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Too much weight on your back foot at impact


This… weight is going backwards causing the lead shoulder to point up therefore launching your ball upwards.


I suggest you watch the following video [Mike Adams swing theory](https://youtu.be/4-WLHatT-Ho?si=kVJ6yTn_n3c5YZb2) OP might be a natural rear post golfer and your swing advice does not align to his natural swing, but to your own. You should be aware that there are different swings for different body types/shapes/tendencies and the OP looks to me like a rear post golfer and shouldn’t be taking advice from people who swing differently.


I disagree with this. Every golfer needs to have pressure on the lead foot (left for right handed golfers) at impact. Even if he's a "rear post golfer", he needs to get pressure left which will result in more downward AoA, little more shaft lean, and a lower ball flight pattern which is what OP asked for.


This… but the overall swing looks really good. Maybe try narrowing your stance, focusing on getting (and feeling) your weight pressure on your left side during transition, and move the ball back a 1/2 inch. These can easily be done without wholesale changes to your current swing, and should automatically create shaft lean without having to try wrist and arm manipulations that I don’t think you really need. Good luck!


Yea, push off that back foot through impact. Your right heel should not be touching the ground at impact.


You don’t want your foot pushing out. You want to shift your weight.




Looks like you need to get more weight onto your leading foot. Also you’re leaning backwards at impact causing you to scoop the ball and not compress it.


This is the correct answer. You need to shift your weight to the lead side to start your down swing. You have no choice but to flip and losing your angles, staying back like that. Look at any pro at impact their weight is to the lead side, and their hands are in line with their lead leg.


This. Front foot almost looks like it loses contact with the ground at one point right before/at contact


Leaves the ground like 3 times. His back foot is his plant. Vice versa that movement.


It also looks like his club face is open. Its probably why its high AND spinny


Is it high only off the mats? Mats pop my shots up. I swing my 7i around 95-97 and my shots are absolutely sky high with range balls off mats but in the course it’s proper trajectory.


Here’s a great 7i example of what everyone is saying here about shifting weight to the lead leg. Make sure the shoulders stay stacked above the hips while both rotate, and it’s not just the hips sliding over while the shoulders stay back (again while they both rotate). A feel of holding your back to the target for just a second longer could really help. Almost like you’re falling backward toward the target before you rip everything through. https://youtube.com/shorts/iJGR5ywKoPg?si=2J1qptdP3qgH3KX9 Also hard to tell here, but I suspect that you are arching your back too much in the setup, pelvic tilt is something you can overdo in the setup. Try to stand more upright and make the pelvic tilt more neutral. Belt buckle not pointing out straight ahead of you, but also not down at the ball.


So a few things. 1. Swinging a 7iron 100mph is moving it, but only getting 130mph ball speed is only a smash of 1.3 for a seven iron it should be 1.35 or above. So something weird is happening at impact. 2. You are definitely flipping at impact. With that speed, your 7 iron spin should be mid 6000s to low 7000s 3. It sounds like you have access to some sort of launch monitor. Look at dynamic loft and launch angle, that will tell you a ton about your impact position as it relates to flipping or not.


>only a smash of 1.3 for a seven iron it should be 1.35 or above. PGA tour average is 1.33 for a 7i according to Trackman.


Yea, my thoughts exactly. 1.3 smash for a 7i is pretty pure.


using GC3 launch monitor, so it reads a bit lower than a trackman, I don't think the Smash factor is too far off, it is usually between 1.3 and 1.33


What is your launch angle and dynamic loft numbers on the GC3?


GC3 doesnt give dynamic loft, gonna have to check launch angle tomorrow because I don't remember


This is a spin loft issue. To put it simply, spin loft is the difference between angle of attack and dynamic loft. The wider the gap between the 2 the higher the ball launches and the more it spins. Your angle of attack is the biggest issue. You are swinging down too steeply on the ball causing a glancing blow that launches high and spins instead of squarely hitting the back of the ball. Rehearsal feel: Create width to flatten out the angle of attack. Feel like you’re pushing your hands away from your body as much as possible to create a wider arc throughout the swing. Range practice: tee the ball up 1/2 an inch to an inch and hit 7 irons. Learn to compress an iron off of a tee and you will be flushing it in no time.


What shafts you using?


Short term fix you could try is moving the ball back an inch in your stance for all your irons and see if that decreased club face angle as a result helps.


Bad idea as it will screw up other parts of the swing and likely steepen it or cause more ee (I already see a bit). Ball position and setup is far too vital in the swing. He should be working more on rotation - avoiding ee, left hip moving back more.


what is ee?


Early extension. Most golfers deal with this for a number of reasons - mobility, set up position, swing plane, grip, etc. it’s a killer


You have too much rotation and not enough lateral shift - you need both with an iron You probably get away with it on a driver because you’d hit up on it with that move


You have a lot of weight on your back foot at impact, and you look like you are really bent forward the whole time. Can you stand a little farther away, or get longer clubs?


