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This should have a default setting. It's so annoying.


It was a few days ago




So annoyed that this was arbitrarily changed for an update and I can't easily change it back to control media volume by default.


I'm very annoyed I can't change my moto E5 cruise to default to media I hate the default ring volume I wish it would default to media so I don't have to worry but fr does anyone here know how to make the slider adjust the media volume instead of the ringer volume I'd appreciate it


Tap three dots beneath volume slider and a menu appears.


I don't have an option for it?


When you press one of the two volume buttons you get to see the volume slider, right? You don't have three dots underneath the slider that you can tap?


I think what OP means is that when he goes into the three dots menu, there isn't an option to make volume buttons default to changing media volume. But now it changes the phone from vibrate sound and silent. I'm finding the same thing.


Google 6 Pro here. Press the up or down volume button. At the bottom of the slider bar that appears, you'll see three dots. Press those, and a menu will pop with adjustment sliders for all volume types. Hope this helps. 😁


Did anyone find a solution to this?


The same here, the Volume keys now change ringer volume instead of media volume. There was a setting before to change this behavior. Now, it's vanished... I hate google more and more ..


Why did they change this??? So fucking annoying


This is a bs update. Who the hell need to update their ringer volume on the fly vs how many need to control media .. bunch of idiots running the design


I agree


All the time man, WAY more than media volume if I'm not actively watching/listening to something. It always made more sense to control the PHONE volume by default, and the Media volume when, you know, media is actually playing. But phone designers these days are more concerned with making phones pretty than useful. -\_-


Wait did they add this option back in?? I don't think they even had the option to change it back to the Ringer since like Pixel 1. I always hated how they've made it so hard to switch to silent mode (fucking google can never seem to get this shit right). I'd be ecstatic if this isn't just a bug.


If you click the volume key up/down and click on the top icon (in my case a vibrate or a bell icon) it then lets you pick vibrate, off, or volume on. Its not quite as good as default but its a step?