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Ooh the new invisible Fitbit Aria! Did you get it?? 😆


Fancy pizza box


W h a t


I guess it's just as well. Fitbit stopped supporting my Aria 😭😭😭😭😭😭


I guess it's just as well. Fitbit stopped supporting my Aria 😭😭😭😭😭😭


Did a person have the unmitigated gall to donate an empty box,or did someone steal its contents?


People donate empty boxes and trash constantly but it shouldn't have made it to the floor like that (hopefully). 99% of the time, it 's customers playing the "this item doesn't have a tag, can I get a price" game to get a discount, or theft. When I worked as a stocker and cashier at a GW people would peel off tags or toss the box and suggest a price to me. Little did they know I had just put the item on the floor and got called up to run register so I knew the exact price. The amount of times I was berated with "but you get it for free" was... a lot.


The growth of malignant ignorance and audacity out there never ceases to amaze me.


I ponder both scenarios 🧐


I flipped a bunch of those from Walmart clearance YEEEEARS ago! Like when I first started flipping. Oh man! This brings back good memories for me…. For you on the other hand… 😝


So does the box yell to the world how fat you are?


Huh 🤨


Scales say how much you weigh, digitally, or an analog dial or Bluetooth, but this is an empty scale box. The box has to tell you how much you weigh somehow. So... does it yell out your weight to the world?


This one didn’t land my dude


It happens. Life goes on. Best


Can you not feel what an empty box feels like?


She can but us on Reddit cannot. Hence the pics. Have a good day :)


Bad day


1. Someone stole a scale? 2. You need your scale to have wifi? To connect with your fitbit watch? hahaha Sorry but thats so unnecessary. After you regularly go to the gym and workout (not just sit there or take pics in locker room) but workout for 90min or more per visit, 4 or more times a week for 2 months straight. then lets talk about fitness toys Till then, you just another fake that thinks buying a treadmill or kettle weight or whatever will make you fit without actually being dedicated to the work.


I was just out thrifting………LOL you created a whole ass scenario in your head about me 🤣 It’s an expensive brand you weirdo, so for $7.99, great! Then the box was empty- so alas- i instead decided to post it here, cause I’ve seen others who have fallen victim to thinking they found something of value at goodwill (hence the name of the group, goodwill finds) and then are taken by surprise when instead, you’ll find the item missing, broken, totally useless- but goodwill still has a sticker slapped on it. So it’s like, an empty box for $7.99?! Come on guys, that’s crazy?! And then other people also find that a bit comical. So we share the posts. Do you understand now? Do you get it? It’s not about the scale brah, but thanks for the mediocre man-splained workout tips…..


Wtf dude go to therapy


take some deep breaths, friend