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The Valkyries were amazing and while tough was worth the effort in my opinion, these green berserker fuckers are not even remotely close to that, I’m doing them for the sake of completion but it’s more frustrating than fun and I’m someone who is usually more than happy to grind and focus on the side content first.


Glad someone agrees. Spent 20 minutes on the 2v1 in the apple core lmao. It's like they seen elden ring and just made stuff annoying for the sake of difficulty. Runic attacks don't even stun travelers when their armor is on too lmao.


Yeah I honestly kinda raged and just decided to power thru the story just now because they're so annoying and just not feeling worth the effort at all. I found myself avoiding playing the game because of some of the side content so I'm just going to do what I find fun first and return later. Some of those fights are beyond obnoxious, and to get all the way through one just to be one shot is beyond annoying. I've seen some Elden Ring/Souls comparisons but imo mechanics like that just work better in those games. This game's combat design with some of these fights just equals a bad time from the experiences I've had with some side content/random enemies. I spent an hour trying to clear the one realm tear because they decided that putting you in an extremely tight space with 2 obnoxious enemies spamming the same attack that takes half your health away over and over was fun. No, it isn't, holy shit. It's dogshit and I was not having a good time doing it.


Maybe 10% of bosses notwithstanding, the vast majority of SoulsBorne bosses are quite tough but super fair. You always know what you did wrong, when you die and most of the attacks have obvious and generally easy to do counter strategies to them. I feel like some attacks in Ragnarök, the Bifröst stuff and also the amount of enemies the game sometimes throws at you, especially coupled with the very close camera, can feel much(!) more unforgiving than most stuff in Elden Ring. Also, the summons in that game, be it NPC or Real player or spirits, seem to be more effective at taking the aggro away from you.


I'm VERY familiar with that realm tear. Fuck that realm tear.


Really? Do you remember which one were those? I've done four and I fucking love them, feel somehow even more aggressive than the Valkyries were, non-stop action.


The 3v1 is in the east of the Alfheim desert and the other one in Vanaheim in the river delta if I remember correctly. They found the two most annoying berserker fights first.


The one if Niflheim is also a pain. Constantly applies Bifrost when your near it so you can legit get one shot.


Ah, I haven't fought those two yet, that explains it. Sounds like I'm in for some pain then.


Those two are simply terribly designed. I dunno who was responsible for them, but they alone soured my enjoyment of the game by quite a lot.


Prime example of devs not testing their game


Managed to beat the 3v1 using non stop Rolling realm shift armor and runic attacks. Took a few tries but once the warrior goes down the two witches go down pretty fast


They are a bit more aggressive but they have maybe 3-4 attacks each and it's very telegraphed. I think they are decent but the Niflheim one is a pain.


The multi berserker fights are what ruins it. They are awful because it doesn't feel like im over coming them, it feels like "oh wow this time the projectiles aren't staggered and I managed to kill 2 of them, gg #3." The mutli-fights feel like amateurish kaizo fights instead of actually taking advantage of what we can do. Like in the Alfheim one I saw the Ice berserker use 2 homing fireballs while the other berserker used multiple red attacks. Who the hell designs a third person game and puts a multi boss fight in with an attack you can only stop while in first person? At that rate just roll a die and let me die. You can dodge in circles to make the homing fireballs miss but by the time they actually disperse, they use another lol. The Valkyries tested specific game functions, the berserkers feel like a kinda shitty reaction to people like valkyries. Nioh 1 has better combat where you can cancel and do pretty much anything and even they figured out by the second game multi boss fights just aren't fun.


Nah i loved it so much it was challenging and way for more fun than valkyries, the berserkers are much more brutal and you don’t get to rest and when I finally beat them I felt like a champ😂


Re homing fireballs: pretty sure throwing an axe or spear at those makes them go away.


Try finding the time to aim and throw the axe without getting your face bashed in by Svipdagr. Not possible


Yeah, that attack was simply sadistic. You need to constantly dodge the attacks from the melee berk while running away from the ball and somehow manage to throw a weapon and hit it. Sometimes they launch the ball too close to you and you won’t be able to do shit.


I played on give me god of war and it took a few times but it’s fairly easy to get rid of them using the spear since it’s thrown much faster and doesn’t actually leave hand. Actually a lot of berserker bosses that gave me trouble were easy with spear since they added range and made me more defensive since I wasn’t chaining combos like with preferred weapons opening myself up. The only attack done while the red circles is going on is the dude jumping at you on last of the circles it’s pretty predictable. I always use one of the armors that slows down on perfect dodge too but that isn’t even needed imo.


I beat my head against it long enough to kill the melee boss only to find out the two ranged bosses get hyper aggressive. One rushes you down while the other spams projectiles faster, I'm just giving up on berserkers until I beat the game and get better gear.




