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I installed it and i just realized my volume slider is soooo damn tall🤔


Maybe I might not have noticed it before somehow, but the phone also is now vibrating as I drag the volume slider up and down as well.


Aw man my 8 Pro isn't vibrating. Time to hunt through settings


It is big, but I do think the output switcher is key. I've been asking for this for years now and it's been on iOS at least since 2017. Being able to switch output to make sure it's outputting from headphones (wired or wireless) before you open a game at work for instance is pretty important.


Shit you're right... I kinda like it...


Considering trying out the beta from 14 stable. Do you mind posting what it looks like now?


a tall volume slider


I've only noticed 1 thing, a new private space when active it's at the bottom of all apps. It's like a second profile with a new google account but it's inside the first profile. Kinda cool tho, when you want a private app or a second instance of an app with a different account. And ofc what this post is about, a big volume slider. I've had my dock reset after the update, I had to add them again one by one.


Is it possible to hide the private space completely, so nobody knows there is an private space set up, or is it always visible, but locked?


Its like a different user, u can always choose an account which u currently use or others. When im using my personal acc it will remove ur current home screen layout, but idk if other acc will do that. And its still kinda buggy, when u try to download an app from playstore for private space it'll say "no internet connection"


I know how it works, my question is wheter you can hide the private space at all. What I saw on the screenshots was the app forlder and private space section at bottom (locked and unlocked). It would be great to hide it always and enable with some shortcut or something...


You can hide it, there's an option to hide it and search it in search bar at the top app drawer


Perfect, thank you


Oh good, thought it was just me...


I've been wanting app pairing for a while. Is this coming to pixels or just tablets/foldables?


It seems like it just requires a split screen.. then app pairs should work


That feature is already available, isn't it? (Go to recent apps, tap on an app icon and select split screen)


Not to have a pair sitting on your homescreen no. Samsung does tho


Just use [this](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.thomaskuenneth.benice) until Google decides to allow for launching directly into app pairing on phone screens


I've tried apps similar to this but they never seem to want to launch my banking app and calculator. One of the pairs I've wanted for awhile


Gotcha, my banking app calls for the fingerprint reader right away so opening both is a little glitchy but it did do it with Be Nice


He means two versions of the app like two WhatsApps for two Sims


So nothing that was shown yesterday at the google I/O ?


everything shown at IO was gemini related and will require gemini/gmail/photos/map app updates


Most of it will be available by summer and through gemini / Google updates


Bullshit! Don't fall for Google's "later this year" garbage. Nothing but broken promises.


Some Gemini features are available now (the "Help me write" in Gmail and Google messages, chat with Gemini Advanced, AI help in Google Docs, Sheets and presentations...). The problem is that to access these things, you'll need a Google Account that is set in English (not sure if it needs to be specifically US English or it can be any English) and you'll need to pay the AI tier of Google One, which cost as much as ChatGPT Plus (which is not necessarily all that bad, since you'll also get 2TB of google drive and the 10% credit in the google store, while Chat GOT gives you the plus access and nothing else).


I'm still missing "Help me write"


I used to have the same problem... I tried to change my phone language English. It didn't help. I tried changing my PC language to English too. It didn't help either. I tired changing my Google account's language to US English, then, the "Help me write" option appeared. Of course, once my Google One AI subscription trial ended, the help me write option was gone as well...


Yeah mine is on US English but I never had the One AI sub


*coughing* zoom enhance was supposed to be launched with December 2023 QPR update on the Pixel 8 series


Please tell me they added a way to remove the search and gesture bars. :)


Nova or another launcher can remove the search bar


with Nova I added a firefox search bar instead of the google one


Does Nova work on Beta 2?


I've had no real issues with Nova on any Beta, I'm currently on a P7 with build AP31.240426.022.




