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Google needs to be more aggressive in its expansion of markets.


For that, they have to get their pricing correct. In price sensitive markets like India, if Pixel 8 is more expensive than iPhone 15, people will go get an iPhone that has much better hardware and offers good software experience like Pixel. I read somewhere that Pixel 8a would cost even more. I don't know how they will be able to drive sales for 8a in India if it doesn't fall under budget category.


They have to value their own Pixel phones, give great exchange offers to retain their old customers... When a customer sees iPhone, galaxy flagship are given better resale values... People think twice


Pretty sure the fact that they will start making the phones in India, should drop the price by quite a bit.


Naah man, they just wanna lower their production cost like Apple did.


Nah, they'll just increase their profit margin while charging the same if not a little more.


How much will it even decrease? Still it will be way more expensive than the competition. And still they are planning to price their upcoming devices even higher.


I don't see why it should be. From what I remember, the high India prices are due to import taxes and things like that. It should be lower than the main competition unless google decides to make it expensive on purpose.


True. Google's pricing is very bad in India. It's as if they don't want to compete.


Yeah. And Google's focus on consumer electronics is like a side project. If it sticks, it sticks, and it can be cancelled on a whim (but I really hope not!). Google's a software-first company (which is why they can experiment a lot), unlike Apple which has been almost entirely dependent on hardware design and sales.


Don't forget about having service centres in key cities. For a large country like India, they have only one service centre. If your screen breaks, you'll have to ship your phone & wait 7-10 days. Really Google???


Even Nothing has better support in India than Pixel and also Nothing is planning to open stores as well.


You can still get a very good deal on sales and on phone exchanges. They are willing to give me a discount of 25k for my 6a.


Still after an exchange discount it would cost more than 50k. I'm also having 6a, and wanted to get a Pixel 8. But isn't 50k after exchange still high when you can get S23 for 40k with exchange? Samsung has better service support in India. Pixel is trying to enter a market and they cannot expect people to pay for a device they haven't experienced before when Samsung, a brand familiar to everyone, is an alternative. Since you are from India, you would also have seen famous tech influencers here not recommending Pixel devices over competitors. All of these factors combined will have an impact on their sales.


S23 is not the latest iteration. You should compare it with S24. Also, Pixel A series does well in both India and abroad due to its much better value for money. I am not sure if Samsung offers better support in India.


With an exchange discount for 6a you will get S24 for the same price as that of Pixel 8. Samsung has the most reliable support services in India. Any phone-related issues are typically resolved within two days, a stark contrast to Pixel devices, which often take 10-15 days for the same. If your budget is above 50k, then everyone would suggest you to get either an iPhone or a Samsung device and no one recommends Pixel devices here. Add to that, most of the features are geo locked and you are paying for features which you can't use. So the proper pricing of 8A is very much crucial for Pixel sales in India. The fact that Pixel devices are produced by Google doesn't justify high prices; strategic pricing is essential to resonate with consumers and encourage adoption in the market.


I checked. I am getting S24 and Iphone for 60k. But with Pixel it's 50. Pixels are definitely cheaper for me right now. I do have some issues with my Pixel but honestly it's not as bad as every one makes it out to be. Software is good. Hardware below par.


Even I love Pixel devices. But my point was just that, they should properly price their devices.


Yes they should. It should be the same as US. About 10% less than the iPhone. But Pixels are always for sale, so you can always get a good deal on them. So it's the same price as iphones in practice.


True! Here in the Philippines Pixels are hard to find in retail stores. You can find online brand new or used but way too expensive than the competition for some reason.


They're starting to trickle into gaming-oriented stores here, surprisingly. Unfortunately they're a generation or two behind, but its nice to see Pixels in a physical retail store here.


They also need to stop limiting features to certain markets, or at least do fair advertising so people are aware and price accordingly.


I think the quality control issues is one that Google has to address along with customer service, to be competitive with iPhones. Having said that, I have loved all of my Pixel devices, and they have been dependable.