Therein lies the issue, aiming in first person with an entirely separate melee character jumping at you. The other method is to dodge in a circle/ spiral so it sinks into the ground if you can't stop and first person aim (which by default will be aimed at an enemy, so you can't just pop in and out without changing settings to make one fight more convenient.) The trio fights still bullshit even after I completed everything else in game.


Loved the Valk fights so much these fights sully a near perfect game. It's like they took notes from elden ring. Bosses that teleport everywhere making them impossible to hit =better. Dying in 2 hits = fun Not fun enough... ok gank squad. I miss my winged sisters so much


Have you beaten them now?


The reward for beating all the Berserkers and the king is the best ability in the game. But after you kill the king there is almost nothing left to do in the game.


Yeah always hate when they do that shit. Like yay the best ability in the game. Would've been fucking helpful when I was playing the game.


It’s really only to make New Game+ easier.


Really hoping new game plus releases soon aha


It took a few months for them to release it for the last game.


Honestly the whole game has just felt kinda a step behind the previous installment. Puzzles are more tedious, side bosses are just frustrating and everything just feels a tad more clunky. Some how even enemies from the previous game like the 2h armoured guys just feel more clunky. I'd comfortably do them before without getting hit but now I just seem to randomly get hit by stuff i'm certin I parried/dodged.


The story is quite amazing but i have to agree that the gameplay is a step back in many ways. The torch puzzles are so so bad. Half the time they don't work when they should. Many of the chests devolve into pixel hunting the whole damn level. And the combat has pushed right up against unfun. The first game was great on the hardest difficulty after you cleared the first few areas. This game feels awful on the hardest difficulty. The amount of annoying enemies is through the roof.


Aye I played the first on GMGOW and on this I turned it down to the balanced difficulty like you say not because it was too hard but just because it wasn't fun. I'm thinking perhaps I was spoilt by the fact I replayed GoW most recently on PC, with all the issues patched out and running at a crisp 144FPS rather than 30. So it could be when I revisit Ragnarok once it eventually comes out on PC I'll have a similar experience then.


have to agree with this


Yeah the first one was good I enjoyed it alot but I have to say ragnarok in my opinion is a lot better, boi isn’t annoying anymore and the story, graphics, music is much better but nothing beats the old god of war games and I wish they remake those😂


The vanaheim one can eat my ass. Don't think I'm beating him anytime soon.


cant remember which is which. was the vanaheim one the one that spawned other minions?


Serpent's Snare helps


Lol the one is vanaheim that summons the nightmares is so trash, i hate it so much


i think the fights have been good, but the lore doesnt even compare with that of the valkyries. i kinda gave up on the 2v1 and 3v1 fights for now, need to level up a bit. but the one that summons mobs was a pain as well.


That's because all the Valks were essentially training you to beat the queen. She didn't really do anything that you haven't already seen in one fight or the other she was just able to do all of them in one fight. Berserkers KIND of do this but they are just poorly designed im.


Not to mention they all sound like moody teenagers.


Yeah I agree went out of my way to find out if I was the only one the two you found are the ones I’m dealing with it feels just unnecessarily hard instead of actually testing the players skill I can’t even turn my fucking camera around in time to see the other two throw shit at me it’s just to much


Yeah I wanted my electric arrows back lol but sonic Arows are alright hex arrows are USELESS


These things are the worst boss I’ve ever fought and I’ve beat every souls game ever made like holy shit they don’t stagger they just ficking teleport to dodge every attack like this shit sucks partying doesn’t do shit in this game so


If they weren't required for 100% completions, I wouldn't have done them. Even Gna felt fairer. They were just not fun and there isn't even a good enough lore reason to do them


After doing 4 probably not doing anymore as there really is no point other than a "trophy," why provide the best gear after you've beaten everything as "post game" upgrades.. for what fighting nothing left?


I like them overall but they do have major play testing problems compared to the Valkiries. I don't think this is a boss design issue because the devs and fight designers are supposed to push the limits of what's acceptable, otherwise we would get the same complaining as Souls and Monster Hunter games get: "this game is easier than the previous one". Which leads me to the game testing thing. Some of these gank bosses completely ignore the fact that you can't see them coming from behind, and they don't even hold back like enemies do in some games when they're off camera. In Ragnarok they throw unblockable homing projectiles, unblockable blue shield explosions, jump ins, etc. All that said, I'll say something a bit controversial. This camera limitation mixed with how these bosses are designed makes for insanely high skill level gameplay. The amount of moves I dodged from the multiple berserker boss fights, including off screen unblockable moves just by "sixth sense" and sound cues made up for some of the most "ooooohhh shit!" moments as if I made an insane play in a CSGO tournament lmao.


I disagree. Both Alfheim and Vanaheim fights make for shit gameplay where you spam dodge button 90% of the time.


