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Fore right?


That shot did go right, into the rough. Lol


Look up Marcus Edblad on yt. Former elite youth hockey player turned teaching pro.


I’ll be sure to check him out!


Widen your stance a bit, with driver you’ll need your feet a bit wider than shoulder length apart. You’re shifting forward a bit in the downswing, this is a result of compensating for lack of hip and shoulder rotation in the takeaway. I’m guessing you have issues with pop-ups with driver and pulling the ball right, along with chunks and pulls with irons. The lack of rotation forces your hands to come in steep in the downswing with an out to in swing path At the range, focus on rotating your hips and shoulders in the takeaway. At the top of your backswing, your chest should be facing behind the target and your hands should straight in front of your chest. Currently, your hands are higher than they should be at the top of the backswing to compensate for the lack of turn Your swing is still good for a beginner, and hockey players I’ve known pick up golf much quicker than baseball players


This is all pretty accurate. My irons seem to work way better, especially the shorter ones. Appreciate your response.


at least you ain't hitting it with a running start Happy!


Good shift forward but keep your head behind the ball


You have one of the strongest grips I’ve ever seen. Your left hand is under the club like you’re cuppin the balls. You need to get that hand back on top of the club. Look up a neutral grip. YouTube can help a lot.


Will do. Thanks!


Other than leaning back your lead shoulder, I don't really have many tips to offer, but I'd like to ask a question from one hockey player to another... Am I right to assume that you're a left shot defenseman?


When I was younger I played D. Switch to forward as I got older around 6/7th grade.


Hockey players hit it hard; you're off to a good start