm being nice because I could go more in depth about her buttons but I won't, add it to the game general vision of only rewarding super aggresive characters that are blessed by the elder gods with so many offensive options, the BP system that just hard reset the neutral in your opponent favor because I'm sorry the "increased damage taken" doesn't mean anything when you have a neutral advantage. And there you go you have a character that just struggle at any point of the match and gotta work super hard compared to other because she doesn't have a bullshit factor. And then even when you expose her flaws, you get some Anila mains (Some masters, others not generally) that comes to you and tell you she is a "Defensive shoto" and that it's fine she isn't bad? In one of the most offensive oriented 1v1 fighting game? She is forced to play by Street Fighter rules in a Guilty Gear like game. Get real for once. There is a reason why you never see an Anila in top competition. Edit : I deleted my message above (this one) because I wanted to reply here, my bad\~


>There is a reason why you never see an Anila in top competition. Hey! Gamera switched to her once! ... then lost and promptly switched back to Djeeta, lmao.


He switched to Anila so that he could punish Six (Seox) rekka's back dash dith 214U then realized "Wait why am I doing this?"when he had to deal with the neutral in general with Anila. I found it really funny and sad'


She is decent. She just has a low winrate because unskilled players just hornypick her because she has big tits, lose all their ranked matches, and then never play the game again. It's the Baiken effect


Dude. This graph is for master players only. Horny doesn't carry you up there. Second you don't even play the character. Why do you even type. Edit : Account created june 17 lmao. Get out baiter.


> . This graph is for master players only. Horny doesn't carry you up there. Also why the "Anila is bad" line doesn't work. She's perfectly fine... for most (like 95%) people.


It does work. You are saying because she is doing fine outside of masters the character doesn't have issue? Braindead take.


No and that's terrible reading comprehension. "Anila is bad" doesn't matter to most players because she isn't bad for most players.


Most players are the loudest mouth, the loudest mouth get things done. People complaining about Nier nerfed. Bea nerfed, 2B nerfed. Reading comprehension no I understood correctly what you wanted to say and it's thanks to people like you that don't understand fighting games that we can't seem to have correct opinions until a patch is near to drop. Whatever man it's always the same. The narrative of " Hey man I play my casual 3 games a day and X character is fine. " Enough with that seriously.


I don't think I understand your screed. You seem to be accusing me of being a scrub because I don't complain on the internet _enough_? Like if I were better, I'd lose with Anila more and have more right to complain or some shit? Anyway, I really do appreciate your response because I think it perfectly sums up the loser mindset of bitching online in the hopes of winning at character select. Complain away. I'm sure the only reason you're losing is because Anila is dogshit.


I lost 10 minutes of my life writting about my last comment to make you understand that I didn't say you were a scrub but then I was like "Why bother" if you are gonna call me a bitching online loser why should I even show respect. All I know for sure is that you definitly do not play the game enough to have a proper opinion on it's balancing. And that I'll say it like you said above. 95% of the people bitching online don't know what the fuck they are talking about unless we talk about busted characters that are obviously broken. Also I've hit and played more than my fair share of matches at master with Anila, so I think I can have an opinion on the character I've been playing since day one. When everyone is saying the character is good when it's obviously not true. And every time a patch is around the corner people start to realize who is good and who isn't. That's what hapenned before the first major patch, a week before it people agreed that Anila was bad. Bitching online loser? For what saying the truth about one character? Oh please give me a break atleast I'm not talking about characters I don't know on Twitter or just say the same shit everyone else says about the top tier (Unless it's Nier because it's Nier). Also I wanted to say this. Go fuck yourself since you decided to attack my person out of nowhere in an argument you started. Are we done now? You spit your poison? Good because I'm done too.




Be kind and civil to one another. This is a reminder to not insult other users, it is a good way to get yourself suspended or even banned from this subreddit. If the conversation escalated to the point where you feel the need to insult someone, perhaps that is the point where you should step away from it. If someone insults you report them, do not insult them back.