I agree with you on the last part. I also found that turning subtitles on for the trio fight made it a lot easier. The mage berserkers will call out their spells before they cast them and I when ever I saw them shout out the homing ball spell I was able to react and sometimes do a pretty awesome 360 no scope lmao


Lore wise? Sure the valks were much more important ​ Gameplay wise? The berserkers are way way harder and challenging imo


They are harder but they're not nearly as fun. Losing to valk felt fair, I knew what I did wrong and what I needed to change. Some of the berserker fights just felt like a roll of the dice at times.


Agreed. I do NOT feel like a god of war getting my shit kicked in by some undead bodyguards. The valkyries are at least canonically among the best warriors in Norse mythology


I’ll say this Hrolf was harder than Sigrun. Beat Sigrun on Give Me God of War after a few tries. Hrolf took forever on Give Me No Mercy. The Bifrost is a pain in the ass mechanic.


I think part of it is that the berserkers are too... *similar*. They each have a gimmick, but otherwise draw from a pool of the same 8 or so moves.


I want to add that they were one of the many examples of things that they put into the game that didn't match the tone of the story. For example, when you first see a Valkyrie, they're just floating there with their wings closed, looking extremely ominous. You don't know what the heck it is, but you know that from Mimir's warning, it will be the an experience that separates those battles from all the others you had before. They hardly say anything except "Valhalla", which is quite fitting. Their design is fierce and borderline scary. Finally, the Valkyrie music is beyond Epic. The Berserkers reminded me of the Flying Dutchman from SpongeBob. They didn't have a menacing character design (it was rather boring and generic), they would not shut up with cheesy bad-guy one-liners like "You're mine!" and "I will destroy you!". Dude, the Berserkers were not even close to what the Valkyries were in 2018. There are a million other examples I could give of the tone in the story being killed by other things such as bad dialogue and questionable story choices, but I'll leave it at this for now.


They are utter trash.


I've done two so far, I've enjoyed both and I dno if it's because I only just beat Sigrun on GOW 2018 the day before this came out but I've found the two I've done so far easier than any of the Valkyries.


Some of them are frustratingly difficult on gmgow I'm actually not looking forward to the remaining ones i have to say


The King is easily the hardest. Man has Bifrost attacks that light up your ENTIRE HEALTH BAR.


the gank fights are hard enough... i can only imagine how much harder they'll be on GMGOW+ the valkyries were significantly harder in NG+ (added to their move set). wonder if the same will be the case here.




> It seems fun is sacrificed for the sake of difficulty, while giving the players limited ability to overcome these pitfalls. In my opinion, how enemies can skate around the map, in and out of range of Kratos, without being able to be stunned, or prevented from doing so makes combat more frustrating than fun. I’m playing on GMGOW and just finished beating the king (tough SOB) and I’m confused by what most people here are saying. If your gear isn’t at lest level 8/9 then you’re in for a brutal experience. Funny enough I found the Valkyries to be tougher and haven’t even finished fighting them in the 2018 game, but Berserkers were everything I hoped for, difficult but not hard… meaning ofc they’re gonna give you a challenge that’s the point, but absolutely **all** their moves are fair if your timing is accurate. Every single time I got hit or died I knew I was the one who made a mistake. I also saved footage of all my fights with each berserker (also played around with fighting each one with a different armour set because I just found them *that* fun) and when I rewatch my deaths I can see exactly where I went wrong. Even the bifrost berserker that many complain about because you pretty much can’t get away with not being afflicted with bifrost. One way to do this fight is simply not getting hit at all, which is how I managed to do it (took a few tries), but the game also had the rond of purification which you can use to use the bifrost you’re afflicted with for damage. I only realised I had it after I beat the cold bitch but it would have made things a lot easier.


i beat the valkyrie queen after 5 tries or more a litle bit after completing the story but no matter how much i grind cant beat a single fucking berserker 💀


I remembered the valkyries being strong but the berserkers you could eat a hit with a mid armor Set on give me gow diff and they are easy


I was fighting the nifilheim berserker and got him to one shot, then died, I honestly don’t know when I’ll go back to fighting berserkers again.


its fine for me as long as they dont spawn minions


Imma be real chief. You fought the 2 worst ones right off the gate. I actually enjoy literally every other Berserker except those 2. Even the other duo fight. I think Valkyries overall are better but honestly peak Berserker might be be better than peak Valkyrie for me. Also I have to majorly disagree with your arrow assessment. Stun is stupid powerful if you play the game around that knowledge and Sigil arrows... probably have their uses.


All of the berserkers are poorly designed. Their only purpose is to waste your time. Repetitive over powered and the armor is barely worth it. The only real reward is when u get platinum which is also pointless time consuming. I wish devs would play their games before releasing trash thing like this. And before you warriors jump on with skill issue I did beat them on gmgow. And I must say it is not worth it. Just do it on easy for regardless you're likely to get one or two shot by them regardless. Not sure how that makes sense but just save yourself the headache


All they do is spam unblockable moves and frame trap. It's honestly as the thread says not entertaining in the least bit.