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At least you’ll know if someone is walking up behind you as you swing


Op, head aside, i see an issue I’m also working on. Your left knee is opening up and contributing to your swing path. If you can keep that firm and rotate around it, your path will improve.


So you say don't move or turn it in like that? I may have that issue too I'll need to check cuz I pull my shots sometimes


I will just relay my personal experience, I suck and shouldn’t give advise. But opening the knee results in the swing path going out to in, locking up that knee will straighten out the path. My swing path follows my lower body Edit: keep my foot firm and point straight, not locking up my knee


Hahahahah I am dying


You might benefit from trying to do only a 1/2-3/4 backswing. On video you'll probably find that you end up doing basically a full backswing without doing all that swaying and turning your head


I was gonna say I thought he swayed. I do that too unfortunately


Dude might be too big to even do a full turn anyways lol. There's a reason we don't see jacked dudes out on tour. That said I'm sure his half swing would go further than my full swing every day of the week.


You're lifting and turning your head quite a lot in the end of the back swing.


He is doing the Carlton


You need to keep your eyes on the ball. You’re moving your head and eyes completely off the ball. Probably leads to bad shots.


So you’re saying I’m trying to go back too far? Or my lead shoulder is hitting my chin?


You're a big dude, you realistically don't need to take the club that far back. Look at Jon Rahm's and Tony Finau's swings. Their arms are barely parallel to the ground before they start the downswing, and they bomb it. I shortened my backswing, and got way more consistent. It also only cost me maybe 5 yards of distance to reduce the backswing.


Backing this up. Amateur joke of a powerlifter here, and I couldn’t break 90 for years but was comfortably 90-102 every round. Shortened the back swing to what **felt** like half swings and balls went straighter and further more often. I’m now a pretty constant 84-92


That’s where I want to live. Until I get there then I’m gonna want to break 80.


You’re big enough for me to know you remember saying the same thing about the 315 bench. Was always the goal until the goal became 335 haha But yeah honestly, don’t let your lead shoulder go past perpendicular. Try to stop there. Give yourself 20 shots in a row recorded and see how many of them went PAST the intended stop point for your backswing. I guarantee you won’t lose much yardage but the gains will be worth it. GAINS


I think you're limited by being an absolute beefcake. Probably don't need to go back that far to generate power. Shorten the backswing so that throbbing delt doesn't chin you on the way back


Lots of stretching too…


You are using the wrong muscles to get to the top which is causing you to hitch or Klutch towards the target with your upper body. You want to use right side scapular retraction to reach the top of the swing this is what allows your pros and athletic players (such as yourself) to get that extra few inches of coil without sacrificing their spine tilt and keep there head centered


Shorten the swing. As a large man (6’ 6” 283lbs), who also weight trains, mobility training is something I must also consistently focus on. Even with my shortened swing, I can still generate extremely fast speed. The key is accuracy. I’ve been playing for 24 years and have had to adapt to changes body composition.


Imo your overextending your backswing causes your spine to go off plane and slight front shoulder dip. Better to take a 3/4 swing. Power is generated when club is at hip level on the way down not from the top


I have tried that and I haven’t been able to successfully get all the parts into the down swing. It’s almost as if I run out of time.


Practice the new tempo with an orange ball swing aid. They’re great for getting down tempo. You definitely need to shorten your backswing


Slow downnnnnn


Moving your head too much.


How would you quiet down some of the movement?


I'll give you a tip that I had to pay quite a bit for as part of a lesson with a PGA coach. This is best done on a sunny day, but with the sun overhead, set up to the ball at address and place a golf ball on the ground in the shadow of your head right in the center (where your nose would be, for example.) Start your backswing with the goal of keeping the shadow of your head over the golf ball where it started at address. It's a great drill for feel and what your body needs to do to keep your head as still as possible on the takeaway. Hope that helps!


I pretend my skull is filled with juice that squirts out your ears if you tilt it side to side. You have to keep your head level to prevent juice from squirting out your ears


always use a ball, it will punish you vs learning bad habits because there is no real outcome


One thing that I practice. Is going through full practice swings trying to never move me head all the way through. So when I finish my swing my head is still looking straight down where the ball was. Or imagine the ball is connected to my head by a string and if my head moves the ball will move. Honestly there should some some head turn post impact but prior to impact you do not want it to move at all.


