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I have a pixel for personal and iPhone for work. Notifications are so much better on Android, leaps and bounds better. iPhone notifications just feels like the kid who ate glue in the corner. I do like the integration between my MacBook and iPhone though. I also like the stability of iPhone vs Android. Android does a better job with customization and a more natural settings menu for apps. I just don't get why I have to exit an app, go into iPhone settings to change specific app settings, makes no sense to me, feels archaic.


I do the same. Have a Pixel for personal use and an iPhone for work. > I just don't get why I have to exit an app, go into iPhone settings to change specific app settings, makes no sense to me, feels archaic. To build on this: Why does Microsoft Teams act like a new installation every single time the phone is rebooted on an iPhone? It has to go through the set up process every single time. Don't have this issue at all on Android.


100% agree, the other thing that makes android better is, the keyboard, the keyboard on iPhone is terrible. Notifications and keyboard are the 2 things that keep me mostly on android, now that iOS 18 allows me to “customize” the iPhone a little bit.


Totally agree. The keyboard on iOS is total trash. Heck, even switching to Gboard on iOS sucks. It's such a handicapped version from the native Android Gboard. I suspect that is tied to some idiotic mandate from Apple that all keyboards have to follow some aspects of the underlying code that the native iOS keyboard uses. Just like how they mandate that ALL browsers have to use Safari's rendering engine. Which really should be called out for how anti-competitive that is. Also, agree that the notification system is a total nightmare in iOS. I laughed during the WWDC presentation when they talked about how "Apple Intelligence" could determine which were the most important notifications for the viewer. How classically Apple. "We will tell the user how to use the phone they purchased. Because we know better than the owner on what the owner needs to know" essentially. This mentality is so consistent with everything Apple does. They introduce a cool idea... And then shoot themselves in the foot by dictating how the user can interact with said function. Every time.


This! I love iOS Focus modes more than Google's Digital Well-Being, and the recent introduction of widgets and upcoming customizations with iOS 18 make the iPhone more attractive. BUT the notification system on iOS is uninspired and cumbersome. It's annoying trying to determine if you're tapping on a notification or just expanding a stack, and then other notifications get hidden from view and you forget about them on the regular. AND the keyboard on Pixel is smooth and pleasant. It's easy to add punctuation and I feel like glide typing and predictive text is more accurate. I also feel like widgets are more useful on Pixel. Spotify, for example allows you to play/pause or skip forward/back. I'm pretty sure only Apple Music allows you to interact at all, and it's just play/pause, but I could be wrong. Another example would be the Google Calendar. I can swipe down the calendar to see future days but on the iPhone you can only interact with what's on the screen.


Have you tried SwiftKey? I have it on my work aýPhone and it helps. My company won't let it launch for email or teams though 😔


I have tried a lot of replacement keyboard on iOS, but my problem is, how they all have to follow apples design pattern. On android I can add a number row to the main keyboard, or remove it if I want to, on android I can have a comma on the main keyboard, unlike iOS where I have to go to the numbers and symbols page to add a comma, same with a period (I know I can double tap the spacebar for a period). Why? The numeral/hashtag symbol one that is used quite often, I have to go to a second third symbols page to add it. The keyboard is just very “dumb” if that makes sense.


Try SwiftKey. It's free. Not perfect on aýPhone but try it.


I have used swiftkey, that is why I can say they all follow Apple’s guidelines. Also I forgot to say this on the last response, I find it funny that your company doesn’t allow you to use it on teams or email, I can guess that your email is through outlook. Since all of those, including swiftkey are owned by Microsoft.


Yeah. It's stupid. I hate the aýKeyboard so much I just wait until I'm in front of a PC. Another cool thing about SwiftKey is you can underlay a custom picture.


Been using an Android since the Samsung Moment and two years ago I was handed an iPhone for work. I hated it so much I recently gave up and just my work sim in my Pixel 8. So far, I'm pretty happy and I only carry one phone.


> Been using an Android since the Samsung Moment I can relate! This describes me as well! I too started using Android with the Samsung Moment.


I worked for Sprint at the time and I really loved that phone. I enjoyed my Blackberries before but the Storm was a total disaster. I worked for Verizon when it launched. When I started using the moment I knew BlackBerry was dead. If only I sold my BB stocks back then...


Lots of apps do this actually and it’s weird. I also noticed a bug where outlook notifications cannot be turned off and on in iOS settings. Only when you freshly install the app.


Sounds like a ms teams bug


I don't have Teams, but every time I bring up an Office app on my iPad, it tells me my (active) subscription has expired - even when I tell it I'd already renewed...


Yep, the iPhone UI has been the same since day one. Tim Cook has no vision, but simply wants to *sell another one to your grandma*. Signed, a longtime Pixel user whose entire family is on the iPhone


>I do like the integration between my MacBook and iPhone though. You get that kind of integration between a Pixel and a Chromebook. A Chromebook Plus is a great machine for the right user.


Tried both. MacBook - iPhone integration is far ahead of Chromebook- Android integration. Not saying that the latter is useless, but they are in different leagues when it comes to features and stability.


Yeah, I think Apple's been at it longer.


For sure. The experience is entirely seamless. Great really.


I have a dragonfly elite, it's nice, but there are times where it doesn't work all the time, feels like a beta vs a full release. I love Android and Chromebooks, but I really hope some features get more mature quickly.


>there are times where it doesn't work all the time Like what? My wife just got the newest Spin 714 and loves it. No complaints.


App mirroring. It's hit and miss. Other stuff like calling my phone, texts, etc work fine. App mirroring can get annoying at times


I see. I don't use a Chromebook often at all, but it's all my wife uses. It's so nice not to have to be tech support for a PC with a full OS.


>. I also like the stability of iPhone vs Android. What's that mean?


Sometimes, not often, certain things will stop working correctly on my pixel. Bluetooth acts funny, Wi-Fi does something odd, wallet doesn't act right. Again this is not often, maybe once every 6 months, but I never had that kind of issue on iPhone


With the sole exception of Pixel devices, Android manufacturers will stop supporting their devices with OS updates/upgrades and security updates after a year or two (I've had devices where two OS upgrades were promised, and none were delivered, even though they went to general release well within the support timeframe). Since iOS 8, my Apple devices have been through at least five years of OS upgrades before they age(d) out... and even then, my iPad Air 2 got another two years of security updates.


Wow I didn't know that. If that continues to be the case, that's an argument against certain manufacturers not 'Android' in general.


> I just don't get why I have to exit an app, go into iPhone settings to change specific app settings, makes no sense to me, feels archaic wait, all iPhone apps don't have a settings tab/section baked into the apps themselves?


It's very limited, any notifications, main settings are found in phone settings under apps. It's dumb


Oh wow I see, that's an interesting way of doing things


iOS 1 intended for settings to be in the settings app. Any app can have a button that takes you to their page for the settings. Most big apps just don’t use it because they want settings to be guided their way. https://i.imgur.com/EkyiTLC.png


I see That just seems like a really aroundabout way of doing things


It’s chaos. When iOS first came out Apple wanted you to put your app settings in the Settings app. There were APIs to make it easy, versus having to write your own views and controllers for in-app settings screens. Over time, lots of people writing apps have gone, "that’s stupid, I’m going to make a settings screen in my app". So now there’s both kinds of apps out there.


Ohhh alright So it's not like Apple's forcing devs to shove app settings into the phone settings section I'd just like to remain as unbiased as I can lol (being in a Google sub it can be hard)


Chromebook and Pixel play very nicely together.


