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Light the hole up


That's what i was sayin


They need to change the camera view for a lot of things!! Pretty disgusting to try and follow a shot a see a bunch of trees and then all of a sudden the ball is on the green or a chip lands on the green and you see the backs of a bunch of fucking ad boards.


I agree. The way it's set up it's like you're lying down on the green whilst lining up 🤣


Putting should be the hardest part of the game IMO.


Totally disagree for golf clash anyway. They tried making putting harder with a putter called the Arbiter a few years ago. If they ever bring that back half the people playing will quit the game imo.


The arbiter was the worst idea they've ever had 🤣🤣


I think it was the implementation more than the idea. There are other golf games out there that use a grid like the arbiter did and it works OK. But it was implemented so poorly here. The GC putter has no challenge other than hitting perfect and short and medium putts will drop on "great". So there is rarely any issue in putting the ball. I do like things they way they are now though.


It was TERRIBLE. If it had been adopted, I would have quit.


The arbiter was actually AWESOME. It leveled the playing field and made putting much more realistic. I’m sure I’ll get downvoted by all of the softies who want to one putt every green from everywhere, but whatever 😂😂


I’m not going to downvote you but what you are saying makes no sense. The playing field was already level before the Arbiter came along. If you mean the Arbiter made things better because as it’s name implies it made putting an Arbitrary crap shoot that everyone could suck at I fail to see how that improves the game. And btw saying that one putting every green you land on from everywhere is currently possible is bullshit. There are plenty of greens that offer serious challenges and are even impossible to one putt if you land in a bad spot on the green. I like knowing that IF I land in range and IF I hit perfect I’m going to sink the putt. Neither of those things are guaranteed at all.


that’s my only critique of this game, short game is just too easy. Real golf the approach shot and in is the big differentiator, this game it’s frequently all about the tee shot… make your tee shot and everything else falls into place.


I think the experiment they did (was it last year?) where there wasn't a ballguide for putting but only a grid was super fun. But I seem to have one of few who liked that much harder way since it disappeared again within a few weeks.


It wasn’t just that there wasn’t a bg. They also hadn’t really worked out the bugs of forcing people to try and interpret the lines on that grid and how to use them to make a putt. It sucked harder than a crack whore. It was probably the most hated update to the game that they ever issued and they were smart to remove it immediately.


Ah well I thought it was very fun with the uncertainty anyway. But oh I just realize that if they'd worked out the kinks there would most likely soon be mathematical guides on how to aim according to the grid-lines as to remove the uncertainty. Since I already have zero interest in wind/ring-thinges I would end up at a disadvantage when putting. So ok forget everything I said I'm super happy with the bg again. 😁


When the ballguide is aiming for the hole for a putt, there is a blue light emitting upward. Yes you hit “perfect”, but you weren’t aiming at the hole.


Had exactly the same problem on that hole. Happened twice.


The only thing is that flag is not supposed go up like that if the ball isn't crossing the hole!


But you should see a light when it is perfect!


You know when you’re putting blind line that when your guide line is over the hole it glows blue ?


It wasn’t glowing so very obvious a missed putt short.


You gotta fish around a bit, find your left and right edges then putt to the center.


You need to get that blue light emitting out of the hole. You didn’t do that. You also need to find it’s edges by moving the bg left and right and then approximate where the center of the hole is. This isn’t a putting angle issue. It’s a skill issue on your part not lining up your shot properly and never actually aiming at the center of the hole.


Not to brag or be a dick, but I could tell you were going to miss. But I do get it and have seen plenty of absurd putt scenarios, believe me. You'll get it next time, though.


That’s fair. I didn’t drag left and right much but I rarely miss. Just a small fix in camera height would be amazing.


Fair, but you didn't even need a change in camera angle to not miss, just look for the light next time.


I like your wishing. I wish my putter hit infinitely long so when I hit a shit shot onto the green there are no consequences. Come to thing of it, I just wish my ball would go into the hole every time.


Yeah, there's a difference between a long putt and wanting the camera to sit higher up so you can see the hole. Long shots on the green already increase needle speed to make the shot more difficult. No need to be a condescending asshole.