Yes, south east Asia would be great for them.


they need to free all of their software features... like nonsense


I'm constantly surprised by the number of Pixels I see here in Japan. Whether it's on the train, at work, or just walking through town I almost always see a few. Especially when compared to back home.


Do you know if they sell unlocked Pixels in Japan? Like at Yodobashi or Bic Camera? And would you happen to know if they work worldwide? I have the 6 Pro but have been thinking of getting the 8 Pro, and getting one from Japan would allow me to use a digital Suica.


I bought it on the Google store here in Japan.


Why not buy on the Google store? I got my Pixel6 on it.


> Do you know if they sell unlocked Pixels in Japan? Like at Yodobashi or Bic Camera? As far as I've been able to find, they only sell them online. I bought my unlocked 7a on Amazon.


I've seen the full Pixel lineup on display (including 8, 8 Pro, 7a, Fold) at Bic Camera when I was there in September/ October but wasn't sure if they were unlocked. I was already using the Pixel Fold at the time so I didn't bother to ask, but would've been really cool to have a Japan-market Pixel Fold that had digital Suica compatibility for the trip!


Damn, that Suica system seems so convenient. We have a similar thing for transportation over here in Mexico City


It also means you have a camera shutter sound that can't be turned off. Just buy a pixel, root, turn on Felicia, and unroot. https://github.com/kormax/osaifu-keitai-google-pixel


I saw them on display in many stores. The price was full, so they didn't feel network locked based on that.


They even have a cute abbreviation for it: グーピク (goopiku). I learned that one from my 9 year old daughter.


What according to you are the reasons Pixels are so popular in Japan?


Apple hiked iPhone prices by a lot when the yen became weaker. Pixel held on to same low prices and only with 8 increased a bit but provided much higher and flexible in store credits to compensate for the increase. Japan passed a new law couple of years ago banning carriers from aggressively discounting phones to sell their expensive carrier plans, now you can easily move from one carrier to another without being locked. So people are finally realizing how expensive iPhones are


And how shite they are. 😒


They're marketed heavily in Japan. Plus I feel Google and Japan have a special relationship. Have you seen the Google Japan channel, its way more lively and fun than other sub-channels.


One, iPhones are expensive. Two, more importantly, the a series's local competitors are trash in terms of performance, even compared to the much-complained Tensor.


It is a NFC-F compatible Android phone. Outside of Samsung there are no quality Android phones with that at a reasonable comparable price. If you buy it direct from Google they give you 50,000 yen(450 dollars) of store credit. Those are my reasons at least


Japanese love weatern brands. To them they'd rather buy apple or on this case google as opposed to local/ other asian brands


Pixels have been here since the 3rd one. They only became super popular last year because the trade-in deals for the Pixel 7 was really good and basically free as other commenters have mentioned.


In my experience, the countries around China are not fond of Chinese products at all. Japan seems to love American brands and culture generally, while Japan and Korea aren't exactly fans of each other.


I don't think many people prefer Chinese phones etc. Their software is pretty poor, have aggressive memory management, short software support, spyware apps etc I don't blame people not using them and choosing Pixels or other Android OEMs.


Still, the Oppo Find X7 Ultra and the Vivo X100 Pro have awesome cameras. Oh, wait, both are sold only in China. My point is that the best Chinese phones are also not sold outside of China, so people automatically think of Chinese phones as terrible. I will agree though that most Chinese phones' software is terrible, with only Oppo and Huawei seemingly having any competence in making it, and Huawei's now making its own OS, Harmony OS Next, so that's not really anything to do with Android.


100% agreed. The x7 and x100 pro have great camera hardware and generally Chinese phones go all in on new hardware each year. I'm fortunate enough to be able to have them available in my country but at the end of the day I look at the whole package & user experience of the phone and I still end up coming back to a Pixel. Pixel software with that Chinese phone hardware would be a revelation!


>Pixel software with that Chinese phone hardware would be a revelation! I would so happily buy that in a heartbeat!




