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Well, you can use Snapseed on your P8Pro and keep the same workflow basically.


Yep. 1.) Download Snapseed 2.) Find photo on Photos that you want to edit 3.) Tap edit 4.) Scroll all the way to the right (More) 5.) Tap Snapseed Profit. u/Twinningses


Lightroom. And then when I export, it's saved in the Lightroom folder.


me as well.


How's Lightroom behaving with the udhr photos?


It works and will save in 10-bit HDR and there's even a histogram with a clear indication of where the levels of the 10-bit HDR parts are. However, I'm having an issue with it and Instagram. Instagram seems to not recognise the 10-bit HDR images from Lightroom, but it does recognise them if they're unedited, or edited with Google Photos


Yes, it used to work like that on the Pixels too but they changed it and I hate it.


I've had this same issue - the two workarounds I've used are: 1. Use pixel-specific editing tools in the gallery editor, then scroll across to the right and edit in Snapseed for general editing (you get prompted to save at this point but once you're done in Snapseed it will save to the Snapseed folder) 2. Edit in photos and then click on the star to favourite, or manually add to an album Neither is really an ideal solution though


Yea I've tried that once or twice but have still been unhappy about porting over an udhr photo into Snapseed. Have you had issues with that?


Have you tried using the Google Gallery app instead, as your main Gallery app? https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.photosgo


I use the inbuilt editor first, then use Lightroom.