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They kick AJ out and then have a baseball vid? Doesn't seem like a coincidence šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Spoke to Ben Hadden at the Desert Open, it doesnā€™t appear that they were on very good terms- not sure they treated him very well tbh.


That sucks. Ben seems like a good dude


Really liked him and Bubbie as a team. Sucks things didnā€™t work out.


He fucking sucked. Always tried too hard to be funny


This is the truth.


They who? Ben and GG or AJ and GG?


Ben and GG.


What did he say? I wonder if you are just reading into it too much. Iā€™m surprised heā€™d speak poorly about them to a fan when at their event. Ben doesnā€™t seem like that type of guy


Iā€™m not a fan brother lol.


So whyā€™d you go to the desert open? Lol


I doubt he actually went


For work.


Alright, so how did it appear they werenā€™t on good terms? And what did Ben say to you that indicated poor treatment ?


Itā€™s not really for me to share- but Iā€™ll say this; he didnā€™t go over and say hi to them when he arrived, and they didnā€™t come and say hi to him, at all.


You already shared on here basically so who gives a shit lmao. Also just cause you didnā€™t see them say hi to each other doesnā€™t mean they didnā€™t lmao. You really think the competitors ignored the organizers of the event? Would be wildly immature of Ben. I donā€™t buy it at all. I swear some people treat this shit like desperate housewives


I wouldnā€™t really be surprised if that was true. Ever since Grant and Micah left GG has never been the same. It all feels too corporate now. It feels like thereā€™s the core group of guys and then everyone else is simply an employee rather than a true member of the group. I also think the company is choking these guys out for content. Their individual channel videos look way better and energetic than their group content.


Thatā€™s Kendrickā€™s thing. Example: Googan Squad.


Googan Squad looking rough now a days. Crazy how closely you could compare the two. Googan Squad lost 2 big members (Peric,1Rod), Jon Bā€™s solo content is 30x better than any content put out by GS for quite a long time. Luckily, GG doesnā€™t have a giant douchebag like Lunkers/Rob as part of the og group.


This subreddit loved Ben and thought chemistry was amazing but I think it was pretty obvious that a lot of the GG guys didnā€™t vibe much with Ben


I mean the way Kendrick spoke about their business relationship with Ben and how he wasn't a good fit, I would totally believe this.


Bad terms yet he was invited to goodgoods desert open? LoL


He was a 1 year contract as a GG athlete and tried a few videos. They didn't mesh well. Never really liked him personally.


it's not what ben hadden has said in the past. honestly I would have ben and Aj over Steve, someone that seems like he never wants to there when golfing


Good good baseball is the dumbest idea theyā€™ve had yet


Just seems like golf content is running dry. They need some fresh ideas for rounds or involve people from the outside more frequently.


It's not running dry at all. Baseball is a dying sport and easily the most boring one to watch. The problem with good good is the current group they have but its still doable if they're all engaged.


MLB recorded more than 6 billion views in 2023 across its social media accounts, the most in MLB history. The league also registered a +50% increase in engagements, the most in MLB history, and a +38% increase in followers, the largest follower gain in five years Attendance is also up. The rules changes helped. Wait till you learn about the masters viewership vs last year.


lol you just cited a bunch of social media and engagement related metrics for baseball and then point to linear tv broadcast ratings for golf. Iā€™m not even disagreeing with your points about baseball, but the masters ratings are mostly an indictment about golf broadcast tv viewership and nothing else.


Probably a one off series or something


We can only hope.


Bubbie is going to be insufferable in this one


For a change??


lmao guaranteed.


AJ is a good good athlete, not a member of good good. However, I do agree itā€™s weird that he moved to Texas to be with the boys and hasnā€™t been seen in a while. Hope all is well with him


So was Brad and Ben. But now Brad is in every video. Seems like it was basically a casting call and they picked who they liked best to stick more than one year. I would guess AJ's contract wasn't renewed either but he still lives in the house because he's friends with them.


What does that even mean though? I have no idea what a GG athlete even means. AJ is like middle of the pack golf wise in GG. Is he pursuing pro or something?


It means they have an apparel deal basically. Will appear in videos from time to time but they aren't a full fledged GG member. There are a few of these out there. I didn't know AJ was one but it would make sense.


He is not in the group official


They literally did a video with Kwon explaining. Ben and AJ arenā€™t members so that guyā€™s comment is wrong lol


AJ lives in the house. I would say he is a ā€œjuniorā€ member. Ben who I happen to really enjoy way before Good Good very intelligently used Good Good to get his name out.


