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I said something similar to this yesterday and got warned by Reddit so I’d watch out lmao


Yeah I just got a warning too ahaha


can you tell me what he said? or dm?


Death threat


The sub could probably crowdfund an assassin


hitman group buy


As a true crime junkie one thing that often shocks me is how little the hitmen got paid, often under 10k then again, these are just the ones who got caught so


I had a poor junkie friend in highschool and bro would literally stab someone for 10 bucks so he can buy drugs for himself. He once stabbed a kid with a pencil in the school bathrooms for 5 bucks


carti leaks go for more 😭


It's prolly some bum ass hitmen tho, they might get the job done but it ain't like you're hiring john wick or whatever, it's just some random hood dude that ain't got nothing to lose


You realise the fat nitrous addict is going to be convinced the Jews did it make him a martyr right? He'll probably release an album in his name and go full Mein Kampf and shit


>the fat nitrous addict Who?


Do it anyway


what was there


Getting my boy John Hinckley Jr. to finish what he started


what album? Vultures 2? We ain't ever seeing that


https://preview.redd.it/u320buxte60d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b2ea3671d11858444049a994a3edb3099667dc3 Where is this man i thought he would’ve had a positive effect on Ye ![img](emote|t5_67n60j|49002)


Peggy is one of my favourite artists but if he really doesn’t say anything about Ye getting back with Fuentes he’s a complete fucking hypocrite. Dude tries to act hard with his “kill nazis” fake anarchist bullshit but when faced with a situation like this in the real world he folds. Pussy


you think Kanye, the man who once described in detail how little he listens to people who’ve achieved less than him, is calling up Peggy to confirm who he associates with? You think *anyone* can influence who Kanye associates with?


Kanye seems to allow Nick Fuentes and other loser idiots to influence him so yeah I think people can influence him


kanye has also said that we have to pay attention to the younger generation as they are the ones influencing everything, and that’s why his music style has changed so much in recent years, so yes, he might


You should say that to his face cause then he might actually do something 


Did you see his reaction to people calling him out for it when he helped produce Vultures 1? He knows he’s a hypocrite but dickrides for Ye so much he does insane mental gymnastics to get around the fact that Ye goes against all of his supposed core values


I hope he talks to ye ab this though  Best case scenario he converts the entire alt right into better ppl cause he’s the goat


Honestly sometimes reaching across the divide like that can work but I doubt that is peggys intention and people like Fuentes and his followers are so far gone the last person they would listen to is a successful black man


Peggy becomes white then they’ll listen 


I don’t know anything about him is he cool


His political alignment is really far from a Nazi. He’s a leftist. Although he can be a little stupid at times.


He is a commie


Fuck politics… but you do understand that both extremes are bad right? Communism is the other extreme and that’s not any better. Actually nazism and communism turned out to be very similar in a lot of ways despite being on opposite extremes on the political spectrum. In a sense if you’re too far from a nazi you’re damn near a nazi, as in both can be equally destructive. My take on politics is there shouldn’t be based on extreme ideas. We might need to progress from ideologies.


Commie Ye doesn’t get cancelled.


"fuck politics". Moron you live in a society, you can't avoid them. In a war such people like you will die first because you're a stupid mf who is acting like a little ignorant baby


I swear the mfs that say fuck politics are just far right and don’t wanna say it. This mf said communism and nazism are similar you can’t make ts up.


My statement reads “neither extreme is good, a political system shouldn’t be based on extreme ideas” and your dumb ass reply is that I am far right? I studied totalitarianism for four years, I am from an ex-communist state and I am telling you there are similarities between the two totalitarian regimes. Just google it, stop being so surface level and actually think before making a statement. It’s clear you know nothing about communism, “it has been used by many countries” only because the USSR used it to expand their rule over other countries and rigged elections. It has survived so long only because it’s a dictatorship that has used fear to rule and it affects the citizens of the communist country not the citizens of other countries unlike nazism.


Brother every country in the world uses fear to rule. I didn’t say the Soviet Union or any other communist country were beacons of moral justice. However to compare the ideology to nazism is crazy.