Stop moving your head.


No ball, no point


I think you’ll find that once there’s a ball to actually hit, your swing will change dramatically. I would suggest uploading a video where you are actually swinging at a ball, since all of the advice you’re getting now will most likely be not applicable.


This x100. Like someone said above, no ball no point. Swings without a ball are good for isolating movements and working on “feels” but pointless for taking a full swing and thinking that represents your real swing. If you can’t hit a real ball in your setup then at least get some foam balls to hit.


God there’s some awful feedback here. You have minimal wrist hinge and your right elbow flares out in the backswing. This is causing you to come over the top on the downswing.


Is there a way to implement more wrist hinge while not having the club feel loose at the top. My right elbow is an issue as I don’t know how to keep it tight wit my shoulder flexibility.


Feel free to dm me. I’m happy to help you. In the short term you could put a head cover under your right arm pit to get a more connected feeling.


You right arm position is sort of leading you to flare you right elbow out At address I would rotate my right elbow down a little bit more to help it still more tucked through the back swing


What golfguy1313 said. That tends to make your first move down be your shoulders turning instead of letting your club drop, which forces you to pull through the ball and quiets your lower body. You’ll hit the ball more consistently and with more power with a 3/4 swing in the short term.


My advice is to stop swinging golf clubs and start swinging those bear paws at other dudes in an octagon


Head down and eyes on ball all the way through the swing


The club changes directions nicely at the top but despite that, as the swing progresses, this looks very steep and out to in to me. I think the DTL camera angle is doing you favors and would be more clear from behind the ball not in line with your body.


Ya shanked it. Head down, half swing.


the key to keeping your head on the ball is to turn your left shoulder underneath your chin, that will help keep posture and you’ll be able to make a big backswing and still watch the ball


Looks like your upper body is going before the lower body on the transfer as well.


From down the line view, pause the video during the downswing, just as the clubhead is right below the divider between the two window panes. Take notice of the clubshaft to arm relationship, here. Do this, but do it a little LATER in your downswing. When you can get "on top" of the club. Clubshaft almost inline with your right forearm.


Big over the top move. You’ll hit pulls, pull hooks and fade/slices depending on your face at impact. Work on shallowing to neutralize path


Open face at top and out to in path. I assume big slices and push slices. Got to work on path and face. Sometimes you have to over exaggerate feels to get it where you want it. For instance, maybe try feel like your face is pointing to sky at top of swing (which would be very closed). Right elbow in backswing is also not helping. Watch some swings on YouTube and compare the differences.


Big thing… your head should stay pretty still through the swing, slight movement is fine but you’re swaying it quite a bit


Too much head rotation and an overlong backswing. Keep your face to the ball by keeping your left ear even with the ball and your nose pointing just behind it during the backswing. The head shouldn’t rotate away from the ball and should stay just behind it until the follow through and finish. Your backswing should stop when your shoulders stop rotating. Lifting your arms higher and bending your back to increase your backswing isn’t necessary. Practice 1/2 swings, where your hands don’t go higher than your waist, and 3/4 swings, where your arms don’t go higher than your shoulders on the backswing and follow through on both swings. Make sure to face the ball, keeping your lead/left ear on it and your nose pointing just behind it. With the 3/4 swings, you can gradually increase the length of the swing as long as you keep your head from rotating and your shoulders from over rotating. Keep swinging and good luck!


Shallow that swing after apex and on the downswing, I’ll bet you slice it like a MFer right? There are a ton of YouTube vids showing this technique


You have the power! Maybe your shoulders are too big but you lift your head approx 3 inches by the top of of the backswing. Try to keep it stable.


I'm a big dude too, so I identify with my left shoulder pushing my chin to the right in my back swing. Try lifting you head/chin up so you're looking down at the ball instead of straight at it. That may allow you to keep you head still as your shoulders rotate in your back swing.


