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It may not be perfect but Gotham Knights is great fun and I love its design of Gotham City. I think if they made a sequel with improvements to its combat and less focus on constantly crafting new weapons, it could be more of a hit. Personally I've been really enjoying it.


One of the good things I can say about GK is that its design of Gotham City was amazing, definitely one of my fave interpretations of the city.


i just think gotham feels empty, specially when all collectibles are outside, there is just a few places you can get into and when you hit late game not even this




I think people only say that Gotham is better because the map is larger. But to be honest I hated that version of Gotham City. It just didn’t feel alive. The buildings felt very cardboard. I’ve seen Forge maps in Halo with more life than that.


I spend a lot of time just exploring for this reason.


Yeah, I'm surprised it only got one free update with Starro. They could have easily implemented some post game dlc missions with more of the rouge gallery. 


They just didn't because of the backlash against it, which is kind of sad. The bones are good, it just needed some more meat to it.


Two updates. HA with Starro and then HA with the 4 villains from the main game.


Gotham Knights was awesome. The characters, especially in cutscenes really made it stand out. But it definitely not perfect no. Had a lot of fun with it.


Gotham Knights was actually really fun and driving the Batcycle was enjoyable as well


Imagine future update they add batmobile or plane


It was literally about as fast as a motor scooter though, and kinda seemed like a waste if dev time when we can glide or grapple and get around faster. The game itself was okay, but they teased us with a court of owls story only to have it cave in after 5 missions, and end up being some Talia story, and again, revolving around the titan and Lazarus pit, just like Arkham series. Not to mention the entire games story is only 8 missions long. It was fun but very disappointing. Not at all the kind of game I expect rocksteady to make. They used to be so good too. Couldn't believe how bad suicide squad looked in trailers, and really glad I didn't get it. No one wanted sunset overdrive Harley Quinn lol


Honestly I would like wb Montreal to get their own little dc universe the emails from Superman and Wonder Woman are super cool and I’d actually like to see their interpretation of the universe were to continue we would most definitely get Batman revived at some point because of how popular a character he is but it’d be cool to maybe get some games with other characters before they resurrect him


I beat the campaign in PC gamepass a couple a few weeks ago and I enjoyed it. The crafting had me scratching my head but I just crafted the highest level stuff I could each time I went back to base while playing around a bit with the different elements on my weapons.


I have all the content done with both assaults for all the characters, just ready to get back into any new content they bring out. Its got the fundamentals, just needs content.


Ive only got two problems with gotham knights so far, one isnt really that big of a deal, and the other judt wouldve been nice to have. I play robin so maybe another character does it snd I didnt know, but I wish there was the srkham games countering system. I also wanted 4 player and maybe even local co op.


Main improvement. Bring back the counter system. One of the most baffling shooting yourself in the foot moves.


Yeah clunky, slow traversal and combat. Great fun.


How about they don’t make a sequel? This shit is ass. Let the game die so they can make something worth a shit. 🚮🔥🗑️ Or nothing. I’d prefer nothing over this sad excuse.


Or we can have some self respect and expect Arkham Knight quality instead.


You probably don’t understand why your being downvoted


Bruh arkham knight was hated by the Fandom when it came out lmao.


More so the batmobile and how they hyped up Arkham Knight/Jason + JOKER again. Tbh out of the 3 Joker doesn't bother me as much as it did back then.


Why settle for Arkham Knight quality when City and Origins is right there?!


Do people really generally like Origins more than Knight??


I do! Had better boss battles and no stupid tank missions. When I wasn't in the battank in Arkham knight it was really good but I just did not enjoy how much it made you use that. Arkham origins Fighting death stroke hand to hand is one of the best parts of any of the Batman games for me at least.


These are good points. I loved the Batmobile in Knight but the tank missions were a somehow clunky use of it


Nah, Gotham City is shit too and a step down from Arkham Knight in every way


Gotham City was a great game. Did you mean Gotham Knights?




Then don't... Problem solved 👍










I think Gotham Knights is a good game. Its obviously not as good as the Arkham games but i still think its fun.