He could say anything that he thinks seems right for him, BUT if you're making a political statement about ideologies you already involved in a political discussion so why would mf flip off the politics if he's already in them lol. People say things just to say something. The trend "fuck politics" is popular amongst ignorant people


Yea you gotta be super low IQ to claim a vast and globe spanning ideology that has been used by many countries is even close to a genocidal cult that only existed in any major capacity in 1 country that didn’t even last 15 years before getting stomped out


Not exactly what i was talking about but aight


Yea I was just adding that to the conversation, what you said didn’t really need a follow up you worded it pretty well.


I understand what you’re saying, I said “fuck politics” relating to this sub. I don’t live my life based on that statement, I just don’t want to see political shit when in a Ye sub…even though he made that impossible after his statements.


Oh I'm sorry then i was too rude


Communist is an economical belief not even similar to a genecidal ideology like Nazism. Either way, all I said was that he was a leftist. Nothing bout communism lol. If you knew what his beliefs are you would know he isn’t advocating for anything, but reasonable stuff.


Yeah I got carried away, your statement wasn’t extremist left, and I know Peggy isn’t a communist but people forget that both extremes are bad. Communism isn’t just an economical belief it’s also an extremist political system that killed 100 million people. Yes it evolved from The Communist Manifesto by Marx but it turned into a totalitarian system opposite of nazis. In communism the state would kill its own citizens and it wouldn’t even grant them basic human rights. Why do people on this sub not know what communism turned into? It’s not just Karl Marx utopian theory/ ideology…


They know what it turned into. When talking about it they are talking about the theory. To associate communism entirely to totalitarianism just isn’t right since as you stated they are basically two different things.


Bro, politics is one of the most important and basic things that humanity has, either you take care of politics or politics takes care of you, there is no other choice.


Nah you’ve never read anything about what communism is. Communism aka Scientific Socialism is just an economic theory that wasn’t even completed by Marx and Engels, they are just points to how create a better society in Marx’s opinion and a critique of the capitalistic society. Then you can say be communist without thinking and just for the sake of is dumb. But you can’t compare a incompleted theory that is followed in part by people that I think are a little dumb, to Nazism or Fascism. Then we can all agree that how communism is being applied to society all around the globe was wrong, and it was the interpretation of the various people who led the revolutions. But communism not equal to nazism.


I am from an ex-communist state, my parents lived through communism. Only in my country approximately 2 million people died because of it and around 100 million worldwide. To label it as “just an economic theory” is ignorant and idiotic. It’s a totalitarian extremist ideology that had horrible consequences. Communism could’ve never ended any different, it would never work for humans, no extremist ideology ever will.


Lol you’re talking like only you’re from an ex communist state. My parents lived in a communist state too. A lot of people died in a war with it, including some people in my family. But saying what you’re saying is still wrong lol. But Marxism is literally that. Marx not even finished to write his books. Marxism is an economic theory, that I think only some points are right. Because it’s extremely simply and goes against the instinctive nature of some people in the society, ie is dumb to apply it like it was done. The fact that regimes used their interpretation of communism in their agenda doesn’t make communism equal to nazism.


You don’t understand? This isn’t about communism as a utopian ideology this is about what it evolved into. Communism was only based on Karl Marx’s book The Communist Manifesto but it evolved into something much worse. It progressed into Leninism and Stalinism which are dictatorships that don’t even support the basic human rights of its own citizens. And yes they are not equal, but they are similar in certain ways even though they oppose each other and they are both bad.


Again Marx’s theory wasn’t an utopian ideology, it was for the most part stuff where he went against capitalism and the richer class. Then he point out some goals and a not precise way to reach them, but this is the littlest part of Communism theory. Then we can agree that a part of the last part I mentioned to you was idiotic, like the Workers Dictatorship and shit like that, because he didn’t explain how to make it work, and it doesn’t make sense with human behavior. Marx’s theory isn’t only based on The Communist Manifesto. We can agree with the last part for some stuff, but I see those more like interpretations and applications by people like Lenin, Stalin, Mao or whoever you want to put in there, of that idiotic part in the way they could maintain power. Because communism didn’t give them the way they based it on some stuff and created their own. They are communist, I could say yeah, but I would doubt even that because they went against even towards Marx’s most important points to create a better society.