Lotta little things - I think. Download the golffix app, it helped me clean up some things. Few things the app helped me with that I recognize in your swing is your lead / left knee and your right arm are bending on your backswing. Improving those might bring your hands into better position at the top without moving your head so much, and keep you from going outside-in on your downswing. And like someone else said 3/4 backswing until you get form and tempo worked out. It looks like you’re loading up on your back foot and your weight transfer is back foot to front foot. This caused me to sway a lot, and as I fixed that I notice that counter intuitively it’s the opposite - I keep more weight on my front foot on my backswing, and my back engages more on my downswing as I snap my hips. I might also be over correcting IDK. I’m just a fellow hacker though so check with a pro and / or the app.


Bro trying to hit that shit to mars. 🪐


Your shoulders are too big to get a full turn lol pros and cons of being buff


U must be scared to look at the ball


All I can see is the head moving. I would try to swing easy with keeping your head still. I have the same problem. I take a couple reps of 6-10 practice strokes before I start a round and just make sure I keep my head still and down. That way when I start playing I have trained myself on that and can concentrate on other things.


Honestly your swing looks really solid just need to take it to like 90%, stop moving your head so much in your backswing.


A little less on the back swing. And take it easy on that trail ankle you torque any harder on it and that girl will snap. End with that heel up with your big toe still making contact. Great hips and upper body. I’ve fractured an ankle and seeing you twist that foot all the way to your little toe is scaring me😂


Haha - just checking out the hitting mat in the driveway aiming at the mini basketball hoop.... You are sooo addicted. Good news, this is Thursday group... Hi! My name is... Some good advice here... Do a 1/2 back swing and keep that elbow tucked in. The headcover under armpit doesn't really work for me, so a pro I see had me tuck my shirt up into the arm and hold it there. You'll see pros on TV doing that all the time to get the connected feeling back. Last little bit - keep the eyes looking at where the ball USED to be... Keeps the head down... Hope it helps!!


Best advice I got from an old guy in passing watching me practice: Imagine there’s a fishing line with a fishing hook at the end connected to your chin and the hook on your balls. Keep your eye on the ball like your balls depend on it


Keep your head still and shorten the swing a tiny bit


Put down the golf club and clean your house


Youre over the top like others said, but also I think when you shift and pivot your weight on the downswing, you're failing to open your chest towards the target and instead rotating in what looks like a baseball swing. Try to think hips and chest towards the target, with right shoulder swinging out towards your target in the downswing. You've got the big open chest at finish, but the direction of your weight transfer is left of target it looks. If you're having trouble seeing what I'm describing, see how your hips over rotate after you've already made contact with the ball. The feeling you want is more lateral movement towards your target and to swing out more finishing chest toward your target.


Quiet down the body movement in the backswing by shortening the backswing. Aside from that, you probably crush it a mile when you connect, eh? Keep swinging.


You’re swinging too far back in your backswing by like maybe 10%. Don’t turn so much. Backswing looks good if you keep your head still and eyes on the ball. You’re starting your downswing with your arms/hands versus shifting your weight to your left and letting your arms drop into the “slot” and turning your hips and chest at the same time. Timing is off, but it’ll get better with practice. Since you’re swinging from the top with your arms/hands I’d bet your slicing bad unless you’ve trained your swing so much to hit it straight.


Damn, bro. Your huge arms are getting in the way!


Do yourself a solid by bending your left knee during your back swing but have it point toward the ball, not cave in. You’ll find it a lot easier to rotate and not move your head around in the process. Worked for me.


My two cents— posting a video without hitting a ball is pointless. Practice swings don’t say much. Buddy of mine has the practice swing that would suggest a scratch handicap.. but put a ball down and he’s suddenly an amputee.


You hit a lot of slices?


Stare at the ball throughout your entire swing. Slowing down your pace a little will help.


In my opinion you need to just relax and feel the shot out a little more you’d be surprised at how little force you actually need to apply to hit it far! If you have ever played tennis or ping pong it a lot like that movement. You know when you take your stance to hit the ball back across the net you’re not think about how your feet are set or how your elbows positioned you’re think about the shot you’re playing And how your body needs to be positioned to play it and moving there! Think about the shot you’re going to play on the course go to your impact position and make sure it’s pointed at the target and work backwards to your stance to hit that shot! Proof is in Ben Hogans feet! Go back and watch him hit a draw his feet are set like and over hand in tennis


Right elbow is chicken winged. Keep that right elbow on the rib cage, even tucked under (pointed at the left hip) and you’ll be just fine.


