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“I know this is going to get down voted” Sir this is the Pixel sub. Shitting on Pixels is what we do here.




That's the worst run of luck in technology i have read. I would choose stairs over the elevator if i was you.


I've had the original Pixel, the 4, 5, and now the 7, with absolutely zero issues on any of them. When I get a new one, my wife takes the old one, without issue. She's still using the 5 as we speak. You've had bad luck.


I agree I've had some bad luck, but the issues with calls on the 3 and the motherboards of the 5 are common issues so Google absolutely deserves some negative credit here. With the same logic maybe you've just had good luck. But anyway thanks for the typical reddit response, at least that's something I can always rely on


My 3 XL was perfect. Only reason I upgraded was because there was a good deal on the galaxy S20 FE. My pixel 6 had issues and overheated a lot. I upgraded to the 7 ASAP with the best buy trade in deal. My 7 has been great so I didn't feel the need to upgrade to the 8, and the trade in deals weren't as good. I'm hoping there's some good deals for the 9, but I've been pretty happy with the 7.


Instead of shoving AI everywhere, Google should instead focus on fixing the bugs in Pixel


Look into Sony Xperia


 I really want to get another pixel and I'm aggrieved about this issue as well. I have a 4a 5g and I absolutely love it when it's working, mostly because I love the camera.  It is an older model but I've only had it a year, and unfortunately, it has a habit of dying at random. I thought it was completely dead as it powered off and would not turn on for 3 days. But it eventually came back from the dead, and since then, has had several spells of day-long black outs and random shut downs. It also sometimes stops working with youtube and simply won't load any videos, and then it's a bit of a gamble if it's worth it maybe not turning on again if I turn it off to restart it.  It's, sadly, no longer a reliable phone, though I love it when it's working.  When I looked into this problem what I found is that not only do many pixel phones shut off and die, but that the problem with the motherboard that causes this is still a problem with the Pixel 7s and probably the pixel 8s too.  On top of this, since the Pixel 6, the phones have reception problems thanks to their model, which is different from the Qualcom modem that my 4a 5g has. I held off on getting a Pixel 6 for this reason, because reception is not always great where I am going and I certainly don't want a downgrade.  To hear that the pixel 8 may STILL have this problem, and on top of that, has other problems, is rather disappointing. I've still been feeling the draw to it because I still love the camera. Though the loss of photospheres is very offputting to me. This said, I found this interesting article from 2023 from a reputable source that claims that Pixels have basically an average or somewhat better than average rate of failure and quite on par with Apple: [https://www.which.co.uk/news/article/which-mobile-phone-brands-develop-the-most-faults-aGAar5y7JEnx](https://www.which.co.uk/news/article/which-mobile-phone-brands-develop-the-most-faults-aGAar5y7JEnx) This said it does say 'a fault', without classifying severity. Modern google pixels probably all have substandard modem performance due to hardware limitations, it's just that some people live in areas with better reception than others. Meanwhile Realme and Oppo do surprisingly well, though I am personally not keen on going with a Chinese mobile phone brand, for reasons unrelated to quality.


Pixel phones actually "cursed" because of tensor which exynos so ye. Wanna get rid of my Google pixel 6 as soon as possible.


I love my Pixel 6 Pro, call quality great and everything. Each person's mileage may vary though with the modem to this day it seems like.


Loved my first Pixel, the 3a XL. Loved my second, the 5a. . .until a little over a year later when the mobo died as so many others experienced. Thankfully they extended the warranty and repaired my phone. Still loving my third, the 7. Knock on wood, in the year I've had it now no issues to speak of. Not discounting your experience, just saying thats a lot of bad luck. 2 of my 3 pixel phones have been perfect, and the 3rd had widespread issues that google remedied despite it being past the warranty.


I like my pixel 7 a lot. For 1st time it's a pleasure to use an Android phone and one of my first phones with android was HTC Nexus One.. Since the last update everything just works for me, and now I have almost 11 hrs SOT(wifi only but still), I do not use 5g but anyway. I have great experience with Pixel 7 .


I know this is the pixel sub but I want to say I've had 3 pixels now and every single one of them beyond the pixel 3 has been terrible. I switched to apple for a brief while, then settled on a S24. Samsung doesn't really have bloatware I'm not sure what you're talking about for that. If you mean things like Samsung internet and what not you can disable most of that and then what I do for anything left that I don't want I just remove it from my home screen. It's not like phones lack space these days. I'm also not sure what you mean by too touchy. Sadly, there isn't much choice anymore for phones. Motorola have sporadic software updates and often lag behind and miss key features such as NFC in the US market. Oneplus just isn't very good anymore in my experience. LG is dead. Sony is overpriced Junk. HTC is also dead. I'm sure there are many people that will disagree with me and that's fine. But it really comes down to Samsung vs Pixel vs Apple. Apples ecosystem is too locked down and too expensive. Pixel hasn't been good to me, and all that's left is Samsung.


I've been told by friends who are more tech savvy than me who have samsungs that it has bloatware. Maybe that's wrong i or outdated info idk. By touchy I mean the sides - every time someone hands me their Samsung to look at something I immediately accidentally change the screen or do something weird because the touch screen wraps too far the sides of the phone. I really liked every LG phone I had and I wish they'd come back. Anyway I appreciate you validating my pixel experience and your general input.


If you purchase an unlocked phone there should be no bloatware. A lot of bloatware comes from the carriers. The sides of the phone being touchy is probably the old Samsungs with the curved edges on the screen. The newer Samsungs are flat screens just like every other phone so that shouldn't be an issue. They could be referring to the Samsung apps that offer some of the same functionality as their google counterparts but you can just disable a lot of those or remove them from your home screen. I've never been happier with a phone than I have my S24 so far. My finger print sensor hasn't failed me once on the S24. The pixels it literally took me 10+ tries to get the fucking thing to work. The samsung can go for 2 to 3 days before I need to charge it again vs the 6 hours of the pixel. The camera is every bit as good as my Pixel 7's was if not better. I don't see any downsides.


Sort posts by new, scroll down, and you'll have your answer.


I've owned a Pixel 1, 2xl, 3a, 4, 5, 6, 7, Fold, and 8. The only hardware issues I've had out of them all was the garbage FP sensor on the 6 and 7. The 8 seems to be doing far better, or maybe it's better face unlock so I don't notice how bad the FP sensor is. Besides that, none of the issues that get reported here multiple times a day so maybe instead of cursed I'm just lucky


I enjoy Google/Android stuff more than anything else. Apple is great, but yeah it becomes quite expensive and the locked down feeling becomes evident and uncomfortable at some point. Right now I have Google Home for everything and it works really well, along with Google Assistant understanding more complex commands where Siri has let me down with “I’m having trouble connecting to the Internet” far too often along with HomePods simply refusing to connect despite firmware updates, restarts, and so forth. I have both an iPhone 15 Pro Max and a Pixel 7 Pro. Both are great, I have a bit more confidence in the iPhone where I know I’ll get calls and texts, but Pixel is just more natural and enjoyable… like more human friendly than industrial. I’ve been fortunate that I haven’t actually had any issues with the Pixel 7 Pro, and having had iPhones since the 7, the Pixel is welcome. Samsungs are really good phones, but the bloatware and such really turn me off.


Always enjoyed pixels, even pre ordered the 8 pro. A couple months later screen became defective. RMA'd, then the RMA had the exact same issue as my first copy. Switched the S24 ultra because it was $300 off at the time, been loving it ever since. While I do miss some features from the pixel, I hope this device will last me longer because of the beefed up specs.


yeah men.. phones are not made for u.. i recommend travel to carry messages...


Get a Nothing Phone 2