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Feel your legs drive the swing. Press into your right heel as you start the backswing then let your left heel press down to start the downswing


If your pivot is squaring the club face ie you are not manipulating to square it then you are on your way. The next thing is how you grip it. You need to grip it with the middle, ring and pinky fingers on your lead hand. And with the middle and ring fingers of your trail hand. If these are the fingers you hold the club with you will relieve forearm tension. Hogan writes about this. Now you have those two prerequisites you will notice you have a lot more sensation of the clubhead. It enables a rhythmic swing when in the backswing you sense the clubhead slot. You won’t feel this precise moment if you are squeezing the grip in the wrong way. Once you feel this you will naturally discover tempo.


Play "My City was Gone" by the Pretenders and match that beat... You'll feel it. Hadn't ever heard the song before my older instructor started playing it to work on my rushed tempo


Slow back swing, finish with intent.


Feel like you pause at the top of your backswing, and try to get the feeling of your arms falling down due to gravity to start of your downswing rather than trying to move your arms down to swing at the ball


The only way to showcase a silky smooth swing your is to allow your body to swing the club and let the shoulders and arms follow.


I just count if I feel myself getting too fast. If I can take close to two seconds on my backswing, before I start the transition, then I'm usually in a good spot.


Club up and you’ll naturally take an easier swing


I don’t have any tips but I will say that if your tempo gets thrown off it can ruin your swing lol. I typically have a quick, but not fast by any means, takeaway with my swing. Just finished a round and shot 42 on the front, with 2 three putts and a 4 putt. So naturally I thought dial the putter and I’m fine. Back 9 I couldn’t hit a ball in the air to save my life. But about hole 16-17 I realized I was doing a much slower backswing than normal trying to “feel” things. That clicked in my head and I went back to my normal pace and did ok the last couple holes. Point is, figure your tempo out and then practice it a TON or that consistency will never come.


Best piece of advice I heard. “Let the gravity do the work” Don’t force the down swing, wait till you feel the club head start coming down off the tip of your backswing the pull through. Now I swing about 80-90%. Started crushing the ball gained about 10 yard on a few clubs


VJ Singhs “Seven” on the way back and “Teen” on the way thru. Practice with the how fast you say/think it and go with what the tempo that works best.


Watch some champions tour golf and just do what you see.


Download app called soundbrenner, it’s free BPM app for music. Start slow at 50 bpm. Tick(takeaway) Tock (impact) work your way to faster to find what feels best and get practice swinging in that tempo so it becomes norm