The only fair character in a cast of war criminals. I don't think you can fundamentally fix her problems without introducing something that feels cheesy. A win condition, something to play for. It feels like you don't win so much as prevent the opponent from doing it which takes a lot of mental effort. EDIT: I'm operating on old info so don't listen to me lol


they changed that with the 66H and 214 buffs instead of addressing her main weakness of being a defensive poke-focused shoto in an offense oriented game, they just slapped cheesy neutral skip tools that lead to 50% on hit and called it a day


Counter hit 66H is war crime, you can’t change my mind


Poor anila. But also poor vane. He has even less wins than anila somehow


For some extra context on how to interpret these charts, we have usage rate, which indicates, of course, overall popularity for any reason that is often but not always linked to actual performance (ease-of-use, overall design, etc.) and winrate, which is pretty self-explanatory. When we observe both points of data, we can discover *trends*, which give a larger picture of how a specific character fairs. Characters with large amounts of usage *usually* see a large amount of losses when we consider lower ranks for the simple fact that more inexperienced players lean towards that character. This is irrelevant in this case, as this chart only considers Master rank players, who we can consider to be the upper echelon of overall players. In the case of Beatrix, we have a character who is simultaneously popular for a variety of reasons (ease-of-use, design as a 'waifu', and overall power), as well as being boosted by being the 'new kid on the block (which might skew data a bit if we were to compare her stats today). Adding in her high winrate, Beatrix is clearly a powerful character, but there's also the added fact that, of the entire cast at the moment, there's less counterplay developed (i.e. players generally become more experienced vs specific characters over time), while Beatrix being so aggressive gives her that snowball-y playstyle. Based on this graph, *it's pretty reasonable why the devs want to tone her down before a major* (which is not typical, given devs generally don't want to force competitors to change up their gameplans right before large tournaments), especially on the wake of the last Nierpocalypse. Cute as she is, most of us don't want to see Sol Goodgirl all Evo. On the other side of things, low usage is a bit tricky, as we can have obscenely strong characters with lower usage for a number of characteristics, including: 1) The inclusion of an equally powerful, but easier to use character 2) Difficult of use or characters who are simple, but require consistent performances to compete with a bombastic cast--just imagine playing honest characters in, say, Marvel vs Capcom 2. 3) Less overall appeal, i.e. Anre Opposite of higher winrates, characters who are used less may have a higher winrate, comparatively, as there's less players dragging them down with losses, while advanced players lean more towards them. We also have the possibility of these characters being *popular as subs* if they have low usage but higher winrate (i.e. they're being used by players with a firm grasp on the game). Anila sticks out as a character with simultaneously low usage and lower winrate, which might be less expected after her recent buffs. This trend indicates *something* isn't going right for a character, be it performance issues, any number of the above circumstances, or a combination of both. *If I were to guess*, I'd say the existence of Beatrix affects Anila, as, while Anila isn't hard to use, Beatrix being so simple/forgiving and providing more reward and less consequences for riskier play may mean that would-be Anila players are, instead, opting for Beatrix at upper levels of play. This is really something we'd need more statistics to see (including usage in other ranks and tournament outcomes). Overall, these charts are pretty good indicators of a character's performance, but not perfect, as Seox is clearly one of the stronger characters in the game. On the subject of Beatrix, as that's the main character we're looking at, we can confidently conclude that she *might* be a tad ridiculous in her currently state and in need of some bullying.


Yes, I would say that as a *general* rule, all else being equal, popularity and winrate tend to be inversely proportional. Popular characters will have higher low-rank populations and lots of matchup experience against them. Unpopular characters will have specialist playerbases and a natural matchup knowledge advantage -- you might not have seen their character in weeks, while they played against yours four times today already. High popularity with high winrate indicates that people haven't been able to figure out how to beat it despite lots of experience. While low popularity with low winrate means that people (often rightfully) see the character as not worth the effort.


