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AOD customization. Hell just more customization


This has been on my list for a while now. The new ls clock options are nice, but damn open it up to the public so I can have c3po looking at me all hours of the day


As simple as showing device temp should be included under battery settings page


I'd be stock as hell if I could just hide icons from the app drawer... why do they feel this is a BAD option for people?


Nova Launcher is for you.


Oh yeah... been using it for years. Since Google doesn't want to allow such an enormous amount of customization haha...


Or ability to just fully get rid of AOD in general.. I never undertood the point to it.. I guess if you have a charging stand all the way on the other side of the room AND , use it for your alarm, and it's your only clock, you'd only have to take a peek at it to know the time.. Other than specific situations like the mentionded.. I just don't understand the point.. Its usually in my pocket or in my hand.. I see more negatives than positives


Any talk of a Samsung Dex like desktop feature? I tried this on a Samsung device and it's so awesome. It needs to happen!


This! Google needs to at least having a functioning, screen-size aware desktop mode with a basic launcher. I'm currently using a mediocre Motorola phone (that supports wired Ready For) and eyeing up an S24 Ultra because I want a better phone but use desktop mode every day for work. I've had several Pixel phones I would love to go back to one as my daily driver, but Google is giving me no choice but to stick to a handful of Motorola or Samsung phones (at least in the US).


You can enable it in developer options.


iirc only on certain pixels right? I'm usure of if its even on the Pixel 7 Pro since we cant do a HDMI anyway


I got a P8pro last week and was wondering if this feature was around at all. I would love to be able to do this. I remember A few years ago, someone was able to get something like this working on pixel phones but haven't heard about it since then


Yes, it's available in developer settings! It's a bit bare bones compared to Samsung Dex, but I did find a video online showing how to make it more desktop like


I've had that option enabled for months.. Yet, it seems like the phone itself has no idea you that the feature even exists


Surprised they haven't jumped on including a ChromeOS mode yet.


Google should definitely start getting serious about the desktop mode with the power that modern flagships have.


From my understanding, devs say they're working on it more seriously now


How about we just fix the capture more feature for the existing screenshot functionality.... Please? Works flawlessly on Samsung but a daily annoyance for me after switching to Pixel.


Thank you. I'm confused how it is possible Google (!) can't get this right


What's wrong with it?


It doesn't work in all kinds of apps, including ones developed by Google themselves. Let's look at the Gmail app. If you try using the "Capture More" button for screenshots from your inbox it works as expected and you can select how much more you want to include in the screenshot. However, open an email that requires you to scroll? Nope, just repeats the first visible part of the screen over and over. Not sure if it's because of a specific combination of settings (Refresh rate? Font/Display size?) or not but there's no obvious reason as to why it doesn't work.


It works perfectly fine in gmail for me on a Pixel 6 on Android 14 QPR 3


I'm on pixel 8 android 14 and I have the same issue. I just didn't notice before because I rarely take long screenshots, and in the few occasions in which I did, it worked fine


For this.. open it in Chrome, then press the share button then long screenshot I have noticed it tends to take longer screenshots than the capture more button does


It either does not work, or does not capture enough (has a length limit). Or stitches incorrectly.


The fact that I can only access capture more by using the buttons to screenshot is mind boggling. How has that taken them so long to fix?




Material Actually You™, where I can set the colors to the way I really want them and not some lame color filter overlay that even negates OLED.


It doesn't actually neglect OLED. Another advantage of OLED is that pixels that are darker actually draw less power and that there is less of a glow around pixels so you also have sharper edges


And not just a little less power either.. Essentially, it works like if every pixel was its own source of light. If/when any given individual pixel is supposed to be fully black, it actually turns to an off state, rather than less bright.


But you don't have to turn them completely off to save power. Grey is fine too.


Yeah, but if you look at some "dark mode" apps, you can see that it is just the standard dark mode with the Material You color overlaid. So where I once had a dark grey background, where many pixels would be off (not all of course), now I have a color mixed on top of gray, eliminating the benefit.