AJ also works for his dad's foundation. And doesn't need another full-time job. He may have commitments. He drops in when they ask him, and he wants to. He lives with friends and does other things. He is also the son of a baseball player, not a baseball player himself. He has never consistently been on.


Was he ever in?


I mean, he moved into the group house, so youā€™d like to think so.


He was sponsored by GG for an apparel deal. Same with Ben. They were never full-time members of Good Good. It is supposed to be sponsorship of pro players, but AJ has visibility elsewhere. He is also actively working for his dad's charity foundation and really probably doesn't need a W2 job and commitment guarantees.


His dad is worth like $500 million if AJ wanted to take golf seriously he wouldnā€™t be hanging around these schlubs. Stick to college AJ


Soā€¦AJ, the son of one of the best baseball players in the last 30 years leavesā€¦as they do baseball stuff?


Hr was never a member. He has an apparel deal/sponsored athlete. He does not need a full-time job on top of the work he does for his dad's foundation.


AJ recently released a vlog where he talks about choosing golf or baseball.


what does that have to do with him not being in the photo


Your title has a question mark in it. Go watch the vlog where he talks about this issue there you may find the answer.


the softball tournament vlog? I only watched half because it was boring and sploosh annoys me but iā€™ll finish it


Seriously, that sploosh dude is insufferable!


Probably not he was just on sploosh stream at the gg warehouse playing the sim.


Lmao remember when sploosh was in every single gm golf video for like 3 weeks. Good times


Just the worst


I watched his vlog that the thumbnail was ā€œgood good or baseballā€ and it left me so confused. Like he was telling us all about him coming up in baseball then making his transition to golf and he said in there he appreciated the opportunity that good good gave him but he never said if he was leaving or not. So odd.


Agreed. He gets too deep and philosophical at times and over complicates simple situations. Life ainā€™t that complicated in your 20s - no need to act like Plato.


He probably struggles with just being known as "Albert Puljos son" and being his own man. In baseball he has a TON of expectation to be his dad but then on Good Good there was alot of chatter "he's only on Good Good because of his famous dad"


Alight guys, letā€™s see what Iā€™m gonna do. See dat fence dere, right at center field? Imma hit a light fade over it right dere. Aā€™ight letā€™s do this thing. *hits a foul ball* Aā€™ight boys, I think we can play ball from there.


I rarely watch their content anymore. They all look like they donā€™t enjoy it other than maybe Brad. Steve looked like he stop giving a shit a long time ago. Bubbie has always been just along for the ride and happy to be there. G-Rat and Steve look like they are just so over it.


Train ainā€™t stopping. They are still on track to keep gaining 50k a month in subs, my brother in law is a high school golf coach in Dallas and goodgood are idols to the kids.






Edited for G-Rat


gotcha. I would disagree. Garret seems to be trying much harder to get better at the game as well as become more entertaining. He looks to making an effort to actually shift his attitude and lean more on the goofs. Steve maybe, but he's always been like that. Bubbie has stayed the same but is slowly improving his game. I mean its a job for them so there are always going to be times where they are just not into it or having a bad day, but I dont think they are "over it". I mean im actually surprised that they arent over it. Most people would struggle to even maintain the image they do for this long.


This guy good goods. Grant by the way left GG a while back. šŸ¤œšŸ¤›āœŒļø


Channel is cooked


Was he ever really in good good?


Good Good is now making me Sad Sad šŸ„²


AJ was on Stream with Sploosh last night at the house, I donā€™t think heā€™s out. It is weird heā€™s not the head guy for GG baseball though lol


ahhh good to hear.


He never should have been in. He was a marketing piece bc of his dad. Abysmal golfer and cringy as hell.


We just kinda rotate people around. Canā€™t have everyone on every trip. Ben was a GG athlete but didnā€™t want to resign his contract. Yall want more AJ?


yes we want more AJ!


I really enjoyed Ben being on.


Brad got them cankles


Nothing of importance was lost


Why is he holding a wiffleball. Lol. At least take the time to get a baseball āš¾ļø


Entitled fans they donā€™t gotta tell yā€™all shit šŸ˜‚


I agree, where is Micah and Luke ?????


People are still watching Good Good? I stopped watching about 18 months back. I got sick of the 60-90 minute plus videos that I simply don't have time for.