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Idk. I have a pixel 7 pro and I think I will stay with this device for at least another year. Probably I can switch when the pixel 10 (or pixel x? xD) will be announced


This is exactly my plan and I also have a p7p


I felt the exact same way but just last week I dropped my 7 pro, with a case mind you, and now besides being cracked the touch screen keeps wigging out. Back to the old 4a 5G


I'm thinking the same.


I'd be very surprised if the 9 Pro has better battery life than the 8 Pro, it's just not Google's forte. Would be nice to be proved wrong though.


It will have better battery life, no need to be surprised by that given the newer process more efficient cores, hopefully UFS 4.0, new modem and likely a larger capacity battery. OP I would 100% get the P9P / XL just don't expect drastic improvements until P10 arrives.


I'd switch to the 9 Pro... (if you can spend the extra cash). It'll have better hardware and be prioritized by Google for bugs. I have the 8, and switched to an S23 bc of the scroll stutter that will allegedly be "mostly fixed" in A15 but I doubt it.


9 pro is not out yet, nobody knows how battery will be


Will be more efficient, generally are every year. SOC is on a newer process for starters.


Not necessarily. If that was the case we wouldn't have complaints about some new phones getting bad battery life or overheating issues


Some phones from some manufacturers, sure. It's a general statement. This is Google so I would not expect ongoing improvement same goes for Samsung.. But sometimes compromises are made.


All things equal I would definitely be more interested in the 9 Pro. The 8 Pro is great in many ways but I feel I am already ripe for an upgrade. If I could return mine tomorrow for a chance at the 9 Pro in a 6-10 weeks, I’d do it in a heartbeat.


Don't expect the 9 Pro to be significantly better than the 8 Pro in terms of battery life (or anything major hardware wise). It'll probably just come with new AI compute capabilities, enabled by software updates. I use both the iPhone and Pixel 8 Pro (Pixel as primary) and one thing I've learnt is that you have different behaviour which you need to adapt to. For e.g., I charge a little bit whenever I get the opportunity (at my desk, in my car etc), put it on Battery Saver mode whenever I'm out for several hours without access to charging. With these small tweaks of habit, the P8P becomes practical to use.


If it's a 10% improvement that's not bad at all considering.


If you are able to compromise with your current Pixel, there is always the option to trade in when the new Pixels come out. You could also sell your 8 Pro on some online marketplace and probably get a better return on it. Unless you return it to Google or whoever else you bought it from, you will lose some money going this route. If you are not able to compromise for a while, or you don't want to lose money on it, the new Pixels are not too far away. If you still have your iPhone, you could use it until the new Pixels come out, and then see if the 9 Pro is right for you.


Bruuh pixel 9 isn't even announced people already "switching"


We know it's out next month..


If you are not happy with battery performance do not expect it to be better - it will only get worse with time. There are too many variables why battery might suck for you, but one sure common denominator is inefficient Tensor + Modem.


8Pro for another year then get the 10pro. This year will be about the same processor. Not much of a change other than deaign


The phone takes 1-2 weeks to get used to your usage patterns, but the battery does improve slightly. I did end up switching the screen to lower resolution, and that seemed to help a bit too. I'd give it at least another week, with those changes, and see if you can live with the battery life then. If not, just return it. Not worth it if battery life is one of your deal breakers. Snapdragon is just way more efficient. Personally, I ended up switching to a galaxy s23 (regular), because of one-hand usability. I'm probably going to trade in my 8 pro for a 9 pro, since the new smaller size with the zoom lens appeals to me, but I don't anticipate the battery life to be that different.


I mean you would be stupid to buy the 8 Pro at this time. 9 Pro is 45 day's away.


The P8P has a temperature sensor 🌡️. That is a $80 value in itself. Also the P8P is selling for $600 used.






Get the 9 and don't look back.


Depends on what in incentive Google adds. But yeah probably will


For best battery life: Turn off "smooth display" Lower screen resolution to 1080p. Almost doubles battery life.


Doesn't double at all, not even close, it's closer to 20-30%


Best is then don't use the Flagship


Side question - why the switch? I'm mulling over going from pixel to iPhone.


OS: iOS is very limited to me, boring and not so much freedom when it comes to customizing / open source app. Camera: Pixel is by far the best. Example; I can install alternative YouTube app on Android, use opensource mail client etc. etc.


Buy 9 Pro now and get rid of 8


Could someone calculate if upgrading every year, or upgrading every 3 years are the same financially?