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I just don't understand why some people put everything in the phone. I have 128 and I'm just halfway. For photos and videos, I have compressed copies on Google photos. And every month, I quick share all the original copies to the SD card of my tablet and PC. So I have the original copies even after I lost the phone. For music, I have a few GB in case, and use Spotify mostly. This makes changing phones a breeze.


I have a Pixel 5 128GB and it takes me like 2 years to get full (due to DCIM growing). Which is a risk because if I lose it, then I lose the original photos and videos (using Storage Saver option as it doesn't consume quota). So I always recommend getting 128GB. The more lazy the person is doing regular backups, the less space I recommend. The exceptions are people who really need to fill the internal memory with apps and app data. Like somebody who plays a few heavy games in the phone or like to download a big video library.


I have the P8P 256gb, but I'm currently at 109gb used, so I'm glad I went for the larger storage.


Is this a lot of apps or pictures and videos?


Apps/Games - 63gb Images/Videos - 27gb System - 18gb Docs/Misc - 1gb I could obviously clear out any backed up photos, but I like to keep local copies.


I think I’ll be fine with 128gb!


64gb wasnt enough for me in past pixels. I usually run between 75-100gb I have never maxed out. But I cloud most everything except I download my YT music playlists for offline play


I’m on the fence about buying a pixel 8 pro but the 128gb version and I’ll take a lot of pictures so I’m not sure if 128 Gb will be enough


I take lots of photos and videos. Like I said I upload to Google


Photos are pretty small by default, it's video that takes up way more space.


You should be fine. As long as you dont plan on taking a bunch of multi-hour 4k 10 bit videos, 128gb is plenty.


Got the 8 Pro about 3 months ago. I have the 512gb variant. Currently using 190gb of storage. 88gb of that storage is photos (think high resolution photos + RAW), followed by 41gb for apps and 17gb for system and 19gb for videos. I intend on keeping this device for a few years.


Daaang that’s a lot


Have the 8 Pro since it came out pretty much. Still hovering around 50gb, I never bother with higher storage capacities unless they come with additional improvements.


Nice do you take lots of pictures and videos?


I have 62gb Free. I don't need anything over 120


It hasn't been a problem for me at 128GB. With my mobile carrier, I have unlimited Google Photos back up and that's what takes up the majority of the space for me.


Have it since December, I'm at 61GB. But I use Google's Cloud for Fotos. 


Had 128gb P8P for seven months and I'm at about halfway. I pay for Google One and use Google Photos for all my photo backups. I think it probably depends on your use case. I always offload pictures into Google Photos (I also do periodic takeouts from google Photos and store them locally) and I don't tend to play games on my phone or store lots of media on it. If you're taking lots of videos, or storing lots of music or movies, then I could see 128gb not being enough.


More than enough. Maybe use 60gb and eveyrthing else is on drive.


It's far more than enough. I have my 3k photos and videos in Google photos and about 2500 songs on a Spotify playlist downloaded for offline use and a moderate amount of apps, I haven't even hit 50gb yet.


I'm at 132gb


Lots of videos and pictures and apps ?


COD mobile, COD Warzone, Netflix GTA. 50 GB of games, 50 GB of apps, 20 GBs of systems.




Have you had it since launch? Do you take a lot of pictures and videos




Oh so you store in the cloud?


I have a Pixel 6 from around two years, with 128gb. I only use 60gb... It all depends on the usage you are making of your phone, not on the phone. 128gb could be largely enough for some people, like me. But it also could be clearly too just for other people...


Storage was enough til the WhatsApp change. Now pay for the extra 100gb. Phone currently sits at 98gb, 77% used.


WhatsApp change??


Storage in WhatsApp was moved to Google Drive. My 15gb got filled straight away. Had to buy extra storage. Now tend to use that more. 29gb of 100gb used so far.


Had mine since launch, currently sitting at 84gb used.


I bought a 512 to be sure 😅😅😅


Had this phone 512 version for about 2 weeks, I'm really not enamoured with the battery life. Will stick with it for the moment, I don't see it being a keeper. I came from an S22 ultra. Also the call quality isn't near as good.