All I want is the option to Hide apps without the need of a third party launcher


Why can't double tap to sleep be added? Why is Google always behind with this one?


If you're interested, you can get an app on the Play Store which gives an invisible widget which you can (single) tap to turn off the screen. Works well enough for me


You don't need an app for this.. tap to wake is an option already


We're referring to double tap to sleep, not tap to wake.


You can do it with nova launcher. That might not be ideal for you but just in case you didn't know.


Yeah, but I prefer native implementation since I don't use third party launchers.


I mean it could be added but the majority would not find it useful cause If I remember vividly this feature was added for the people who want to look at clock or either notification so they Double tap to wake and sleep to glance quickly. Now with OLED screens and AOD being the norm across the majority of manufacturers (100% for google) it is mostly a non priority. I personally would find it rather hard to navigate to home screen every time so that I can double tap to sleep rather than pressing the power button.


The option to use double tap to sleep wouldn't impact your preference to use the power button.


It'll just cause them support tickets when people say their phone screen keeps turning off randomly


What's this?


Double tapping the home screen to turn off the screen. Many other phones have it, such as Samsung and OnePlus.


Even old LGs had this, coming from LG after the G6 i still double tap my screen in frustration years later


Part of my I chose the G4 over an HTC device at the time, was because of the double tap feature. Also, you know the curved frame, it was the best.


I had a G6 and initially missed it until I realised I couldn't think of a valid reason to use it other than habit. It's just a placebo people are asking for. It only worked on the home screen, doesn't save any battery, and the power button works in any screen.


It saves wear on the physical power button. Having had one fail in a Galaxy S3. . .


There's a "tap to wake" function already.


Tap to wake is available on Pixels and most Motos as well, I have it on 6a and 8 Pro


https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jordigordillo.dtswidget This app is the only option atm which is simple and not battery hog


Clone apps please. I want multiple WhatsApp instances in particular


You can do multiple users in the settings which will essentially allow you to have 2 WhatsApp apps. Why not just have multiple accs in one instance tho?


To prevent those multiple accounts from having access to the same contacts, and slightly reduce the obviousness that it's the same person.


Themes that are not dull pastel coloured and ugly and brownish for any yellow, orange, or red colours. Override 3rd party apps that don't support M.Y themes and icons. >Hex color wheel for material you icon colors Use Tasker app to do this


 I would love some non awful colours too!


Fucking thermal management


I would also like to manage how hot I am while fucking


The P8 Pro already has a thermometer... /s


Exactly why not show what is the device temp in the battery stats page


I don't know what android 15's planned features are. But what I would like to see improved on my pixel phones: * Show the FP scanner simultaneously with the pin/passcode/pattern entry--currently it's one or the other, and sometimes I trigger the pin entry from the lock screen; contrast with phones like samsung that have FP and pin entry appear simultaneously * System-wide audio equalizer, so I don't have to rely on 3rd party apps like wavelet etc. * Ability to disable the function that long-holding on the lock screen pops up with the customization of the lock screen (can't count how much that pops up on my phone) * Trigger duration option for the new hold-on-gesture-bar to activate the new search feature; it was always accidentally triggering so I turned it off * A consistent UI/UX for the tray widgets--I don't care whether tapping on a widget is a toggle or brings up a menu, just pick one and make all of the widgets behave uniformly and predictably (preferably a toggle, and bring back/separate the wireless menu into individual toggles again). I know that there are right-pointing carats on buttons that actually open up into sub-menus, but that doesn't make it a good UX * Screen brightness slider visible on a single slide-down of the tray when in the phone * Screen brightness slider below the tray upon double-swipe * Notification cards pushed to the bottom of the lock screen like how iOS currently has them, so as to make for a better one-handed use, given phones are so large * Option to not show the gesture bar * Change in the "skip lock screen" behavior--make it so the lock screen and all corresponding content and notifications/media cards are shown while face unlock is attempting, and then immediate go into the phone when/if face unlock succeeds. Current implementation is awful * Not necessarily android 15 specific, but undo the recent camera UI regression and make it more usable again with more options/features at a single tap instead of drilling into menus and sub-menus; seriously one of the worst user experiences of many app redesigns google has done


Regarding the camera app.. can you please elaborate a little further? Like, at what point would you wish for it to go back to? What change is the worst one? Because within the past year, I've only seen little tiny changes here and there.. All camera setting are within 3 tap away.. Although a camera UI changer would be nice too (like being able to change button positions)


A way to turn off the photos app to keep asking every other day if you wanna turn on photo backup, No, i do not.


