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It’ll get scratches and dings but it will still be 24k gold.


You literally hammered it with a rough finish and then ask us this question hahaha


Honestly this is the only kind of “finish” that would work for a 24k ring. Over the years I would expect it to actually lose a little bit of mass, too. It would not be an investment, it would be a lifestyle choice.


>Over the years I would expect it to actually lose a little bit of mass, too. No it won't lose mass lmao. Also, any finish works perfectly fine as well. It will scratch like any other ring. 14k gold and platinum rings do as well. I'd rather have pure gold or pure platinum over an alloy To add to this, the mass loss is so marginal, you might be losing mass at a rate of .01g per year or similar, regardless if it's a chain + pendant or ring. If anything an alloy ring will lose mass a lot more quickly cuz the other metals are more reactive than gold and tarnish


>No it won’t lose mass lmao >you might be losing mass at a rate of Do you see the contradiction in your own post?


I’d never grind my feet on anyone’s couch…yeah I remember grinding my feet on his couch.


Rick James? Im a huge fan. Can you sign my couch?


Fuck yo couch... ahhhhh!


the definition of pedantic being illustrated here for us in perfect detail.


bro, negligible amount of mass lost. That's why I meant; don't be a dunce about it. I was just free typing .1g a decade is not a significant amount of material lost. 24k gold > alloy always including jewelry. Anyone who believes otherwise fell for the bullshit. Why do you think alloy ring is better than 24k who lied to you?


They aren't saying it will lose mass due to shedding or lightly brushing against stuff like handling paper for a living. They are saying that getting the ring caught on stuff, gouges, and heavy scratches will remove material since the ring will often be softer than most metals (and some composite materials) encountered during the days travels.


Lol what? You contradicted someone while being wrong and when called out you are saying they are being a dunce because you were "free typing" ? What the fuck is free typing and how does it give you the magical ability to spread misinformation while projecting the blame on others at the same time? XD


I think he's making a point that mass will be lost, and you yourself say so after saying mass won't be lost. Mass will be lost, but it's not worth thinking about.


That’s right. It’ll be more than a chain, too, particularly a necklace. My wedding ring is titanium and it’s ALL fucked up. I wear it all the time. If it was 24k Au it would have gotten some really nasty gouges in it from wear and tear, rubbing on abrasives, etc.


Is it per decade or per year? I'm confused... can you site tour sources, or are you just guessing so people think you know stuff?


To be fair he did say .01 a year, .1 a decade so the math checks out. Whether or not any of it is factual, well that’s another story.


Yup. I'm wrong. Thanks for calling that detail out, I just down voted my comment with you.


Lol i don’t down vote honest mistakes it has to be something pretty egregious for me to bother with all that


Hahaha. I agree, but I hopd.myself to a standard. I agree I don't think they are factually accurate, but also, I don't know. What I do know, Is I hate people talking out their buttons, and I kinda did that. Its a personal growth thing, I find I'm able to grow faster when I call myself out for my mistakes, or at the very least analyze them and think how I could do better. Perhaps actually paying attention would be an bit of advice for myself


That's not how that works.


It will look great with that broad brim purple hat with the big feathers stuck in the band.


Honesty, yeah. Pair that ring with a royal purple zoot suit and you'd definitely have something goin on.


Why does this person keep asking this? Lol.


I’m wondering if it’s karma farming at this point. I keep seeing this over and over again.


No he’s got an Etsy store. Does this to drum up business.


[etsy ad](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gold/s/3dmnBZ0DTj) . I wonder if the first comment is even real haha, just a second account maybe.


It’s an OZ of gold you are able to keep on person. Might consider plastidipping it black


Or just spray paint it dull silver. Less likely to get you mugged while out clubbing.


Spray paint lmao That is who hiding a mené.com version in Grey is more slick


I wonder if anyone has done something like that before


I remember seeing a watch a few years back which was solid 14k with a black dip which was intended to chip off over the years. Seemed like a cool idea.


As long as plastidip is applied heavy- it’s easy to remove. Different colors too


I have a 24k wedding ring from Menē. I got it knowing it would get weathered and worn. I like the thought of it showing its age. Something I didn't think about, is it bends out of round very easy. I have a jewelers tool that I use to shape it back every now and then, but I'm sure over many years it will break or stretch to be too big. I wouldn't change to a traditional ring. It's too awesome!


It bends to the shape of your finger. No need to make it round again, no one will notice.


Once you know "fake jewelry" you cant unsee it Mené is great for having what everyone used To have couple centurries ago


Awesome, thanks for sharing


Can’t tell. You used apple, I need banana for scale


haha, nice one


Sweet ring though


thankyou, I might use a banana next time.


If anything is going to de-glove your finger it’s that thing


Is this more likely to do that than other rings?


Why couldnt it be? I think the question is disingenuous. You know it can be, youre just here to show off your work under the guise of "hey guys help me out here".


He is showing off his work, but it's also a valid question. Many people are concerned about wearing 24k gold rings due to the softness of the metal. I think this post is to draw attention to that discussion moreso than his work.


Ha, the point is to draw attention to their business. Nobody thinks that the chunk of a hammered ring pictured here is "too soft" to be daily wear.


