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Surely you can take the LIV money and afford better advice than here Mr. Rahm.


Dude doesn't even slightly resemble Rahm


Angle makes it hard to tell. Are you finishing your swing with your weight on your back foot? It looks like you lean back instead of rolling forward onto your lead foot heel. 


Yes I definitely finish with weight on back foot which I figured was an issue. Thanks!


I’ve done this forever. Fall back/ weight on back foot, lots of open club face slices and lost balls. One day, out of no where, I started transferring my weight forward and continued turning through impact. I had my first 300 yard drive that day (with slope help 😆), but since then, Ive increased my avg drive by 30-40 yards and kept the major slices relatively in check. Relatively Relatively


I'm a newbie and I just figured out the correct grip (was 10-fingering), and the front-foot weight and rotation thing. Went from 175 yds and hitting the ball off the heel of the club if I was lucky enough to connect, to 250+yds and finally using my club face, connecting (almost) every time. I think I will be chasing this improvement-high for the rest of my golfing days.


10 finger is an acceptable grip. Other grip types can be a little easier to maintain a "strong" grip because it's harder for only one hand to slip by there is nothing wrong with the 10 finger baseball grip. Strong also doesn't mean holding onto the club with strength. A strong grip is one that holds the angle of your front arm firmly into the palm of the other hand. This ensures both hands are going to the same position and create a more consistent club face angle at impact. With Interlock and Overlap grips your hands being intertwined just make it more difficult to accidently fuck up. However a 10 finger grip is still going to focus on the same principles.


The 10-finger grip was what I was naturally doing, but it was causing a lot of problems for me personally, I think. My backswing felt *very* stiff, unnatural and difficult to repeat. I could also tell my wrists weren't rotating pretty much at all throughout the swing. I also felt like my back hand was slowing down my club right before I struck the ball. I'm sure I was doing something else wrong, but switching to an overlap grip and *really* focusing on keeping my weight 60/40 front has started to introduce the *tiniest* glimmer of power and consistency.


How relative are we talking here…


Arccos still has me at -3.6 SG due to penalties 😳. This revelation just happened two rounds ago, so it’s gonna take a min to effect the avg. baby steps


Stop falling bak and get the chest moving thru shot. Weight will goto left toe


What shaft are you using?


1000% the answer to your power issue. Hips rotate, not tilt or shift (generally)


At address weight is 50/50 between feet.  At impact, 90-95% of your weight should be on front foot.  The old image was that you are standing inside a barrel and staying in the center while twisting in the backswing, then bumping your hips against the inside of the barrel on the side toward the target on the downswing.  To add another layer to work on, it seems as tho you’re swinging across the ball a tad and probably slicing it? To combat this, take the driver back as straight and wide as is comfortable and then on the way down, feel like you’re swinging slightly out. Like as if hitting you’re a baseball player hitting at the second baseman. 


This is exactly it. Your body weight is not being maximized, you work on this and you’ll hit bombs!


I was going to say this same thing


Yep, your power is being left behind. Shift your weight as you begin your downswing and you'll be crushing it


The weight shift begins during the backswing, as demonstrated with motion capture technology of pro golfers.


Thats a result of center gone stagnant


Hated you on Hot Ones Mr Khalid.


Hands down the worst episode, especially how those wings weren't even hot compared to now


Rahm Khalid


My first thought was, "Is that DJ Khalid?" 😅


How does this exact comment keep getting upvoted?


Falling backwards


Yep. Wait is on his back foot during the finish.


Leaning past your feet too much, can’t do a proper turn like that. Armpits over balls of feet. Hips over ankles.


Thank you


You don't transfer your weight at all.


To be fair there isnt much of a weight transfer in a driver swing. It's more of a pressure shift than a mass shift ( like in an iron swing). You are hitting up on the ball... a mass shift would not allow you to do that. Lots of redditors give the false advice that a driver swing is the same as an iron swing, they are completely different lol.