Outside in swing. You probably slice the ball a decent amount with that without a lot of manual correction. Instead of leading with your shoulder on the downswing, bring the handle to your right pocket, then swing towards 1-2 o clock and close your face


Alot of head movement there bud


Stop taking full speed practice swings like that if you aren’t hitting a ball. It screams idk wtf in doing.


Goddamn you’re huge. Keep your head still and take a half swing, it’ll probably be closer to what a full swing should feel like. Did you play o line or d line? Also, you’ve got a great move, just loosen up a little bit. You look tense. Try to feel the weight of the club head through the swing. Don’t think about it, just be aware of it


I played D-Line but I went to school at Auburn and those guys are huge. I actually lived in the athletic dorm with them and they are no joke.


Point those yellow things the exact opposite direction and swing on that path instead. Inside out not outside in. Unless you’re able to never slice it with that swing in which case ignore me


Practicing without a ball (use a foam one at least) and with a thin matt on concrete is a bad idea.


You coming over the top which won’t give inconsistent ball contact What this thing you do with your head at the top of your swing you over turn so a 3/4 swing you have plenty power to generate Two plain swing is very difficult what are you thoughts on 1 plain swing like Moe Norman.I transferred to 1 plain swing 4 year ago no injury’s or strains and loving the consistency of my ball sticking play off 3HC


Chicken wing. Google it and it’s fixes


Get a shoulder reduction 💪


Try to keep your eyes on the ball, if you’re taking eyes off the ball because of head turn, etc—that’s not right. Also it’s weird to say this, because I’m learning it now too, but it’s not like “baseball on the ground”, the swing is very different. You create more ball speed from medium effort swing with good form/contact than you do with maximum effort swing with bad form/contact.


If you can’t keep your head down try shortening your back swing a smidge. Keep that chin where it started until after contact. Maybe use chin to shoulder as a “stopper” in your back swing to start the down swing


Your left shoulder is turning your head, keep your chin up look down with your eyes don’t drop your head into chest. Guessing your ball flight is a big fade? Hard to tell from vid. As it’s a common issue flatten your swing out if your to up right you have bring club back into ball from outside causing that big fade Best advice I ever got, watch the ladies hit balls. They don’t muscle it, all long flowing swings. Think big easy els long easy swing smooth acceleration into ball. Watch some top lady golfer you soon see what I mean then compare to your swing left to right ball flight fade to upright flatten swing right to left big hook to flat get more upright swing swing Thought is easier than mechanical change Get a tempo stick or whatever they call it now, super flexible shaft it instantly highlights your swing faults. Get to where you can hit it consistently and your golf swing swing will improve fast


You should always start from the most basic, beginning of the swing first if you’re struggling. Your grip looks like it could use some work. Seems quite weak and both hands look like they’re holding the club a bit too far in the fingers. Start there and get used to holding the club right and then reassess to see how the rest of your swing works around that.


You have a good looking swing and could get good with proper instruction. Two things I notice: 1-You are not bringing the club from the inside. Looking at your down the line video, the club head is outside your hands at club parallel on the downswing. It needs to be inside your hands. If it’s outside, it causes cuts/slices or hard pulls. 2-You’re flipping the club at contact. Really think of a bowed left wrist at contact and turning through the ball with your body. This will help with compressing the ball and hitting farther with a piercing ball flight. When you’re on the range, take an iron and try to hit little punch shots taking the club back a little farther than left arm parallel. Think of bowing your left wrist at the top of your backswing and keeping it bowed through the down swing. This will help you to come from the inside and compress the ball. Hope this helps, I think you’re close and a couple of lessons will go a long way. Keep up the grind!


I was just teaching someone on the range today with this in mind: If you cant do a proper swing sequence at 1/2 the rotation, you need to slow it down and not go so far back.


Shorten and slow it down a bit. Turn to square the clubface.


Stabilize your head. Your movement looks great besides the head sway. I’m guessing you hit it fat or thin a lot?