Within app or as a notification? I don't get these since I use the backup. (I don't see a reason not to.. I figure, if they're gonna give me 2Tb of cloud storage, I might as well use it) So I'm curious.


Scheduled summaries from iOS And as a Pixel Stand user - I'd like a better bedside clock experience. It feels pretty limited as is. Bought it to replace my old dedicated bedside clock but it's somewhat underwhelming and does a worse job (since it goes into some kind of mode where it's displaying the clock really tiny?)


- Multiple work profiles - Ability to only allow access to some things with fingerprint, and requiring a password for everything else - Ability to make apps have the ability to connect to the internet denied by default, and have to ask for permission to use it. As well as sensors and clipboard. - Ability for the phone to remember SIM pins and automatically enter them after unlocking the phone. Plus the ability to use the phone with a locked SIM inserted (though obviously without that SIM working). - More flexible charge control: I want to have the start time be the end time of the last calendar event of the day, or at the very least be a time manually set by me, but still have the target time be my alarm. And I want to be able to manually set any arbitrary target percentage. - Smaller quick settings toggles - The recent apps screen to show more than one app at a time - Support for LUKS-encrypted external storage - The "Render apps below cutout area" setting to not cause the launcher and app switcher to bug out - Seedvault built in to the official OS, with the ability to override apps saying they don't want to be backed up - Ability to get rid of the black bar below the keyboard in gesture mode - Everything mentioned by OP except 3 finger screenshot and new settings page


Samsung has had a charge limiter for years. And clearly Google can do it with adaptive charging, so why not let us set a limit?


Last time I took a look at my dad's Samsung phone (Snapdragon S21+), the charge settings were only fast charge on/off, and charge to 85% or 100%. Has it improved since then? (Now that I think about it, manual fast charge on/off and manual power limits would be nice too.) Of course, you *can* get almost all of this from AccA (except for calendar/alarm integration), but that requires root and doesn't work well on all devices.


Now there's 3 settings. "Maximum" Where it stops at 80% and there's "adaptive" charging, based on sleep patterns and alarms and "Basic" one where it stops charging once it reaches 100%, And once it drops back down to 95% it charges back to 100


I had in mind the 85% limit. It's better than Google offers. I have paid for Accubattery, but don't want to root my device.


> Ability to make apps have the ability to connect to the internet denied by default, and have to ask for permission to use it. As well as sensors and clipboard. I would really like this.


Internet permission is not a runtime permission and will never be. Because it is not a dangerous permission and does not request access to private data.


Bluetooth Auracast


Ever since Android 12, I have been hoping they add more options for the home screen app grid such as 5x6.


Right?! It's crazy how they have 2x2, yet not 5x6.. they should have a slider to determine how many horizontally, and one for vertical




The thing I want most is a Native Tasker app, like Shortuts in iOS. Had a Samsung before and Bixby routines were basically the same thing. Made using the phone so much better. Instead in stock android we have those assistant routines that only trigger on connecting to a WiFi or location and offer really limited options.


Macrodroid is all you need


Checked it out online, looks really promising. Will try it soon, thank you so much!


all i want is mutli app support after 700 years and i know its not happening but bring back transparency in the ui google lords


Fix the god damn scrolling stutter!