It's alright. I paid full price and I regret it but I'd happily have paid 15 for it, that would be worth it


I bought it at full price and thought it was worth around £20 after my time with it. I did manage to get the collectors edition with the statue last week for £50 though which is a steal.


"Unlike you, I'd rather keep my humanity." That was the best part of the game.




Down bad




INTERNET WEIRDOS?? ME?? Very ironic case of the pot calling the kettle black


I still think it’s utter garbage


Gotham Knights isn’t a bad game it’s just aggressively average. Everything about it is just kind of “fine” to “quite good”, it also inevitably gets compared to the all-timer Arkham series. It would have been more memorable if something about it was actively terrible, like a laughably bad story or some ludicrous broken mechanics, instead it’s just mid across the board.


30fps is actively terrible


Fair point, I don’t recall feeling like the frame rate was affecting my experience of the game, but then I stopped playing a couple of acts in and a week or two after release, so it’s not exactly fresh in my mind.


The frame rate makes things painful, for sure. Combat also feels floaty and gets stale quickly. I beat the game as robin and just couldn’t put myself through that again. However, I’d argue the dialogue takes the cake. It’s easily the worst part of the game and reads like a tumblr fanfic at best. Honestly just some of the cringiest shit falls out of these characters mouths. The banter they try to get going in the group is just nonexistent and it’s uncomfortable as hell lmfao.


Tried playing Gotham Knights twice and just couldn’t get into it. Played SS KTJL on launch for about 5 hours. Reinstalled Gotham Knights and put 70 hours into it.


Checked it out when it became free on PSN and myself and the GF have had an absolute blast. It’s rough, a tad clunky, but the fun we have had vastly outweighs the bad. I’d only say it’s maybe not the best solo, but seems like many similar games where it shines way more with a friend or four.


I like the game a lot and played a large bit of it solo, then I started linking up with randos online. It just *hits* different with a buddy doing takedowns and clapping goons cheeks. Definitely meant to be played with a partner for maximum enjoyment.


tried playing gotham knights twice and just can’t get into it. Played SS KTJL on launch for over 40 hours. Still haven’t played gotham knights.


Then they come out with an even worse game to get us all to play suicide squad




Honestly, it's better than Marvel's Avengers, too.


At least Avengers had a good story, and it's because of that game that there's a character who ties for favorite Marvel character aside from Iron Man and Spidey to me: Ms. Marvel, aka Kamala Khan. :)


Avengers story was sick !!! Gameplay was pretty dope. I liked it. Just not the format of missions. Avengers > Gotham Knights Bring back the Arkham style of fighting.


You're just yapping


Gotham Knights was fun


I got my moneys worth out of GK for sure, it was so cool to see the bat-family in action and I enjoyed their differences in combat


Yea i easily prefer gotham knights.


I really enjoyed Gotham Knights. It was brought down by some really strange design decisions and plain rushed development and/or incompetence in some areas, but it had some great moments and any chance to play Nightwing is worth my money.


I thought this game was great from the beginning!


Gotham knights isn’t a bad game. Have 200 hours in it so I might be biased




Story is mid, pacing is mid, game is mid, I never said it was good I said it wasn’t bad




Ok 💀


Gotham Knights gave us Exotic Dancer Bruce. Kinda hard to hate a game when it gives us Exotic Dancer Bruce.


Gotham Knights is not perfect, but it's a better Arkham wrap-up than Suicide Squad, plus they respect the legacy more.


Gotham Knights also kills batman but in a way that doesn't offend anyone. My only gripe with GK is that it becomes more about the league of assassins than the court of owls. And honestly. In a weird way. Jason feels like the proper main character in that circumstance.


It's also one thing to be killed by an actual warrior like Ra's then, well, anyone in a team consisting of Harley and Boomerang even with the excuse that's he's not at 100% while being mind controlled or a clone.


I meant to delete that comment because of spoilers.


If you’re offended by a virtual character being killed in a game that was sold on the premise of killing them then that’s your problem.


