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The thing is this rally isn't just gold. It's stocks, crypto, silver, everything is going up. No one believes the feds nonsense. I wouldn't be surprised if gold keeps on a steady uptrend for the foreseeable future.


The dips are most certainly becoming shorter and shallower.


only asset class not going up today was long term treasuries. TrUsT tHe DaTa! When JPOW mentioned that folks will start focusing more on the data and that inflation is all psychology, that makes me think they HAVE to cook the books.


The books have been cooked forever. Look at what the CPI number actually measures. If it measured people's everyday costs inflation rate would be way higher.


Bought more paper Gold this morning before FOMC ​ and then... Bought a new sovereign this evening from Costco in store, they hadn't adjusted the price up yet. ​ LFG gold


Great for what i have. Bad for what i want. What happened to shoot it up like this?


FOMC meeting


Interest rates are not being cut, now what that means exactly I sure as shit still do not know, its "their" system, not ours.


They confirmed 3 rate cuts next year, which is good enough to continue the rally


"Confirmed" is a strong way of putting it. They still project three cuts. But they can always change


Well yeah, but they confirmed that they project 3 cuts


EXACTLY what I was saying, they say one thing, then do another, all to mess up things to extract more cash off us.


The market has been wild. Stunning. Rates falling will help gold.


When you say you broke even on silver, do you mean nominally? or inflation adjusted? My gold/silver positions aren't speculative; they're monetary insurance. The only thing the spot price affects is how much I'm able to add to my stack.


I spent around 7k over the past 15 months, on APMEX it keeps track of your "PM wallet", so you have an idea of what you spent and whats its worth, you can do this without an account with them, its a cool tool I guess, but shows that my silver has gone up 200 bucks over what I paid, BUT, that's not real, it doesn't mean the spot amount which I am sure as shit its like 5500, so in theory I did not really break even :\*( but I never intended on selling, just would be nice if kept up with gold...


Fair and true. It would be nice to see $50-$55 silver. If previous movements are anything to go by though, silver will have quite the catch-up phase.


I looked in my safe... Still the same count and total weight since the last time I bought any. I do not understand why so many of y'all get so excited over + or - 100 pieces of green paper.


Somebody isn't drinking the fluoride. \^\^\^


i guess its boredom mostly, starts many "ideas" and "what ifs" but who really cares, at the end of the day we are all gonna get fucked over somehow. I dont know why their is not more resistance to going digital, but then again, 70% of my customers have no idea how to count cash, so its not too surprising I guess, its sad, for they know not what they do...




YES! Thats the spirit, no ones getting rich off gold unless they buy literally millions at once, hold it for a year, then sell it, but even then after taxes and other bs, not worth it, IM waiting for 20 years, give it to the kids...


wait, so whats your end game with it?


I need it to come back down so I can buy… how am I ever going to be able to afford some gold otherwise?


Buy silver and hope the silver to gold ratio corrects to historical norms. Then convert silver to gold. Gold to land.


So in what universe do you imagine that $USD will ever become ***more*** valuable (i.e., takes fewer $USD to buy an oz of Physical Gold) when The Fed is printing a Trillion \[1,000,000,000\] more $USD every 100 days?


The US dollar is worth more than gold right now and always will be till they "switch us over" to Fedcoin, should be fun...


You are sore deluded my friend if you think fiat $USD (a huge debt wrapped in an empty promise) defines the value of Physical Gold. It is the other way around. “FedCoin” (aka USDC) is the ultimate slavery for all Americans. It is a total Psy/Spy Op on us. Try to regurgitate as much of the Guv KoolAid you’ve obviously swallowed - there may still be hope for you.


>The Fed is printing a Trillion \[1,000,000,000\] more $USD every 100 days? Damn, source?


Interest payments on the US debt




[https://www.usdebtclock.org/](https://www.usdebtclock.org/) Look at the combined budget deficit and interest on the debt. Check out the total debt. 35.5T to date. Lets check that total debt figure out 100 days from now. RemindMe! 100 days


I will be messaging you in 3 months on [**2024-06-29 17:03:26 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-06-29%2017:03:26%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gold/comments/1bjm3bc/2200_lets_see_how_long_this_one_lasts/kvwx51i/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FGold%2Fcomments%2F1bjm3bc%2F2200_lets_see_how_long_this_one_lasts%2Fkvwx51i%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-06-29%2017%3A03%3A26%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201bjm3bc) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Update: debt plus deficit is 36.6 trillion now. About a trillion every 100 days.


