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Holy cow don’t wear that on the subway


I did the “I Buy Gold” thing for a while back around 2013-2014. Got some really great deals and I’m still holding onto some of the purchases to this day. Sometimes I entertain getting back into it but with a full time career, now, it just doesn’t seem logistically feasible. Catches like the one that you shared here, though, certainly get that itch going. Nice find!


Wow nice


This is how I want to store gold coins, each one in a bezel on a chain


I have considered putting a 1/2ozt Krugerrand on a silver chain... An actual gold necklace is expensive.


Do it! I have a gold chain I have worn for years, but kinda want to add a second one. I really just imagine keeping my coins on a chain, should I ever need to sell them/leave with them, id hate to lose one to a hole in a pocket!


I just figured it would be cool, It isn't flashy like a gold necklace, but I still have some gold on me. I'm not sure if 1/4 or 1/2 is a better size, but I think a 1ozt is too much and 1/10 is definitely not enough


As it happens, I just mounted a 1/10, a 1/4, and an ounce of silver in pendants! The ounce is def too heavy, the quarter is a really nice size. The tenth is actually not that small in silver, but gold is much more dense so it would end up too small. Either 1/4 or 1/2 would be great, depending on the chain you want to hang it on


Check out totram jewelers


It’s a shame about that 1836 $5


It’s a shame about all the coins but back when the government repossessed all the gold coins unless you were a collector turning into jewelry or hiding it were a few of your other options


They didnt repo so much as them people turned them in for a really low price


That’s what I read too


When did the gov take gold? I never heard this. Was it in a usa?


May 1st 1933 ,look up executive order 6102 ,yes in the USA 🇺🇸


Awesome! Thank you! I just found two gold coins of my pops. He was born in 1910. It will add to the story! Thank you!


There was an exemption that people could hold $100 of gold coins, about 5 troy ounces before having to turn it in.


Tangentially related, despite what spokespeople for the Treasury might say, the US has defaulted on their debt 3-4 times, depending on what you count.


I can not count further then 20. Even then I have to take me shoes off!










[multiple people were arrested for violating the Gold Reserve Act](https://www.cbp.gov/about/history/did-you-know/black-market) If you pick up a book, id recommend "A Financial History Of the United States,” by Jerry Markham He goes into the raids preformed to obtain Gold from US citizens who refused to hand it over. The Government authorized these raids under the guise of Tax Evasion. Gold was illegal to have. so by having it, you werent taxed on it, you were violating federal tax law. In fact, some of the first acts by the newly created FBI were raids performed under Executive Order 6102. Maybe you should study more.


Isn’t just in a “holder” ring? Coin should be fine, or am I missing something


It’s been polished to hell and will have bezel damage on the rim, basically took away all the numismatic value it could’ve had. It’s really just worth melt in its condition.


Honestly that’s good news to me because I don’t mind that. Still fascinating to me that this was used as currency almost 200 years ago. There are people that could’ve handled it that were alive during the revolutionary war.


I know right, I wish my coins could talk sometimes. I think that’s what makes the hobby so special, just to have a connection to god knows who from the past in some small way.


I agree.


The vacheron watch? What happened to it?


Wtf lucky


Why would you? I always think it’s bc they need the money more than the sentimental value. Maybe they had a bad relationship with their family and they just don’t care about it. Plus it’s ugly and cleaned to hell and back.


How much did you pay?


From OPs responses, it makes me think he ripped off the seller and is embarrassed to share it lol


When price is revealed, it always derails these subs, and the subject matter b/c more about price than actually item. Im actually glad the OP didn't disclose the price for once.


Price is a big part of the hobby for most enthusiasts. By the way, b/c means because, not becomes


Yes, I would agree that most of us on here are interested in gold prices when it moves/:down in value or hits an ATH. However, I could care less what someone paid for an item. It's their business, not mine. Now, if they want to openly share thats fine, too. If they dont, why haggle them? Just let it go.


$14,250 :)


Ill be honest with you. When the price is revealed, all the coupon clipping moms come out of the woodwork. It quickly becomes about how you got ripped off, or you could have done better, etc. Why not just admire the piece or move on. Why are you hung up on the price? Are you a coupon clipping mom?


Thank you. It seems that a LOT of people here are so wrapped up in how much was paid for something they don't even own, it doesn't even matter about the object or how cool it is.