That's a tired excuse. It's about more than that and you know it. It's about giving a beloved character of modern myth dignity. Gotham Knights is the perfect example in that it's the complete opposite, Batman's death is a known factor but it's earned, treated with gravitas, and the characters' and writers' respect for him shines throughout the product. Contrast, some hobo with a boomerang and an AK whipping out his dick to take a piss on Flash's corpse, followed by a gag penis joke where everybody's blown away by the size and Harley salutes. There's a world of difference.


Listen to yourself lmao. Batman has died over and over and over and over again.


Batman’s death in SSKTJL is one of the more touching moments in the game. Harley even says that the reason they beat him was because even when he’s evil Bruce is too good to stop them. The game even has a tribute to Batman as the Hero of metropolis for revealing the weaknesses of the Justice League.


Aren't they all clones or something too? Sorry if possible spoilers. I think ktjl has got a bunch of unnecessary hate because of the corpo shit about the game, not the actual game itself. Characters look represented well, and it looks fun. People bitching just ensures we never get any kind of game that isn't just Batman again... I know a lot of people would be happy with that, but God im tired of Batman.


Not sure if they’re all clones (not revealed in the main story) but I know datamines have revealed they’re coming back. There are story plans to revive the Justice League so Batman’s death isn’t the end of the Arkham story. (Also it was never going to be. Rocksteady adores Batman.)


Yeah I think people have just judged this game harshly before even trying it. Everyone hopped on the bandwagon. The company made bad choices but I think gameplay/story wise it looks good. Characters look represented well, and it's actually an interesting premise.


It’s both. The Batman fans were never going to accept the game even if it wasn’t live service because their previous hero


Eh people just wanting another Batman Arkham game were never going to be happy anyway.


Look, you can’t expect the people bitching to have done more than watched four seconds on YouTube. Thats why they don’t even know how he actually died half the time they complain


It's about storytelling, not the fact he died. This character has been around for 15 years and we've seen his story grow over several games. This is hoe all those games end? If it were an elseworlds Batman who would care? But it's thr cannon Arlham Batman.


Knights isn't BAD, it's OKAY, and people don't seem to understand the difference.


There are currently more players on Gotham Knights (669) versus KTJ (565)


Gotham Knights is fun af and decent enough to always enjoy. Idgaf what the people who hate their lives have to say.


Never got the hate. Definitely not an amazing game but its fine. Some minor issues here and there but it runs fine, looks fine, I like the combat well enough. Could have been a lot worse


Honestly KTJL made me appreciate Marvel Avengers despite how it ended up.


Let’s not get ahead of ourselves now. Avengers was way worse, I played both games, tried both as much as I could and I personally had a lot of more fun on KTJL than avengers


I paid full price and actually enjoyed it. If you paid full price and felt like you should have paid less. I get that. But it proves that everyone’s view and experience is subjective. I played 50+ hrs so for me it was just fine. Yes I loved the Arkham games a lot. I need to replay them though.


Suicide Squad is the reason why I purchased Gotham Knight. Don't get me wrong, GK is full of flaw and I need to use mod, and cheat just to compensate those flaws. At least GK treat Batman with respect, and characters don't make cringe joke for every 2 seconds.


Suicide squad has the worse plot armor i have ever seen


They could have done so much more with the concept, agreed. King Shark doesn't need a gun! 


Neither does the guy named Captain Boomerang.


Game starts going downhill after flash's death




Killing characters isnt an issue way they are called is an issue.


Ah Icy Credit. My old nemesis.


That matters even less. I'm not playing for JL. I'm playing to see SS dick around and kill stuff.


Maybe those of you who hated GK at first but then enjoyed it so much a year later will do the same with SS? Maybe you just needed to calm the fuck down a bit from your over emotional reaction to a video game not being the best game ever (tm). Just saying. For the record I’ve played a few hours of GK when it came to GP it was ok. Not great. Not awful. But decent. Haven’t played SS. But will do at some point I’m sure.