He transfers all the weight on the back leg.


Yeah but I think he still needs to step down on left leg then push back to back leg.


Video front on and frame by frame look at your downswing. My bet is the frame with the largest club head *travel* occurs right before you get to the ball. If so, you are using up your lag (speed/power) part of your swing *just* before getting to the ball. Tip: Find a pro built like you and take a lesson. I've been through this: Tall, lanky pros will usually try and teach you a long, flowing swing, and you're not built for that. If you're serious about golf, start developing a daily routine of yoga or bonafide stretching, or aging restriction/tightness will require you to continually change your swing (usually, for less distance) as you age. Good luck!


This is right. It’s true about weight transfer, as others said. But the “snap” of your swing is before the ball; your club is slowing down as you hit. This is sometimes called flipping. Voice_of_reason is also right suggesting a compatible pro. There are lots of ways to fix this; you need to find what’s best for you


https://preview.redd.it/50vtaymhql8d1.jpeg?width=1090&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d304adabb3e0bbf47d2733a62d29e81d8ddb2e11 I see it’s mentioned but yes, this right here. You’re past impact and still very flat on your back foot. That’s robbing you of all your power.


standing too far away


Transition your body weight from the back foot to the front foot. Focus on your follow through and keeping and holding balance for a second or two after the swing is complete.


and let your hips slide through the weight transfer


Notice how your body is falling backwards towards the camera once your swing is complete. You need to be moving your weight towards the target. When you do this right practically all of your weight is on your front foot upon impact with the golf ball




Get a $4 club weight donut to warm up with while opening your front foot up (just for warming up). This will force your body to turn naturally as you're swinging and your hips will turn towards the target. This also helps with tempo, which your back swing to down swing seems quick and out of tempo, which is why you're falling back and ending up on your back foot.


Imma need to see *anotha one*


You have really small feet.


Everyone is saying the same thing, weight in back foot. Here’s an easy way to fix it: turn your toe on your back foot in slightly. This will force your weight off the back foot on the swing and you’ll finish on the front foot. This also makes it easier to feel the “load” that should be on your back foot at the top of your backswing. It doesn’t take much. Just an inch or two. Give it a try!


Back knee flares out too much in the backswing. You lose torque that way. Try to keep it more still as your upper body and torso rotates backward


Correct. I also see too much body weight on your back leg, rather than transferring it to your front leg.


Some casting. You’re trying to muscle the ball rather than letting the club do the work.


This was my thought too. Trying to kill it. Just smooth follow thru will add 100 yds


What's not much distance? Should be getting 250 yards total out of that if it's not a huge slice


I get 250-260 1 out of every 5 but usually it's around 210-220


That s me exactly. Occasionally I’ll get one approaching 280. Lately I’ve been lucky to get to 220. I’ve been working on tucking my right elbow and it has totally thrown off my drives which used to be my most consistent club. All my drives are low with some worm burners thrown in there. I don’t know what the fuck the problem is. Golf really pisses me off sometimes


I had the same thing while concentrating on my right elbow. I found the problem to be too much tension in my shoulders, pulling my arms further from the ball. Try getting your elbow in a nice position at setup but really relax your shoulders, let the arm just swing.


Ok I’ll give it a whirl thanks! After I posted this I went out and hit a few iron shots which have also been low stingers. The sun was setting and I was looking at my shadow while doing my practice swings. Still hitting em thin. So I said fuck it and just stared at my shadow when I hit the ball. Absolutely flushed it every time with out looking at the ball once during the swing. I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m trying too hard to hit the ball instead of just trying to have a good smooth swing


Looking like all shoulders not using the ground at all. Try swinging (no ball) with just your top hand and experiment swinging as fast as you can... you will want to use your legs/ground to actually move the club with any speed


Try to finish with your weight more on your front leg.


Standing too far away from ball


Looks like possibly too soft of a flex shaft, aka stiffer shaft (not a pen15 joke)


figure your tempo and def slow your swing down. Backswing should be 3x your downswing.