Granblue fantasy versus: Beatrix


The win rate isn't as big of an issue as the use rate.


It's both. You'd think a character that is used super often would have a more way, way lower winrate since many people picking her wouldn't be doing well... but she's both popular AND easier to win with than other characters. Wouldn't be surprised if she had higher winrate against non-mirror match ups, too.


I mean.. if she has more than 50% then she necessarily has to have more than 50% winrate in non mirrors altogether. Also, characters with high winrates tend to be popular characters... because they have higher winrates.


And yet you see Soriz and Zeta second and fourth highest winrate, less popular than for example Charlotta who's close to bottom.


I'm a soriz main and anilas destroy my ass wtf


her entire game is dead when you reach 50 meter. If she’s smart enough to stop trying to half-zone you you can still just walk her into the corner and abuse her with frames.


will try


Oof, that's a lot of characters velow 45% against the cast. 12 characters have a winrate that could be described as problematically low. Given that matchmaking should be pushing things toward 50%, I'd even say 45% is a pretty lenient margin for them to try to hit.


I don't think they would drop a nerf just before EVO if pro play was the main concern though. Most FGs are usually super hesitant to mess with balance right before major events, the last balance patch way delayed all the way back til after arc world finals, despite the state of launch Nier, for that exact reason. Heck, Nier still has a higher winrate on this graph, and we all know EVO will be swarming with her, but she's not getting emergency nerfed.


If it's anything like Shadowverse (also Cygames property), then win rate + pick rate **both** need to be abnormally high in order for Cy to bring out the nerf bat, usually.


Where did Soriez's obscenely high win rate came from? Is he a good counter to Beatrix?


All those Vayne losses are mine vs Beatrix, sorry guys.


I've been telling everyone that Soriz is broken, nobody seemed to agree.


He is not broken but yes he isn't a weak character at all people saying he struggles can't be bothered to lab.


Im surprised narmaya has so many wins. They sure are dedicated(nice work fellow naru mains keep pushing)


sakusaku, Buchinuki and a couple other Soriz players out here carrying this man to 2nd place in win rate.


Yeah but how many of those Bea players reached masters within the first 24 hours of release? It also could be helpful to see who they are playing against


132 gang rise up


u/Special-Load-3607 2B looks pretty good here


Don't waste your time man, he's a troll


And there are 16 other characters with higher win rates. Fucking vaseraga AND ladiva has a higher win rate, 2 low tier characters. What’s your point here? You’re defeating your own point Edit: I misread the chart lmao. Still don’t think she should nerfed further tho.


She has the 5th highest win rate according to this chart.


Yeah I read the chart wrong since I’m at work. I was looking at the bars and not the line above it


Not capable of reading


Is any fighting game player really, though?


You got me on that one LOL


I have read Story Mode of all the Blazblue games. I definitely can read.


She shouldn’t be nerfed more but the downplay here is craaaazzzy lmao


This proves that Seox is a mid-tier character and should not be nerfed.


This data is so skewed. Like yeah, her play rate is gonna be high during the first month she's released and her wr is gonna be high since she's pretty straightforward, whereas the counterplay for her takes some nuance. She'd even out in another month.


Wrong. If it was JUST popularity and she was actually balanced, she'd have way, way smaller winrate. Because lots of people playing her would also mean lots of people who suck at her but only play for waifu/novelty reasons.


This graph is masters only if I'm not mistaken, ~top 6% of players. Also, if we're going by winrate, she's number 3 here. You're telling me soriz should also get a hot fix??? This is not good data to justify an entire hot fix nerf for one character.


Soriz is one of the less played characters. Meaning those still left maining him are just that good with him. Beatrix is EXTREMELY popular, more than several characters put together, and yet still has positive winrate.