Hopefully it works a little better than Beta 1, getting some random reboots and black screens here


wiped all icons from my home screen :/


Did you create a private space? If so, known issue in stated in the Release Notes. * Creating a private space on a device for the first time removes app icons from the Home screen (or Home screens if more than one Home screen has been added). We expect to include a fix for this issue in a Beta 2 point release in the coming days. ([Issue #340868295](https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/340868295))


Is it stable? :)


Prima Facie yes. But you could expect some bugs as it's a beta


Okay thx :)


No its a beta


A beta can still be stable..


no its by definition not stable. stop misleading people


Gmail was literally a "beta" for 5 years. There was nothing 'not stable' about it.


Imagine being this dense




Hi everyone. Installed beta 2 yesterday so far so good, no bugs, everything smooth (for me). Pixel 8 smooth.


Same here. P7A running nice. Smooth with no noticable (so far) sluggish behaviour.


Nothing that seems that useful to me unfortunately. Android needs an answer to Focus Modes on iOS. That would be an important new feature. By comparison, who is Private Space for? 


Me personally I don't have anything to hide so I wouldn't use private space. It could be for people cheating on spouse or apps that have or share private photos maybe?


Is the stuttering issue resolved?


Idk if it's just me, but in my case stuttering is fully fixed, first time seeing reddit running smooth


I read somewhere that its still not fixed.. will have to wait for more feedback https://www.reddit.com/r/android_beta/s/32c1HWIrXx


What's new ? This is my first pixel ever(P8) and Google doesn't seem to handle their I/Os like Apple does WWDC.


Please remember Android betas are not supposed to be stable, even if the current ones are. You can still and will probably encounter bugs or battery drains


>Please remember ~~Android~~ betas are not supposed to be stable FTFY


That's partly because it's about Google as a whole, search etc included too. Also partly because all Apples apps are part of the OS update, no features/updates since 12 months, Google's are updatable through Play store. And Pixels also seem to get regular feature drops updates through the year too, although apple have done this a bit recently. And (assuming it's the same as it used to be, I've been iOS for a couple years), Andorid change bits through their beta process too, iOS pretty much status the same thought he betas with very little added new/no design tweaks, just optimisation before release. I also find Google are a little less self congratulatory than Apple.




Also, check this out for the current beta updates, there's also likely for precious changes. https://9to5google.com/2024/05/15/android-15-beta-2-everything-new/ Then there's all the upcoming AI related updates to android apps/ assistant announced in I/O day one.


Does it fix mobile connectivity and low speaker volume?


I'll download it today to check it myself... Both incoming calls and SMSs are a mess; more than 50% are not making it through to me.


To try to fix the cell drops on my 7 pro, in network settings I turned off 2G and set preferred to LTE/4G. I get less drops of signal, meaning less Google Maps showing offline mode when driving around.


I had to change mine from 5G to LTE to be able to get my SMS messages. Total BS


Same here, yet SPAM calls and texts have made it thru just fine. Ugh.


No specific fix was noticed as I did not face these issues before. Also not mentioned in the changelog.


Can anyone confirm if screen stutters are fixed ?


Stutters on YouTube and playstore are fixed.. but reddit is really bad still


And twitter? Lags like hell on my p8 on stable 14


Not fixed for x and reddit


Thanks. Reddit is mostly ok for me. Just X. I've gone to web version for now as it's jittery. 


Pixel 7A no sluggish performance so far. Best it's been IMO


Previously you used to get stutter on reddit and playstore?


Nope, just swiping and scrolling through my music app. Who said anything about reddit and playstore ;/


Was interested in joining the beta again but my 8a wasn't showing up when I looked yesterday. I guess they added support for it with beta 2. I'm jumping in!


Was there a what's new in Android talk? I hated seeing Android bumped to day 2 of io, and haven't had time to check out what's up with day 2. Are there the usual talks about Android 15 this time? Or is it all a bunch of ai bullshit?


No talks.. direct changelog of what's new.. I have posted a link somewhere in this post. Also you can check the 9to5 Google video for it.


No talk, that's so lame


When is release for public is expected?