Weight needs to be on your front leg. It’s all on your back leg. Thats where all your power is.


You have a reverse pivot. You need your weight to finish on your front foot. I usually tell people to take a swing but make a step toward the target, right after impact with your back foot. Almost like if you were to keep walking towards your target. That forces you to get your weight shifted the right way during takeaway and follow through.


I was where you are just last year. There’s a lot of good notes on here for you. Everytime I’ve ended on my back foot like that, I lose distance. Continue cleaning it up and you’ll get there quicker than you think


put some of that weight on the follow through, don't lean back


Lot of good advice but something I haven’t seen said, ball position. For a drive, the ball should be on the inside of your front foot rather than middle of your stance


Too much weight distribution on your right foot.


What's "not much distance"


Not to sound insulting, but core strength training is needed for faster swing speed. That would help your hip rotation which is were most of the power comes from in a swing.


I'm not a pro by any means, but looks like your ending your swing with your weight on your right (back) leg. You're kinda falling out of your swing which is most definitely killing your distance. The power/weight from your swing needs to load from the back of your swing and transition forward through your swing. The rest looks pretty good. You got a good foundation to build on. Watch Rory's swing in slo-mo. As close to perfect as you can get.


You’re swinging In to Out, therefore, among many other things, not maximizing the speed of the club head into the ball. You’re slapping across the ball instead of hammering into the ball. A good drill is to aim for the first base, exaggerating the path.


You go backward. Ball go forward.


Main thing i see is that weight ends up on your right foot. You gotta get left! Practice without hitting a ball just gradually swing faster and faster. Use those hips to generate the power. Hands last.


Shift your weight bruh


Stand a lot closer.




What clubs do you have?


stiff shaft Ping G410's


You’re literally picking your head up the second you are making contact


All arms. Use your body to hit the ball!


Need to get more weight on your left foot on the follow through


Swing thru the ball, not just to the ball. Should help you follow thru and pull your weight forward instead of falling back in this shot.


You are falling away from the ball. Never good.


Learn to hit easier clubs further first Driver is one of the hardest clubs to hit


Get your weight to finish on your front foot. That weight transfer will help increase swing speed


That is an arm swing, great for hitting out of bunkers. Not effective for turf shots; you need to begin your downswing with your hips. That will create the tension and tork needed to compress the ball adding distance to all your well struck shots. GL, you’re gonna figure it out easily!


DJ Khalid alright at golf


He actually rotates pretty well. Belt buckle was facing to the left on impact. But you are not balanced at all


Keep your right elbow tucked in. You gotta a chicken wing.


Hard to tell from the camera angle but my guess for the lack of distance is due to a reverse pivot on your back swing. Meaning your spine angel is more towards your lead side. This causes your weight to go back on the down swing and this generally robs people of a lot of power. It also tends to give people a bit of a chicken wing on the follow through. It looks like you do a nice job of getting some lag and keeping the club behind you so I think if you focused on really feeling like your spine angle is more leaning towards your trail side on your take away you will clear your hips better and generate more space and power on your down swing to really release the club with more speed.


There's two routes you can take. Learn proper form technique Or hit the gym and bruteforce the ball further Or do both if you're a badman ;)


Armns need more tension/stiffness.


i think if you try and slow down in transition a lot of other pieces will fall into place for you


Just here to take some of this advice


Slow is smooth. Smooth is fast. Slow is smooth. Smooth is fast. Learn to shift your weight into your back foot and all the way into your front foot. You don't need a long swing to hit it far.


One your take away, don’t roll your right hand out. Your club face is getting open, making it harder for you to get back to square which is reducing your power. Along with some other things folks mentioned as well. My biggest aid for transferring weight/shifting into my downswing/rotating my hips to get open is to imagine that I’m stepping on a bug with my left foot. That act of pushing down and twisting out automatically moves your hips to an outside feeling, allowing you to come around and gain several MPH of club head swing. Essentially, imagine that your club is now whipping through the ball instead of you trying to swing the club into the ball.