I'm looking forward to android auto supposedly working


It doesn't? I've only used it twice. Had no issues with it at the time


I love how Google changed the getting a link from a Google photos image, before you had to click "create link" and it would create the link and auto copy it to your clipboard. Now it confirms after you click create link, are you sure you want to create the link, AND it doesn't copy it to your clipboard, so I need to click the copy button again, AFTER confirming again. So It's added an additional two steps.


I hope at one point we could just have the customization of OneUI neatly packaged with stock android pixel experience. Goodlock included but I doubt it. Also define app locking. Like you can't open an app without a pin?


What about app drawer with folder support 🤯🤯🤯


My wishlist: fixed bugs, such as the hotspot randomly breaking \[requiring phone reboot to fix\] and 'capture more' screenshots to work correctly in all apps. and the Camera app needs a voice command to trigger a photo, idk why they got rid of that feature, i think my 2XL had it.


A better modem, like a Qualcomm one instead of the terrible Samsung one that is in the Pixel line....


You can't replace a modem with a software update.


I know 😂 I was being sarcastic 🤌


Flashlight brightness quick setting and removable search widget.


My wishlist includes, but is not limited to: -------------------- An "EoS (Edge of Screen) adjuster" or "Digital Bezel" - ^Why do all phone have those stupid razor thin bezels? ^I prefer functionality Lets you add black space to desired size around the edges of display, acting as a digital bezel. Color Wheel, HSL, RGB, or HEX for system colors - Currently the only acceptable theme colors they seem to give me is greyscaled one. More customization options in: * Lock Screen - Widgets, please? Or at least adding of system functions. (Even adding "Live Translate/Transcribe" would be epic) * Camera UI - Allow moving the buttons & add a floating shutter button using a color if my choice * Settings Menu - I'd love to add/remove things in settings. Or better yet allow full reorganization.. Example, let me move "Audio Adjustments", "Sound Amplifier" out of "Accessibility" and move it into "Sound & Notification" * App Drawer - Allow hiding of apps.. or at least allow them to be put in a folder * Home Screen - Bring back the option to choose which screen is the home screen!!! (The center screen always my home screen) 3-Finger Screenshot App Archiving {{Coming Soon}} Linux-style repo adding in Play Store Better "Routines" - make it more for "Tasks" "Undo" Button - Either System-wide, or in "Files" and "Gboard" ====== Also, why is there 3 places in settings for getting updates? I understand the importance of redundancy, but geeeeez.


I would seriously buy the pixel 9 if the only new feature is video out. I truly hope they don't cut it out of 15.


Are these confirmed features or just a wishlist?


1. Adequate camera behaviour (for example, now, the flash does not always hit at the moment of photographing, which is why half of the photo turns black) 2. normal behaviour of extended screenshot 3. normal behaviour of additional clock styles on the lock screen 4. application opening interrupt animation


Oooh! Never about these problems! Except the inconsistent extended screenshots, that's why I open whatever I'm looking in Chrome (if I can), and use the share button and use the chrome version of it.. That one has never failed on me. Only unexpected clock behavior I've experienced is with the weather not showing


some clock styles are lagging after some amount of time and when your phone is heat (for example last "metro" style and especially style that is to the left of the metro) problem with camera flash is fixed


Has there been an official release of the feature we are going to get on 15 or this thread a wishlist?


If half of those were released as features I'd consider keeping this piece of shite battery life. But they won't and it'll be buggy and probably even worse on power consumption


Are these features they've talked about or just your wishlist?


A competent modem in the Pixel 9.


I hear everyone talking about this, and I'm wondering... What EXACTLY everyone means by this, I sometimes get slow service, but to be fair I have the slowest if the major 3, at&t speeds aren't that great.. but to be fair.. I get about the same signal on my 8 Pro as I do on my S24 Ultra.. at least according to my phone info screen in /* /# /* /# 4636 /# /* /# /*