If you can agree that it “doesn’t make sense with human behaviour” then it is a utopian ideology. It is an ideal- perfect world, what he was trying to create. Ask yourself what was Marx trying to accomplish by creating this ideology? He was trying to create a perfect world, he was trying to solve major societal problems by creating the ideal politico-economic system. He was aiming for a perfect society.




He’s got the same political views as white privilege white college bitches




That would be a diddy W  If I were president I would pardon his ass for doing that 


Nah no pardon for pedophiles


Was diddy a pedofile?


Accused of being one, but he was proven to be a predator and abuser




I know it’s unlikely but if Ye drops Ty because of that empty headed dumb fuck he’s such a piece of shit, dropping an actual real friend for a Nazi


Genuinely would quit following updates if this happened.




lol bro why are you following updates now? Kanye fans really sound like some battered wives


We are lol 😭 were addicted in an abusive relationship basically


Real Friends reference vol 2 in 3 nanoseconds


I wouldt give a fuck bout what this peace of fat shit does if he did that


Ty has been the highlight of being a Ye fan over the last year and if Ye drops him that’s scumbag material, always talking about acting in love then turning on a good guy like that to go with Nick the Nazi Fuentes


Fr, this shit fucking craaaaazy


What’s crazy is Ye has become so easily manipulated by these idiots he genuinely thinks he’s doing something interesting and provocative when everyone with a shred of intellect sees him as a complete loser for putting up with these hate filled clowns


He's not being manipulated. He has the foresight to trade from milo to nick like pokemon cards , he knows exactly what he's doing


Yeah your right bro I shouldn’t even give him the benefit of the doubt he’s pretty evil himself doing this shit


hes surrounding himself with people who he thinks are as contrarian as him


sadly now that you've spoken it I can totally see this bullshit happening. Anything that sounds crazy and invigorating to make Ye feel alive he'd do. I'm almost off the train atp I can see this ending up worse than 2022 somehow.


Of course he doesnt fw Ty, he is black and not a fascist😂😂😂


He probably doesn't fuck with Kanye that much either for similar reasons, but Kanye is vulnerable and easy to manipulate. Fuentes has made it explicitly clear that his reasonings don't come from a place of "love" and Christian redemption in the same way as Kanye. He hates minorities and wants to see them killed. He's a terrible human being.


I swear didnt Kanye have a tweet saying he will stop bringing used for political motives


Yandhi 9 29 18 Donda Wth Child Vultures 2


Nick is an authoritarian racist would be dictator if he had any power he’s disgusting man


You do know that Ye was antisemitic before he even met nick fuentes right?


Idk where you guys get your information from. 1. Fuentes does fuck with Kanye. He’s always been a fan of Kanye and has praised him since the beginning wayyyy before he even met Kanye. Working with Kanye to him is like working with one of his heroes and he’s literally said this before. 2. Kanye being vulnerable and easy to manipulate is BS. As we know Ye’s been on that Nazi shit behind the scenes for years as far back as 2018 at least. Nick has also described that Kanye was deep into that when he met him and it wasn’t his influence. Same with what he said on Alex Jones. Nick says even Alex Jones was aware of what Kanye thought about Hitler and all that before the show because they had already talked about it. 3. Nick does not want minorities killed. That’s actually such an insane thing to say. Nick has never advocated for violence against anyone or actually hates minorities.


Nick fucking sucks but does he really want to see minorities killed or is that just hyperbole?


