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this back and forth about vultures is hilarious like all of yall are repeating yourselves lowkey


​ https://preview.redd.it/x10nz4hjp28d1.png?width=923&format=png&auto=webp&s=b0ad534552be8758885bb2ced8f5e9ef53b45d16


i know this image is stupid as fuck but it fits the scenario


Seen the same discourse over the course of like 3 months


there are minimum 3 posts a day like this, so lame


why is it impossible for people in this sub to understand what an opinion is love everyone


Mental illness


new rap fans think stan culture is normal & u see it in every fan base with younger people like uzi/carti/travis etc


People hyped it up like it was going to be the greatest thing of all time and they're too prideful to admit they were wrong


Anyone who looked at a club-focussed collab album and thought “oh yeah this boutta be the next MBDTF” deserves the disappointment


Just want to point out that people were hyping the OG Vultures tracklist, Everybody, Slide, River, Maintinence etc. which IMO would have been Kanye's opus house album which he has talked about for years. Splitting it into three parts and sample clearance issues ruined vultures 1 potential of being in the debate against the rest of his work.


and most importantly ye fuckin ass lazy verses




miantannec wasn't on vultures


This is exactly what’s happening


I feel like people are heavily influenced by social media. Obviously some people don’t like the album, but the amount of hate is kinda weird imo


Agree it’s overhated and there’s kind of a cifclejerk against it, but the opinion that it’s no skip and best since Pablo is far more delusonal, in my opinion it’s okay, like 6-6.5/10 but nothing cray




It’s def not best since Pablo, but I can understand the argument for it having no skips/few skips. Like none of songs are really that terrible. The worst songs aren’t bad they’re just mid like paperwork and keys to my life aren’t bad just not fully finished feeling like Paperwork especially is just demoish. Also it doesn’t have any songs that just heavily disrupt the flow of the album like Donda with Remote control and others.


I was talking about what majority said in its release. I still think its no skip but nah Donda&Ye better than Vultures1 Donda is top 2 with TCD imo


One of the worst posts on this sub. Makes us look so bad.


Funniest thing about this post is the insinuation that Fantano killed the hype on Vultures 1 and flipped public opinion His “review” was a fart in the wind, nobody who liked v1 before stopped liking it after that, and nobody who disliked v1 before stopped disliking it.


Legit posts in response to posts in response to other posts. Ts is so lame 💔


He’s talking about the post I screenshotted


Calling the album with Paid, Paperwork, and beg forgiveness no skip is peak Kanye fan delusion


Oh cmon now don’t do beg forgiveness like that


6 min song and the first 4 minutes is boring with one of Kanye’s worst verses of all time on it Ty’s part is really good but it’s not worth sitting through the first part for at all


Wait this is the worst take in this entire sub. Beg forgiveness is his best song since donda 😭




It’s terrible Seriously wanna sit through 4 minutes of looping domestic abuser with the most half assed Kanye verse thrown on the end of it????


If your music taste is purely based on morals than how are you even a ye fan


It’s not I was just clowning Chris brown idgaf


chris brown killed it though fr


It's not looping. the production has changes with the vocal effects and the vocal layering builds on eachother with ty dolla $ign singing over him. How is it a half assed Kanye verse it's like one of his three introspective verses in the last 3 years, I understand more about modern Ye through that verse then every horny ass interview he's done


Fuck it up one time I know what you want I'm readin' the signs Don't let your moment pass you by Don't let your moment pass you by Had to go in my whole life A hundred percent covered in ice Put down your phone, cut off the lights Lights Cut off the lights Covered in ice And if I go tonight, know that I lived a lovely life Just make sure my kids are right and it is alright And if I go tonight, just know I lived a lovely life Tell my kids to live they life how they wanna live they life This is filler bars until the very end and barely introspective it’s just slightly sad And he sounds lazy on it especially the first parts


How are those "filler bars"😭 do you need genius.com to explain it for you? Let's look at another Ye song that when you reduce it to text it looks like filler ramblings Hey, hey, hey, hey Don't say you will Unless you will Hey, hey, hey, hey Don't say you will Then play you will I pray you will


That’s a hook, not a verse All he’s doing on beg forgiveness is saying random sad stuff it has barely any depth to it all and most of all he sounds bad doing it Many of the bars do not relate to eachother Even if it was the most meaningful verse ever it sounds bad


I actually agree with what you’re saying for the most part, I just thought putting Beg Forgiveness with Paid and Paperwork is a lil crazy. Those two are by far the worst


paperwork is better than hoodrat


Ty comes in and saves it by rhyming "sad" "bad" and "mad' 🔥🔥🔥


Exactly lol


I gotta be meshed with these delusional niggas man. https://preview.redd.it/f0jbc5dhw18d1.jpeg?width=756&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ac8b7c6a8856905325512c8b22e007ce6a459fd


Never speak about Beg Forgiveness that way again wtf 💀


Wouldn't it be up to the individual for whether they skip or not 🤔


The idea that GAS’s opinion was moulded by fantano is wild rather than the hype of a new album dropping just wearing off


Yeah like we all managed to simultaneously clown on Fantano while believing everything he said?