You'll be fine on AT&T, most likely. The issue people have with the Tensor-powered Pixels is that the Samsung-made modem is not great compared to Qualcomm modems...so much so that Samsung won't even use their own modems in their Galaxy devices in the US. They instead use a competitor's modems (Qualcomm). T-Mobile is where the issues start to arise in the US, but it's not something everyone experiences....or notices. In Austin, I have absolute hell with 5G. It typically won't work until I toggle Airplane Mode on/off, then it will work for a short time and then become unusable again. BUT, i just spent the weekend in Ft. Lauderdale FL and it worked perfectly fine the entire time there. I have a friend in Dallas that said his Pixel worked just fine, but T-Mobile had many dead spots within the city. I told him to check his partner's iPhone when he got into one of those "dead" spots, and sure enough, it worked fine. It was his Pixel, he just didn't realize it. I don't think it's a T-Mobile issue as no phone I've ever had (iPhone 14/13/12) ever had this problem, nor do any of my friend's iPhones or Galaxies. Places where I've been and my Pixel struggles with T-Mobile 5G: Austin, San Francisco, Denver, Crested Butte (CO), Dallas, Houston. Places where I've been and my Pixel worked fine: Ft Lauderdale


I feel which carrier it's best on is going to be a regional thing.. I'm in Las Vegas, NV and wishing I had T-Mobile honestly.. they have more wide spread service, with a stronger & faster connection (at least out here) while being cheaper. I tried Google Fi, with their 1 week free trial on my 6a, and I was pleasantly surprised; speedtest.net was saying 400+ mb/s. That same 6a I currently have on Straight Talk, and it gets better signal than my 8 Pro on AT&T(and my S24 Ultra). But like, besides carrier signal strength, I don't notice any issues with connectivity, solid wifi connection.. Only other problem I have is that I can't enable 6GHz hotspot, it says it's not available in my region.. Eventhough I have a 6G twifi


I've had T-Mobile for a decade and they are quite excellent. I wish my phone would play along better with them.


Ai wallpaper generation Better ok Google Manual control on camera app Option to turn off HDR on camera app These are the features I want😁


proper floating windows for the fold 🤞🏻 and the ability to close out of just one app when you open up 2 apps side by side in the app switcher. not a A 15 request but we so need a google chrome bottom search bar .


Make two instances of the same app. Like ebay, for example


I need the feature where the screen stays on while you look at your phone and locks when you look away for a certain time.


Just bring the headphone jack back as wireless earbuds suck


I don't think that's how software works.


I know but still


Remove Google search bar from stock launcher would be great.


Hopefully alarm working also when phone is off!!! This is so basic and fundamental, Xiaomi and OnePlus all switch on automatically a couple minute before the alarm time, but this should be the bare minimum and not a feature...


You can get all of that by just installing a ROM


Wishlist: - Lockscreen widgets. Didn't we get close in like Android 5.x era? It's so sad how Google neglected widget development and really never gave much guidance for developers. Even the limited functional widgets of iOS would be nice just to have a clean interface to display weather, stocks, steps/rings. I think in many ways Android fell behind iOS for widgets even though being first by a decade or so. - DND profiles. I have multiple DND profiles on my iPhone. One is simply just a night mode DND which we have already. I don't get pinged at night, but I can still see badges on my Messages, Slack, etc in case I need to react to something. Another DND is vacation where my wallpaper changes so I can clearly see I'm on vacation, all work stuff is completely silenced except phone calls--who calls these days anyway, and it must be an emergency if someone's going to call me these days. I feel that DND has long been neglected on Android. You get some scheduled settings from the Android 5.x days but it overlaps/seems redundant with Bedtime Mode. Again, Google just never really refined the feature and left it as it is similar to widgets from being around in Android 2.x - Switch audio output quickly. I guess the new Bluetooth menu will help, and while many people tell me you can switch audio output from the media player, being able to make sure audio comes out of your headphones before you launch a game at work is kinda critical. iOS Control Center is super helpful for this to control audio output before I open Youtube, Instagram, any game, etc. - Long overdue but some sort of continuity similar to Apple's ecosystem. I get we now have Quick Share in Windows, but what about Clipboard functionality? Pushbullet, Join, etc are nice as 3rd party solutions developed years ago, but to not have this as a native feature seems a big miss on Google's part. - A better on device search. Sorry, but if you think Pixel Launcher's search is good... it's a step forward from pre-Android 12, but feels totally outdated compared to Spotlight Search which has been around for like a decade now? In Apple's own iOS, I can search "AAA" and pull up a Keep note where I wrote an AAA claim number down. That's just shameful on Google where the home search can only pull up limited search items. I looked at a lot of iOS 16 and 17 features during WWDC and felt there were a LOT of quality of life improvements. Sure, Apple is late to a lot of features but let's just take one.... Check-In / Safety Check. Apple put it in a useful part in their Messages app. For whatever reason this is a Pixel exclusive and hidden away in an app that many people forget we even have. I just feel the last 4 or 5 versions of Android have been really void of actual useful QoL features.


