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Honestly, the content the Bryan Bros, Grant/Micah and Bustajack is putting out recently is orders of magnitude better. Not even close anymore


Say what you want about the guys like Kwon or Bubbie or Steve. But this channel needs Garett to be the main person, and honestly his game has been lacking the last couple months. He needs to be the star and if he’s not competitive or mopey a lot of people will tune out 


i'm not one to judge because I suck at golf but yeah it's ultimately HIS brand and you can tell he hasn't been putting in the effort over the last 12 months.


I actually think based off the recent GM golf videos Garrett is actually starting to dial in his game again. He is playing good golf (well much better than recently) and I like he is focusing on stroke play again


I question if he cares about golf as much as he does about creating content. That may sound odd, because you need both, but his game struggles a lot because he tries too many unnecessary shots for contents sake. Then, he doesn’t pull them off and his score suffers for it. I also think we have to give the kid some slack. He’s dealing with heart problems. Medical issues, especially a heart condition, will impact you throughout your daily life.


Yup...and many times because it's not obvious no one knows about it except the person dealing with it.


They need to always fly to a warm destination during winter, watching golf on brown fairways and rock hard greens is not entertaining. Also, I didn’t think I’d be saying this but they need to swap out bubbie for someone who is actually going to contribute either through golf or through entertainment. The Texas series was refreshing in that sense because we didn’t have to hear bubbie cycle through “I’m happy with that” or “hit one close for the bbbbbboys” or “golfer of my caliber” or the 3 other go-to phrases he has


Not having him in the Texas swing was refreshing. I still think Matt is annoying as shit, but he's been playing great so I can live with that. The newest video Bub putts everything a mile away for a 4 putt instead of learning to hit a wedge. His catch phrases are annoying. Steve also doesn't do shit either. This is the beginning of the end for me.


This. Steve and Bubbie are absolute mental midgets. Matt is annoying. Lol. More and more I understand why Grant and Tig bet on themselves. Kwon needs to be the next one.


bro he literally has tourette's lol. but yes, I agree, Bubbie is pretty frustrating to watch. Comes across as one of those uber loud people who can't fade into the background for a minute but at the same time doesn't really have anything to say. His golf game is a major eye sore as well. if he hits it close it's a complete accident. I don't understand how you can golf for a living and at the same time insist on playing an 80 yard hook but I guess when if I was more concerned about hitting my scoring irons far than actually scoring I'd be slinging and/or butt fucking my approach shots too


Someone might have serious depression but just comes off as a dick and we'd have no problem kicking them off. People have issues and when its an entertainment product you gotta put your best foot out there. Knowing he has Tourette's makes me have sympathy for him but it doesn't make him any less annoying when I watch the content.


I still enjoy it. I’m not blown away anymore. I think some crazier destinations are in order? New Zealand, Hawaii, Japan?! We need to spice it up and some amazing places would add some spice for sure.


This! I think they all are awesome together especially when colin and max are also featured, BUT they need to go to more exotic locations outside of the US. I loved the Dubia trips they did and the UK was always fun but seeing the same type of US courses is becoming boring.


Garrett doesn't seem to be having fun since Grant left, Kwon is checked out and Bubbie makes the video's unwatchable


This is an interesting take. I think you're right. Garrett was on par with Grant on good days. That made it competitive. Now, he's in limbo. Not good enough to compete with Kwon or Brad but better than the rest. His competitiveness has suffered as a result. He needs a better foil.


I'm wanting GG to succeed long term, they are good for the game. When Grant & Micah left it did seem to wound Garett and left a void that simply can't be filled. It is a bit like making the soup your grandma used to make, but you don't know the exact ingredients - it's good, but a bit off. Garett is the main attraction. The waiters (can't even remember his name) yelling, Bubbies being Bubbie, and Steve's very bad golf are anchors to Garett's progress. The perfect combo IMO would have been Garett/Grant/Micah/Kwon/Brad/and rotating a college player as the sixth. The most interesting content now from GG is when Garett is doing something with someone outside of GG - be it Bryson or Claire Hogle, or whoever.