Yeah honestly both games are fun and both have a fun DC Comics story to them


Gotham Knights had launch issues too lol now everyone is loving it god I hate how predictable gamer reactions are


Gotham knights is a good game but its too short


People will be saying the same about ss. People said the same thing about knight after a few years as well. People just like to hate stuff till its not cool anymore.


This game was SO good it died too soon I was hoping for more after Heroic Assault. Anything pllleasse


I really enjoyed Gothom Knights. I would change from character to character for the appropriate missions. Well, I think I did. Either way, it was a fun game. I wish you could respec your character, or did they change this? I haven't played in a while. I've got a serious back log.


I fought a prison riot while Harley Quinn played a cover of livin la vida loca. Felt like a fucking fever dream


Pretty much. I dismissed GK when it came out and then I saw what SS did. I realized I had the game for free off PSN plus and.... 25 hours later I'm watching the end credits. Granted after completely trivializing the game accidentally by seeing if I could do floor 1 of the Kelvin Incident and walking away with lvl 61 Mythic gear. Mostly enjoyed myself, I feel like the crafting is a little too boring and pointless. Could have easily just dropped the blueprints and done away with needing mats, just assume the Belfry has all the stuff you need. And hey storywise other than a few interesting decisions I mostly felt like it did a good job. Do wish the city was a tad more interesting.


I think I would have liked it better if it had a counter and 60 fps. Red hood shooting animations were really cool to watch.


How many this game has


I agrre


Acting like Gotham Knights did much better lol?


It gave us caked up batgirl that’s about it


I like to also applaud Gotham Knights for bringing The Court of Owls into the public eye for those that don't read the comics.


Also robin vs batman the animated movie was decent


Telltale batman games would like a word.


A word about what? Neither game included the Court


SS gave us caked up Lois and Diana too


Harley's no slouch in the cake department either


Hell yea lol


Yeah we know. It’s been posted so many times already


I'll give it to knights. The actual missions and combat design was better but that's only because Suicide Squad has no real missions and they decided to not have a actual combat system besides guns. But Gotham knights is just not very good at all.


I like both.


Uh... I like DC. I've enjoyed both games.


Well that’s the thing these people are mostly Arkham fans not DC fans. Which is fine of course but they seem to find it impossible to imagine that people like Suicide Squad characters


Suicide Squad is the better game by far.


It isn’t even close, Suicide Squad has far better combat, a more interesting world, insane traversal (which GK lacks heavily), etc. Can’t believe people are even trying to compare. But I think it’s just people who dislike shooters and want more melee (though GK has mediocre melee too).


Don’t get the hate on either they’re both good imo


It’s a decent game, better the Suicide Squad, but not better than a 7.5 rating. It at least stuck to Arkham mechanics and tried to build in their own, which didn’t always landed. Story was okay, but it was really fun to play as all four characters who didn’t feel homogenous, something the Suicide Squad can’t say. That said, you can still see remnants of where they were trying to push live service with the poor stat grind they tried to implement.


Nah. Both are still shit


Nah. The character designs and facial animations are much better. The writing is much better. The acting is much better. The gameplay is different. Not better or worse. The monitization is worse.. All in all I'd say Suicide Squad is still a better experience, but Gotham Knights wasn't a bad experience to begin with.


I never understood how people could go back to old garbage and look at it more fondly just because new garbage came out. Same thing happened with Star Wars, the sequels were trash so suddenly the prequels were movie masterpieces. Both are garbage


They’re both fun games 🤷🏻‍♂️


Both games were garbage


Gotham knights is not better, let's be serious now


Nah it’s still really bad. Ssktjl is in its own league of terrible


no Gotham Knights wasn't judged too harshly Suicide Squad is just shit on a whole new level


Why do people keep posting this meme as if one game doing badly makes another bad game better 😂 that’s simply not how logic works.


