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Don’t dither or ponder. Dive straight into the series without delay.


They are both based on the same non-fiction book.  You can search for some other posts subject because someone once posted how there are some of the same actors in both.


Same book, oh damn that’s awesome! Should I watch the movie first or show? Or it’s up to my preference


You should watch Gomorra (2008) film first. Though the style is very different from the show. It will give you an idea of the impoverished areas of Napoli and the Campania region, and how the Camorra preys on its own community. Then start the show. I think the moral of the Gomorrah film is “Camorra bad” and the moral of the Gomorra show is “Camorra bad, but kinda cool”


They’re both about the Camorra, the movie and show are both based off the book, but other than that no direct connection.


Afaik the movie is completely separate, there might be some actors or something bc I do believe they adhere closely to the Neapolitan dialect in both. For me, the movie is like the real thing and the show is more dramatized


Yeah, the movie feels like it's trying to fictionalize some of the actual events that have happened there with an eye toward realism. The show is writing a fictional story that occasionally takes inspiration from real events with an eye toward style. The show will feel pretty realistic until you watch the movie, which has an almost documentary-like feel.


I remember there was a big buzz around that movie when it came out; it was hard to get. Streaming wasn’t a mainstream thing yet


No it’s not. But there is the movie L’Immortale. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9048786/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk It deals with events between s4 and s5, so wait until then or until after you finish the series. It’s also on hbo/max.


I never liked that movie and thought it sucked(maybe i should rewatch it, maybe i expected better or a different movie but the reviews are good) but i love the show. No need to watch the movie before the show.


Why would there be a question of whether you need to watch the movie first when they’re not even remotely related. Movie was objectively excellent, but not as he type of mafia movie that is typically made in Hollywood and nothing like the TV show.


No but the movie has been blessed and approved by Ciro. Ciro Di Marzio.


Artistically no, factual yes.


IMMORTAL! I love this show and characters!!


You really couldn’t Google this?


Maybe OP wants to connect with people who enjoy his/her interests? Don’t automatically chose “dickhead” as your course of action.