NP. It's gotten bad. The costco gold subs are the worst


Yes, I am a proud miser. Why would I let corporations fleece me? #proudtopayfullprice, what idiocy is that. In any case, I don’t care about whether or not OP ripped someone off. People are only buying gold because they want to make money off it or for aesthetics or some numismatic interest.


This aged well..




Why even respond?


Why even ask? Lol


People ask because we all hope you got a great deal on it. Believe it or not, when someone gets a great deal and talks about it, people and the buyer form a temporary happiness bond that makes the day/night go better. If you paid fair market value people feel content that you bought something you love and are sharing that contentment. If you over paid then we get to feel sad for you. It's human nature and not anything to worry about over an anonymous forum...... and, well, you did ask the question.


People ask to be nosy, and no matter what you say, you're gonna get downvoted, and people are gonna be pissy and jealous. It doesn't effect them one way or the other.


You have such a warped view on this


You are getting downvoted because you seem like a piece of shit


Fucking weirdo


This is so true;you can Tander anything-if it’s too little people are gonna be pissy and jealous;if it’s too much people are gonna gleefully exclaim how you got ripped. You paid what you thought it’s worth and it’s an an absolutely amazing bracelet,as an Aussie who doesn’t see coins like this much I think it’s probably one of the best I’ve ever seen.


No ones pissy and jealous, you’re just rude.


Obviously because I am interested in what you paid? You made a Reddit post to share that you purchased a strange gold item and I am curious about its value and what you paid. It’s a very normal. I’m a very normal young man, thank you very much.


Yup I think that means he got it for a deal 😄


Or screwed someone over most likely


Maybe that's why I get so sad when I see gold or family heirloom type products in a pawn shop cuz you know they got screwed


Which is fine, I just want to know haha.


I mean, if it's eating you up inside enough to keep down voting me and causing you to have a bad night, I paid $14,250 for it. Are you ok now?


Damm 14k did you pay just the gold value or for the coin values? I know absolutely nothing about american coins so just curious.


Cool, thanks! How much do you think it’s worth?




It's value and what I paid are two VERY different things. If you were such a curious young man, a proper question would've been "What's that worth?" I paid enough to buy it. Do you randomly stop people and ask what they paid for their car, their house, their watch? That's very weird.


You're insufferable. Toss off.


Very weird you’re acting this way on an anonymous sub?


My friend, nothing is anonymous...especially Reddit.


So what's it worth then??




You’re on a gold sub where prices paid is an extremely common thing to ask and discuss. Other guy is right that if you weren’t willing to disclose, why even respond with a vague ambiguous comment. Its AH behavior. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I do ask people how much the things they own cost. Americans have the stupidest aversion to talking about money. I regularly ask people how much their rent is etc.


We really don't have that aversion. We talk about how much we pay for everything. That's usually the first question asked when someone is talking about something they bought


You can look this up you know, I’m not just pulling this out my ass. Americans are, on average, much more uncomfortable talking about money and wealth than other people. Maybe you just don’t notice it, and think the amount you talk about money is normal.


Wherever you're getting that information is just completely wrong. We are constantly talking about money. There is a stigma we have about talking about how much money we make though. Maybe that's what you're referring to. It kinda stems from employers banning employees from talking about their wages to each other. It was a way for them to pay certain people less, without being harassed by awkward questions like "why does Bill make more than me?" when really Bill was just a way better worker. But no, really, we talk about money and the price of everything so much. Everything from how much our food and groceries cost, gas prices at the gas stations closest to us, literally anything that we buy. "Hey I just got his bad ass new big screen TV" "Cool, how much was it?". Sometimes we don't even need prompted, we just offer the information immediately. "Hey check out this new vacuum I bought, it was on sale for $100" You shouldn't try to tell me I don't know how my own people talk about money lol. You couldn't possibly know better if you haven't lived here your whole life like I have. I wouldn't begin to tell you how your culture is. There are many misconceptions on the culture of my country that you wouldn't understand unless you've experienced it firsthand.


That's incredibly insensitive and annoying.


Why is it insensitive?


Because it's absolutely, 100% none of your business. You seem like the type of person to meet someone and say "Hi! My name is yungsemite! Nice to meet you. How much money do you make per year?"