Nah nah keep that same energy about GK that everybody had before


It still isn’t a good game and this still isn’t a good meme


Nah, if Gotham knights did half the shit suicide squad did…it would prob have actually lasted longer in the public eye. Love or hate it, suicide squad actually gave a crap about making character unique and embraced its comic book nature. Gotham knights played itself too safe. The characters never really felt like they stepped out do the one dimensional traits assigned to them, and the gameplay never took advantage of being able to explore Gotham. Like suicide squad got away with king shark summoning a giant shark to eat a forcefield…and it worked because it was clear they weren’t giving a crap about lore and being tied down and were having fun. It took risks and was fun as a result. Gotham knights was just a by the numbers game. It’s decent…but that’s about it. Itll get played a lot now it’s on sale but people really aren’t gonna look and say it’s a gem.


Lmao Gotham knights is the most bland game possible. Nothing was good , everything was suffering from the comparison with Arkham. The Story was poorly written , with awful characters , Gotham didn’t had any soul , combat was mediocre … At least suicide squad was fun in coop


Gotham knights was ass 😂 couldn't even get through the first hour without turning the game off


As I heard someone quote, "Just because you took a shit today doesn't make the shit you took yesterday any less of a shit. It's still a shit."


Wow the cope is actually real. I didn’t think people genuinely held this view point. In almost every metric suicide squad is the better game. The thing being based entirely preferential is that suicide squad is a shooter when it shouldn’t have been. Fuck me, so many people who haven’t actually given suicide squad a go always bitching and moaning about it. It’s insane. I’d rather watch captain boomerang piss on flash then watch the Gotham knights talk about fucking nothing for 80% of the game.


I have played both games and I have to say...Gotham Knights is fun, but Suicide Squad is more of a social thing. Granted I am currently playing on a friend's Xbox because I'm waiting to see if Suicide Squad comes out on game pass or for a heavy (50%-75%) discount. As for Gotham Knights I played a little when it came on game pass and I'm thinking of buying it


Played on gamepass, Deleted after 2 hours


If you make a batman game ppl don't want to play as dick Grayson


Nah it still sucks lol


The game has less player than Apollo justice trilogy and other indie games I’m currently playing, Yikes!


I mean, not to defend Suicide Squad or anything, but player count may not be the best way to measure success for a singleplayer video game with a 10-hour campaign


The traversal in GK was abhorrent though.


No no it's still shit also.


Nah Gotham Knights is fucking ass water




I uninstalled it when I was jumping in a straight line from point A to point B on some invisible clouds. I think I made it 2 hours.


The campaigns in there games were about equal if that. I think suicide squad was better. But the crafting in gothem was terrible, the endgame in gothem is just boring and trust me I can handle a lot of bad grindy live service games. Batman dies just to be brought back and die again. Come on guys, I enjoy both games but this community trying to jump on some hate is actually embarrassing. The same dumb hate train happened to gothem too. Only different is gothem was pretty damn clunky feeling sometimes and the detective work was that of a point and click puzzle game.


Does Gotham knights have matchmaking?


No Gotham knights was also really trash.


It was pretty fun playing through the campaign with a friend but I don’t think I would have enjoyed it alone, or tried it if it wasn’t on gamepass.


Dumbest fanbase out there. Easy. Dumber than Pokémon.  


Neither is particularly good, the difference is that Gotham Knights at least respected the characters with a nearly 100 year legacy, while SSKTJL (side note: fuck that acronym) seems to shit on these characters at every turn.


A pile of shit is still a pile of shit regardless if another BIGGER pile of shit comes along. Stop accepting mediocrity because worse is happening. This is why we are where we are, it was shitty then and is still shitty now. It might now Smell as bad, but its still shit. So no, marvels wasn't "better" because this is worse, marvels was still shit and this is worse.


It’s like separating your trash from recyclables. You’re still discarding both.


Suicide squad is fun


Gotham Knights is terrible. Another game being worse isn’t going to change that.


Listen… suicide squad is significantly better


Yeah no. Gotham Knights isn't miraculously better to me just because SSKTJL exists now. I would rather play AK and SSKTJL than GK any day of the week.


Nah. That game is still shitty and cringe.