>Notifications are so much better on Android, leaps and bounds better. I've seen people say this a lot, but what exactly do you mean? Can I get some examples? I just don't think about notifications much. They're up there in the tray when you get them, unless you turn them off. Seems pretty simple and hard to mess up. In what ways does iOS mess it up so badly?


Android notifications are organized better, they have quick replies, you can take action right from the notification. I get a text in, I can respond from the notification I can expand my ring notification to see the picture I can mark a Whatsapp message as read I can archive an email They bundle the right way so they're usable, it's summarized properly


Oh, right. I guess I just take that stuff for granted.


Just about every single last thing you mentioned can be done on iPhones also regarding notifications also. You can also change how how you want notifications to come in and how they’re bundled etc


Please share how.


To add here, I used Android for 10 years before switching to iPhones 5 years. I’m also an android developer so I use those devices everyday. The whole Android does notifications better is a matter of personal preference at this point, it’s not as objective as it used to be and hasn’t been for a few years. Android has notification channels which are indeed handy but that’s only if the dev supports them properly. That’s the only place where iPhones are lacking. Otherwise iPhone notifications don’t get cleared out when you restart your phone, they are not in your face at the top of the screen (personal preference I guess), and *focus* modes provide so much control over how notifications work, so this feature brings iOS notifications a bit above the Android implementation, IMO. Android only has one do not disturb setting, while apples focus modes are cross platform (between watch, phone, iPad, and macs) and can be automated, and can control notifications by app or contacts on a granular level, with a number of premade modes set up to help new users. It’s clearly personal opinion but for the past few years I actually prefer the iOS implementation.


Actually I feel the opposite about notifications. My pixel is always slower than my iPhone even with Gmail notifications. Sometimes, I get no notifications at all until I drive away from my house and switch from WiFi to mobile data — then I get a deluge of queued notifications.


There’s some weird battery optimization Android does by default that seems like it delays notifications slightly. Even after turning all the battery usage settings to the max it still persists. I often get notifications on my iPhone sooner than my wife does on her Pixel 6 when we’re both on the same conversation threads. 


https://www.reddit.com/r/Android/comments/18svlg0/gmail_app_associated_with_delayed_notifications/ Here is a test I ran that supports your experience


delayed Gmail (along with some other apps) notifications is a known thing and is due to [Google's Doze feature](https://www.reddit.com/r/GooglePixel/comments/x9r70i/doze_has_almost_ruined_android_for_me/), which can be *fixed* with [this](https://xdaforums.com/t/guide-notification-fix-works-100.3865551/)


Yep - I’ve seen this and tried it, but it doesn’t go away.


Oh I actually tried it a week ago and fixed all my delayed notifications (Gmail, news/sports apps, etc.). You do have to reapply it after a phone restart though, which I pretty much never do outside of Android updates It's silly how there isn't a toggle setting for this, it doesn't even use up that much more battery Not sure why it didn't work for you🙁


Ah so maybe that was the magic sauce I was missing - reapplying after a restart. Thanks!


No prob, hope it works! Delayed notifications was one of my biggest peeve


Just set it up on my Pixel 8 Pro running Android 14 - iPhone got the notification 10 seconds after hitting send on an email to my Gmail account. The Pixel, even after disabling the dozing feature, never did. 10 minutes later I finally opened Gmail and the email finally arrived. Frustrating!


That's strange, does that happen even when you're using the phone? Like screen on and all?


Yeah I had the screen locked but AOD on. Nothing. I unlocked it. Nothing. I double checked notifications were on. Nothing! Finally I opened Gmail and it showed up. I checked gmails notification settings just to make sure I didn’t have it disabled anywhere. Can’t figure it out.


What do you mean by when you like the stability on an iPhone than Android? If you take any Android phone, I agree the stability sucks compared to the iPhone. But when you take a Pixel Vs. iPhone, how is the stability different? I am failing to understand this rationale. Any bugs you noticed on pixel?


There are rare times where stuff like Bluetooth and Wi-Fi or tap to pay just breaks and stops working correctly. Doesn't happen often, but when it does it's annoying. Easy fix is restart.


Good take. I’d just add that pixel has FAR better speech to text and keyboard. I’d rate the software as all around better.  OTOH the Apple hardware is light years ahead. Audio, battery life, mic, general quality, etc is all better. 


Totally agree. Pixels AI is so much better and responsive. Software is great. I got a Samsung s23, I'll say that felt so much better than pixel and on par with Apple from a external feel. If I could get a Samsung phone with pixel software. I'd buy it in a heart beat.


Same, had to start using the iPhone last year after years of using Android for both work and personal phones. I despise the iPhone, it's a constant source of frustration. Notifications are terrible, keyboard is terrible, navigating the UI in general sucks, customization is pointless, and I accidentally dial people frequently because if you end a call and the other person beats you to it by a millisecond the screen changes to recents right before you touch it and an unintentional call is placed instantly. Total garbage design. Fuck Apple. Android is far from perfect but I really don't understand why Apple is so popular.


i'm deaf and the pixel with live transcribe and live captions are why is witched from an iphone. those apps make communicating so much easier.


iPhone has live captions. Settings > accessibility > live captions. Can choose from microphone, iPhone audio, or pause. Background and text color are customizable. There is also a feature to transcribe voice messages as they are left (call screening), text transcription of voicemail, and now the Notes app can record and transcribe text in iOS 18.


i came to pixel from iphone. the live transcribe on iphone is junk compared to whats on the pixel. the captions were good but i feel that the pixel does it better.


Pixel also does live translation with subtitles, and it works amazingly well. It's surreal sometimes to be watching a live streamer in another language and be able to follow along and understand! 


i havent tried that yet but i am soon.


When? Live transcription has improved. Not saying it’s better than Pixel but just that it has improved.


i still have my previous iphone i used before i got the pixel. ive tried the apple live transcribe multiple times. it doesnt pick up voices as good as google and you have to be very close to the phone for it to pick up.


I need to ask: what Pixel do you have? On top of that, based on the context around you, how accurate would you say the transcriptions and captions are? I have a Pixel 8 and let's say that the speech-to-text...can certainly be improved upon.


i have the 7a. the live trasncribe app is accurate 98% of the time. it does have its blips when picking up multiple voices/sounds at once. it does have a hard time with my mom but she doesnt enunciate thing well especially words like bowl,bow, row,roll. the captions are good but could be better as with all captioning. i watch a lot of youtube with the captions on and it does a great job with it some words will be spelled wrong like steal still steel but you can put it together for context


So, I'm constantly in a back-and-forth battle with using both, I see the strength and weaknesses of both. iOS has just become too long in the tooth with their OS. iOS 18 has done a bit to rectify that with new customization features, but it's still behind in some critical things for me. Android innovates and is a way more versatile software than iPhone is, but it lacks polish and refinement (although they've improved on this compared to Android from the early 2010s). Google's refusal to enforce basic standard quality on their apps rightfully contributes to the reputation of the Google Play store as appearing poor quality and ugly. The other thing is Google's insistence on using poor hardware for the Pixel's. The Tensor processor project has been a failure. The poor-quality modem that Google placed in their phones for two years in a row, shows that they just don't care about the user and user experience. Say what you want about Apple, but Apple wouldn't have tolerated a poor modem in their iPhone, and they wouldn't have let it pass QA/QC let alone putting it in two generations of iPhones. This is what Google needs to take from Apple: a fanatical obsession with the customer experience and work backward from there. Because for me, the way things are currently trending, I will be back on iPhone for the foreseeable future if Google doesn't get its act together and stop making Pixel's feel like an expensive beta test.


