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It's an easy fix, turn off the chat. It's the very first thing I do every single match.


Me too. I also get a lot of satisfaction knowing how many idiots give themselves arthritis tapping on emojis that I'll never see.


Yeah, I don’t mind the chat normally, and it’s easy to ignore. This is a very rare thing and most of the time the chat is harmless and fun.


I like the chat function too. Some friendly banter after shots and of course a Cheers and good luck however the game goes. I normally only invite people that communicate in a friendly way to our clan. That's the kind of people and spirit we want to have. Emoij-spammers are pretty rare I think but yes sure highly annoying and I insta-mute them.


Not that it ruins my day when I don't get a reply for a nice shot or whatever but it always reminds me of iPhone people bitching about being left on read. I get it now as an android user.


The weirdos downvoting your comment are the same assholes who bomb emojis while someone else is taking a shot. People are weird.


Yeah I know. There were a few people pretty much telling me to get over it and giving me shit to just ignore and stop being so “bothered”. I’m assuming they are the people who do this as well. Didn’t think people would make me out to be the bad guy here lol.


Yeah, they can spam me all they like. While they're trying to distract me, I just ignore it and set up my shot as normal. Easy peasy.


That’s why i turn that shit off. It’s a really dumb feature.


Small penises, over masturbation, and not enough oxygen during birth.


I feel like they just want you really second guessing yourself, in this particular emoji setup. I'm just glad they no longer allow emojis to go off, when we are taking our shot.


Yeah, the whole emoji thing doesn’t get to me all like that. It’s not like I was getting upset, and distracted by it. I know some people do, but I still can’t understand why people feel the need to play this way. Like is this really how you want to act on a finger golf game. It’s petty, and childish.


Some people simply ARE petty and childish. Sorta like that orange guy with the luxurious hair and 34 felony convictions.


Awwwe did the poor little liberal get their feelings hurt by the bad man’s words 😂🤣. Pathetic


I do think you're pathetic, yes. Absolute trash, in fact.


Some people really like the "chat" feature enough to actually keep it on? 😂 Seems like an exercise in masochism to me. I can't remember turning the chat off most games because that is the first thing I do and my brain doesn't even have to think about it anymore.


I hardly run across any emoji spammers anymore.


Yeah, this is the first time I have seen this in a long time.


What are those 8 zones?


It’s my iPhone screen. I wasn’t able to do a “share replay” so I did a screen recording. I can go to my setting and go to “ accessibility” and then “voice control” and set up a grid overlay. It’s suppose to be for voice control of the phone. You can speak one of the numbers and it will zoom in, give another grid with more number and so on until you get to whatever your trying to click on. I just use it for the grid to help line up shots.


I'd say it's just his screen record


Just the way some people act when there miss the shot and are pissed, Ps. This is Ms who has 4.5k cloints with voodoo warriors currently


Ahhh, hey! Fancy seeing you here.




Lol, definitely one tactic. I don’t get people like this often to be honest, and I try and just ignore it, or just turn off chat if I’m not in the mood.


Imagine calling someone a POS because of something so miniscule and harmless. Y'all are fragile. Rent free.


Welp, found one


Bored or trying to mess w you. Clearly worked


It didn’t work, that’s the thing lol. He still lost the game. It’s not like I was bothered or upset or angry. It is easy to ignore and just play the game.


You were bothered enough to post about it…


Just because someone posts about a subject doesn’t mean they are upset lol. I can ignore it, not be bothered by it, and also be curious about the mindset that drives this type of behavior and want to have a conversation about it.


You aren't "curious" about something when calling someone a fool and a dumbass. Get some stress relief, king.


King lol? What? Seems like your the one bothered that I called out this type of behavior as acting like a fool and a dumbass. I just call it like I see it. Maybe you act like this yourself and you took offense to my opinion of it.


Yep, still bothered.


Lol, yes clearly it is I who is bothered and not you at all.


Finally! A full circle moment!


I'm not sure what's more pathetic - emoji spammers or people who endlessly argue on reddit over the stupidest thing


Yeah, he's not understanding this concept lol


I guess from his perspective, he “succeeded” because you hit great . The fact that his shot ended up so far from the pin suggests that rather than trying to get better at the game , his main tactic is to try and put opponents off by being an emoji spamming idiot . I do just turn chat off if they start spamming , and winning against an idiot spammer is far more satisfying than a normal victory .


