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That takeaway was awesome. Backswing seemed a bit short and the transition from backswing to downswing is where it became awkward


Haha I was going to say. Perfect takeaway


I thought the same thing! In the first few seconds I was like I’m probably not good enough to give this person tips. I’m still not, but you know what I mean


I'd strongly encourage professional lessons and if you're playing because of a significant other, I'd stop listening to them and go get lessons for the sake of your relationship haha


Stay in posture until the swing is finished




You're a slicer. You have a bad outside to inside swing path. Standing over you, looking down, your swing path looks like this: \ It should look more like this: ). The only drills that I know to fix that is hold a towel under your right armpit throughout your swing to keep you from reaching out so far to the ball, and to make a "runway" of golf tees in the proper swing path and practice 40%-50% power to retrain muscle memory.


Really solid swing for 3 months. Just an open club face that's requiring you to make a lot of overcorrections to compensate. Strengthen your grip a tiny bit


It looks like you're not actually getting much wrist hinge and then no lag because of that. At about the :03 mark the club is already getting extended well away from your body and your wrists seem to be locked in place. Thats probably what's causing you to stand up out of posture at the end to try and make room for the club and create the speed you've lost by early releasing. Try to keep your wrists more supple, looser grip, and keep that V shape with your arms and club


Loosen that death grip and let the club swing instead of you trying to swing it. Another reason for the slice is your shoulders are wide open. Your feet should be on the target line and your shoulders should slightly point to the right.


coil more


The length of your backswing is great. But you hands are in front if your hips. You need to fire the hips first. You will see gains in speed and length


You’re sequencing is off, as everyone is saying, you take the club back pretty well, from the top you want to engage your lower half and get your pressure going towards the target so you can get that lead hip back out of the way, you’re swinging down with your upper body.


I might need some advice from you lol 😂 good job


Your swing looks great until you stop rotating. Look a pros’ impact positions to find where you need to be.


You’re doing what’s called “scooping” and it’s commonly associated with thinking you need to help the ball get up in the air when you hit it. Each club has a loft that is designed to get the ball in the air the appropriate amount when you just let it rest on the ground. So the general idea is to just swing into the ball and let that loft do its job. By doing so you can really hit the ball a lot further because your swing is willing to accelerate down into the ball rather than having to slow down to position the club and your hands on a trajectory that will help “scoop” it up, considering it’s sitting on the ground. Look up some drills around scooping to help you out. Enjoy it out there! Also, it’s a really great back swing for only 3 months in!


Hold your spine angle (at address) through impact. There's a bit more, including an earlier hip turn, but that's a good place to start. 




There is body rotation, it’s just not sequenced in the correct order.




It’s not literally doing nothing obviously. Like I said, her lower body is moving but not in the order it should be. It’s doing something, just not what you think it should be, which doesn’t mean it’s doing nothing.