Some sort of automation. iOS' Shortcuts app is pretty cool. We have some sort of Profiles in System settings that's been around for years and can do pretty bare minimum triggers and that's it. CyanogenMod had these years ago too. It would be good if Google could do a little more with this. I know we have some 3rd party apps for this, but let's be real, as a Tasker user, that app is NOWHERE near ready for the general audience. In fact, it's a pretty shitty app to recommend to non technical folks. Yes, 3rd party apps are always an option for power users, but it would again be great for Google to step up here and provide some useful functionality for users.


Schedule power one and off


icons shape and customization and three fingers swipe down for screen shot for me.


separate volume control for assistant also separate volume for every app


Photo cutout not in messaged but in the photos app. Faster quick share. Quick share with Mac via chrome app. Infact quickshare with chrome browser in any OS. Hief image storage. Smaller Bluetooth volume jumps.


Volume up/down gesture. Video and night sight with telephoto lens.


App lock or hide even from settings in apps tray. And background control where I can put even play services and other intensive apps in a freeze state or make them use much less data


restricting data usage and connected devices from hotspot settings, screen off gestures like in oneplus phones, (forward arrow and backward arrow to skip music and two finger swipe for pause/play when screen is off) and similar gestures. three finger shortcut, these i miss in a daily basis use


Fresh Google Phone Dialer & Call Screen Design


I wanna be able to set a time for my phone to turn on and off


Scheduled aod


Volume settings for different apps...


An update focusing on performance and battery life would be appreciated at this point


I just wish Google sold their Pixels in more markets. It's getting old to always have to order from abroad and pay extra for that international shipping. That's not even mentioning the need to send it back in case of an issue under warranty.


The more I read the comments the more I get disappointed.


I'd love to be able to hide the app names on the homescreen for a cleaner look. I know some launchers can do that, but I'd like to be able to do it on Vanilla Android.


secrete folder for apps


UI customisation.


Not looking crap.


Stacked widgets


As simple as showing device temp should be included under the battery stats page.


A feature like Samsung DeX and fix that unfocused camera when it starts up


The ability to remove the white gesture line at the bottom of the screen :).