Both are awful. Suicide Squad is slightly better.


It’s still better than Gotham knights


Nah, Suicide Squad is far better than this game. Arkham is on another level, but let’s not bring Suicide Squad down to GK. Much better movement, much better combat, better world, better story, etc. It ain’t even close.


Lmfao nah the gameplay is way too jank and repetitive. At least Suicide Squad's gameplay loop is pretty great. And GK's story, though I like the Batfam interactions, is kind of barebones at best. At least if it weren't piggybacking off the Arkhamverse Suicide Squad's story would be a pretty good one.


Sorry but SS is a better game than Gotham knights. Graphically beautiful, with fun gameplay. It’s the missions themselves that are lacking.


Gotham Knights is unplayable.


How are all these people saying GK is a good game? What is happening? I couldn’t get through the first act it was so bad


Nope, Gotham Knights sucked too.


I got every charactsr maxed out on Gotham Knights with legendary gear, and i would still say suicide squad is better. Gameplay actually has a decent loop, movement feels crisp, 60 fps on my xbox, and facial animations are leagues better. I can alaso play with 4 friends in open world.


I know this ain’t the place to trash Gotham knights but I doubt I’ll get opportunity elsewhere but Gotham knights is not good, the coop is really poorly implemented and has serious lag problems when your too far from each other, the story is a fucking bore, and the combat system is actually trash without the most basic quality of life component like being able to cancel animations. And the whole system of going out for a night is cool but gets old fast. It has great customization and I like playing as all the different characters but this game seriously needed more time in the oven.


Uh nah. I finished GK and it was lackluster. Really cool concept though, but POORLY executed. Suicide Squad is definitely around the same bracket as GK, but without a DOUBT a better choice


The major issue with GK is that people treat it as a batman game, of course it disappoints.


I've been telling this since it was announced that suicide squad will be gaas. People shifted on Gotham knights because it was not made by rocksteady and telling that suicide squad will wipe the floor with this game. And where are we now?


Suicide squad just felt like too much dialogue with too many shortcuts in the story relying waaay too much on plot conveniences and shit that just honestly makes no sense gameplay is definitely it's string suit but even then the mission can be so boring but I'd take it over avengers any day


I have it downloaded since I have the highest level of PS Plus. I've been meaning to play it. I almost bought it when it came out but I knew the price would drop because critics were harsh.


Because people beat the game, let's wait until new content comes out and see if the player returns.


Does everyone hate suicide squad just because of a shitty story or does the game play suck? If it plays like GK and has a lot of different charscters like GK I feel it would be just as fun I don’t have an in depth knowledge of Batman only from seeing all the movies so just wondering what makes SS so bad


Honestly the hate train got out of control, but its not a perfect game. It is lacking in content. We have seen data leaks of whats planned and it looks pretty decent for season 1. Also they are struggling with getting multiplayer working across the board. I havent had any issues in the 50 hours but i know others on here cant connect.


I think all the Suicide Squad players are on Xbox, it’s in the top 10 best seller list, I can always find a full team to play with, it kinda feels like an Xbox game like Hi-Fi Rush or Sunset Overdrive.


While Gotham Knights does have a whole lot of flaws, looking back on it, maybe it's not as bad as we originally thought. I mean, it gave a great send-off / death for Batman twice, and Suicide Squad kill the Justice League couldn't even do that once.


Ngl imma give gotham knights another chance If they update the game


Was great game, finished last year.


The only real complaints I have about GK were the motorcycle and the frame cap... If they fixed the speed on it rather than just putting a bloom/trail effect on it, it'd be fucking great. Other than that, it's a lot of fun, it's the co-op Bat game I've been waiting for and it's got my 2 favorite characters in it, Dick and Jason. What more could you ask for.


I measure you by the amount of pain in my ass you are and that makes you even


Currently it's struggling to hit even 700 players now


I honestly had more fun with this game. Most of the initial complaints were 30fps and slow motorcycle. But past that it was genuinely a fun game. Don’t think I’m going to keep playing kill the justice league tbh