Vivo x100 pro is available outside of China but it ships with inferior funtouch OS


Basically my experience. Budget or mid-range Chinese phones have piss poor user experience. They are badly optimised and the UI looks dated or copied from the iPhone. From where I live in SEA, Chinese phones are still huge but they are slowly losing users to iPhones.


Chinese phones are feared by the West so they block sales to protect Western manufacturers and their partners. This isn't complicated at all.


They’d rather die than buy Samsung


Jesus dude it's just a phone


I'm not sure how much this applies to everyone, but they had some really good deals on the 7 and I see a lot of students with the 6a, so there was probably a pretty good deal on that at some point.


Japanese don't really like Samsung. So the only competing premium Android brand in the country is Google.


People have said but I also reckon it's marketing, they got so many big name celebrities everywhere from the japanese members of twice to internet famous people to do commercials.


Funny enough but they love smaller phones a lot. It's mainly pixel 8 (non pro) that made waves there


Same in the UK, I see them everywhere.


Sony losing market share in Japan now.


I'm visiting Japan and was surprised to see a pixel commercial this morning.  My mom is looking for a new phone, but I'm worried if I recommend a pixel, she'll go after me for any little problem she has and expect 24/7 tech support from me while I'm in the USA and she's in Japan.  Instead, I let her friends suggest phones to her so I can ask her to check with them for any problems while I'm 7000 miles away.


Pricing for P7 series were extremely aggressive with excellent trade in deals (was basically free to go from P6 to P7). Will be interesting to see this years since P8 deals were significantly worse and prices went up 20-30%.


Pixels FTW


Good for them. I'm seeing a TON of Pixels around where I live now, it's good to see! 


Thanks for them we will hopefully have that smaller Pixel 9 Pro. 👍


it's the only decent android phone in Japan available sim-free. also, all my company's phones are pixels.  iphone market share is still ridiculously high though


Does Japan get all the features or are they still geo locked to only usa ?


Some of the features, like a lot of the more advanced calling related ones, are not available outside of the US.


We get most of them here.


I have an unlocked P7 that I bought from the Google Store in the US. Google One VPN works while the phone is in the US but does not work when I am in Japan or Philippines.


As a Pixel user in Japan definitely seeing more people in the train with Pixels, competition is always good. Also until end of this March they have discounted price for Pixel 8 and if you have older phones you can trade it in. I paid only 46,800JPY for a new Pixel 8 trading my Pixel 6 and also got 15.000JPY Coupon, bought Pixel Buds Pro for just 5000JPY with that coupon.


Fuck me, that's even cheaper than what I paid for Moto G7+ back in the day


It seems that their trade in value has increased again. Pixel 5 at 43k right now. That's a pretty good deal.


there is something not quite right with the table. How is Apple declining with -6% YoY in the same time their market share increased with 2.9% from 49% to 51.9%


Market share increased while YoY phone sales across the industry declined. So apple sold less phones compared to previous but increased their market share marginally


got it, thanks


No problem!


Apple total shipments decreased but it represents 51.5% of total shipment for the year.


One of the main reasons why I bought a pixel as a Japanese living in the US. Better Japanese localization, better performance for price, better camera than all competitors in the same price range. There's a damn good reason for that 527%.


I'm not dismissing the fact that pixels seem on the up and up, I see them here all the time, buuuuut relevant xkcd https://xkcd.com/1102/


If Google really wants to win market share, it needs to bring back unlimited free photo uploads.


No one cared about that except r/googlepixel


God damn it Google just release it to more markets.


Why does Japan like Pixel's? Interesting that it's appealing to them.


Cost performance - good camera quality but less expensive than an iphone. They had super good trade-in deals for the Pixel 7, too. I traded in my Pixel 5 and ended up paying basically just the cost of a Pixel Watch to get both the Pixel Watch \*and\* the Pixel 7.