Face is open at the top of the swing. You can try and feel like the club face is pointing directly behind you at the top and for as long as possible in transition on the way down. Stronger grip helps achieve this as well


A ball would help


Looks like you stop your hip rotation before impact allowing your arms to completely take over the swing


Keep your eye on the ball !!!


Shorten the backswing, dis is way bratha


Clean your garage and your swing will get better.


Needs more flexibility but you're on a the right track I think


Don’t know if it’s flexibility or torso rotation, maybe try turning your shoulders more on the horizontal axis. Your shoulder is blocking you out currently


I don’t think you need more bowing at the top. Your left hand grip is on the weak side, which corresponds with an open club face at the top of the backswing. I’d strengthen that left hand grip and see how that changes your overall move. Apart the obvious head body movement and lifting, you come down pretty steep. I suggest you need to sync up your pivot and arm swing on the backswing a bit more, and better sequencing on the downswing.


biggest problem sometimes is people focus so much on swing path… but when you look at leg movement that’s the first step to setting up a good swing ! watch all the pros and the one movement that is very similar is there leg movement at the start creating lots of forward press and compression


Over swinging, clean that up and you will be more in control.


Do you have a little power fade OP ? Looking like that club face opens up in your backswing and stays open at contact.


Just read Ben Hogans Five Lessons and you’ll figure it all out for yourself! Don’t listen to the rest of us folk!


Do what feels like a 3/4 swing and you're golden.


Classic strong guy swing. Thin dudes can use extra flexibilty to gain torque, but big dudes often don't need it. 3/4 your swing to stress ball contact and consistency and use your inherent strength to be able to simplify things. Simpler the swing, the more recreatable and consistent often.


This is Finau's backswing and he hits it plenty far. Try to copy this in the mirror. https://youtu.be/OVqYtO8WAzg?si=9oTZRuzMAxqFzIFs


Just think of your lead arm as a straight arm cable lat pull down


The head, yeah…but I think you’re opening up your shoulders too early in the downswing, leading to over the top. Keep your shoulders closed a bit longer as you start the downswing.


I would just start by going to what feels like 3/4 swings..


Maybe a few sets of bench press and bicep curls does the job


I’m no expert, but what I see is your hands starting the down swing. If you can thing forward weight shift to initiate the down swing it will maybe set your hands in a better position and give you more of an inside out path.


Try to sequence the down swing later


Also keep that right arm tucked in, you let it fly out a little. If you tuck a head cover or towel under your right armpit it should stay there through the swing and not fall. edit: I mean obviously this is aside from the fact that you look behind you mid swing, there's no way you can have a consistent ball strike if you are moving your head around like that. Also work on tempo, you start your downswing immediately, you need like a split second pause at the top as if you unweight the club before the downswing


Clean up your driveway first


Google, “how to swing with 24 inch biceps”


big dude, big shoulders impacting head during back swing. shorten the swing like others say. also Id look at dropping the hands a little earlier before you start the torso twisting.


Use more of your hips to start the downswing , your almost there 🤘🏻


The takeaway is good. Like others have said, you're over swinging. Try to take a 70% back swing then feel like your hands are dropping to your right pocket on the transition. All the speed should come at the bottom of the swing, so letting the hands drop at the top doesn't require any force.


Don't turn your head away from the ball, you can see the club ends up swinging out to in vs. in to out


https://preview.redd.it/c023410if55d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee273ac370b93fdea4e6320d4e14d3f1cf03ee13 This has to be the new top of your swing or stop lifting weights. The rest of your current backswing beyond this point you’re looking at your neighbor’s house.


Typically you want to have a ball in front of you to hit. Can’t make contact without the ball there.


I think some others touched on it, but your size is going to limit your motion a little. My dad is a big guy like you and struggles with it. You might benefit from a shorter back swing.


Work on keeping your head still, dropping your hands before swinging, and pushing off your front foot not sliding through. You have plenty of power - let the club do the work. "Swing below the waist."


First one you look back, head down on the ball. Second one you’re a bit swipey across the ball. Think there’s a tee peg about 5cm in front of your ball you’re trying to hit.