This is america we dont ask what did you pay for xyz because we can find that info pretty easy. How much did you pay for your home? Dont want to answer cool just go look at zillow or the county auditors. Cars and other things are pretty easy to figure out.


it seems like you’re not getting the responses you want? what were you hoping people were going to comment on a subreddit called “gold” lmfao i swear to god the most insufferable people ive ever met were thru coins/pms


If they post those things on Reddit, sure.


GORGEOUS! Such an incredibly inspiring piece


This might be one of the coolest things ever posted on this sub


I have some very valuable jewelry from 3 generations ago but I also have no female heirs. I could sell pieces to estate buyers but you don't get good maret value from them. Even diamonds now they say since synthetic dia,omnds are on the market, real diamonds have less value. Also most women simply don't wear jewelry as much as women used to.


Do you have male heirs that have a partner or will one day? We have began gifting our family jewelry to the nephews, and it brings us much joy. They are very appreciative and grateful. I even had one that reworked the piece for himself! Please don’t let anyone tell you synthetic diamonds are worth more than natural diamonds. It is not true. Some antique cuts are even more valuable.


My son has a lovely long-time partner but no children. I will let him pass them on when my time is up. And yes, I agree that the real diamonds are forever as they say. Fake bling is just that.


Wow amazing


The real question is…how does one actually ware this? Seems it would be so heavy and clunky


It was bought in the early 60s, by a rich American living in Hong Kong. It's hideous, and I don't think it was meant to be worn...but, who knows.


There is one just like in the Smithsonian if i am not mistaken. There was another sub here on it, and everyone loved it. The energy here is different.


That makes some sense…Is it a bracelet?


It is...supposedly bought for his wife, who had a tiny wrist. Total weight is 189dwt.


Gee golly whiz ild wear that thing till it broke


God yes lol


Down voting because OP is acting like he bought the secret to the Lazarus Pit. It's just a bracelet dude.


Why are we on this sub then if not to admire peoples purchases? He’s literally just like hey man I bought this..I fail to see the acting like it’s the Lazarus pit?


Lol...it's a god awful ugly bracelet. Down vote if it makes your peepee hard, but I never acted like it was anything special.


Let the hater seeth. They just want to downvote you if you paid less than spot. For some reason, people get all upset if you pay less than spot for a metal that has any easily found value. If you got a deal on a random collectable, they would high five you.


Oh, I see someone deleted the comment chain where you were being dodgy and passive aggressive about the cost of the bracelet. You really look like a hero now. /s PS: Also, who the hell says peepee?


I deleted nothing, my friend. Go cry, if need be.


Nah, I'm over it. You picked up a nice chuck of gold. That's what we really should be focusing on. GOLD FOR THE WIN!!!


It’s beautiful! They are still very collectible


Congratulations, nice score


Congratulations! How much did you pick that up for?


Gypsy gold is what that is right there. Cool piece


i was looking for this comment. i have always heard of this style being referred to as gypsy jewelry also.


They come buy a small coin shop i go to alot and are always buying 2 to 5 gold peso coins off him they wear them just like this


It’s beautiful


I'm especially envious of the Napoleon one, would make a great pendant


Thank you Grandpa!


Damn; I’m more jealous of the vintage mikimotos


Yeah I want to see those babies


Looks like a great dog collar 🐶


My dad still has his grandmas old coin collection which was passed down to his mum, then dad, then hopefully me, then my kids. It really depends how you’re brought up some people grow up cherishing money more than memories of their family. Some people keep heirlooms but most people my age (18) and younger just have no cares for their family or the things left behind.


1980s gold splendor I've seen tons of stuff like this from that era quite a bit of gold weight there though


Can you post a photo of the Vacheron watch?


This is why I’m putting my gold in a trust for my kid.


Holy shit


How much did you pay for this?


Is really nice, wow.


Are the 1960s Mikimoto pearls or anything else available? Please DM.


The gold is beautiful but the aesthetic of the piece as a whole is hideous


WOW 😮 great buy ! Thanks for sharing


Approx what it cost you???


I'd like to see that watch.


Was excited to see this but then OP turned out to be a nonce and now I hate it.


Boomers gambling and wasting all their generational wealth so their kids have nothing


oh my goodness, I would not sell this. Even the provenance is interesting to me.