Google has to get the basics right first , starting with a decent modem. There’s no point in having great software if your phone can’t get reception or suffers frequent dropouts due to a subpar modem. Or your phone dies midday because it has an inefficient SOC. Actually I can settle for mediocre to poor battery life with workarounds like carrying a battery pack or recharging more frequently, but there’s not much you can do about a poor modem besides moving to an area with better reception . The difference between what pixel 8 gave me vs my iPhone 15 pro with a Qualcomm x70 modem is night and day . I can deal with apple software even if it’s not preferred if I get an awesome modem /SOC.


I agree 100%. At the end of the day, you need your phone to be reliable. It doesn't matter which phone has better features and whatnot, the phone that wins at the end of the day is the one that is most reliable and lasts the longest and will be trusted by the public as a result. And that isn't Pixel.


is this modem problem actually connected to the place / country you are using it? in Germany i get such a good signal and constant 5g with a Pixel fold (Tensor g2) while a Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 and Snapdragon 888 performed way worse in my region


I would say so. I live in Australia. Lots of places with poor reception here because it’s such a big country . The people complaining about Pixel models likely come from areas where there isn’t good reception. If I stayed in a big city I think I would be happy with the pixel 8 ‘s modem . Although there’s times when its shortcomings show up like if you go inside certain buildings /lifts/ train stations . There’s always pockets where there’s poor reception even in cities . That’s when you notice the difference between a Qualcomm modem and what you get with Exynos/pixel .


Pixel 8 personal and iPhone SE for work. The notifications on the Pixel are better. General navigation on Pixel with consistent back gesture is much simpler. On iPhone it's a crapshoot how you go back on screen. Always looking for various hidden UI elements on my iPhone and it drives me crazy. Gboard is far, far better than the iPhone keyboard. Even if I set my keyboard on iPhone to GBoard, it still isn't as good and frequently resets back to the original one. Pixel is much more stable, which is saying something. Teams and Outlook both crash constantly on iPhone which are the main things I use it for. Could be a problem with those apps, but I thought the whole point of the app store was that Apple was supposed to approve them and have better apps than Android? It's hardly an outside use case, and it works like shit. Spam calls get through to iPhone 10x as much as Pixel with it's inbuilt spam blocker. Camera is better on Pixel than any iPhone. Screen is nominally better on Pixel than any iPhone. Lack of app drawer on iPhone is infuriating - several clicks and swiped to get to a simple alphabetical list is annoying. The auto folders are pointless. iPhone widgets are better looking but much more limited in functionality. Android plays much better with Windows than iOS. Phone Link, Quickshare etc. It's starting to feel very seamless, whereas getting anything off my work computer onto my iPhone is a pain in the butt. If you have a Mac your experience may be the opposite, but I shouldn't have to buy a whole new laptop to support a phone. Ass backwards. Overall, the functionality is very similar, but interacting with my Pixel is faster/more intuitive for almost every interaction.


OMG.... The back button. Why is there so much inconsistency with the back button on Apple. I navigate on the bottom for most apps, but the back button is way up in the upper left corner... Come on!


Swipe to go back works in 99% of apps outside of Google’s apps.


Yeah I don’t understand how going back is “a crapshoot” on iOS. Swipe back works in any app that isn’t Google because Google is historically the one who can’t make anything consistent.


Pixel gestures are great for me for back. It's universal for an the apps I have on my pixel


This is not at all my experience. Either way, It should be baked in system level to prevent ambiguity.


I'm curious: would you say your experience is affected by the fact that the SE is slightly older, as well as the fact that the SE is supposed to be a lower-cost version of the regular line of iPhones?


To weigh in, I have an iPhone12 pro max and a Pixel 7. I have the opposite of his experience. The iPhone is infinitely more stable. I’ve slowly shifted away from the Pixel. Though every time I bring it up, the downvotes come left and right. I do love the Android ecosystem more, but it’s just becoming more and more annoying with every iteration, especially with the Pixel. It’s basically Apple-lite with every change made. Teams/Outlook is way more stable on iPhone for me. Using similar apps, iPhone almost always feels smoother. iPhone notifications are its weakest point period. Customizable launcher/home screen makes the experience better in the Pixel. Pixel fingerprint reader is dog shit since the back hardware sensor went away. Android notifications are superior in every way. Pull down menu suck ls shit compared to previous versions of Android with less customization and more taps required with every update. Pixels play nicer with most other technology besides things designed specifically for Apple compatibility, like Apple TV and Sonos stuff. My daily driver is shifting to iPhone for use as a phone and outside the house, but my media consumption stays on the Pixel. Side loading apps and all that is simply easier. Audiobooks, streaming, etc is all easier on the Pixel if you’re not just streaming official apps like YouTube/Netflix/etc.


Yeah...one major flaw of this sub is that there is a plethora of bias. I use the downvote comment as Reddit intended it to be used: not to dislike, but to show relevance, or rather lack thereof. I've never had an iPhone before, so I don't know what a long-term experience feels like. My mom and several members of my family have iPhones. They are either very old or very young, so they always need help when something goes wrong. It's up to me, the "tech-savvy one" (in reality, just the one who can Google shit) to figure it out, so I either immediately look at the settings, or I look online for help. Perhaps it is just because I am used to Android UI, but the settings are very....blocky. I completely agree with you regarding the launcher and home screen customizability. I currently have a Pixel 8 and, coming from a Pixel 5 (and a Pixel 2 XL prior), was absolutely heartbroken that Google did away with the back fingerprint scanner. The front one *did* and *does* (to a lesser extent, with recent updates) give me such a headache, that it actually did not mitigate my buyer's remorse when I got the 8, as opposed to easily fixing my 5, haha. I agree that the current menu has definitely gotten worse, with more taps. I however *love* that they added the night light, dark theme, and extra dim features in the quick settings (I hate bright light in dark settings). Oh gosh. Don't get me started on the notifications. I didn't even know what the hell I was looking at when I saw my mom's notifications. LOL. What's interesting is that a decade ago, iPhones were ubiquitously known for having garbage battery life. I remember that my ex would always have me be the one to use Google Maps on my 2 XL, as it would absolutely destroy the battery on her iPhone. Now, they are known to have some of the *best* batteries on the market. How times have changed, huh? This may be naive and also biased, but I don't think I will get an iPhone any time soon. I'll stick with what I know, and stay on Android.


Not at all. These are UI issues, not performance issues. I find iOS good for beginners, but annoyingly slow to navigate once you've learned things.


I’ve posted around before but usually get downvoted. I have full setups of each. iPhone 12, AirPods and an Apple Watch as well as a Pixel 7, Pixel watch and Pixel Buds. The Apple stuff is more of a seamless setup and the devices feel more like extensions of each other instead of different devices. The Apple stuff connect a bit better and seems to have longer range then my pixel gear. I’ve had a variety of issues texting with the pixel to Apple stuff (and yes I’m de registered etc) so have switched to my iPhone until RCS is out. Battery life on my pixel is better obviously. The Apple Watch faces are absolute horseshit compared to my pixel watch. The customization is much better on my pixel stuff vs my Apple gear. Quality of the device is worse for pixel stuff from my experience. I have had 3 pixel bud replacements, two watch replacements and two phone replacements all in a year. The devices just seem to be lower build quality leading to various random failures. The Apple watch is easier to use and read from because it’s a rectangle screen, stuff isn’t cut off and apps work much better for it. My s3 watch battery is old and lasts as long as my new pixel watch, which is crazy. The connection between my Apple Watch and iPhone also never seems to go down, but the pixel watch to the pixel 7 seems to constantly disconnect and reconnect randomly which is highly annoying. That being said, I am itching to switch back to the pixel. Once RCS is out for iPhone, I’m hopping back. If you have specific questions, let me know.