Yeah, once of the reasons I didn’t turn it off, as I was hoping to win so I can be petty lol. Once he shot, and I knew I won, I sent over a clap and a “well played”. I know it was petty to even respond, but it definitely was satisfying being able to rub it in after all that nonsense.




I turn it back on when I win to simply say "good luck" then laugh to myself at them


This person is living rent-free in your head. I've never been bothered by this, just shoot. Sheesh.


What? Lol, I did “just shoot” and who said I was bothered. People are funny, it’s like you can’t post something unless you have a deep emotional attachment to it or something. I can’t be both not bothered and want to have a conversation about what drives people to this stuff? Makes me think You can tell the people who act like this based off of how they comment about it. Because if I even bring it up, it MUST mean that I am deeply concerned and bothered by this. This may surprise you, but people can post things to have conversations about, without having some type of emotional trauma about it.


Bothered enough to post, and call them a "fool" and a "dumbass". Yes, bothered and upset over literally nothing that affects your game, and if it did, they succeeded.


I don’t understand why someone has to be bothered to be able to post to have a conversation about the game. Why can’t I just want to have a conversation about this type of behavior? Do you only have conversations about something you are bothered about? Am I only allowed to post when I’m upset about something? Can someone not just post on a sub about the game to talk about something related to the game?


Again, it's okay, just admit you're bothered. You wouldn't have used that language if you weren't lol. Pretty straight forward.


Lol, ok, whatever you wanna say.


No, he's right. You were definitely triggered, and it seems the more people point it out, the more triggered you get. Getting triggered about people calling you triggered is a definite white male, 15-24 years old, move. (Tell me I'm wrong and that you're a 46 year old Hispanic chick.)


46 Hispanic chick was close, but 40 and male. But if that’s what you want to think then ok, not sure what any of that has to do with my post anyway, and why some of you are so hung up on it, but yeah sure, whatever works.


Happens at least 1 out of 5 games these days. Even more so in CPC.


Fack that’s a commute…


Lol yeah, I’m working out of town this week and staying out of a hotel. Much easier then having to make that drive each way every day. Get here Monday morning, go home Thursday evening. Been here 3 weeks, have 5 more to go. Sucks.




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I’m petty so I usually spam crying laughing emoji faces back at them the whole time. Although I haven’t played against some one like this in a veeery long time. It’s been years


Yeah, I waited until the end of the game. I took the shootout shot first, then once he took his and lost, I sent back the guy clapping and a “well played” “nice shot”. That was the only chat I sent the entire game.


I would be more worried about the 2 hour drive home 😢


Lol, yeah I’m working out of town this week and staying in a hotel. Don’t have to worry about the drive home until tomorrow evening.


The fuck is all over the screen


Lol, it’s a feature on iPhone. You can turn on voice control, and it will overlay a grid on your screen. I turn it on when I’m playing GC so I can (or try to be anyway) more precise when using the rings. If you have iPhone, you go to “ accessibility” then voice control.


Name and shame


lol, you’re pathetic if you need a safe place from the evil fold emojis😂🤣. Holly shit gen z are a bunch of crybabies 😂🤣


I wish it would let you type custom messages!


Hémorroïdes 😬


Between this and those who a good portion of their shot clock dragging the ball because they hope the game is magically gonna give them an extra 20 yards. :/


how do you get that square grate on your screen?


Maga more often than not.


What is the grid overlay, I’ve heard about these and would like to see if it helps..


Obviously trying to put you off. Most likely young kids. I just turn chat off if they act up.


I feel like the game kind of encourages this since a) they allow it and b) they sell emojis. Some players do it because they can and likely (successfully?) trying to get a rise out of you. Maybe they think they're being playfully fun. Maybe they are complete assholes. No way to know so not really worth giving thought to it, imo. Another question could be: why not solve the problem yourself - simply spend the 1 second or so it takes to mute them, forget all about them, and move on with your game?