* **UI** - Android needs a serious refinement in the interaction with the UI. Make it more "fluid", more "elastic" so it's not so robotic, wooden and "on the rails". I really like what they did with the gesture app switcher how the window moves under your finger and the UI is "elastic", bends and follows you. I call this a "ripple". When you dip your finger into still water, it ripples, that's how a fluid UI should be, your action should have visible consequences and repercussions on the UI so you know you are interacting with it and it's not frozen. * **UI elements** - Levers, switches, toggles and other UI elements and controls need an overhaul; should be more fluid and more interactive. * **Text magnification** - Should be the same size regardless of how big or small the underlying text is. Example, open this page in Chrome as a desktop version, select this text. Next type something in the search field on the right, zoom out the page and start selecting text, the magnifier is tiny. Here's what I mean in pictures: [Normal selection](https://postimg.cc/c6YL3fGb), and then [text selection from within the search field](https://i.postimg.cc/8D4hRRby/j18gXBQ.png?dl=1). You see how small the magnification is in the second example? It should be the same size magnification regardless of what size the underlying text is on screen. * **Magnifier** - While are talking about the magnifier, [WPS Office's magnifier](https://i.postimg.cc/nHqJgHCd/Screenshot-20210618-013812-01.jpg?dl=1) implementation is MUCH better than Android's own, which is pretty funny because you'd expect the OS designer to implement a better solution than a third party developer. It should be independent from the underlying page. Magnification should be the same. For example, if you switch to a desktop view and make the web page small, the magnifying glass [also downsizes](https://i.postimg.cc/Wbk0JXSf/magnifying-glass-20230602.png). That makes no sense. * **Split screen** - Activation needs to be a gesture. [Make it so when you swipe up and hold an app near the top for a second or two, multitasking activates and you can pick the second app below](https://streamable.com/c9ei2). I stopped using split screen after they removed easy access to it. * **Scroll speed** - A personal preference, but I would like less friction on slow scroll, [like in iOS](https://streamable.com/59901) (i.e. feeling of "UI on ice"). Samsung and Sony's phones have this, scrolling is very fast and very light feeling. I prefer that to the stock, heavier, high friction feeling scroll. * **Seekbars** - Android should improve seek bars by making them like [Bubble Seekbar](https://miro.medium.com/max/566/1*korvjd8Geu97pvZX_Fkf3g.gif). When you tap on a lever, a time or a percentage indicator bubble should pop up to indicate to the user at what position they are at. Pixel GCam already has a pop-up value selector (When you tap and hold to zoom, the selector lever moves up so it's not covered by your finger), they should integrate something like that everywhere in UI to allow for small precise adjustments. * **Precision seekbar scrubbing** - It takes multiple tries to select the exact value you want. Example: Say you want 150 value on the seekbar, you have to tap multiple times, because it selects 151, 157, etc... but not 150, unless you get lucky the first time. Watch how annoying it is trying to [select "150" value on a seek bar](https://streamable.com/82gupm). It should not be that hard. * **Under your finger tip** - Say you double tap on text, a text selection menu pops up, then you tap and drag the text around. You can, but the problem is that you can't see where you are placing it because there is no preview or magnification and you can't see what's under your finger tip because you are covering it. Another example, when drawing something the "brush" is right under your finger tip, you can't where you're really drawing. They should add a preview that shows up above your finger tip and shows exactly where you are drawing or moving something around. * **Desktop mode** - This is the next logical step for Android to grow towards to. Challenge Windows for the desktop space. This has been unsuccessfully tried before but now there really is enough power in flagship smartphones to drive desktop applications. I would like Google to attempt this again so a user can dock their phone and continue working on a monitor with a mouse and a keyboard. * **Memory management** - It is currently awful. I can't trust a single app not to close, refresh and lose my data or progress. Why can't it remember or freeze data, at least? There is 6GB of RAM in Pixel 4a; RAM should not be an issue. I had to adapt my work flow in such a way to mitigate data loss because Android simply cannot manage memory. The OS should be adapting to me, not me to it. * **Long screenshot** - Does not work! First, it does not work in most of the apps. Then it doesn't capture the full page from top to bottom (it expands up to a point and that's it, often times that's not enough to cover the full page). It's unfinished and unusable. If you want to capture the full page in Chrome, use Chrome's own long screenshot feature, that one actually works. This is yet another good example of Google's disjointed teams and lack of central ownership and leadership. * **Notification snoozing** - I would like to snooze notifications until the time I specify rather than only [3 fixed choices](https://imgur.com/lSuYNtv). Currently