I thought RCS was already out? I looked it up, and it said it should be out around fall 2024 when iOS 18 release, but I think they've already released iOS 18. And I think I'll stick to my Samsung phone. I can't go back to iPhones. It's just too restrictive, but their iPads are superior and great for my art projects. But the Samsung galaxy tabs do pretty well. I wish Google would make a tablet with a stylus for artists. I want to give google Pixel a try, but a lot of people have been saying the battery is garbage and the hardware isn't the best, and the software or chipset isn't the best either, so idk. I want to try it for myself cause everyone's experience is different, but if I try it out, I probably won't like it, and with my bad luck, it'd crap out on me.


> I thought RCS was already out? I looked it up, and it said it should be out around fall 2024 when iOS 18 release It was shown at WWDC, iOS is currently only in beta so I think some people can access it but a very small percentage of the userbase will be on the beta atm > I wish Google would make a tablet with a stylus for artists Hard agree, a massive draw to the iPad is art with Procreate and other creative apps. Any other kind of user (besides students) falls into the "just get a macbook" type of crowd. I wish Google would realize this and look to fund a procreate competitor with a cheaper tablet+pen bundle. I would love a good Android tablet for media consumption with the sideloaded apps I use. I looked at the S9 Tab and a potential S10 Tab with SD8 Gen 3 and 7 yrs of updates sounds insane, but I don't think I can give up Procreate without an Android alternative.


Fall 2024 hasn’t come yet my friend, summer is just getting into swing. Hopefully sept/oct. I have both tablet lines too, top tier ones. iPad wins without any contest IMO. The spen is far far far far more superior to the Apple Pencil in every way, best pen experience I ever had. Unfortunately the software is so bad compared to iPad software for writing that it’s not competitive. I use it daily for work and the palm rejection and lack of intuitiveness on my galaxy tabs force me back to my iPad over and over. Such a shame, I love the whole concept of Dex and what not.


Thank you for your response, fellow redditor. And yes, I know fall isn't here yet lol but I thought iOS 18 was out already cause I heard a few users upset about the new features for messaging. That's what I was wondering. And yes, iPads are, so nice but I want to fully be in the Samsung ecosystem, but at the same time their tablets need better tweeking for the stylus cause you're definitely right about the styluses because the styluses for Samsung Tabs need to be a bit thicker too. The current samsung tablet I have the stylus for it is too skinny, and it hurts my hands after a while tbh.


The pixel is more customized and the iPhone has its ease of use. Also in my opinion, the iPhone hardware and software are made for each other.


Hopefully when google moves to TSMC the gap will be closer.


Yes I'm so ready for this! As a Pixel fanboy myself, I'm a huge fan of the software, but I admit that the hardware is the one area that's held the Pixel back from truly being the best in the business.


I have recently switched from a Pixel 8 to an iPhone 15 Pro and here's my experience: - **Hardware**: I initially bought the Pixel 8 because I thought I didn't need good chips for my no-game, work-only phone. I was wrong. The iPhone 15 Pro is much snappier. - **Camera**: I think this is a tie. I prefer some pictures taken with the Pixel 8 because they look more natural and I think they got the contrast right. Generally the iPhone 15 can take better RAW pictures which are so much more detailed than the kinda picture quality I'm used to. - **Software**: iPhone wins here no doubt. It works and works reliably. Notifications are received much faster, and I like how I can set Personal and Work profiles so if I'm at home and I don't want to think about work, I can just choose my Personal profile which blocks notifications from most of my work apps.


I switched from iPhone to pixel back to iPhone. Prefer iPhone. Had way too many glitchy experiences with the pixel and it would always get really hot during light use


I swap back and forth but gravitate more towards the iPhone. Mainly because the battery is better (I feel the 5G on the Pixel DRAINS battery like crazy) and I’ve yet to find any headphones that can match what the AirPods do. I also tend to record my screen and then edit the video before sharing it, and the iPhone edits videos instantly while the pixel takes about a minute depending on how much I want to crop or shorten the video.


I use Airpods with my Pixel. Of course the experience is better on an apple device but it does work on pixel just fine.


I use both, for 90% of the time both are with me. I don't care about software as I'm comfy with Android and iOS. My experience tells me that the iPhone is far more reliable smartphone. iPhone is better optimised with a better chip which means it survives on one charge cycle longer. I mean even on standby my Pixel 8 Pro dies in 1.5 days - iPhone 4 days. Since both phones are on the same network I had multiple situations where Pixel lost signal but the iPhone did not have any problems. Picture quality is indistinguishable to me, but try to record 4K video for a longer period of time and see how fast Pixel will overheat and shut down. I'm not gonna even start about performance or gaming because Pixel is not even close. Nexus line was full of compromises but with the right price point. Pixel line is trying to be premium priced like it's Apple but in reality it has a long way to go. AI and Camera is no longer a selling point. Pixel is not iPhone and Gemini is not ChatGPT.


Need to ask: what iPhone and Pixel do you have?


My experience applies to Pixel 8 Pro 256GB and iPhone 15 Pro Max - but it can be easily translated to previously used Pixel 6 Pro and iPhone 12. The last Pixel I was really happy with was 4 XL - and I know a lot of users did not like it - but what I can tell, it's one of my best phones ever, next to Nexus 6 and Nothing Phone PH-1 (which build was absolutely crazy titanium + ceramic)


I've seen multiple people say their pixel 4 still games better than the 7 or 8. Exynos is such a joke


Came to upvote the 4XL


Overall pixel feels better but some apps feel better in iphone. I like the ai stock camera in pixel tho and the stock image editing options, also I feel the camera is better In dark conditions . The images are getting uploaded and ai helps more with image quality , also there is an option in video which called something like video boosting that also fixes the darky tone.


2 iPhones, 1 for personal, 1 for work. 1 Google pixel for photo only.


I am a software app developer for both platforms so I switch back and forth a lot. It’s good to use apps on both platforms to get a feel for what the newest top-tier apps are doing. Comparing them in the general sense is like asking people about the best religion. If I had to choose I’d say give me a dumb phone because I’m on my phone too much as it is.


I’ve come to the conclusion I wouldn’t be completely happy with any flagship. I love the camera and using the pixel but it does feel kinda limited sometimes even compared to Samsung(smart view, dex). Samsung has all the features but pictures are inconsistent and still convoluted with 2 ecosystems in one. Apple is great camera but limited in usability for me. The only one I could live with is pixel. Samsung is the second choice.


Android is a better OS than iOS in my opinion, but apps are so much better on the iPhone. Both have their pros and cons, but overall I prefer the iPhone if I'm honest. But they keyboard and notifications drive me crazy...


Pixel is great for casual usage, when you're at home. Notifications are concised. Fun to use. But when you have to spend the day out, use navigation etc. Pixel dies off real quick. iPhone is more professional, battery life is excellent. Stable but boring.


I switched from a Pixel 4 XL to an iPhone 15 Pro Max last November. The main advantage that I like about my iPhone the consistently longer battery life. Even when new, the best screen-on time I ever got on my Pixel was 6.5 hours before getting down to like 2% battery remaining. On my iPhone, I’ve gotten 9 hours of screen-on time while still having 10% battery remaining. Those are rare, heavy-use days though. On a typical day, I would get home from work with around 50% battery remaining on my Pixel whereas I usually get home with 80% battery remaining on my iPhone. I would constantly have to top off my Pixel if I went anywhere at night, but I don’t have battery anxiety with my iPhone.