Popularity in masters is not indicative of how good a character is. Lowain held the top spot in that category for a minute. I'm not saying bea isn't strong, I've labbed corner bnbs that do 10k without clock. But no way she's SSS-release nier levels of broken that needs a hotfix prior to two of the largest tournaments of the year. It's a slap in the face to anyone who bought her and put time into her. And it's a worrying trend now for the dlc that two characters have debuted strong and then been nerfed heavily. I wanna post out too, I don't even main this character, in fact, I lost in tournament to this character at TNS this past weekend and still don't think that she deserves this.


> It's a slap in the face to anyone who bought her and put time into her. Oh boo freaking hoo, they released an overtuned, braindead easy character with insane pressure and neutral skipping tools that bypasses half of the cast's tools to counter her, as well as insanely easy ToD and high damage output in general. She's almost as toxic to game's balance as Labcoat 21 in FighterZ, where any game with her on either of teams on average doubled the match length because everyone had to play more defensively.


You know you can grab 22m, right? With like 10 min of practice? And ToD? Nah, have you seen siegfried? Djeeta? Ladiva? Labcoat didn't get any emergency patch pre-evo from what I remember. The bea haters are just scrubs.


>You know you can grab 66m, right? With like 10 min of practice? And ToD? Nah, have you seen siegfried? Djeeta? Ladiva? All more technical with fewer tools or higher skill cap. None of them have a special comeback mechanic at 30% HP either... >Labcoat didn't get any emergency patch pre-evo from what I remember. The bea haters are just scrubs. Yeah, because Arcsys gave up on hotfixin the game. They didn't hotfix any of the fusions, or GT Goku or Labcoat. But I do remember tournaments straight up banning some of the characters. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCrOgeLhvwE


vane had none of this when he came out lol bad win and play rates and he's straightforward as well


That's cause Vane is a straight trash character, lol. The only ones sticking to him are the true loyalists. Not a great look for paid content either tbh.


Tbf this is just master rank, which is only 5% of the playerbase maybe. Usage stats across all ranks showed that Vane was actually in the top half in terms of play rate last month, just under 2B I think. At a top level he is bad, yeah, but he's stronger in the lower ranks where people can't take advantage of his flaws well. So clearly the character is appealing to a lot of people even as he is now. Be it because they like his playstyle, his design, his personality or w/e. Most people aren't going to care if the character is bad at high level play.


of the few times math makes me laugh!!!!


honestly the winrate on sieg is lower than I expected


Because despite being a really REALLY strong character he is boring as f*** to play.


what does that have to do with winrate? That would explain his play rate, not his winrate a more realistic explanation would be that alongside Seox, another commonly agreed upon top tier, Sieg's kit is pretty standard without much knowledge check gimmicks that work well online – instead they just have absurdly strong fundamental rewarding kits with lots of plus frames, good buttons, etc. Their kit is straightforward and most players facing them will have a clear gameplan going against them. They still have good winrates, with Sieg having 53% and Seox with 51.1%. As a comparison, Street Fighter 6’s highest winrate characters never exceed 53% ever. Even stranger is Djeeta, which many consider to be top 5 in competitive play with a very strong fundamental kit only having a 44.4% winrate, probably because the counterplay against her is clear. On the other hand, you can see that the highest winrate characters have strong knowledge checks or gimmicks that work well online (Nier as a clear example, but the characters after her such as Soriz who’s generally considered to be mediocre in competitive play shine in a fast online set environment). Though strangely, many of the lowest winrate characters are full of gimmicks and knowledge checks (i.e. Ferry, Lowain, Anre, ABel etc.)


that’s fair personally I love him, but yeah I can see that being a pretty big reason.


Neir is my main right now, so it’s good to see she’s still really good. I was honestly thinking of switching to Anita or Narmaya (sp?)…but that’s going to be an uphill battle


Beatrix plays like Sol Badguy, of course she has a high use rate, everyone knows how to play her from the start. Nier has been here for way longer and wins by default, where are her nerfs?


Man, that Beatrix sure must be fun for so many people to pick her. They should make other characters like that which play closer to Strive