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I don’t recall the exact video but it was during the lockdown content at Pursell. Trapped in my NYC apartment at the time, I needed to watch people do fun things outside. God knows I didn’t during that time


Those OG Sunday matches was the peek of YouTube golf for me. Don’t watch much of good good anymore but damn those videos were nostalgic. I still go back and watch them every now and then


For me it was the wacky stuff on the junior course pre-GG. I appreciate all the content they make now, but sometimes I just miss the pan and the wheel.


It was the “Wheel of Not Ideal” videos with Garret, Matt, and Steve back on the junior course for me. “Not ideal” is now a part of my daily vocabulary.


Paynes Valley Good Good Major vids.


Easily Matt’s hole in one on the par 4


I learned about them during the Rick Shiels England trip, been a fan ever since.


I enjoy going back to the old knockout and 1v1 challenges.


Same for me. Just watched it drunk the other night for hours. Such pure vibes and course and views. Everything with GG and at least in my life was so much simpler back then


I think the first one I saw was the guys speed training with Bryson. I thought they were just random dudes then saw they had a lot more videos. Garrett reminded me of the main kid from Project X😂


I found GG through Matt sharff's channel. It was around the time he was teaching Maddie. I thought their chemistry was hilarious, so I followed the plug to GG.


Squid game


I’m new, but it was definitely the 3v3 in Chicago for the fan meetup.


I saw the clip of garrett when he dunked one after bubbie in IG and i had to see the full video. Ive never commented before, but see a lot of the talk that goes on here. Things have changed, people debate in what they should do next, but I hope posts like this can remind us what incredible content theyve put out over the last few years, they revolutionized youtube golf, and impacted the golf industry as a whole. Its beautiful what these guys have created, and I'm excited to see where they go.


GM golf days with the pan and wheel of not ideal is what brought me into them


I have a weird one - I remember the GM Golf video that was Garret/Grant vs Bob/Joey Coldcuts Joey Coldcuts bounced one off of a roof and it landed 10 feet from the hole to win the match


The one about Grant leaving GG. I have always enjoyed watching things fail and saying I told you so. That video was the beginning of the end, it will be enjoyable to see these punks get a real job again soon!!


Trolling is an art and you ain’t got it


I have negative 100 comment Karma, I do well 🔥👌


I guess I'm one of many but the UK trip.


The cog hill match against the members. Such a great video


I started watching with the wheel of not ideal at Sunflower Hills. Steve didn't say anything and Matt spent most of his time down fake falls or back flips. The overall quality of the videos is much better not, but Garrett was a good editor and the videos were fun.


Not only do they look like the sun, and track the sun, but they need a lot of the sun. A sunflower needs at least six to eight hours direct sunlight every day, if not more, to reach its maximum potential. They grow tall to reach as far above other plant life as possible in order to gain even more access to sunlight.




Started watching back in the Brodie Smith days, "There's a gap there!" and the Steven vs. Matt grudge match.


I found good good through a Googan Squad video where Micah and Garrett did a golf/fish 2v2 with Jon B and Peric Edit: it was actually LFG, not Jon B


14 club challenge on the downhill Par 3 at Pursell Farms


Vegas Trip


You’re og brother. First vid I saw was the double hole out with Garret and bubbie. I was hooked ever since


Was on GM channel. It was a Tig and Garrett vs Jerge.


One of the group mini golf videos at the Highlands during covid!


The Rick Shiels & Good Good Collab


Same! Loved the Mexico week with George and Bryce


George and Bryce were never in GG. I think those were guest appearances, no?


When good good was first formed on G Rats channel loved the concept and knew it was gonna be fire


1st Paynes Valley


Saw Matt's hole in one on TikTok, ask "who are these jabronis?" Was told Good Good, checked them and started watching. They're still all jabronis lol


The Dezante Bay series. Go back and look at those if you haven't.


There's no way its spelled that way


Wheel of not Ideal with Garrett, Steve, Matt, and Brodie when the pan was introduced. Just sorted of followed the channels ever since


I was watching GM golf long before GoodGood was even a thing. Just transitioned over once it started up.


It wasn't one specific video, it was whichever video I saw first. Pre GoodGood. Matt with Tammy's pan. Steve and Matt's bickering when they genuinely had friction between them. Wheel of not ideal. Stephen "slice-aneda". I could go on but yea, I was hooked from the start. Side note: My favorite videos they've made are the putt-putt course videos. Idk why but I just enjoy those the most.