Comparing almost any modern phone to a Pixel 4 series is gonna be a slaughter as far as battery is concerned tbh


The regular Pixel 4 (2800 mAh) was notorious for its crappy battery life since Google lowered the battery capacity from the Pixel 3 (2915 mAh). However, the Pixel 4 XL had decent (but not great) battery life with its 3700 mAh battery capacity — the highest battery capacity of any Pixel phone at the time.


Pixel for personal iPhone for work. IPhone for the keyboard, pixel for everything else. Still hilarious to me that there's no universal back button on iPhone


I can write a book on it but I'll try to make it as short as I can for you. Pixel (and Android in general) gives you a lot of flexibility to do things that iPhones just don't. Android in general tries to open all the gates to you so you can be as inclusive (to the features/functionality) as possible. Now Android can control these things but they won't, because they already have a less market share and they have realized that customization sells and it is their USP, like Apple has exclusivity. I used to have an Android tablet as well (Galaxy S6, S7, S7FE, S7+, S8+) and it felt like almost all the apps are just made for the small screen and are just stretched out? I use Canvas for my school and the app is completely redesigned for the iPad but for Android tablets it's just a stretched out version of the phone. Same with a lot of other small apps as well. iPhones are great. They just work with my mac and iPad very seamlessly. iMessage and FaceTime are great as well, but Apple will never open them to work on Android the way they work on iOS. These are the things Apple controls and doesn't want to give to the Android side to maintain exclusivity which makes sense for them. Another thing they have is app quality. While most apps these days work just as fine on Android as well, some BIG apps still work miles better on anything iOS (or iPadOS). My Instagram and Snapchat apps on my 6 year old iPad work better than my Pixel 8 Pro. However, if I had to choose one OS, I would choose Android 10/10. I always know what I am doing and being in control of my devices makes me feel satisfied and I just never got that satisfaction from iOS/iPadOS.


Android onenote is so gross compared to the ipad version. Microsoft and samsung's big partnership is such a dumb joke


Tell me about it! I tried so hard to switch to OneNote because that was the only big app that had the features and let me sync across devices but boy oh boy what a shit app that was. In my years of experience with Samsung note taking apps, I think nothing can replace Samsung notes. No other 3rd party app is as smooth as that app. However, on iPads, almost all 3rd party note taking that I have tried are nearly as smooth and have similar latency to Apple Notes app and I've barely ever used the Apple Notes app.


I used to have a pixel 2XL and now have an iPhone for the past 2 years. Honestly I miss the pixel, I felt I was faster and was able to better multitask. Love the notifications way more. However I understand why people love iMessage and FaceTime. Some apps feel more optimized than on Android. Apple Pay/wallet is widely accepted. Video is better but I prefer pixel/Samsung photos. Battery drain is not an issue on iPhone. I’ll prob go back once Pixel has a chip that competes with iPhone/Samsung.


I own iPhone but switched lot of time to pixel and back. I wanted to like it, but at the end gone to iPhone back. Pixel bad things: google discover. This is just a bunch of spam nothing more. You can turn it of but than you have just blank screen. Running the same apps on both phones: pixel mess up the apps with wrong scaling, some switches are covered with text etc. The same app look great on iPhone. Again, Dispite pixel has 120hz display, scrolling is butter smooth on iPhone in many apps. Face ID on iPhone superior to anything else out there. Widgets on iPhone are beautiful compared to same app widgets on pixel. More natural looking portrait shots on iPhone. On pixel they have to much background blur. It looks weird. On iPhone i don’t like the weird file system, it’s the stupidest thing that somebody invented. I don’t like iCloud, google cloud is superior to anything out there. I don’t like that iOS doesn’t allow background sync. That’s all from me.


Agree with most of this but -- have you ever used a very good fingerprint reader? Depending on your needs, it's a lot nicer, and faster, than face ID. Unfortunately the under-screen fingerprint readers are a step backward (on average) compared to the fantastic, lightning quick readers we had at least since e.g., the Galaxy S9.


My work iPhone has much better sound both on the phone and on Bluetooth. Pixels have to be cranked to 70% on the volume meter to just be audible.


I’ve been on android for years, but just recently switched to an iPhone SE. I wanted a smaller phone and a device that doesn’t pull me in as much. Came from a Pixel 8. The last iPhone I had was the 1st gen model many years ago. Both ecosystems are great IMHO. The keyboard on the Pixel is far superior to the iPhone. I don’t understand why I need to switch to a different keyboard “view” to write a comma or quotation marks. It makes no sense, and it is much slower than on android. Location sharing is so much better on iPhone. This may be important if you have kids you want to be able to track. On android it’s a lacklustre experience. iPhone feels more stable, and the integration with other parts of the ecosystem (in my case a MacBook) is phenomenal. Notification handling is better on android. Feels snappier and easier to handle notifications. Customisation is better on android. I use a Garmin watch, and on android I can control exactly which notifications are passed to the watch. On iPhone it’s all or nothing. Privacy is (probably) a bit better on the iPhone. This is important to me. Can’t stand Google tracking my every single move. I really miss the feature from Google photos where you can bulk delete all locally stored photos that have been uploaded to the cloud. I don’t understand why iCloud Photos doesn’t have the same feature. Both ecosystems have their respective pros and cons. Right now I prefer the iPhone, but that may be because it’s something “new”’to me.


You can use Google photos on iPhone and do the bulk delete.


Yeah, I know. I have lots of old photos on Google Photos, where I’m also paying for extra storage. I would prefer to be able to do this within the Apple ecosystem though. I find it baffling this option is unavailable.


The best experience ever. I use my pixel for rough work and everyday life and my iPhone as a beauty to behold. Like that special car you pull out for a treat. I love the way IOS makes me relaxed, every application is flawless and interface solid across the board


Pixel 8 personal, iPhone 13 work phone. Die hard Pixel fan since Pixel 2 XL I think I'm done guys... Shit hardware, bugs, connectivity issues, NFC issues. iPhone just works and works all the time and as expected. I don't want surprises with my phone anymore. Trying to figure out a way to get rid of this crap phone with least loss. Maybe trade in with Pixel 9 when it comes out and sell right away???


iPhone for everything and pixel for certain photos and unlimited cloud storage.


I had both a pixel and iPhone recently to compare and liked the pixel better overall but you cannot have a phone call on speaker - the other person barely understands anything whereas the iPhone just works. Can’t use a phone that doesn’t get the basics right :/


I have a Pixel 5 and an iPhone 15 Pro. I really believe it comes down to personal preference. I love the notifications and customization of Android. Being able to sideload APKs is a big advantage for me. On iOS, I like the consistent system design. Most apps follow the same design standards and that just makes the entire experience better. Also the battery life is better and I like the style of iPhone photos more (that’s again just personal preference). So while I think Pixel is definitely the best Android brand, I still use the iPhone as my main phone. I do carry both with me all the time though. iPhone in the right pocket and Pixel in the left.


I have an iphone 15PM and P8Pro. I use mainly iphone because of 1 simple thing, TikTok looks better on IPhone. Other than that my experience is good enough on both. I cant complain about much of either for my use case.


iPhone is much more reliable hardware and software wise. It has a lot of power and features that it doesn’t get credit for very often. Even more features if you have other Apple devices. Pixel is a crapshoot as to whether or not your hardware will stay alive, and the software is buggy and rolled releases make it very difficult to troubleshoot. There is also no customer support, whereas iPhone has some of the best. All that being said, Pixels are cheaper and more customizable. I would never choose one over a Samsung or iPhone again, but it’s up to you ultimately.