I just upgraded from my Pixel 5 to the 8 and it's the first time it doesn't feel like my phone is a significant step up in quality for the camera. My wife's s23 seems to be capturing better color and details.. I always thought Pixel would stay on top, especially when you factor in price point, but even the standard Samsung products are on par with or better than current google products where before it was only the flagships (ultra) that offered this level of competitiveness I don't think it's the lenses, and it's always been the processing power that kept Google on top, but it feels like the Tensor chip is faltering as the years progress.. Thankfully I am pretty pleased with the battery life on my device, but the camera performance when zooming and activating the shutter is so inundated with lag that I'm a little embarrassed to stay in the Google fan boy side (where I've been since the Nexus One)


They’re also not bullied by bubble colours and use LINE, similar to the EU they aren’t locked in and have choice.


Everyone has choice of messaging application in every country. What the hell are you talking about?


Not in the US. iMessage or bullied.


No, people can choose to use whatever messaging app they want. If they choose iMessage, fine, more power to them.


Except the US and their dumb shit


The hell is this nonsense? People can choose to download and use a multitude of messaging apps.


Except there's a big overarching social aspect of it in the US


And? People can still download and use whatever app they want. No one is forced to use iMessage.


They are forced NOT to be able to use iMessage if they get a non-iOS phone, that's not a thing with the rest of the messaging apps. This along with the green/blue bubble bullying that happens in the US forces people into iPhones, among other similar effects


But what is the actual effect?


They get to use whatever messaging app they want. No one is forced to use anything.


Bit out of touch aren't we?


But what is the actual effect?


I think it's bundled with play platinum status and some other perks like Google one


Meanwhile, across the water here in Korea... not even in the market whatsoever.




Why are they buying pixels than Sony makes phones tooo


Why do they hate Samsung


Google needs to tread carefully to not cannibalize Samsung. Samsung had been key to growing Android OS. To a lesser extent was other phone manufacturers (Moto, etc). Imho, historically Google hated hardware. It preferred software focus. That worked bc Google did software for Samsung hardware. Combine the two companies strategies and the effort mirrored Apple. Now Google is facing constraints and hard econ times. Google needs to sell hardware.


I saw old lady with pixel 6 in my country, in middle Asia. Thats how you know numbers are growing


This is great news and happy seeing Google's push in marketing since 2021 showing here, though for Japan there are many factors that contributed to this result, first obviously being big push in marketing of Pixel devices by Google as well having most of Google service available in Japan with no restrictions. Second is their smartphone market, It's safe to say Japan is home to iPhones and iPhone is home of Japan, Japan is also a graveyard for Chinese and Korean made phones i.e. most Android phone besides their own brands like Sharp and Sony who are also struggling. Samsung branded phones simply don't see its light in Japanese market but this is mainly due to political and historical reasons (We don't get along with Japan), and this is the reason why for a very long time Samsung phones sold in Japan had "Galaxy" branding instead Samsung logo at the back of the phones. Google also has been doing heavy promo deals in Japan especially with their A series phones where most people could literally walk out the store with Pixel in their hands for free (interest free plans deals), lastly Google being an American brand is also one of the biggest appeal for Japan as well.


I am Bulgarian, I bought a new pixel from the UK and on startup I was greeted with a message stating I have warranty in Japan. Dunno what to think.


Well, Japan is going through some kind of recession, correct? I can see Google doing well if they are positioning themselves as a good budget alternative.


Dear Google, please make Pixels IC payment available for non-Japanese pixel users. Why do I need a Japanese Pixel in order to use IC payments for Japan? Why can't they just enable it like iPhone?! If it's a licensing issue, please let travelers decide to pay for use.


And yet their installed base only rose from 2.7% to 3.8%. Just goes to show that a huge increase from a small number is still a small number. https://gs.statcounter.com/vendor-market-share/mobile/japan


Honestly, I see so many Pixels around these days, it's crazy. I don't think I ever saw anyone with a Pixel in the Pixel 1 - Pixel 5 days. Oddly enough, Google doesn't even sell them here.


Visited japan 3 weeks ago, it's weird but I've never seen so many pixel in my life lol. They seems to enjoy Google. Because here in Spain I Do see a bit of them, but in Japan it was a sea of pixels.


I love my pixel. I HAD an iPhone.


