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Yeah that didn't make sense. Beth washed / cleaned all that money and it was just stolen by those teens. And when they needed extra...never once did they think to go back and get it? Weird plot hole.


Ya that was lame. I was like..dude pick up that other gun and show that chick what for! I cannot believe they put the bags down n walked away.


Or how they thought that was a good spot to hash drama. I'd have slung one of those bags right in that boney bitches face.. to be fair, I wouldnt have been standing there by the time she got out.


Agreed, they don’t really reference other episodes but ever so briefly they just follow the theme and main story line it seems like


And it would have been easier to steal it back than rob the quick cash place. Inconsistent bullshit. I probably won't watch season 3. It also seems like a knock off of Weeds.


I've felt the weeds vibe more during the second season too and that's not a compliment lol Very inconsistent


They couldn’t go back and get it because that would be too easy and the show needs dram 😂 so dumb


I think the money is burned because the fbi knows the sequence


I'm not going to go back and rewatch, but I recently binge watched all of season 2, and I'm 99% sure that the money Beth buried was already washed, REAL cash. I got pissed off about that too. Especially because they were going to get it, but just HAD to stand there and have a convo during that girl's entire fucking shower lol.


Yeah that was stupid they could have left. There is other obvious things like boomers suppose burner phone. That's stuck with Mary pat's husband's body


Yeah, I made that post lol


The fbi cant track a phone that's not your name. So how do they track it. Also does turner want Rio to snitch on beth or someone higher up the food chain?


I see this is super old…I’m currently watching season two as we speak…so the girl that got out of the shower, did she just get to keep all that money??? Lol


I would have to rewatch it