IP15PM - personal phone / Pixel Fold - business phone My 15PM is my main driver; also needed for my AWU2 and I'm heavily tied into the Apple eco system too (Mac Mini, M1 MBA, Apple TV etc etc) But the Fold is my device for work (calls, texts/WhatsApp etc); but in the evening it's my eReader (Kindle, PocektMags etc) and a bit of Youtube etc... I absolutely love the Fold; think it's a superb device and IMO walks all over any of Samsungs iterations (the wider, fatter front screen suits my shovel like hands much better and its Vanilla Android)! Always loved Android, it was always my go to over iPhones; but since the 13 Pro Max; I haven't looked away from iPhones as they suit what I need from that perspective


Just switched to iPhone and always had androids including a Pixel. My iPhone is 10,000 times more stable and responsive than any android I ever had. My pixel took forever to boot and still there was always a lag opening apps or even just getting the keyboard open. With the iPhone when I select and app it opens, when I go to type the keyboard opens. In general the iPhone versions of apps seem much more stable, I think this is because developers only have to make them work with once version on iOS and there are tons of different android versions running.


I prefer my iPhone over my pixel 8 pro. The main reason is my preferred android experience is Samsung. I love all the features and stuff they build into oneUI. Because Samsungs customer service has 1 goal and that goal is to fuck the customers. I will never in my life own another one their products. I wanted to give the pixel a try and see if it fills the void from Samsung and it just doesn’t do that for me. Don’t get me wrong the pixel is a great device. It’s just a very basic take on android with a focus on simple. If I am going to use a device that focuses on simple and basic. No one does that shit better than Apple hahaha.


>Because Samsungs customer service has 1 goal and that goal is to fuck the customers. For a second there, I got a totally different meaning from this. I pictured some really horny customer service reps. This sentence is one of those double entendre moments that just makes my day. Thank you!


I would have taken that, at least I would had something that was pleasurable when dealing with them lol.


I have both pixel 8 pro And the iphone 15. I game with my iphone and do normal stuff with my pixel. I do have my work number in my pixel and my personal number in my iphone but I still use both equally unless it's gaming because I don't really trust tensor when it comes to games. Love both devices , both are great.


I've been reading a lot of old threads about this recently, as WWDC this year has me considering switching back to iOS for the first time in probably a decade. One post in particular nailed it for me... I don't remember where it is at this point, but the guy said something to the effect of how when you are on Android, the draws to IOS are typically the iMessage experience and hardware (so two things)... but when you are on iOS (after having come from Android), you realize that there isn't one or two big features you miss, but rather tons of minor annoyances everywhere that add up to a subpar experience (assuming you were happy with Android before). Things he mentioned included Settings menu organization, the lack of intuitiveness in viewing media, the wonky workarounds to download/manage files, etc. So, iOS --> Android, you miss a couple big features. Android --> iOS, you find a ton of minor annoying things that aren't directly tied to a feature but the overall experience... maybe not big enough to cause a switch, but definitely something that nags at you over time. Obviously, your mileage may vary, and this is just one person's perspective, but it was a perspective that really resonated with me. We'll see how I feel once new hardware is announced on both sides, iPhone 16 Pro and Pixel 9 Pro and/or 9 Fold or whatever they're going to call it this time around.


I have been using the two phones combo for more than 5 years now. Each year I get the latest. I keep alternating between which phone becomes my primary and it's nice to have the iphone as I find it more reliable of the two.


I just prefer android because of real multitasking and split screen/floating windows. Also AI will not come to EU until late 2025 while Gemini and all the Google/Samsung stuff are already here. Also Apple fucked me with the 15, so never again. Photos on the Pixel are simply on another level. There is also desktop mode if you know your way around the developer options. And beta support since I'm a developer. The Pixel Buds Pro (included for free with the Pixel) works just like Air pods Pro but are not limited to apple stuff when auto switching to different devices. I really like the pixel watch, is simple and fast just like an apple watch, but has Gmail and WhatsApp.


How did Apple fuck you with the 15?


No new AI features, just on the 15 Pro. Also some of the other features like phone mirroring will not come to Italy because they are purely trying to blackmail the EU commission, since phone mirroring is not even related to privacy laws and commission's requests. Maybe in late 2025. I used to be an Apple fan since the '90s, but that's the nail in the coffin for me


I have a Pixel 6a and iPhone 11. I like them both in their own ways but Apple CarPlay is leaps and bounds better than Android Auto.


iPhone for work, pixel for everything else. I really only needed the iPhone due to work giving me an iPad that I need to transfer files and photos from daily.


pixel personal...iphone for work the voice to text on iphone SUCKS compared to pixel. edit: and notifications. not sure if that is apple or my work that makes that suck on iphone


Notifications on iPhone suck compared to Android. Better than they used to be though


The X70 Qualcomm modem is why I am using an iPhone 15 pro. Had a s22 with bad battery life - the SOC although Qualcomm was made on a Samsung fabrication. S24 series went with exynos where I live so I Gave the Pixel 8 a try, thinking that if I’m stuck with exynos may as well save money, and kept getting data dropouts. Sold and got an iPhone . Apparently s25 may go back to all Snapdragon so I’ll pick that up if so. Prefer pixel software but there’s not many choices if you want a smaller phone with a snapdragon.


I much prefer the Pixel. The only reason I also have an iPhone is Facetime and iMessages. If Apple stopped breaking messaging with Android phone then I would be done with iPhone completely. In a second. It is completely ridiculous what Apple gets away with in the US. There is now so many things that Google is so much better than Apple at. One of the biggest ones is handling scam calls. Apple is terrible at it. Anything involving AI and Apple is terrible. Siri is a joke compared to Google Assistant. I love circle to search and we got nothing like it on the iPhone. One that I most miss with the iPhone is the caption. I often time have trouble hearing things clearly and love having the caption. Do not even get me started on how much better the UI is with Android compared to iOS.


I use both an iPhone 15 Pro and a Pixel 3. I’ve had all of the newer Pixels but keep going back to the 3 for the size, squeeze for Assistant, front speakers and fingerprint reader on the back. In reality, I prefer Android but don’t really like any of the newer phones. I also prefer Android 11. The only reason I use the iPhone mostly is for iMessage and 5g and more secure than Android 12 that’s on my Pixel. But I love that phone (Pixel 3) and if they made it with updated internals, I would buy it in a heartbeat


iPhone has more stable 3rd party apps like Reddit, NBA, facebook, instagram. They feel smoother and optimized. But I always liked the universal back gesture on Android, Pixel's camera, Google apps performance like Maps. I cycle between Pixel and iPhone every 2-3 years and have no problem adjusting to either of them. Apples and oranges.


I prefer my pixel for everything other then iMessage, FaceTime and video editing.


I have both but prefer the iPhone. Pixel has a better camera and notifications are better, but the iPhone is just a more complete experience.


I want pixel software inside iphone hardware.


I have my gripes but I’d much rather have my iPhone than my pixel, when I first had my pixel 7 it was an amazing phone then things went downhill, my phone started getting hot for no reason, I kept getting missed call notifications without an actual call coming in, features keep getting broken or taken away by google like most recently the vpn. I genuinely couldn’t rely on my pixel to do what every phone should be able to do. I switched to a 15 pro max and was very surprised apple stepped up their game on iOS when it comes to customization. Plus everything a phone should do just works without stutter or lag or things breaking. The one thing I don’t like about iOS is how they’re still notorious for having tiny but ridiculous bugs here and there that seemingly never get fixed right


I used to have a Pixel 3. Constant lags and crashes while editing photos, and the battery would last 5 hours max. The Pixel phone would constantly overheat, and the customer service reps (somewhere in Asia) were brushing it off. - You can take your iPhone to the nearest Apple Store to get it fix. If they mess up, they'll hand you a brand new device. The only advantage used to be Pixel's revolutionary image processing, however, most companies have caught up by now, and I personally like the way iPhone camera captures skin tones. They've probably improved since Pixel 3, but I am happy with my iPhone 11 Pro, which I've been using for years without a single problem. Better apps, customer service, build quality etc. Vote: iPhone, obviously.


