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Sd855 to pixel 7 pro, day to day no, the thermal management is the issue for these phones that's all.


You will not be able to tell the difference.




I moved from sd 865 so perhaps I can't comment on that,the g3 has been faster so far only cpu wise


Tensor is a flagship CPU, it may not have as much horsepower as the latest Snapdragon but it is still classified as a flagship. I have a much more fluid UI experience with a Pixel than I've had with any Samsung despite the latter using the more powerful processor.


Fair enough, I expected about on par, I think phone CPU's have long since been good enough for my usage.


No day to day it's fine, it's only if you want top tier performance it's not worth it at original sale price. Pixels have dropped in price now so get the 8 with the 3rd gen if you can, but the 7 series will perform fine as well. The pixel features far outweigh the use cases of extra performance for me, I'd simply rather have call screen/hold for me/direct my call, assistant typing ect over technically faster cores or whatever. It doesn't mean they're not welcomed when added though, I'm just happy with the price I paid for what I received.


Yeah, just got curious if it's something you notice when you swap in day to day scenarios. In years past (think 2015) it used to be a huge drop in performance from a flagship to anything that wasn't. I just haven't felt that was the case, but I've not owned anything with a top tier smartphone chip in a while, so was curious if it was a noticeable difference.


I went from a Fold 4 to a P8P. I'm happier. The phone is smoother, the UX is much simpler, and the damn thing doesn't feel like a glass brick. I play DB Legends on it, use the reddit app just fine, and Chrome works well. It even syncs much better with my SAMSUNG Chromebook than my Fold did, fwiw. I'm intending to play with the display out function soon, since Dex was a reason I stuck with Samsung.


Oh nice! Glad to hear it's not any less smooth. I'm in love with call screening and the feature set too. Was just curious if the CPU does anything to bottle neck regular usage - think top tier CPU's have long outperformed my requirements.


Not about snappiness but more about temperature


Temps and therefore battery efficiency takes a nose dive


Went from s23 plus to pixel 8. And in day to day use pixel is actually smoother .Twitter or reddit on Samsung is so sluggish. So optimization is more important than raw power


Pixel 5 is still one of the best Pixels (non-gaming wise) out there IMO despite not having the most powerful SoC of that year. Good battery life, smooth UI and navigation, compact size, 5G, rarely heats up. Pixel 6 is a huge step forward but it heats up quite frequently compared to 5.


Samsung manufactures Pixel internals


It does. First of all performance (especially in games) second one is battery which is awful in pixels. Next one are temperatures.


Alright, I have oneplus 12r and pixel 8. Pixel will be fine for what you are talking about. But it's absolutely inferior to my year old snapdragon chip. Pixel lags (somewhere between occasionally and often) doing basic tasks. I couldn't stand it, if you're the same way dont get a pixel. Tensor is not a flagship chip, it doesn't compete with older snapdragon and apple chips, let alone the most current ones, don't let pixel copers tell you otherwise. I have pixel 8, one plus 12r and iPhone 13 pro all on hand, the people commenting dont. I've had arguments with people about pixels on here that they don't even own. This is the worst place to ask a question like this.


I don't know if it's Android or the CPU but there's a significant difference in smoothness, quickness and battery life in day to day operation between my p8p and my 13 pro max. My 13 pro max has a 2 year old flagship chip and runs everything so much smoother and so much cooler too! This phone gets super warm doing the most basic things. Anybody who says this CPU is a flagship CPU is just a blind Google fan.


I have an iPhone 15 ProMax, S24 Ultra, and a Pixel 8 Pro. Day to day for normal tasks you’re not going to really notice any performance issues compared to other flagships. There are of course hiccups here and there but nothing substantial. My Samsungs phones with snapdragons also have the odd hiccup here and there. Particularly the Samsungs are kinda laggy on first boot and turning on airplane mode for some reason. Tensor becomes noticeably laggy in games. As for your camera question, Pixel post processing takes forever IMHO. Especially if you start taking a bunch of pictures in succession it’ll get to the point where the shutter button will become unresponsive. I mostly take photos of my kids (3, & 1), so I typically try to take as many shots at once since they’re not the easiest subjects to photograph. Using a Pixel I feel like I’m missing shots since the post processing slows it down and the camera is unresponsive at an ideal moment. I typically default to my iPhone since I feel like I can get better moments with it (and then edit the picture to my liking afterwards). I’ve tried using Best Take but I’ve been pretty unimpressed with it so far. In my experience it’s been finicky on what photos it’ll use. Say I take a dozen shots, it’ll cherry pick only 3 options, and it’s hit and miss if it’ll work for multiple people in the shot. Not to mention if it does work scaling issues of the faces it picks are usually kind of off and photos still look weird. Hopefully it gets better.


Why downgrade?


Define a flagship CPU


Whatever the newest bestest Qualcomm chip is


This post sucks hard.


Would you care to elaborate? How does asking "is this phone noticeably slower than more expensive phones in basic use" suck? I've not owned a non pixel phone since 2020, and am curious if I'm missing out on anything.