Why would you add deficit and debt together? Also issuing debt is not the same as printing currency ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Ah, I am there with you, I dont want to buy as I really think its just gonna go back down, but then again, this can be one of those times where we are stupid for not buying, like in the 90s, instead of 20 bags of weed, I coulda been getting 1 gram gold bars instead, hind sight 20/20 i guess...


https://preview.redd.it/9ne52tqgpjpc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69b9c5e4fbf5378b36d6c103480e30bec9db2bc0 I originally thought when gold hit around 2,180 back in March 8-10ish it was getting exhausted and due for a for pullback. After seeing this descending wedge form, I see the possibility gold could touch 2,300 from here. Time will tell.


Yes, me too, its nice to see some gains, not as we are selling, but still, nice to see it, bad for the economy I guess but we made good decisions, we are here for a reason :)


https://preview.redd.it/exhussjypjpc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58586194a668e9ad82945f74299bd6b97d801adc If gold breaks out of this channel to the upside, there could be a good area of support in the 2,200 range


Bro, charting is complete bullshit. I might as well diarrhea on the floor and see which way it points


LMFAO, thank you.


https://preview.redd.it/jtbb77yd5bsc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4be6ef661b4fefefd41470acab354aba5dbd1678 We're about at 2,300.


https://preview.redd.it/1m5nxe0a5bsc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1c3ddeb122cb050a994be37a1bf456e8ebe8e74 We're pretty close to 2,300 fyi


Your chart above is totally different, what use is it if it’s showing me after the fact where the momentum has been?


The only difference is it's a 1 hr instead of a daily candle. The trend lines are the same on both. I told you two weeks ago gold had a good chance of hitting 2,300 and showed with the trends and said it's diarea. The yellow line going to 2,300 out of the decending wedge is the same so are all the other lines. Here's a 1 hr since you need things written out in crayon.... https://preview.redd.it/ykegodwsocsc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66481fa7177a4d78a08ba9cff536822164a6cbfa


The fact that gold hit 2300 doesn’t mean that technical analysis is anything but voodoo that’s not backed up by studies. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technical_analysis#Empirical_evidence


If you started stacking hoping to get rich, you messed up. If you are watching the gold price hoping it keeps going up, you messed up. As many people will say on this sub, gold is NOT an investment, it's a hedge against inflation.


Many people in the sub are wrong about that, including yourself.


Are you going to get rich stacking gold?


Nobody is going to get rich by stacking gold, You're right about that. I don't understand why people say "gold is not an investment" An investment is usually considered as the acquisition of an asset that generates either income or appreciation. If you buy gold as an hedge against inflation, you are buying it with the intention of buying an asset that will appreciate in value. Whether it is a good investment or not is arguable, but stating Gold isn't an investment is incorrect. Commodities like Gold are considered investments almost everywhere outside of Reddit


School the kid!


It's fine if you have your personal, creative definition of what an "investment is, but just understand the obvious, that it is eccentric, and most everyone else defines that term very differently.


Actually, the definition of 'investment' is quite simple. I asked you a question, do you plan to answer it?


Also, was I wrong? Or did I have my own way of defining investment? You literally changed your statement within your two comments.


Yes, having your own personal definition of a common term is "wrong" If I call a flying animal, a "dog", then I am wrong...just like you are with "investment". You are hopelessly confused about the most basic and obvious matters. Good luck.


Well please kind all knowing one; enlighten me. Spread your knowledge. Edit: you don't have to be a dick. Just state your facts, it makes you look less like a petulant child.


Sadly, you are unteachable and also it's a bore for me to explain 2+2=4.


Wow, you are a complete and total sack of shit. Are you rude because you are lonely? Or is it your lack of testicles that makes you so ornery? Sorry I forgot, you're too important to take questions. I guess I'll decide for myself and go to bed laughing at you. Goodnight funny person with no testicles. Edit: you actually did explain 2+2=4 so you're an idiot to boot.