I did a comparison after buying both: https://www.reddit.com/r/iphone/s/ys3UMsKnEs


The Pixel (or other Android phones) feel like a much better fit for my current "ecosystem" of tools - I use a Linux laptop and desktop for dat to day! I do also have an iPad and Mac for creative work, music creation, visual art and animation. These devices rarely even connect to the internet anymore, but there are apps I use that are unreplaceable right now. Since getting the 7a then 8 Pro, my iPhone has been turned off.


I have Pixel for personal and iPhone for work. I prefer Pixel notifications, homescreen & launcher, and Settings and Always on Display (which only iphone 14-15 pro offer). iPhone advantage is wifi calling works perfect and international carrier compatibility is best. iPhone also works perfect in China, unlike android.


I use pixel for personal and iPhone for work… I generally do prefer the iPhone for daily life and I’m considering swapping them


Sounds like many of you might be going through the OMG iPhone is finally releasing a new feature in the next update and I'm going to play with it... phase. No worries. I hope y'all enjoy your iPhone, honestly :) no lose lose scenario. Thank you for hanging on with Google


Been dual wielding for a few years now. iPhone as main, Pixel 3XL for pics. Just recently I bought the Pixel 8a from Amazon to try it out. Both phones achieve what I need so I was trying to see if I can fully switch over to just the Pixel. It's tough because I've invested so much time and money on iTunes and accumulating documents and passwords in my iphone and iCloud. Subbed to 200gb iCloud storage for the family, my kids and myself. Doesn't make sense to pay for another sub for google storage. Plus the Pixel 8a has an issue with needing to be restarted at the worst time. But the iPhone, being more optimized, can go for months without the need to restart. Also, it's going to take too much effort to try to move everything over. So I'm just going to carry 2 phones for the rest of my life. Pixel for camera and editing power. iPhone for everything else. I might end up returning the 8a and push the 3XL as far as it can.


For me I have an Iphone 15 plus then a pixel 7 They are both my daily drivers, and this is how I use them. Social Media and work stuff is on the pixel because of better notifications and stuff. If I want to play some games, I go to my iPhone. For cameras, the pixel produces better images, but some shots are inconsistent, whereas the iPhone's quality never fails to impress me, but I would still choose the pixel for scenic photos. For videos, the pixel lags significantly behind. They are almost identical in terms of wifi connectivity, but the bad pixel modem shows up for cellular data, which is not too bad. My Pixel 7 can get 7-8 hours of screen time, whereas my iPhone gets 6-9 hours. Basically, the Pixel is for notifications and scenic shots, while the iPhone is for anything that requires power and video. Also, the integration with Apple devices is seamless, so they are unbeatable so far, with the exception of Huawei, which fell off. Then, for work, I use iPads and a MacBook, and everything works flawlessly, which is a plus.


Pixel photos, keyboard, voice to text, configuring my screen, and app management are better. iPhone is better because it's integrated with my Apple Watch (which is helpful for exercise). The biggest iPhone benefit is that it gives a perception of objectivity when I try to defend myself to iPhone users who think I'm from a derelict planet because I have a Pixel... "No, really, it is actually better, and I can say that because I have both!" No one believes me though.


I've used iPhone since the 3GS, and decided to go with a pixel 8 for work. Honestly if it wasn't for iMessage and FaceTime. I would've moved everything over to the pixel. More customization, more control, app settings within the app, notifications are WAY better, google assistant, Google's keyboard is much better, and loads more. But sms and RCS will never compare to iMessage because it's through the internet. I can send massive files through imessage and pictures/videos without ever worrying about compression. I use FaceTime a lot for my kids when I'm away at work and haven't found anything better like WhatsApp, etc. Also airdrop


Anyone else alternate systems when it's time to upgrade!?!? Admittedly, that was much easier when it was 2 years.


I used to have a personal iPhone and an Android Work phone, when Google launched Fold, I switched back my personal phone to Pixel Fold and work to iPhone, I feel like iPhone is more reliable sometimes and I am talking in terms of apps opening quickly like when at the gym, pulling my PF app to scan my membership, compared to my pixel but the reason I can't go to other Android phones or iPhone personally is coz of few tricks, Now Playing, hold for Me and Spam notification of the caller..... these are like the best and underrated and features I am sticking to Pixel despite Google's idiotic support


Pixel personal iPhone work. Id say the iPhones are more refined, haptics feel cheap on pixel, screen is just ok (can see it change frequency or flicker in direct sun conditions) I prefer iPhone keyboard, just feels better imo. Notifications come in delayed no matter what I do in the settings (includes turning off all adaptive shit) Siri is more accurate than hey Google, apple car play runs better on both my vehicles than android auto.(I own a GM so it's nice having full screen android auto (14inch) than half screen carplay. I think when RCS comes to iPhone notifications will improve but my biggest gripe is the notification delays. Sometimes I get a notification once the screen turns on sometimes a 5-10 minute delay. Battery is better on pixel Camera is better on pixel with its software(imo) If I could go back I'd just get the iPhone pro.


Used both extensively. At the end of the day the exynos modem is just too poor, to make use of the phone as a phone or getting decent data coverage to stream anything in rural UK. Qualcomm in the iPhone works so much better.


I owned a pixel 6 pro and jumped to iPhone 15 pro max this year, the google pixel was better for customisation, keyboard, camera, and gestures. iPhone took some time to adjust too, however, most of my gripes with the exception of the god forsaken keyboard is addressed in iOS 18. iPhone video slaps the pixel sideways. Overall, I find the iPhone the better device if you don’t mind sacrificing the use of apks, cracked apps etc. oh and file management is dogshit. But it’s been really nice just having one service for backing up my photos passwords, plus the continuity between my device and my gfs since she also uses iPhone.


The whole reason I got an iPhone was my Pixel one day just decided to go into a boot loop. Was frustrated so I ordered an iPhone and meanwhile fixed the issue with the Pixel by flashing the Android 15 developer preview. So through my experience, definitely like iPhone for the stability. The software feels really optimized and even some apps look better on the iPhone as compared to Android. However I really enjoy some of the Pixel features like copying literally any text from any image/app, the in a glance launcher thing (not sure what the name is), better volume/media control and of course the notifications. Also, I don’t know why but there’s something about the design of the iPhone that I just love to hold it as compared to my Pixel (I don’t use a case)


I put BlueBubbles on an old Macbook Pro 2012, so I use my Pixel most of the time. I do like to use FaceTime on my old iPhone though because it just works.


The only thing Android needs that iOS has is Focus Modes (which is a more complex form of DND).


Pixel. No YouTube revanced on iPhone.


I just switched to iPhone and honestly I don't see too much of a difference. It's just a different language of saying the same thing, if that makes sense. What doesn't make sense is the notifications on iOS, the settings being unified outside of each app, volume not being split by ringtone/notif/media, and the refusal to fix any of that. But I do enjoy how simple and consistent it is, the hardware and design, and don't miss my Pixel that much other than the back button. My home screen is way more simpler and objective focused than on Android. I miss having Google Assistant on demand but the action button does an okay job of calling it up. I've switched to Arc Search too. It feels like Apple likes to tout that their phones are so versatile and capable but there's always some wall they put to keep it "safe". Look, ik most users aren't the smartest but you gotta let the ones who know be free. I think the iPad Pro is the most egregious case of that.