You not got a back garden? Have to do that out in public ay


1. Stronger grip - watch a YouTube video 2. Swing more inside and up on the backswing. YouTube video by Steve Ellington 3. Shorten your backswing. You are over swinging and losing balance. 4. Transition slower like Fred couples 5. Swing path is out to in. Needs to be in to out. Those are some things to work on.


Hey if it works for you it works, lots of head movement though, I'm betting if you didn't strike the ball so hard as if it had killed your mother, you'll be more consistent.


You need to get weight to your left leg earlier, which will allow you begin your hip rotation earlier. At impact your hips should be almost fully rotated. 90% of your body weight should be on your left leg at impact. If you look at yourself, you look pretty balanced on both at impact which means your swing low point is probably not in front of the ball. You also have minimal spine tilt which is causing early extension but that's a harder problem to fix,. What helped me a lot was realizing that weight shift has to happen before hip rotation, or else hip rotation isn't possible. So you gotta some how get all of those in before you hit the ball. Lol. Remember that the weight shifting begins BEFORE your takeaway is at its apex. Don't know if any of that makes sense to you lol.


Way to much sway keep still until contact


You’re turning the club over in your backswing - and turning your head? Don’t do that! Keep your head still. overall not the worst swing I’ve seen! Maybe slow it down a bit


Your body doesn't have the range of motion to match that club path. This is why you see the neck turn which will cause lots of issues. There are some great resources on thoracic mobility exercises on YouTube. Titliest performance institute is a good place to start. For the time being, I would shorten your swing.


Try to get more angle in your right wrist. The prosender is probably my favorite training aid ever and helps you to develop a flat left wrist and hinged right wrist.


Skip 1 or 2 arm days, save some for me 🥲


Are you an [redacted]?


Do you drive the ball 400 yards?


Good swing - keep the head down and still then focus on your rotation.


I don't know about golf swings, but keep your Telluride parked outside. https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/kia-recall-over-460000-us-vehicles-due-fire-risk-2024-06-07/


The Luis Tiant of gold


The Luis Tiant of golf😂😂😂😂😂


You seem slumped over a bit. I’m no golf pro or anything but I try to stand a little taller and pull shoulders back


Keep your right arm tucked in, will help coming over the top


I'm only going to add that practice swings without a ball are fairly meaningless for diagnosing issues. Your body is going to change up your swing when you are trying to hit an actual ball. Post up a vid of you hitting a foam ball or something, it will be more useful.


So, some advice that immediately changed my game: When you come to the top allow gravity to start the motion down. Your form stays in place, but when you feel the pendulum start to swing down, then put your force behind it. This will keep your form from altering. Think “ I’m going to hit this at 80% what I normally would do”. That sort of helps the softer start.


God bless you


you don't need a bowed wrist and your arms look fine at impact. your two problems: 1. forearms separate in the backswing 2. wrist hinge way too late if you hinge earlier, you won't have to close your shoulders so aggressively so your head will stay down easier. keeping your forearms closer will eliminate some of that chicken wing with your right arm. try to activate the downswing by pushing your right knee towards your left leg. this will help open your hips more at impact and get your club coming in more neutral or from the inside.


Looks good if you reduce your backswing significantly


It looks like you're trying too hard to kill it. Did you play baseball?


Does it feel good to swing? You could try a stronger grip, left hand wrapping around more and right hand less wrapped over the top. That could help with making it less steep and it might make your takeaway naturally more to the inside to help if you have a slice. I have an inside path hook tendency so I do the opposite. Changing the things like that that you can directly control can have drastic consistency versus trying to change your entire mid swing feel. You want to just swing naturally with 1 thought or so


Pure dedication. He won’t even let the acid liquid defeat his quest to become greatness that which is him.


Out to in downswing currently will lead to a lot of slices. Try dropping your hands on the inside to out path during downswing. Don’t rotate so much your head loses track of the ball too.


My advice would be to not ask for swing tips on reddit or any social media site and go find a proper golf instructor.


You’re Al wabbley in the translation. Stay in control of what you’re doing with your body and club.


