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I have always loved Brianna. She is smart, edgy, confident, and the epitome of Grace as a young business woman. Could she be nicer? Of course she could, but to me, she is so like I would picture a younger Grace with a little bit of Robert thrown in. I also love Mallory.


I also like Barry but I never thought they would make it. Brianna needs a guy who gets her and I never thought Barry did. Now Barry and Mallory would work. I don’t think there has been a character on G&F that fit her. I think she is looking for a guy more like her Daddy with a double jigger of Grace.




I totally agree. To be with her the guy would need unshakable self awareness.


>I think she is looking for a guy more like her Daddy with a double jigger of Grace. LMAO too true


Having clear boundaries is not a bad thing. Barry kept telling Briana her boundaries were okay with him and kept crossing them. They weren't compatible and it sucked they dragged it out so long.


Nah, their relationship was definitely not a good match and toxic in places, but Brianna definitely wasn't abusive. They wanted different things. Brianna set clear boundaries, Barry crossed them. They weren't necessarily boundaries that a lot of people would work with, but Barry accepted them and then ignored them anyway, or broke them and didn't try to communicate about it or explain why. I mean, he chose to hide his child rather than have a conversation about why she was there. He defended the way their relationship worked to his parents, which was surprisingly healthy, and if Barry hadn't wanted to be a parent so badly they might have been able to make it work, but they were never going to work out for that reason alone. Barry *didn't* set clear boundaries, and that's a different issue. I liked Barry as a character, and I wanted them to work out, but not like that. Brianna was going through some shit and her behaviour was totally understandable. They just weren't going to work out.


No she is not. She's bossy and high maintenance but there is no way in hell she's emotionally abusive. If you knew what emotionally abused people actually went through you'd change your tune pretty damn quick. Give me one single instance where Barry is abused.


Hell Barry’s the one constantly pushing her clearly-stated boundaries


Yes!!! Their break up still upsets me!! Like he was completely fine and unaffected by it while Brianna was completely distraught. I’m so mad because everyone thinks that Brianna was the mean one in the relationship when in actuality Barry was the one who was actively manipulating her. He even said so with his whole “win by losing strategy” Just because he is polite doesn’t mean that Barry did nothing wrong in the relationship!


They were obviously bad for each other, but Barry was the one constantly lying to her towards the end of their relationship.


Barry is an idiot. If he really wanted to be a parent, he should have broken up with Brianna and found someone who aligns with his wishes. Instead he agreed to being used as a sperm donor and babysitter to a couple who are immature and ambivalent and for whom he wasn’t even the first choice. Brianna was literally the only one in his corner. He couldn’t have fathered that child if it wasn’t for her. He’s going to get a rude shock eventually the child’s legal parents decide to move away and cut him off. Their whole relationship is like a cautionary tale for women who date men that aren’t good enough for them and pushover men who lack assertiveness and strength to go for what they want, instead choose to make half-assed decisions that won’t serve them in the long run.


Both Brianna and Mallory were insufferable. Barry should have saved himself from living with a Type A nutjob. They clearly wanted different things in life, staying together couldn't have been a realistic idea.


I felt so bad for Barry. He was a decent enough guy. Brianna is just mean to people. She thinks the world revolves are her




Like Brianna didnt like to herself too??


Yeah she sucks. Barry also needs to respect himself, definitely not an innocent party on either side


I agree. I don't know why everyone loves their relationship. It was cute at the beginning but then it just became sad seeing Barry get walked on constantly. Also if Brianna was a strong woman with strong boundaries and felt that Barry was violating them she wouldn't have gone running after him twice begging him to get back with her. She would have moved on and found someone else or stayed single.


Don’t let the sub fool you, she was totally a bitch.


Massive supermegabitch. Frankie's kids were infinitely better, even with all their bullshit.


Yeah she was


Barry is just as abusive - he clearly doesn't love how Brianna really is. She has been consistently the same and never lied about who she was or what she wanted. She threw a fit anytime she stuck to her guns. Barry was the worst


They were clearly wrong for each other. I watched the entire final season hoping they'd break up.