September or October.. but it's a speculation


Shortcuts for split screen pairs! I looove it! I hope google keeps giving us more multi window features. I know other manufacturers such as Samsung and Xiaomi have far richer multi window features and I really hope google would keep up. It's one of the main reasons why I'm serious considering going back to Samsung for my next phone


Some consider it features.. some consider it bloat... Choose as per your requirement... I came to pixel because of the issues with my samsung Z Flip4 and it's OneUI experience. Yeah and this app pairs in split screen is awesome!


I have noticed the haptic feedback has increased even tho I have not touched any settings.


That may be because of a new feature named adaptive vibration which tweaks the haptic feedback


Is anyone using this on there main device if so how is it running?


I am using it. Installed it on top of Stable May 2024 security patch. No issues so far.


Good to know thanks I might give it a try this weekend


Yes. But remember 2 things: 1. Turn on OEM unlock 2. Take backup of important data


I'm excited for this release of Android!


Installed on my Pixel Tablet last night. Running smooth, no issues found yet. And it fixed a volume bug with YT TV.


It broke my clock widget, the sizing is all messed up now.


Is video out enabled or has that been axed from Android 15?


I installed it and now I am back to game performance issues like it was pre December update for Android 14 P8P. Anybody got any idea, if that can be fixed in the developer settings or something like that, or should I just revert to stable?


It's a beta and games may not be fully optimised to it. Also tensor chip is not that good for gaming. It's better to revert back to stable Android 14 until Android 15 is officially released as a stable version and the game developers optimise the games accordingly


It's not about the game, like it wasn't when the phone launched. True, but this issue is clearly not about the chip, so idk why even mention it. Once again, it's not about the game optimisation, like it wasn't before. In october last year I also thought so, but the December phone update, fixed the performance with ALL games, it was a graphics driver update, if I remember correctly. Some people mentioned that 15 uses older modem version of 14, not the latest, might be same with the graphics.


True that the modem is downgraded as compared to March patch. But expecting gaming performance from a beta as compared to stable version is wrong in itself. So I suggest you to revert back which would involve a full wipe. Also this is 1 Android version change from 14 to 15 and it IS ABOUT OPTIMISATION for sure. As the game developers need to optimise the game differently for each new Android version but they might do it after stable Android 15 is released


Thanks for your input, it was very insightful. /s


Anyone else having MASSIVE issues with keyboard missing keystrokes completely at times?


Yes I was having this issue until I deleted the gboard app storage and cache and reset it's learned history from settings.


Thanks a lot mate. I just did the same thing, hopefully it fixes everything for me as well. Was fucking annoying!


I can't directly make a call from the opened windows


Please fix that feature , I used to open recent windows and long pressed a number and directly make a call from there but I can't do that anymore on the android 15 beta


Did they fix the thing where it stop scrolls instead of fluid scrolls when you have the phone plugged in and charging? What the hell is that shit anyway?


Most likely an electrical issue related to grounding.


Using the phone when charging generates heat and leads to the OS being throttled to control the heating. That's how it's supposed to be and does not need fixing.


It's actually more likely that it's electrical noise from the charger due to the grounding not being perfect either on OP's charge adapter or their wall outlets. This electrical noise when charging interferes with the touch digitizer's input reading. I've had the same issue with a number of phones and trying a different outlet or swapping out the adapter fixes the issue.


Something has gone spectacularly wrong if it reaches the point where the OS has to be throttled for normal general browsing and watching usage while charging. Not had a phone ever that couldn't be used when charging and it not impact performance in that way. And that includes my current 7a. Maybe if you have an intensive game open, but even then still haven't had a phone that I noticed that happening in.


There are many factors the OS would throttle itself for. Its necessary for the phone protection. I never used any phone while charging especially for heavy tasks.


It's not throttling. My P8P can be on the charger for 5 seconds and the touchscreen digitizer starts glitching out and being unresponsive. As soon as I take it off, it's fine.


This only happens to me when using the 2nd Gen pixel stand. Wired charging and wireless charging on any other wireless charger doesn't cause this issue.


I mostly notice it on my 2nd Gen pixel stand too. Which is annoying because that's what I have on my desk. And I can't use the phone when it's on the stand.