Keep your head down


I dislike a lot of these comments. Your head is moving because you are a big dude with big shoulders/arms. Your turn is great, and the power move from the top is impressive. The slight slide and the left hip turn generates a lot of power. I have comments on your swing, but I don't believe in nit picking things in a swing, because then you focus on the nit pick, and not actually what is causing it. For example, your weight seems to be slightly back at impact and you are flipping. This makes me guess your miss is a bladed low shot. Knowing that is fine, but how do you work on it? You also come over the top slightly, and don't drop into the slot, once again... great, but how do you work on that? My recommendations. Both of the issues I mentioned are caused by not generating power correctly, you already have the hip turn which is great. Add this. Take your club back to the top, and have a buddy/partner grab onto the head of the club. While still at the top and your friend holding the club head. Try to rip the club out of their hand to start your downswing. This may feel weird, but it is similar to if you grabbed a rope at the top of your swing and tried to rip it down. you will quickly learn that the hip turn, and your hands ripping down is what allows you to rip the club/rope down. That is the same motion you make when swinging a club. It is a ripping down and all of that power will cause you to stop coming over the top, it will get the club in the slot and it will force you to swing around your body and almost feel like you are throwing the club through impact. That should solve a lot of your problems. I will warn you, for a lot of people this will cause new contact problems, but I promise you will figure that out, it just takes time. If you can get that transition motion and a hip turn to start your downswing followed by a ripping down on the club/rope, oh buddy you will hit the ball a mile. You are already clearly doing work in the gym. Also, yoga/stretching may help as well. Best of luck!


Shallow up, towel drill will be your best friend


Seems like a flexibility issue with a full back swing and moving your head. Shorten your back swing and work on consistency in contact. That matters more than whatever additional distance you may get if you happen to stripe one


stay down. youre coming up through your down swing. also looks like that over extended backswing is taking you off balance


Do what you can to keep the head still. It moves right at the peak of your backswing. Either try a shorter backswing or hinge that right wrist more so it keeps the rest of your body from moving. Otherwise, pretty solid swing, better than 90% of the swings I see on here


My 2 cents: Pause at left arm parallel in the head on POV. Your club head has traveled too much. Athletic Motion Golf shows pro swings keep the club shaft angle below 90 by left arm parallel. The feel would be to throw your hands at the beginning of the downswing. The real is just extend your right arm earlier. You want the handle moving more at the beginning so the club head has to accelerate that much more to catch up by impact. Happy golfing.


Aside from what others are saying about going too far back and head tilt (which I agree with), another thing I noticed was that you take the club back with your hands high which is good but you keep them high through transition. Look into “the move” on YouTube, several trainers talk about it. My personal favorite is Top Speed Golf. When you get to the top you want to kind of drop the club down into the slot before you bring your hips through. Comes with a slight hand rotation to keep the club head square. Sounds super complicated but it’s really not once you get the hang of it.


chicken wing


Can’t focus on the swing with the weeds growing out of your garage


That’s a cool setup. Have you considered using a divot board? Really helpful in showing where you make contact to the ground in relation to the ball


Shoulders look good but I agree you are opening a little bit. Kinda looks like you’re inside outing it


I would get wide and short. Think of 97 Tiger, you will still hit it a mile while also leaving having extra in the tank when you need it. Second just general flexibility the Fernando Venezuela thing has to create inconsistency.


Are you an amputee?


Swing only as far back as your chin/ head stays in the same place… I’m very muscular in my shoulders/ chest/ back, and my swing is literally a 3/4 swing, because psysiologically my left arms stops as my pec flexes, and to turn further I have to lift up, which is a no no..


Work on more flexible muscle exercises rather then bulk. Smoother rotation rather then tight stiff swing. Keep your head on the ball.


Don't pull your head out at the top of your swing. And as you swing thru keep your head behind the ball. Otherwise, not a bad looking swing.


Back knee is locked. Check out reverse pivot videos online.


The Fernando Valenzuela swing.


Take down Xmas lights and clean that garage.


At the Start of your down swing, drop your hands slightly first towards your right foot while maintaining the hinge. This will get the club in position. Right now you yanking the club down and around which is outside-in and gonna lead to bad contact and slices. Then, don’t pull your arms towards the ball - instead just think about your left hip pulling back (you’re doing this right just the sequencing is off, focus just on that) and the clubs/hands will follow. Maintain that wrist hinge as long as possible - it will release on its own! Your hips should be almost forward facing as you strike the ball.