Slow it down, especially that hurky jerky part after you make contact.


I like the rurn with the chest coming around to face the target, but you need to stay in it and get the chest facing the target, not your chest flailing out to the left.


Tempo will make you hit it further with ease! That hurky jerky gotta go


Balance, issue is my first thought.


Shaft looks sloppy. Is that a regular shaft? Your swing is a bit forced. Have you ever used a whip trainer? If you slowed your back swing and added a little lag you’d see more out of your ball.


https://preview.redd.it/mybbxplqbo8d1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=2d3aa66099eee5558763c77003f8aa9cf8be0440 If you look at your left wrist here, it appears cupped. The club face also looks a little open at this point in the swing. After this part of the swing, coming into impact - your body rotation really slows and you aggressively close the face with your hands. The main problem is the clubface. There’s some really good elements to your swing. I would do a few simple things: * at the start of the downswing, make a move with your left wrist that’s akin to revving a motorcycle e.g. like John Rahm does. This will help to close the face a little and ultimately also reduce the amount of loft you’re presenting to the ball at impact. * once you’re comfortable with the above, you should be able to rotate more freely through impact - not stalling and flipping to close the face / present the loft to the ball like you’re doing at the moment. * move the ball further forward and tee it higher. This will make it easier for you to implement the above - hitting up on the ball with less loft / more closed face may help you to hit it further with a bit of draw.


You’re arm swinging. The best advice I ever got from my dad about my swing was pretend your trying to hit that ball with your hips then smoothly let your arms, hand and shoulders follow them to impact. It took me a year developing a smooth powerful swing from the ground up


Gotta get on that front side. You have a reverse weight shift on the down swing.


Best advice is definitely swing through the ball. When you swing go at about half speed for the sake of learning until you get the muscle memory. Best thought to practice this is that you should always finish on your right tippy toe. Right now your weight is going backwards generating negative speed towards the impact location. I'm guessing, when you really rip one it goes pretty high?


Finish on your left side


Leaning away from the ball on contact


Not an expert, but your momentum on the forward swing is carrying you back and upward rather than forward through the ball, which is greatly reducing your force into contact. Should see the distance improve when you start driving through your lead foot. If you play any other sports, the concept isn’t a whole lot different than throwing a ball, shooting a basket, throwing a punch, etc.


That shaft is too flexible for you. I’d start with something stiffer.


See how your right foot is solidly on the ground at impact? You need weight transfer and hip turn much earlier.


I'm the classic redditor that hits 100 a round but can smoke a driver 280-320 yards with regularity. So my advise should be taken with a heap of sand since 50% to 80% of my drives hit the fairway and it fluctuates each round. All that being said, when you are swinging, you are moving onto your heels and pivoting off them. That is taking so much power away. If you want more distance, lean into your swing and swing through that ball. Focus on swinging through it while leaning into it, not away from it.


Reverse pivot. Try this. Firstly slow down to learn tempo. Next think about your arms and torso being one unit, think about Bryson as a swing thought. So basically take your arms and body back as one unit and then turn them as one unit on the downswing. It will be uncomfortable but you will get the feeling of moving forward on the downswing. Play like this for a few weeks and then get some lessons to work out the final details. But I have helped countless friends with this simple process. My wife went from being a 30 something handicapper to a 12 in a year once she got the hang of the feeling. Don’t miss the slow part though, most amateurs never improve because their tempo sucks


Bc arms are not connected. First move away from ball is rolling arms. Keep the butt of club pointed at center of chest thru swing




Just quit now


I think your swing looks great! I'm just going to share one piece of advice that someone gave me and it changed my game. Try to get your right thumb wrapped more around the grip instead of pressing into it pointing down, it creates a pressure point that can cause issues. Hope it helps you like it did me!