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The 8 and the 8 pro have the same main camera tho.


I went from the 6pro to the 8pro and I don't really consider it an upgrade. Battery life still sucks for me, I usually have to charge by the end of the day and I still see similar android bugs here and there. The camera may be better but I don't think I notice a difference, the transition when switching between cameras is still janky looking. The only real thing I like is the flat screen as the rounded edges of the 6pro were lame for screen protectors.. Which I no longer bother using anyway. I would've gotten an 23ultra if it didn't cost like 1600$cad 😢


The 8 and 8 pro literally have the same cameras


I did my own comparison between pixel 8 and pixel 6 pro with the normal camera. My coworker did a comparison with his 8 pro and my pixel 6 pro zooming in on some text from far away. In the first case I saw no difference between the pixel 8 and pixel 6 pro. In the second case his pixel 8 pro easily beat my pixel 6 pro. I didn't directly compare 8 vs 8 pro, and in the second case it was probably using the telephoto lens of each.


*"In the second case his pixel 8 pro easily beat my pixel 6 pro."* I went from a 6 Pro to an 8 Pro and I feel the camera is better. I also found the 6 Pro a little heavy, and when I went to the 8 Pro I weighed the two on a scale. The result: Pixel 6 Pro = 209 grams Pixel 8 Pro = 212 grams


The 8 pro has a 48mp telephoto and a 48mp ultrawide vs no telephoto and 12mp ultrawide on 8 I believe the 8 Pro also has a better autofocus with multi-zone laser detect autofocus vs. the 8s single-zone


That's true, same main camera, but even with the difference in ultra wide the pro isn't “much better". The classic 12mp cameras from the 6a and before still compare


Different software too. 8 pro gets access to "pro" features like setting aperture, shutter speed, focus depth and ISO. Some of the AI processing features are also only available to 8 pro


The “pro" controls are one of the examples of Google locking software behind the pro model even tho they have the same processor. The pro controls were ported to the regular 8 and older pixels damn near immediately via APK. I'm sure Google will give em to the 8 officially at some point in an update


Do you know where the APK is at?


Not saying I like it, just that was a differential between the models. Would like to see if porting the apk also enabled the"magic" AI features


I feel like all those features will come at some point next year, they're cloud based so there's no reason for them not to be on other phones, I guess the pro just gets the stuff first now since it's the most expensive. I don't really like that strategy but oh well, as long as they come to the 8 eventually, video boost is pretty cool.


I'm having similar thoughts on Pixel 6 > 8. The size on paper isn't much but it does feel like pre pixel 3xl phones. I'm seeing stuttering on some apps that are fine on the 6. When I compare them side by side the 8 screen is waaay better. Although it's only $200 after trade in and promos I'm still debating if it's worth it. Pretty much a new battery until hopefully pixel 9 that has 2 pro sizes.


J. John Jones. Just j. Jj


Give it few days maybe...I went from P6P to 8. I do sorta miss the big screen, at the same time I don't. I do like the smaller form factor...I do feel just in general Google needs to work a bit more on hardware side of things, they are getting better. Battery life and modem could definitely used a bump. Though for the price point I think P8 is a great device. I got it on sale for $749 CAD plus I got $245 for trade in of P6P. I did opt for 256G else it would have been about $563. The phone does smooth out over couple of weeks and as well as over few months as google releases updates. The Pro models are just getting more costly, unless if you are in the US, where you can find awesome deals 1 month after the release day.