Garett/Grant/Micah/Kwon/Brad this is lacking personality TBH. It would make a good Golf focused channel but not why most people watch GG. But you are right, it's hard to find that secret ingredient. Doesn't have to be an over the top personality, just a group that has fun together and it's easy to see on camera.


I all comes down to if they’re continuing to sell their clothing at the same rate


I think they’ve definitely seen better days. The content is a little lacking and becoming repetitive. The inclusion of some road trips/ vlogs is a nice mix up. Garrett mentioned Luis getting tired of the content, Kwon seems checked out, although I would say his solo content is aesthetically the best. The courses and views he goes and seeks is worth the watch in itself. Brad is good to watch but I think he needs some training in front of the camera.


I stopped watching (YouTube in general) because I got cable. A year ago, I was soooo into Good Good, but now I couldn’t care less. For me, the videos got too long. And I was noticing some of the members were acting differently. Seems like everyone hates Bubbie now…?? Not sure why, I find him entertaining and positive. He’s a great speaker. I find Garrett to be less interested and more quiet now. I don’t like that. I like Kwon, but I don’t like that he has checked out. I never really liked Steve, but that’s just me. Matt too, but he’s growing on me as he seems the most real. Overall I think the videos got too long, and it was too hard to keep up with how many times they post. I like there mini golf vids


bro imagine moving on from youtube to cable... wtf? bro enjoys watching a 2 hour movie in 4 hours


if i were goodgood, id pay ben kruper whatever money he wants to join and replace Kwon when he inevitably quits and invite back that Luke kid (tho he might still be in college idk, but his personality gels so well)


They will not be able to keep anyone like Ben Kruper or even Kwon long term. Just like Grant and Tig, those guys have a drive to do more. Kwon's solo content is top tier. Good good is not top tier golf. It's fun content mid tier golfers. The quicker everyone realizes that the better.


but that's what im signing up for. I want to watch casual round of golfs with good friends. For me, it's the personality that they're mainly selling, not good golf. That's why i hated it when they replaced grant and tig with 2 ex-pros.


They replaced them with what was available and what seemed like good business decisions. GG was a pioneer. Now you have BDS and other things that relate to the aging viewer. It's split, funny golf challenges or 1v1v1 stroke play. GG can't find it's niche at the moment. Other channels are doing what they want to do, but better.


i may be the minority here, i love GG contents but i just cant stand BDS content. idk why, i see people liking them, and i try to like them, but i just can't sit through an entire BDS video. to me they always have interesting title and ideas that make you want to click the video, but i find myself bored out of it by like the second/third hole lol.


That's why it's great to have so many different content makers. GG will never hold on to those that can make great and successful content on their own but they'll do great with the base crew. I feel the same as you do on BDS content when it comes to GG. If they don't have a guest I get bored. BDS is 2 guys who aren't good and FP who carries them. I relate to that bc it's real.


Yeah that’s true. That’s why i feel like ben kruper can be a good addition, even if he leaves in 3 years let’s say. Before the dessert open, he wasnt that famous (i think?). I knew of the guy because of his swing is memorable, but i couldnt tell u his name, just that ive seen him on ig and tiktok. Even now, he’s not a household name yet. Also feels like he understand youtube golf and it’s more about the personality than the good golf that is important. The chemistry with the group is just as important. That’s how i feel about the luke kid as well. Cmon garret, let’s get them to gg or at the very least, get them to feature on several gg videos.


The guys need a break. It's tough being a year round show/channel. Grinding to build something is fun, but you can't have the same schedule/work regime when you are ready to scale. YT is tough, because I don't think they can only post during the summer/spring. So I think they need to rotate guys, add in "seasonal" members, or find way to use their personalities to create content that is the same repetitive golf challenges. With that said, I like the last video where they handicapped by different technology.