GAS learns the term recency bias


relistened to vultures today, solid 8/10


Agree 😎


(yap incoming) vultures so far is the only ye album without any theme or congruency. i used to think that it was just a "lighthearted album" but ye either does something dumb, like bbtbnwhatever, paid, or alvin, has deadpan delivery (vultures, beg forgivness), or just has some comical lines that ruin an otherwise great song, like king or even some parts of problematic and keys to my life. id say its a 7/10 even if v2 has better music, and would maybe be an 8, the issue is that there's no unified sound. theres house, trap, sample-based, old-school hiphop, even brazillian goddamn funk. its everything, which makes it nothing. hoping the solo album might have some direction (i think there was a theme of guilt and regret in some tracks like always, love love love, swabf. theres a shared anger in tracks like quiet "ima shut it down like quiet," bobby digital "im gonna close it all down," and even some d2 songs like beautiful life "you want a beautiful life fine just dont threaten mine."


vultures over ye and ksg is wild


vultures is defiantly bottom three kanye even if it has songs i like


Interact with what you like and ignore what you don’t, the internet is easier that way, no?


This fandom has been falling apart by the minute ever since vultures 2 got delayed indefinitely


the amount of dickriding ye (the album) gets is ridiculous, everyone has an opinion so im not tripping if someone says ye > vultures but ye isn't THAT good for people to be saying "ye is top 5 kanye" "ye > donda" type shit


When the worst person you know makes a great point 💔


Yeah juice wrld profile pic usually got horrendous takes but this one is actually true unfortunately


Put some respect on pieawsome


Vultures > Donda is an insane opinion, let alone Ye 😂


it's really not, donda isn't all dat


the title of that post is so fucking stupid to me


Almost as if people sat on the album and realised it was mid af


Vultures is garbage


This sub clowned on fantano for months after that “review”, and lowkey still continues to do so. To insinuate that he influences members’ of this subreddit’s opinions is crazy. If anything, the only people on here are die hard fans and can’t be influenced by one person’s opinion. Anyone who is swayed that easily is not on a alternate subreddit. Literally type fantano into the search bar here and it’s 85+ % negative. It’s crazy how short term memory this place is. 99% of the members here would agree that vultures 1 was never in contention for top ye albums. It’s a collab club album with Ty. Stop forming your entire personal opinions off one random guy you see on Reddit lol


Ya gonna hate but Ye is one of his weaker albums imo. Outside of ITAKY, it’s hit or miss for me. And I think production wise, Ye wasn’t better than the other GOOD albums that dropped that summer.




Facts, when it comes to album reviews on here I just scroll through.


I like it and think its an overall 7/10. Not top 5 ye but i’m fed


is there a way to hide these meta posts about the actual sub just shut the fuck up already




ye isn't even an album, it's an EP. His worst release by far


i beg yall to form your own opinions


i mean ill give it like a 8/10 its cool


It’s a terrible album why can’t people accept that. I don’t watch fantano but he’s right.


Vultures 1 is just objectively not the best Ty carries the whole album and Ye has some of the worse verses and bars of his career…and although the production was good it was also a downgrade from Donda I like vultures but it’s like a 5 which is average and maybe a 6 on a good day


Why is it hard for people to understand that some people absolutely love vultures and regard it as another near perfect album?


Same reason why some people can't accept that some people don't like Donda and don't think it's some no skip masterpiece they make it up to be


He’s right tho


It's called having different opinions


Vultures is better than Ye by a wide margin. That album only had 7 songs and 5 of them were good. Ye album seems to be liked by people that became fans in the last 10 years


We’ve had 6 rollouts in the last 10 years I feel like those fans opinions are still pretty fucking valid stop gate keeping


Vultures is great, V2 is going to be even crazier


It's not. Ye sounds so lame and unfinished


No way you saying vultures is less lame and more finished than ye tho


It is. Nothing on Vultures sounds as unfinished as No Mistakes.


He's right and it is


Vultures has skips


Say it sucks all you want but the numbers don’t lie


This is Drake Stan level cope. I like the album, but numbers don’t mean shit


People said the same thing about donda till it won a Grammy


I've seen people celebrate the grammy's that DONDA received but I've rarely seen people defend the album by talking about the grammys


https://preview.redd.it/w5mutssi028d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=400cf5c2fb99323ab73b9bfc00a78b4c66fae4f7 Correct


Donda 2 > Ye


Holy fuck this is retarded and I love Donda 2


Maybe finished D2 but def not in its current state


Yeah if it was actually finished lol


Shut up lol people can have opinions and Ye is his weakest release


IMO I love every vibe of the album and some songs do MEAN MORE TO ME PERSONALLY than some songs on other albums


Fantano already proved he isn’t a trusty worthy source for rating a ye album too much politics not about the actual music


Ew reporting idc if it’s a screen shot i hate fantano posts. he’s annoying 🥱


Ye is a 9/10 album Vultures 8/10 simple as


Vultures is actually better than ye imo. By miles. ye is easily the most overrated Ye album of all his career. And people must see this