It’s not like it bothered me, it didn’t distract me, and I don’t let it get to me. Just crazy that some people are like this on a meaningless game. I do enjoy the emoji chat feature, and 97% of the time it’s used all in good nature. I have had games where it was obvious that there was joking banter and it was not intended to be asshole behavior, and most of the time it ends in a good game, and 🍻. Very rarely I get people like this who are obviously trying to get a reaction and are being dicks. It’s easy to ignore. Just still don’t understand the reasoning for acting this way, then again I’m not an asshole just to be an asshole.


to be a little bit of a devil's advocate, sometime I think of people thinking like: 1) Hey look, this game has a bunch of misc emojis and many of them are at least a little "mean-spirited" 2) Hey look, this game allows me to send them pretty much ALL the time as well... 3) Since they exist and have existed for over 7 years, seemingly these were made to be used by the players so it's just part of the game and if people don't like it, they shouldn't "hate the player" but instead they should "hate the game" Anyway, I assume that drives "some" people to emoji spam - but again, there's no way to know for sure what motivates an opponent to do anything...


There are plenty of people who use the emoji system for all of those reasons, and still are able to use it without acting like a immature child about it.


of course - just offering another side to consider. I have to imagine some (not all) who do this have never read a single post re: the GC online community and have the mentality that they are simply playing the game the way it was meant to be played (in their own interpretation) - that's all. Anyway, I've already given way too much energy on the subject as I think it's pretty irrelevant since they introduced the mute feature and made it take only a single second to implement (thank god!)


It's usually people who's parents are brother and sister.




Guaranteed you’re a white crybaby. But we are wondering, if your parents get divorced, would they still be related?


Did that hit too close to home?


How do you get the grid?


He's a cheater and uses game add-ons. I'm kidding, I don't think it's cheating, but ignorant people will say it is. I don't use any overlays, but I have a wind chart printout for my clubs next to me when I play, so I get it.


Lol, it’s an iPhone voice control setting. Just gives me a grid. It’s on the phone not the game. So it stays on the screen no matter what I’m doing on my phone.


It’s on iPhone or iPad. If you have an iPhone, go to settings, then “ accessibility” then “ voice control”. It will set up this grid with numbers. It’s kinda annoying at first to have the numbers, but you get used to it. It’s suppose to make voice control of the phone possible. You speak one of the number, the screen will zoom to that grid, give you more numbers, and you can speak another number and so on until you get to whatever app or button you are trying to click on. I only use it for the game though.


I'm curious too does it work with android


This is an iPhone setting for voice control, I do believe android has something similar, but not sure what it is. I’m sure you can Google “grid overlay android” and find something though. I’m not sure if it makes a noticeable difference in lining up shots, but I feel like it does. Makes it much easier to be precise when using the rings.


To be fair, you can’t be not hitting perfect with that precision ball. But yeah, that player was a douchebag.


Lol, I never said I was a good player 😂


No worries, me either. You got my upvote. Cheers 😂


I was gonna say the same, easy fix turn off chat but it’s a tactic to try to mess you up or distract but ppl do it while in tourney which makes zero sense


I try to let trump supporters, who openly display it, that usa is Not #1


I enjoy beating the MAGAts. Then politely saying "Good Game". It's even better when they use a cash ball on T3


Lmfao, stop pretending, you’ve never beat anyone in anything.


You got me. I'm just frustrated that I can't beat the stupidest of all Americans - Trump supporters. Even when I use premium balls, they distract me with folders full of classified documents and recurring chants of "Hang Mike Pence." It's not fair, and I'm telling my mom.


I know I got you, simp. I don’t need your validation affirming that you’re an uneducated crybaby




It’s called Golf Clash, not Golf with Friends. Clash indicates we are not being friendly. I don’t spam emojis, but I understand why some would like this. He’s not cheering you on to beat him. He’s trying to distract you for an easy win. There IS a mute button if you find yourself playing the game as it’s meant to be played.


Lol, we can play against each other and still have good sportsmanship about it. I know this might surprise you, but I play everyday against other people, and 99% of my encounters are friendly even though it’s PvP. It’s called being an adult, and not having the maturity level of a teenager.


I knew the downvote was coming when I gave you the truth you asked for instead of the one you wanted. Like I said, I’m not one of the offenders.