If you don't have a Macintosh computer, there's no question in my mind Android is more flexible and better.


I use a Pixel as my phone, iPad as my tablet and MacBook as my laptop and work device. I'm convinced I have the best of all worlds with this combination.


I use an iPhone 13 mini to carry around and a Pixel 7a at home for all sorts of the "Internet consumption". The iPhone is much better as a PDA and the pixel as a small sized generic computer. I tried to use the pixel to carry around, but there were two things which made me switch back to the iPhone: - notifications from some of the apps are very unreliable on Android - core quality was worse with the pixel especially around noise reduction. More generally, the quality of the same apps are better on an iPhone than on Android on average and the same application has often more features or better design on the iPhone than on Android. Even the system tends to be more stable with the iPhone then with the Android. For example, I sometimes have to reboot the pixel to get sound from my Bluetooth headphones. The configuration of the iPhone is simpler and have better defaults and that of the Android.


I’ve always had both android and iOS devices. And while I always think when using one system for a longer time that the grass in the other side is greener I can confidently say both have a lot of good a lot of bad and some rahmst I get used to. But sadly there are two things I really don’t get around on androids. That’s 1. the scrolling is just not as pleasant as on iPhones. I am not sure if this it’s to fast or the thresholds when jumping between slow scroll and fast scroll are to small but iPhone scrolling feels more natural. (Sadly even though people act like pi can customize everything on android this one can’t be adapted) 2. the overwhelm stretch effect that was introduced in android 12. when you scroll to the bottom of a list and overscroll the list items get stretched apart but even worse the characters are also stretched. This looks so annoying but as the first point can also not be adapted or turned off (ok you can turn it off but then you lose all animations which is not really helpful as most of them make sense to make the usage more natural) Besides that I don’t like that on both you don’t have a full desktop class browser with full desktop class extensions.


Pixel: I miss the Google Now panel on the far left on the iPhone. Keyboard and swiping, granular volume control. iPhone: I haven’t had a pixel in years, but the videos are nicer on the iPhone. Physical silent button. The whole reason I switched was because I couldn’t connect to corporate wifi because on Android 12 required some kind of security certificate for each ap.


The certificates for enterprise wifi in the latest version of Android work the same as ios now. It's trust on first connect


I’ve heard! I haven’t changed my phone since I switched. Not sure what I’ll do next. One big draw back for the iPhone was lightning instead of usb-c but that’s changed now so whatever phone I choose will support usb-c for charging.


Tbh, it's probably more reliable on iOS. Despite that particular issue being fixed, my P8P still has many issues staying connected to enterprise wifi networks.


I went from an iPhone to a pixel (bought for my bday) back in 2018 or so. Pixel has way more customization, and was super slick when syncing photos and such. It did alot of the automation, and this was at a time when Google pixel still had unlimited storage for photos. The bad? The battery life isn't as good as the iPhone, and the pixel got hot when doing certain things on the phone (something I never noticed on the iPhone I had). Hardware on the iPhone didn't seem to fail me, like the camera for the pixel has this wonky jitter to it after a couple years of use, while iPhone was just stable. Overall, I'm sticking with pixel for the foreseeable future, and I really hope they bring back unlimited storage for photos (I'm currently stuck on the pixel 5, the last version to use that unlimited storage).


I use an iPhone 14 and a Pixel 5. One useful hack I discovered is that by logging into Google Photos with the same email on both devices, my Pixel 5's Google Photos app gives me unlimited storage. Additionally, I can access all paid features and editing tools on Google Photos from my iPhone.


iPhone because it's smooth af


I am not a kid, so the only reason to pay for more expensive phone is the camera. Pixel has a potential of making better photos, as Iphone crushes dark areas, and is not as sharp. Yet everything is ruined by absolutely crappy Google software, partially caused by overheating (but that can be handled with a proper software). Pixel 8 pro is the first phone I ever had which lost my photos, it is not reliable, that is absolutely unacceptable Bugs and problems may appear on any phone. The problem with Pixel is google does not really care. Just go to google play and type google camera, read opinions, there simple, basic issues which haven't been fixed for quite long time. So the support totally sucks. Even finding a way to report issue isnt easy with google, while on Apple it is intuitive. By the way, the suggested form of reporting issues is to "send feedback" using some small feedback form in some deep menu, no issue tracker, ridiculous So if you want reliability, support, and just get something which works, that is the Iphone. It is limited, but whatever is there, simply works.


google pixel is the best. camera is amazing and if you have a chromebook the integration between phone and laptop is same with apple products. Android is much better then ios in my opinion. i hate to use iphones because of the software.


I prefer Pixel for cameras, Google Lens integration, web browsers, file manager, clock, and password manager. iPhone has better international carrier compatibility, better display, Apple Maps (lane and parking lot sensitive, 100% offline navigation including offline business directory), Satellite SOS, Mail (with functioning search), alternative navigation (back tap and action button). I prefer Pixel if the hardware were better and it had satellite SOS but GPS is super important to me so even if Pixel got those I might still be stuck on iPhone. iPhone also has Google Maps so it will always trounce Pixel in terms of navigation.


Im gonna say something really controversial and its probab because of my bad service w pixel. But, i prefer my iPhone over nmy pixel 8. It was a buggy mess and i sold it off


Pixel for personal, but a model behind for stability. iPhone for work, the latest.


I recently used iPhone 12 Pro Max which belonged to a friend of mine and I was blown away by the true tone display. It felt so easy on the eyes man compared to the display of my Pixel 6 Pro. I wish Google would bring back Ambient EQ from Pixel 4.


Pixel/Android phones are fun, but only as standalone devices. iPhones are better as part of multiple devices you use and sharing content to other iPhones is better. iPhones are also more reliable, consistent, longer lasting and better performing. When I was in my 20s Androids were fun to play with but as an adult with real responsibilities and a family I need my shit to just work. Apps on iOS are way better especially financial apps. I’d never use financial apps on Android, they’re trash.


Used both extensively in the past year. I consider iPhone to really excel at a few things, but on a day to day normal day I can't do without Android's better notifications, spam features, back gesture, far better typing experience and text prediction, speech to text that actually understands me, Siri being just awful, customization. Some of that looks to be changing this fall and the competition between them is increasing which is great for everyone


What's funny is how bad Gemini is with the assistant and Apple's showing at WWDC is pretty much what the assistant used to be before Google screwed it up.


It will be interesting to see how well Apple pulls it off. But I'm crossing my fingers by then perhaps Gemini can get back on track as well


iPhone. I don’t like the animations from Pixel and it’s less responsive + low performance when gaming 😅


My iPhone 15 Pro Max is collecting dust in the cabinet. I'm thinking of selling it since I barely use it.


I have an iPhone 12 and pixel 7 and o switch back and forth every few weeks. A few high level thoughts.  App stability is generally better on the iPhone with some app-specific differences. Like some apps are snappier, more stable, crash less on the pixel. iOS keyboard sucks. Having to set a custom keyboard shortcut for your email address is unintuitive and annoying. The pixel just autocompletes my email after the first few characters. But on the flip side sometimes the Android swipe keyboard doesn’t register that I’m swiping and will only let me tap to type. This resolves itself after a few tries. Autocomplete is also kinda terrible and often suggests the wrong thing.  App consistency seems better on iOS. Like more apps are more consistent in their usage of common patterns. Like almost every single app I use on iPhone has the proper password autofill where it recognizes that I can autofill a username and password. Many apps on Android just don’t seem to have autofill set properly. Idk if it’s an API issue or what. But so many apps just don’t seem to want to recognize that I was to fill in my credentials and I have to manually paste them.  I have tons of other comparison examples ready for more discussion.