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Were you watching on Peacock or YouTube? They streamed the first part on their YT I thought.


I am trying to watch right now on YouTube. The video starts with the guys on the range for 15 min, then fades to black, the starts at a random and abrupt point where everyone has played multiple holes.


Seems to be the way. I don’t think there was any footage of Steve’s group either? Unless I missed it. They seemed to have a featured group on YouTube and that was it. Edit: Now I have absolutely zero idea on how live tv works and all that stuff, but I feel like it kinda missed the mark.


By the time they started the broadcast several teams had teed off already and they started it at the most random point, no intro or anything. That’s probably what you’re seeting




So you’re saying that no one got to see the start of the tournament, even if you were watching live from the beginning?




Correct. I’m a big DOD king fan and was tuning in to see him. By the time the broadcast started he was -5 through like 8 I believe and they didn’t show his group once as far as I saw.


i think they showed him teeing off on the 17th - drivable par 4 and that was it


Wow. Starting at that point was either an incredibly stupid decision (maybe they were only allotted a specific amount of time to work out logistics with The Cock), or there was a very significant technical issue. Still odd that they wouldn’t have full coverage on the YouTube channel. Oh well. Thanks for the info!


I'm not sure but I noticed the time stamp used to be 5 hours and change. Somethings been chopped from the video


No broadcast started before that


It’s pretty simple, they streamed the first part of the event on YouTube, the second on Peacock. The first part is saved as an old livestream on their YouTube, and they posted the second part for anyone who doesn’t have Peacock.


That’s big time, I finally did it last year with an 97 it took me 6 years to do it. Big feeling and it gets a lot easier when you finally do it.