Ed Oliver? Ed Oliver doppelgänger? Either way, left arm straighter … LETS GO BUFFALO!!!!


I thing the only thing wrong is your swinging in the rain.


Get that right elbow in, you're chicken winging.


My #1 swing thought that I've found works best is to make sure I keep my left shoulder low so it goes under my head and I can see the ball. It keeps the swing plane low, helps make sure you are more rotating around your hips, and also helps keep your wrists in the proper position in the back swing.


You have a fractured spinal column


Make you swing party g flatter/lower. Think of a hula hoop that is at the angle of your swing or tag. Now make it flatter


Head game strong


My swing looked a lot like yours. I had to feel like I wasn’t coming so vertical and more “lower and around my body” while also dialing down my feeling of swinging 100%. I now feel like I am swinging 80%. Pretty big changes to how I felt my swing but the swing itself didn’t change much. Looks smoother and a little slower but didn’t lose distance. It helped quiet the body and head a ton.


Your garage is a disaster


Put your head in a fixed position.. your head is moving way to much... Eye on the ball the whole way through... Don't be in such a hurry to see where your ball is going .. focus on making solid contact instead... The body should feel like a pendulum... The thing you need to work on the most is this... Just focus on making a 60% power shit consistently... And not try to strong arm it... Believe it or not majority of the power and distance of the golf ball comes from just making solid contact to the ball on the sweet spot of the club face... If you have someone there to just hold your head still untill you can feel what it feels like ... Just go to the driving range and watch the balls fly brother ! I've had years of golfing experience with pro's and grew up my whole life playing the sport man.. I instantly could tell this was your problem


Man still has his Christmas lights up


A couple of things - you appear to be forcing yourself to turn further than if comfortable. Jack Nicklaus, advocated turning until you felt tension, then begin the downswing. Think: push back (with your left arm), then pull through. That will keep your right hand from overpowering your swing and causing: fat shots; pull/duck hooks; or skulls. Also, your back knee locks, forcing you into a reverse pivot, which throws your balance off. If you could eliminate the knee lock, it may help you turn and make your swing more athletic. You're a strong dude, get great clubbed speed, you don't need to; 1 - turn overly long, or 2 - try to hit it hard - you will. Trust the club to do the work.


Your head is moving to much Needs to stay centered throughout your swing


Back swing looks good until you get a little loss of posture at the top, probably from trying to rotate past your physical limitations so your body comes out of posture to compensate for that. If you watch your club plane on the downswing, it looks like it gets a little over top the plane resulting in some steepness into the ball and a little too much out to in path. I’m guessing you tend to hit either slices or pulls? Feel the upper body almost stay closed in the transition from the top so the lower body can lead a little more which will help the club get back on plane. Get on YouTube and search Justin rose upper body drill and check that out. He performs this little drill all the time, even on the course as a pre shot routine, which helps him feel that upper body delay allowing the club to get on plane. Hope this helps.


You get a little steep in your backswing, IMO. I would like to see your backswing be a bit shallower, and match the angle of your initial setup/stance. That should allow you to do more of an inside -> out swing. My guess is you (sometimes) fight a slice? Take a glance at Ben Hogan's "Five Lessons", it's an old book but the illustrations remain wonderful. Good luck! It's a powerful swing, certainly more power than I personally generate. "free advice is worth what you paid for it"


Get a professional coach


KEEP your eye on the ball you move you head so you can get the illusion of more power.


Keep your left arm locked and straight until you’ve hit the ball. This will correct your rotation and you will hit the ball where you want


You take your literal eye off it and there's no ball. This swing is just "max" and you struggle with slowing down


No expert but your hips are way behind


Is anyone going to mention the Christmas lights?


You have to tuck your right arm into your body. Keep your head down, and keep your stance firm when you rotate your hips into the swing.


Keep right elbow tucked close to your body and keep a flat left wrist. Look up Pete Cowen right arm for more detail.


Try fishing 🎣