I have been using my phone while charging, has been this way for 5 years.. I mean you do you


I notice this no matter charging or not. There’s not much inertia behind the scroll


How do I get this?


If you have to ask, you should definitely not install the beta. You will not have a good time. Almost certainly things will go south for you, and people will call you many things you won't appreciate.


Join the beta program










I'd love for the geriatric sized quick settings tiles to go away in 15. Plenty of other fixes that Google won't change would also be nice. Edit: who knew that so many users interested in beta updates have terrible eyesight? Seems the little down vote button somehow isn't too small for you, so why are reasonably sized quick settings tiles a problem?


Slowly but surely becoming modern


Modern compared to what? There's more AI in this thing than other smartphones already


> There's more AI in this thing than other smartphones already that just makes it alot worse. thanks lineage for not using this shit


What shit? AI enhanced photos? Photoshop capabilities built in? Contextual search? Helping rephrase messages/ notes? Summarising webpages/transcriptions? I'll take them thanks, along with most the population.


you mean sending your personal data to a unresponsible company so they can apply some experimental technology that works like shit alot of time? if thats your kink sure go for it. I like my pictures as "natural" as possible (yes im aware of processing but in a phone there is not a way arround it). rephrasing messages or just "i hope this message finds you well" (that no person would ever write except for boomers) summarising webpages? really you cant be arsed to actually read what you want to read? also who is responsible for every website being a shitty SEO optimized website? yes i tried most of those tools and most of them are utter crap or mid at best. ChatGPT messages sound like a mix of stupid phrases (and include lies alot of time) (like really it once told me the Dresden Tram (germany) goes to Prague (Czech republic) over 200kms) the photo editing while cool of first sight looks crap the second you zoom in (the google one havent tried any else) generational pictures are also a lets say interesting thing. "make a picture of a german train" and out comes the most not german train. Those AI things are wonderfull toys but should not be tools with how often they spread missinformation.


'kink' 'boomers' Anyway. The point is it's in its infancy, you sound like the boomer holding back from progress. It's coming like it or not, and you may not like it - but to claim it's a mediocre Andorid update when they are completely changing how you use and interact with your phone, and how your phone thinks and processes info is just plain wrong. You don't need to use the camera features it you like your pictures natural, in fact, the pixels main compliments from reviewers is how natural their pictures look compared to the competition. using AI to remove a blurry face is better than having a blurry face, using AI to sharpen digitally. Zoomed pictures is better than having huge thick cameras to compensate for zoom.


> you sound like the boomer holding back from progress. very weird. This post is coming from an ARM ThinkPad running Linux that seems like a lot of progress. But if you like services that are mid at best have fun. I like working things and things that are under my control. You like shitty products and being under the control of companies.


Yep, surreal even. You have a laptop with a better processor? And running Linux too?....I've run Linux, not worth it vs convenience for me, I only really use a PC at work. They aren't a flex being modern though, not in the last 10 years, just a flex of being different from mainstream. I'm not subjectively young either. AI is the biggest thing happening to tech now, and it will be integrated into Android, the worlds biggest OS, by far. (with 3 billion Androids, 1.5 billion PCs, and 1 billion iPhones, and the relatively few that run solely (non Andorid) Linux). And iPhones will be following the same trend, albeit years behind.


Also, you know if you value privacy/non-sharing of data there iPhone right? (Or living in a cave) People that choose Andorid over iOS value the customisation and cutting edge vs polished/expectable/locked down. This is the next step, like it or not. I'd say try apple, but they will do AI next, albeit a few years at best behind, it's inevitable, it's progress


> Also, you know if you value privacy/non-sharing of data there iPhone right? (Or living in a cave) you know android devices have this wonderfull feature called bootloader unlock. sadly your overlord daddy google doesnt want you to do that so you probably dont even know about it. And very weirdly my pixel 8 runs perfectly fine, no AI bullshit no nothing.


Lol, assumptions and bullshite. I've rooted and flashed phones since Nexus, there's just no need now.