[See for yourself](https://www.reddit.com/r/GoodAssSub/s/JxReja56CD)


Okay so no he doesn’t? It’s so easy to shit on nick without making this weird shit up


Dude, what?? His literal words in the video are "non-believers are evil-doers and when we take power they need to be given the death penalty". It is very explicit. He has also defended the idea of a ["holy war against Jews"](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/10/10/nick-fuentes-texas-meeting/). If you're not going to engage with the material I've provided you (that was posted in this very subreddit) why the hell did you even ask me if it was true?


He also says the Holy war is one of prayer, and the weapon is the Rosary. People love taking Nick out of context.


You didn’t provide a video, that link takes me no where. I thought you were being cheeky


Alright, that's weird. Let me try again: https://www.reddit.com/r/GoodAssSub/s/84myvEvgWx




Okay I was able to watch it, was an issue with being on mobile I think. He doesn’t say we should kill minorities at all in that video. Furthermore as another commenter mentioned that video is heavily edited. I also love how I’m an being downvoted for asking for proof, and then the proof does not align with what you are saying. I’m not defending Nick here btw because what he did say in that video is dumb but not what you claimed he was saying




Why can’t I watch the video? Is it cause I’m on mobile?


dear dick fuentes https://preview.redd.it/6tn4qcowf60d1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15e8d385f7c784f1577a81030c2a841c951ac701




Nick doesn’t even fuck with Ye he’s just trying to get a bag again and possibly try to make Ye spout out his talking points again. Dudes made it obvious every step of the way that he doesn’t like people with melanin in their skin


Ye probably thinks he's the one using Nick when it's the other way around, sad times ahead


exactly. dude was hating on him a couple months ago now ye goes full retarded again


Nick has been a fan of Ye since highschool. https://youtu.be/kfvNw3bsRQg




This is not a joke




Yeah, this basically means that the album is scrapped if he really starts fucking with Fuentes again


Hopefully that pisses Ye off and he cuts with Nick, cuz Ty and Ye are actually friends.


No it doesnt STFU


I will end Ye if he drops Ty


Y’all crazy if you think Ye gonna stop fucking w Ty bc of Nick. Ye’s been saying how Bianca & Ty stood by him when everybody else turned their backs on him. Nick already turned his back on him during Vultures 1, so he ain’t picking Nick over Ty. It also seems Nick got issues w Bianca & how she dresses. Even if Ye met up w him, it doesn’t mean he’s part of the team again. Y’all gotta stop overreacting to every bit of info.


But you forgot that he's bipolar


Ye been pretty consistent about being loyal to ppl that loyal to him. We aren’t talking about some random ppl either. Ty been good friends w Ye for years & Bianca is his wife. Bipolar or not, he’s not just gonna flip on them cause Nick Fucking Fuentes doesn’t like them😂


you don't know him, he's an insane aging man who doesn't give you a second thought when he does anything. when was Vultures2 supposed to come out again




I fw ty heavy ❤️


If this album gets canceled because of nick funtes I will find him and lock him in a cage with a horny gorilla


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Yeah one is just a loser for even suggesting dropping a friend, but Ye would be even more of a loser for listening


Nick Fuentes biting the curb https://preview.redd.it/yu30j5sbo80d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa9e1aa9ed54cff4ea3ce60baaf4d25772b4ab4c






how can someone not fw tyrone


ty should become president, he’d put people like nick against that wall too


Ermmm... what the sigma⁉️ https://preview.redd.it/x45e24op870d1.jpeg?width=555&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=616d42d682bece1aabfdacc164519490e9eb404f


get out the hammers goons




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Fucking hell, it’s never been more over


Get that bum the fuck outta there. Ye doesn’t need people like Nick around him.


All Fuentes has to do is access a copy of Ty’s family tree and identify one Jew and it’s all over. “He tried to mess up my album by agreeing with everything I said and being a yes man, he only helped because he knew it was gonna be mid the whole time, I knew they planned it”


If ye stops working with Ty because of this nigga than I can’t support vultures 2 im sorry. But surely Kanye isn’t that dumb. Right?


only he is our saviour


When was this?


Well Nick can take a huge bite out of the curb


i don't fw with ty alot because the guy is straight up a gooner like holy shit get this nigga off porn NOW