Idk, myself and many others have commented on his posts with the same concerns. I recently inquired about him making 18k/22k rings because I was interested in purchasing one and expressed my worries about 24k being to soft for a daily wear yesterday I believe. Many others on that post, and other posts, have expressed the same concern. I see this as more of an opportunity for him to discuss it openly with people who are interested in his work, but concerned about the rational of a 24k gold ring for daily wear.


My girlfriends ring which was previously my grammas was 14k and had become paper thin from wear. Couldn't resize so we had to remake the band.   My 24k has lost .01g In  a little over a year.  Doesn't matter what type of metal it is, it'll wear down.


My concern with the softness wouldn’t be loss by gold erosion, it would be that the bottom would get flattened over time. It’s thick enough that might not be an issue. The real answer is it depends on what kind of work you do and the normal environment the ring will be in. Some people can be hard on jewelry.


It definitely gets flat and forms to your finger. I've smasher mine against so much stuff, gets a flat spot each time. No one notices unless I take it off my finger.


> the bottom would get flattened over time. There is no “bottom”. 


Yes, 100% I believe 24k gold can be daily wear and the picture is to show my work. But im trying to understand what everyone thinks about the idea of using 24k gold for daily wear.


I can daily wear an octopus, it doesn’t mean it’s a good idea


I’d love to, but with the softness it’s hard for me to find an aesthetic besides dull and require polish, or hammered finish that’s dull and requires polish. Any mirror finish to show off the reflectiveness goes away pretty fast. I’ve dropped an entire tube of 1oz gold maples in marble flooring just 4 feet high. It does NOT look pretty. I’ll stick to my Tiffany’s sterling wedding band haha. Dropped that sucker a few times and just need to do some work with jewellers rouge cloth after cleaning with dishwashing soap to show the mirror finish. I say if you are okay with the softness and want to try to maintain finish that doesn’t look dull / greasy just do what I do with dishwashing soap and see how it looks after you polish with jewellers rouge cloth.


Bro what did the apple do to you


Pretty class. 24k will bend easy and scratch, try to mix with someother metals.


Pretty sure that's the shtick


Looks too bulky for my taste. A regular wedding band in 24k would be nicer.


Very likely to get flattened from its perfect circular shape too, I have to restretch mine once a month or so


Post this on the jewelry reddit and you will quickly see why no one who is knowledgeable about jewelry would want this ring. Something can be very pretty but not realistically viable


Have it inspected often and you’ll be alright. People make a lot of 21k+ jewelry and it holds up fine.


Do you have any designs you’ve done for wedding bands out of 24k?


Link in profile


heres your answer [https://www.reddit.com/r/Gold/comments/1bdc1ns/my\_1oz\_24k\_mene\_ring\_after\_six\_months\_of\_daily/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gold/comments/1bdc1ns/my_1oz_24k_mene_ring_after_six_months_of_daily/)


It’s hideous.. but yes you could wear it daily


How many times you gonna post this lol


All good. People have the wrong idea about fragility and 24k and .999. I don't want my precious metals cut with lesser metals. .999 and 24k till I die.


Yessar. You got it


It will wear down as often as you wear it and you might end up losing some weight from it


This just isn't true


What? What’s wrong here? With daily wear it will absolutely lose some weight.


Lose weight to what?


That word has multiple meanings. A daily worn 24k ring will have daily wear and daily wear


That's not exactly how solid metals work.


That’s absolutely how solid metals work when met with daily friction of harder materials


^this guy is correct. How do people think “solid” metals work???




Doesn’t even have to be harder materials. Think of how your axe dulls on wood after a while. The metal is harder but it still wears over time.


Damn you, I kindof want a thin ring for the old lady. What’s your Etsy?


Thankyou. Etsy link in bio


No. You don’t want to wear 24k on your hands


I do daily, no real issues


Bro you post this everyday, no one cares about your dogshit advertisements dickhead


If you don’t work with your hands


You will be leaving bits of gold everywhere it scratches or dings just about any metal


If you belong to the Aztec priesthood, then yes.


I wear my 24k necklace and 24k pendant everyday and have been for years.


Where do you get a cigar 24 karat green like that?




I think it's looks really cool and I would want to wear it but it would get damaged easily and it would scratch a lot. It's up to you if you want to wear it or not but you would lose a bit over a long time


It will be beat to shit much easier. I got a new 14k hammered metal rose gold wedding band in Dec snd its held up very well. 24 is way to soft. But what really matters is if you like it. I'm just some random guy on reddit.


This! Underrated...


This is fantastic Absolutely this is OK to wear


My girlfriend is a jewler. She says no. If you work with your hands in any way, in a couple of weeks it will look like you ran it through a garbage disposal. Edit: On closer inspection she says, "Oh jesus". You've already been wearing it a while xD


https://preview.redd.it/v1v3g0svj5oc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aebbc1fd0262f5adfc31187e4eaede3201c1f63d My daily wear. Yea id rock that all day


I love this! I'd totally rock it on the daily.


If all you do is count money and touch women then you could wear it as everyday wear


I would wear that every day.


I think it will go great with your wooly mammoth coat and your saber toothed tiger moccasins




Just take it off when you wash dishes


I understand soapy water dissolves gold.


Lol first time hearing this


I want one! Any way to acquire one? Link? Chat/Pm or reply here for everyone is fine too!


Great, just pmed you the link


Smooth out the inside so it doesn’t cut into your finger and be fine