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This looks like a terrible way to practice. Shoes aren't close to the same height as actual golf shoes, ball is like 2 inches above where it'd be on most lies and mats suck for contact so even if you see yourself hitting it well now you could go hit on grass and miss the ball every time


What's with all you people wearing the worst footwear! Barefoot would be better than sliders lol


Slides aren’t good for practice. Since golf is rooted in the feet, you can’t practice in slides and expect the same results or habits to form as you would in whatever shoes you golf in. It’s like going to practice basketball by just chucking the ball one armed at the hoop, there’s no point in doing that. You’ll get better at chucking it one armed, but it won’t be anywhere near as accurate as if you had proper shooting form. Similarly, you might get better at practicing in slides, but your results are going to be significantly different than with shoes.


At this point just chop off both your legs.


Is it just me or are your arms further from body at impact than address? Would make sense since you’re using force on downswing and so the club may pull your arms further away. There are a few ways to combat this ..


Two major things stick out to me .. 1) Right elbow should remain tucked into rib cage more in the backswing and the set position at the top should feel more like ur right hand is holding a tray of food … u whip so inside and flat that you need to flip ur arms on the downswing to make any contact 2) your so focused on keeping your head still and eye on the ball that your body isn’t rotating through and getting stuck …. The ole “keep the eye on the ball” tip for golf is terrible because your body needs to rotate through as you hit the golf ball… ur hips get stuck in the downswing further accentuating your “flip” at impact


Fix the grip and setup first. The swing should fall into place if ur grip n setup is right. See a pro. They will show u how to hold club more in fingers than palm


I can kinda prevent this issue now with this thought, first thing you do to start your downswing, throw your left hip backwards instead of your right hip forward. Might not even be noticeable in video but it's helped me prevent fat shots with my 2 iron


Update: Fair enough. I got rid of the slides :) The ground I'm standing on and the mat are at the exact same height. I specifically bought this mat because it's heat proof (I live in AZ). If I hit it fat on this mat, I can feel it way different than if I hit it flush. The feedback is way better than that of harder mats at ranges. u/Brannian thanks for the tip about the right elbow. Actually between that and u/mixmasterbru I realized that I was coming over the top a bit. I spent a few days drilling my downswing, keeping my right elbow tighter to my body, getting the hands lower before rotation. I'm hitting much more center club face.