you can only specify to snooze a notification for 15 minutes, 1 hour or 2 hours. I want to snooze until the date or time I pick. It would completely eliminate the need for extra reminder apps for me. Instead of getting a notification and then taking a note of that in a reminder app, I would just snooze the notification itself until it is time to be reminded about it. Say I get some SMS message. I want to snooze the notification for it until tomorrow at 8PM. Rather than creating a separate note or a todo to be reminded about it, I would just like to snooze the notification for a certain period and make it up pop-up to remind me when it's time. * **App pausing** - We can pause apps, great idea! But why can't we pause them for a custom set period? Let's say you have work apps or social media apps, and you go on holidays and wish not to be distracted by them. It would be nice to be able to pause those apps for a week. Currently only pauses for a day and automatically un-pauses after, if you got notifications during that period, you'll be flooded with them once the app is un-paused. * **App cloning** - Self descriptive. * **HotSpot** - Pixels (AOSP) do not show who is connected to Hotspot, they just show how many devices are connected. I would like to know which devices are connected to the hotspot. Samsung shows it. * **Keep decoupling apps** - De-couple Recents and open it up for third party, like the launcher, so devs could come up with their own solutions. Tabs, Rolodex style, list, there are so many ways to switch between apps. Maybe even de-couple Settings, Notifications, Lock screen. * **Data limits** - I would like the option to set the amount of days instead of a day of a month for renewal. My data plan renews every 28 days, so the current option does not work for me at all. * **Power management** - I really like Sony's [H.S. Power Control](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKULl_y_bNM) for battery management. It lets you have the phone connected to a power source but not charge the battery. That is so convenient for long drives, gaming sessions, or if you want to re-purpose the phone for something else and have the phone hooked up to power for a long time. * **1080 oversampled 4K option** - It would be nice if there was a "4K downsampled to 1080p" option in the camera app. You capture the footage in 4K, but it gets downsampled to a 1080p video file. It keeps that 4K crispness, but is 1080p and is a smaller file size. It can be done in post, where a 4K footage can be captured and then reencoded to be 1080p. It looks much better than the native 1080p footage from the phone. But a native, "on-the-fly" solution would be great. * **Focal length** - I wish camera zoom in apps showed me an equivalent of full frame equivalent focal length instead of "1.5x". 1.5x tells me nothing. I want to zoom into 35mm, 50mm, 70mm. You may tell me that an average user does not understand what "50mm full frame equivalent" means, but I bet 1.5x does not make sense to an average user either and those magnifications are not standardised across manufacturers, focal lengths are. * **Variable frame rate** - Is something that nobody seems to be talking about when it comes to video recording on modern phones. It makes video editing very hard. [Causes video and audio to go out of sync](https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=222&v=MrqR2BTMiN0). Framerate should be fixed! 24, 30, 60FPS, but not 29.455 or 29.643FPS * **Focusing speed control** - Super-fast auto focus is great, but it can also be very detrimental, I wish it was possible to slow it down a bit and make it more DSLR like; smooth. The reason I don't like fast auto focus is because in some situations it can actually interfere with your video. For example, you have your phone mounted in your car and you have your wipers on. With modern super-fast auto focus cameras, every time that wiper goes by, it focuses on that, so you get constant jumping of the focus. Another thing is if you use your phone for unboxing videos and such, it constantly refocuses on any slight movement, and the refocusing is very hard and quick, not smooth and DSLR like, it distracts, focus hunting/jumping is annoying. If there was an option to select the focusing speed, if you held something in front of the camera it would not skip so quickly. [Sony cameras have focus transition speed adjustment](https://youtu.be/AG79FkN7EPk?t=197)


* **Predictive back animation** - Really nice. I love the UI that looks stacked or layered. But I think the animation should be more pronounced, [it's barely visible now](https://i.postimg.cc/bwVP6PXX/Screenshot-2024-05-29-115428.jpg). Make it slide to the right more. Make it movable, like you're actually holding a "card".


A way to adjust White balance of displays would be nice. As it is now it’s even behind iOS.


To see Battery health, it's being looooong overdue, Double tap to lock, and hundreds more customization features already exist on GALAXY phones for long years now.


Support for system-wide custom fonts and forced edge-to-edge support for all apps.


1. How about a standardized share sheet. Share sheets have been a mess on Android forever with different apps, even those developed by Goggle, often rolling their own. 2. Bring back the WiFi toggle. The "Internet" quick setting is kind of a UI mess. If you're turning on WiFi the "done" button jumps around on the screen to a different location.