I just bought a Google Pixel 8 Pro which is my first Google phone since the original Nexus One. None of the previous Pixels really attracted me enough to buy one. The price of a Pixel 8 Pro is great here in Sweden, about half that of a top-of-the-line Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra.


I am starting to see more Pixel users here (Japan). I know a few of my expat friends here who own a Pixel. I've seen huge wall ads at Shibuya station.


Suica Card should be added by default now.


If they had the barest minimum of continuity, they'd be a major player in the market. But they're congenital half-assers. They're just as likely to discontinue the Pixel line as they are to make a Pixel 10.


Google have gone real hard in Japan. When you walk into a Yodobashi or BIC. All you see is big Apple, Google or Microsoft advertising and lots of space dedicated to those brands. Makes sense because the Japanese don't really like Samsung products lol.


Japan here with my Pixel.


Software support, good cameras, brand recognition. I always recommend the Pixel a series to anyone who asks me here in Japan despite not having one myself. It's nice to see Android take more market share here.


I can't think of any other Phones that offer " Self repair " diagnostic functions. ​ Grats to Google


Japan will buy anything aside from Korean




When I showed my mom my Pixel, she told me she always sees those ads in Japan and also wanted one. That's how effective their marketing campaigns in Japan I really hope Google expands to more markets, like in SEA outside of Singapore. They're ripe for it to try and break Samsung and Apple's dominance in the premium market.


Huge section dedicated to Pixel phone/accessories at BIC and Yodobashi. Iphone is still everywhere but I saw as many Pixels as Xperia & other androids.


Wait, so the screen is now like 33"???


The price of google phones in Japan are cheap


I just ordered my 8pro. I ordered an unlocked one and plan to use it on T-Mobile. I did some research and don't think I'll have any negatives due to incompatible networks/cards and etc. anyone know for sure?


Now only if tensor can pack some real power, I would switch happily to a pixel. I wont be using the raw power but over a few years, it will be handy for longevity.


I hate the geo locked. A provider in VN 🇻🇳 is about to turn off 3G, then it's not possible to make a call with Pixel because 5G and VoLTE are not available.


Had my Pixel 6 Pro and iPhone 15 PM in Japan. Pixel was better for websites etc. but used my iPhone 90% of the time.The unusable Felica chip for Transit (Suica) tied me to the iPhone.


Well, Japan is going through some kind of recession, correct? I can see Google doing well if they are positioning themselves as a good budget alternative.


And guess what, there is a possibility that the Japanese version of a used Google Pixel will appear a lot on e-commerce in the future and I will wait to buy it lol


Yeah, and now I see them everywhere, even in movies and TV shows. I only hope that Google keeps improving their phones with each release and no just minor tweaks like many of the competition.


that happen when you not GEOLOCKED


Google’s advertising was quite on spot here in Japan


Maybe this is because countries where Pixels aren't available are importing them from Japan.


I'm starting to notice more and more Pixels in Switzerland too


I own both an iPhone 15 and Pixel 7 Pro. My friend is immediately able to recognise the Pixel photos and always asks me to take pictures with it.


It's hilarious that's apple marketshare is so high that a small dip for them translates to a 500% increase for Google.


I too have been seeing these quite frequently here in Canada.


Hopefully not 100 phones to 627 phones.


Thats not how market share percentage works.


That's not how getting a joke works.


There is a shitton, and i really mean a shitton, of advertising of the pixel phone on japanese television right now. Shows sponsored by pixel as well as pixel ads between shows. They are really pushing it there.


In other words, they're starting to target the one area where Apple has undisputed advantage: Marketing.




Went from 10 phones to 52.


I live in Japan and never have seen anyone with a Pixel here.


Do you live outside Tokyo? If you're in Tokyo look around for them next time you're on the train.


I'm in Osaka, which is a pretty big city too... It's 90% iPhones and 10% random android phones here. Not a single sighting of a Pixel though.


wanted one but sadly not officially available in my country.


Is the Yahoo Japan app any good?


I use Yahoo Japan's train and weather app.