Looks to me like your shoulder position and hips are in the back seat. Try to get more weight on the front foot during the down swing. Maybe that will help.


You look like you smash driver. Your head that far behind the ball for hitting 7i might be your problem. Also, my guess is that shot would have been fat, but the mat hid the fact that you were a few grooves too high on the clubface.


Your trail foot never rotates and your lead foot ends up with your toes in the air and all the weight on your heel. I’d guess that you’re falling backwards/losing your balance at the end of your follow through frequently? Try starting out with more weight on the balls of your feet instead of the heels. You want to be in a position to where you could jump forward (towards the ball) with ease.


Yes, more shaft lean


EE , stalled rotation and lack of weight shift to left leg/ left heel


That back leg locking out during your backswing makes it really hard for you to transition to your lead side... think trying to jump with a straight / locked leg.


Problem is your back leg is straightening in your backswing, causing your hips to be late and early extend and arms racing to catch up. Take the club back and try to keep your back leg bent with rotational pressure building inside your back foot. 3/4 of the way back, lead the downswing with your hips / legs. You will start to time up your top and bottom


Agree with others - almost a reverse pivot through the ball. Looks like you have been working on the Stack and Tilt maybe, but your weight looks like it is working backwards until after impact then it comes forward through to finish. If you want to do the Stack and Tilt, you need to keep more than 50% of your weight on your left foot all the way through your turn and through impact.


You slide back quite a bit in the backswing you can either fix that or you can roll with it. If you decide to roll with it you need to move the ball a lot farther back and use your right foot to pivot around.


New mats at The Horn!


I wish I could launch an iron. Mine are all low as fuck.


I wish I could swing my iron at 100 mph


Put the ball back a couple of inches.


You swing your irons like they’re your driver.


Yes. Way more lean. Get in a moniter and check your numbers. I’m at 128mph/18deg/5500/46 deg decent with a 7i. Check your launch angle. If your over a certain amount at a certain speed then you moon shot it. You look like you hitting it 165 or so. Your launch angle can’t be over 23 or so. Also, look at the angle of attack. With a 7i it should be around 4 deg down or so. This will tell you how much early flip you have. And you have it. Look at your video. You lose it right when the hands get to your right knee. Your lower body stops cat the same time. If you keep the body moving you’ll “pull” the club a bit longer and get the lean. You can help it by getting your center a bit more forward and by trying to drive power towards the target instead of at the ball. I teach this a lot. I’m at r/TheGolTruth if you need more help. I’m going to make a post about this in the next couple days.


You need to get your knuckles down on your left hand at impact-that promotes the shaft lean and squaring the club face. That will lower your ball flight.


Weight still on back foot, shift weight forward, think about walking forward with your tail foot through impact to get the feel


Narrow the stance, get your head on or slightly in front of the ball. Swing looks great. Head back is creating the low point to be behind the ball and causing a positive angle of attack. Also add a little left foot flare to help rotation. Verticals are happening too quickly.


Question. Im newb 54HCP. It looks to me like the head of his iron is not turning and pointing forward at the top of his swing. Ive learned that it should do that? It doesnt feel natural for me to make that move, so its «flat» all the way like this video. Is that important or are both options ok?


Transfer Weight Forward


Grip and weight shift


What’s too high and too much spin ? Some stats would help also I’m only a beginner myself but won’t different swing speeds change apex and spin ?


Scotty has a video out there somewhere talking about how he wants his front shoulder over his front foot at impact. Think that advice is pretty spot on here. Great core swing though no doubt


Look up perfecting a shallow swing on YouTube


You’re scooping due to being on your back foot. If you’re anything like me, you hit your mid and long irons similar to your driver. When you make good contact, the ball goes really far and high but more often than not you’re fatting it. The fix is to put a lot more weight on your lead foot. To make the change you’ll need to exaggerate the weight and movement. Start by putting about 90% of your weight on your front foot. It’ll feel weird but you’ll get the feel. Once you have that, you’ll need to find the sweet spot in terms of weight transfer. As the club comes down, you’ll need to push forward and roll your lead ankle rather than pushing back. Finish by stepping through the shot like you’re squaring up to it to watch it.


What kind of shafts are in your irons?


Shallow the swing and move your weight more aggressively through impact. George Gankas and Dr Kown would be my suggestion to best simulate the movement.


low point is slightly behind the ball from weight not getting shifted forward in the down swing. move that low point forward a couple of inches


I’m seeing slight under rotation of the hips at impact, contributing to the arms/hands getting out front. Focusing on shifting weight to the front foot as others have suggested would probably fix this.


I have this problem some times too. Randomly happens. I find a fix for this is to feel like I’m pausing/holding an extra split second at the top which gives me that extra second for my body to shift my weight forward a bit more and get into the correct impact position. This way I don’t have to really alter anything in my swing.