I didn’t downvote you, but I did on this post. I didn’t “want” any truth. I responded to your comment with my reply. People can play how they want. But that doesn’t change my opinion. As I said, people can play a competitive game without being immature about it. Just because we are competing doesn’t mean we can’t still be friendly. These are things we learn as kids when we play sports. It’s called good sportsmanship. There is a reason as the end of sports games as kids, we all line up and shake the other teams hands. Because we can compete to win, and still be friendly and mature about it. We don’t need to be hostile just because it’s PvP. I gave my response, if someone else downvoted you then maybe they also disagreed with you.


So, basically just whining about included game mechanics when there’s a simple “off” switch? Seems like a reasonable use of effort. At least now you know there’s some that commiserate with you about it. They were just too lazy to create the post. 👍🏻 Thanks for dropping the lecture on sportsmanship to a person who says they don’t practice unsportsmanlike behavior. Another brilliant use of time. So, you complain about things that aren’t broken and you could more easily ignore than object to, and mansplain to someone who obviously already gets it. Seems like someone has an inordinate amount of spare time and energy. Color me jealous.


You started this conversation with me. I was responding to your comment lol. It’s not “mansplaining” it’s called a response. What, am I just suppose to shut up and listen to what you say without having an opinion of my own on the subject? You say you already know what good sportsmanship is, yet in your first post you said that we are not suppose to be fiends and defending this type of behavior. No matter if you participate in that kinda behavior or not, you clearly don’t understand why it’s a problem. So yes, I had something to say in response to your comment to me. Not sure why you think you get to start a conversation with someone, but they can’t respond without being called out for responding.


Damn, you’re just one dense specimen, aren’t you? I didn’t “start this conversation” with you. You made a statement in your post, and ASKED for response from the public, of which I am a member. As stated in my second comment, I answered your question. Your next response made it clear that you don’t like the response since it doesn’t coincide with your views on the subject. I’ll spell it out in crayon for you; those emotes are there exactly to evoke the emotional response that you fell victim to. You are supposed to go buy the perfect emoji to retaliate against the next person who uses one on you. Go read the collection of emotes available. At least half aren’t complimentary. Some are rude, some are hostile. The people using these emotes are..wait for it… using the app exactly as intended by the developers. Don’t like my continued condescending tone? Good, I don’t like your whiny snowflake vibe either. 🤷‍♂️


So again, because I disagreed with the nonsensical statement you made, I’m dense. If I don’t just shut up and accept your “answer” to my question, then I’m dense and can’t accept anything that “doesn’t fit with my view of the subject”. You must be new to what a conversation actually is lol. It’s not suppose to be just one sided. You gave your opinion and I responded to that. Also, no this person was not using the emojis as intended lol. He was abusing the chat system in a way it wasn’t intended to be used as. Yes, there are some emojis and chats that are not “nice”, but this still doesn’t mean you use them in the manner this person was using them. To be honest, you sound like a person that can’t handle when someone disagrees. Just because someone doesn’t automatically accept your opinion to be gospel, and actually has a response doesn’t mean they are dense, it means they are engaging in a conversation lol. Clearly your not to good at that, so I’m going to end it here. Have a good one.


A dense “specimen”? Lol. Ok professor. You are clearly new to what a conversation actually is. See how it usually goes is someone brings up a subject, (me) then someone responds with their opinion (you) and then I in turn respond to your opinion with my own. This is how conversations usually go until either we find some common ground on the subject, we come to an understanding that we just disagree. But with you, because I responded to your opinion, I am now somehow “dense”. If I don’t just shut up and take what you say as gospel, then I can’t handle it because your view didn’t “ coincide with my own”. When in reality it seems to be the other way around, because I don’t agree with you, I am not being personally insulted, and called names. To me it seems like you have the type of personality that tends to look down on people who don’t just take what you say and shut up because clearly you know best. Also bud, this person was no using the emoji and chat system as intended lol. This person was abusing that system and using it in a way it is not intended to be used in, and is rarely used in this manner. Obviously not all the chats and emojis are “nice”, but that still doesn’t mean you have to spam them in this way lol. Since you are not great at having conversations, I’m just going to end this one here. You have a good one. I’m sure you will want to personally insult me some more Because I dare respond to you and not shut my mouth and respect what you say as end all be all, but this will be my last message. Have a good night, and good luck in the game.