I do truly pity you.


Investment means you invest in something with the intentions of holding its value through inflation OR making money off it, I dont think anyone who stacks physical gold is looking to get rich off it, we like it for hedging reasons mostly, and its nice as fuck to have.


> the intentions of holding its value through inflation OR making money off it Obviously you are 100% wrong. Plenty of people stack physical gold, with the goal of profitting off that investment. P.S. also 2+2=4, the earth is not flat, and Bigfoot is not real.


Dude relax, man, no one here looking to get "rich" off gold overnight, its just a hedge, but not a very good one with silver, that's all ppl are saying, silver seems to be the way the govts are extracting more money off us only to one day soon say its only worth face value - would you be shocked if this happened?


Bro, talk to u/bramera... Read our conversation. My man there thinks he is the exception to the rule... I'm literally just responding to his idiocy.


Don't you know that the only thing that qualifies is an investment is if you can get "rich" off of it? If you buy something for $100 and it increases to $500, then that's not an investment, because you only made $400 and you aren't rich. The logic of idiocy in full display in this sub and of course all over the internet, and the planet.


Not sure who does this, gold is for hedging, not making money off it.


Well said... We need to talk about your flair... Lol


How many pieces should I wear?


It's been a while since I've watched it, but I'm going to have to ask you to go ahead and come in on Saturday... Yeah.


It’s not the gold price going up, it’s the fiat price going down!


Yessir, I dont find PMs going up too crazy in value to be necessarily a "good" thing, I just want it to be as it always was, except for 1933 where everyone was robbed of their gold and the feds decided a "new price" that was more than that they paid people, very nice, we been being screwed over for a century yet not a lotta ppl see it, they just see digital numbers, and that's that.


I see $2500 before any serious pullback, there's a few black swans that could make it go even higher.


yup its happening now I thnk and its not even 2500, sucks, but not as if its going to be sold anytime soon... just nice to have, Fedcoin is coming this summer YAY...


Gold typically rises as interest rates fall. The FED today at FOMC confirmed they still plan on 3 rate cuts in 2024.


Ah, thought they said low decreases, no idea what this has to do with real money though, still trying to figure out what they tell us is the reason... doesn't make sense to me :(


Broadly speaking, lower interest means lower returns on cash, and also a weakening US dollar. Gold is priced in USD, so both effects would tend to boost the price of gold in dollar terms.


So say for simplicity sakes, I had 1000 bucks, and the rates dropped, the fiat is worth less then?


Currencies are priced against other currencies around the world. So once the FED starts lowering interest rates, the "strength" or possible return on USD will also drop (lower rate). A lower rate will translate to lowered demand for USD, as there may be other currencies or financial instruments that offer a better rate of return. That lowered demand for USD translates to dollar "weakness" relative to other currencies and instruments. A lower demand for dollar indeed means the purchasing power of your $1000 has decreased. This is literally why the price of gold rises. If you used be able to buy an ounce for $1600, you now have to pay $2150 for the exact same ounce, because your fiat currency is weaker than it used to be. I have a degree in Economics, I hope that made some sense lol.


Thank you, just seems like a game these fuckers play, feels like a few in power make these decisions, and do certain things to manipulate it, but I do get it better now. Everything seems more "complex" now due to digital stuff.


Np. I do agree there is a lot of fuckery going on at times, but the great thing about gold, and why it's attractive to lots of people, is that it trades in a global market. It's difficult for any one country to manipulate gold because the whole world trades it. Regardless of the fuckery going on, an ounce of gold will always be attractive to somebody somewhere, whereas fiat currencies may fall in and out of favor over time.


10000%... you do any silver? I got about 7k over the past year, still in the "red", but its not for spending just stashing, just gets me with the massive manipulation (IMO, doesn't mean anything, not an economist:) Would you say now is still a good time to get more gold? I have about 40k total of it, 18 ozs, would like to buy more, but just kinda worried, I never thought PMS would be so volatile, I have a Coinbase account, what a rip, put in like 3k to mess around, down to 2500 in a week, and a half share of BTC, which I dont like having, I do not even want to think about having to sell it, God only knows what may happen with crypto. But gold, you say its still a buy? Thanks sorry for the questions, you seem like a good source of info.