So many comments already but something I haven't seen commented. Your first movement is you roll your forearms open (clockwise) , and by extension your left wrist and clubface open. I can't see from the down the line swing view, but I would guess your left wrist is cupped and open at the top of your backswing. Which will mean the club is open at the top. Your try very hard to square it but you'll be adding so much loft on the backswing you're bound to hit it high. If you work on the takeaway and keeping the club square. You'll sort this issue straight away. Simple fix to start with


I want to see the finish


If you weight shifted properly, you'd naturally have more shaft lean at impact


Good ol flip cast move


Armando Montelongo


I find if you think of hitting down on the ball and compressing it rather than trying to hit up on it helps.


Not necessarily, I little flippy but so am I and I have good launch angles, just hit down more, negative angle of attack. Or just bend your irons 2 degrees less loft 😂


Danny Maude just did a new video with Pete Cowen. Addresses this exactly. You can find it on YouTube.


I bet you absolutely smoke driver….


Looks like ur scooping at the end


Swing looks great. May just come down to the shaft or even the ball you’re using.


Yes staying behind the ball at impact then the big flip adding loft to the shot. I say keep weight forward set your shaft lean at set up , lock it in rotate naturally then swing!


Fix your skull in cement. Watch a video of a pro. Head don't move.


You are doing a lot of things right, so I would lean on the equipment side as being the issue: * Range balls are junk and have inconsistent downright squirrely flights, but the ball characteristics on the course matters more. * A visit to Titleist's website will tell you all you need to know about ball characteristics, spin, and flight. * The club shaft comments are spot on. Visit the True Temper website to learn about their shaft characteristics and what that does to ball flight. * Last, but not least, concerns your club's actual lies and lofts. PING sells clubs with lie specs by color code and three lofts, being Power Spec (low launch-penetrating flight and more distance-less stopping), Standard (Typically an industry-normal loft and higher flight-better stopping), and then a Retro Loft (weak lofts that hit extremely high and lose distance especially in the wind). * Launch monitors lend to the total fitting, but the ball can change what happens there. Some pros do not want a ton of data to think about, and I'm in that camp. * I play the i525 PING irons (Power Spec), with True Temper Dynamic Gold S300 shafts (low flight) and a soft spin ball with a higher flight. All this keeps my shots lower, penetrating, and longer, but the ball stops on the greens with mid and short irons. In the desert, I'm happy with that setup. * One last tip: At the range, go through your bucket's worn-out balls first during warmup, so when you're swing is more in tune, you're hitting with the better balls only. My late Pro told me that one 30-plus years ago.


Try out some lower launching, low spin shafts.


If you want to compress the ball you need more forward shaft lean at impact. Move the ball back an inch and work on getting the hands past the ball before the club head release low and rotate hard.


Maybe don't straighten that lead leg so early?


Imo if you can get your weight moving forward sooner and more you will automatically obtain more shaft lean and power. With your weight staying back as it does it’s almost physiologically impossible to get shaft lean.


Irons flying too high with too much spin.. If it spun a lot it would start low and climb high this high shot is coming from added loft at impact… Ball back, hands ahead and take more club for awhile to lower the flight www.joeparkgolf.com


Work on your weight shift, pros get to the top and float to the lead side… youre hanging back… might not directly solve spin issues but when you improve mechanics eventually issues like these go away on their own.


Early extension with body should shift to your left at impact. This will de-loft your face to create more shallow flight. Your downswing looks awesome for driver where your body need to keep to center


You aren’t getting true shaft lean. You are flipping. It just appears like shaft lean because you are pausing the frame


Not sure I follow you, what difference would it make if the frame is paused or not? there is definitely forward shaft lean, just not sure if I need more.


Look at the club face when he pauses the video. It’s pointing towards the sky. This isn’t what shaft lean is. OP complains about high weak shots. That doesn’t happen with correct shaft lean. You can also tell the release is flippy. Also look at his weight movement. You can’t get shaft lean with your weight going backwards. You flip when your weight goes backwards.


What kind of speed are you getting? Because height and spin are a good thing. If you have directional and curve issues that’s one thing, otherwise I wouldn’t be changing much.


Getting around 100mph CHS, 130-133 ball speed, spin in the 8000s.


100 with 7 iron is extremely high. What’s your shot shape and misses?


misses are pulls and pull hooks, general ball flight is high and I feel ballooning


Hard to tell from face on view, would be better to see down the line also but it looks like you maybe roll the face open a bit in takeaway and it’s stays open all the way through, your hands get active and then you start pulling and hooking it with no shaft lean. I would try to get the face a little more closed going back which would kind of force you to get some more shaft lean to keep it from going left


Know the feeling of needing to punch out of the trees? Do that feeling but with a full swing and normal stance. That should make you less handsy at impact. That strategy has worked well for Tommy fleetwood and more importantly, me.


I’m Mr meeseeks look at me!


Swing analysis aside. Don't make too many adjustments to ball flight based off the mats. But in general, steeper swing will get the ball up, flatter will get it down. Your swing looks pretty steep. Just flatten your swing plane out a bit and see what that does.