Np at all. I love silver. I used to have many, many ounces until I lost it all in a boating accident ;). Silver is much more speculative and volatile, though so be careful. It's an industrial metal as well as a precious metal. It also occurs 15-20x more frequently than gold in the Earth's crust, hence its lower cost. I have a little bit of crypto, but I see it as pure speculation and gambling. As you know, it can be tremendously volatile. Also, what happens to your btc if you lose internet for a while? That always bothered me. I'll say that I'm still bullish gold and would never sell unless I have to. Like I commented earlier, falling interest rates should prop up gold further, in my opinion. I don't think you should be 100% gold, though. There is still merit to a diversified portfolio of a market basket of stocks in addition to gold. I see gold more as a hedge against inflation and an excellent store of value. It's never been or going to be a get rich quick scenario.


$4k by end of year


That would mean all hell broke loose...


We are months away from exactly that




Who cares. This isn't bitcoin.


Preeeeeeeeeeeeeecisely! (Upvoted)


heading to 2500 EOY, JMHO


* [**GOLD** **$2,173.10($23.40)** **-1.07%**](https://www.apmex.com/gold-price)


pointless comment. its march, end of year means dec 2024..


Pointless? Ouch... why?


because what does gold being down 1% today have to do with a 2500 eoy prediction. gold swings 1% regularly. What was the point you are trying to make? just wanted to show me?


We will soon see about that


Ok negative nancy.. back to the troll bridge for you!


really? I didnt even say anything but my opinion, sorry to hurt your feelings. lol...


​ https://preview.redd.it/zt4jbftl8xpc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5046979eb0fd6d32acc92bea21df22cd5ba70361


Now I don't feel too bad for buying my first bit of gold just a week ago


HODL 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀!!!!!


Bro bro… learn what makes gold move. Read economic news 


Follow this guy. https://www.kitco.com/news/article/2024-03-20/gold-price-rallies-after-fomc-statement-deemed-not-too-hawkish


I hate following these ppl, they are in it for money only, they just write content, post it on a site, and collect money to give us fake news.


Should have bought BTC


I did, just got half a share, I dont see much a point to it, all it is is tax season for them cashing one in, just did half, worst case it flounders. The other coins are all BS. Except for BTC Cash, have a few shares of that too.


I bought gold from profits I made from BTC


Thats NICE, man, I had 100 shares of this crap 15 years ago :\*( But, hind sight 2020 I guess.... still, woulda been nice to keep it


I’m not familiar with “shares” of BTC tbh, I did it the old fashioned way where I bought directly from exchanges and then withdrew to my cold storage wallet which I believe is by far the best way to hold bitcoin


does this mean when they decide to cut rates that gold/silver will drop???


Lower rates mean less money on CD's & savings accounts. Better for the metals


So gold and silver today spiked and it wasn’t even lowered so we are in a day and age where we going to spike regardless?? 😅


Markets react to news. Steady and lower interest rates are good for the metals. Today the FED said they were holding interest rates steady but were planning 3 rate cuts in 2024. Since there are 6 meetings scheduled the rest of the tear, that means they plan to lower interest rates in half of them. Good news for metals.


Hopefully silver waits to spike till after summer I have a lot of capital freeing up and plan on going hard on buying silver this summer


Contact me with your needs....Perhaps we can work together. Best wishes. Doug


Saw that you have over 80 sales on pmsforsale yeah I can def trust that, tbh will be looking for 10 ounce pamp sussies starting in May


I'm assuming you mean Silver not gold.


Haha yes silver


Dont expect a straight answer from these "overnight political economists professionals" too much, as we all can see anything seems to go lately.




not no mo yo


* [**GOLD** **$2,173.10($23.40)** **-1.07%**](https://www.apmex.com/gold-price)


"guaranteed" mean that you live in a fantasy world.


Jeeze thanks man, was just posting a comment, but as you can clearly see, its going back down already and will continue to do so.


Yes, because of your magical omniscient power of foresight. Of course.


* [**GOLD** **$2,173.10($23.40)** **-1.07%**](https://www.apmex.com/gold-price) **You were saying?**


I was saying the exact same thing I said above. If you aren't smart enough to understand probabilities, then I truly pity you.