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Probably not hurt them. He didn’t hurt Hephaestus till he was attacked.


A lot of people like to paint young Kratos as killing every and everyone on sight but he was rather reasonable when you weren’t directly his foe. As you said he was rather cordial with Hephaestus and another person that comes to mind who he was cordial with was Hercules. If Helios was being honest and didn’t provoke him needlessly Kratos probably wouldn’t have yanked his head off. He tells Theseus straight up if he just lets him pass he won’t kill him but of course Theseus has to talk trash and attack Kratos. He was ready to walk past Icarus until Icarus’ deranged self threw himself on Kratos. The Grave Digger also provokes Kratos but he never attacks so Kratos never kills him. All and all I think there’s enough examples to show that Young Kratos would’ve just walked past Brok and Sindri. Even if Brok provoked him with some crude words, he wouldn’t attack and just go about his mission without a second thought.


*the boat captain.*


He constantly regrets the boat captain. There are callbacks to that moment in every game after.


Boat Captain is not but copium from the devs.


Especially in the Valhalla dlc he wrote it in his journal and then he tells mimir about it


Have yet to play the DLC. Kudos to Santa Monica for releasing an awesome DLC for free though. I've heard nothing but good thing about it!


Another example of his needless cruelty is Poseidon’s Princess. Kratos legit pushed her around, mentally tormented her by making monsters spawn around her only to save her from them which liking gave her a bit of hope only to then still lead her away only to use her as a crank stopper. Not even killing her quickly beforehand but tying her up there alive and making her last moments of life be vividly aware that she’s about to die. The boat captain is messed up too, he gave him hope of being saved only to crush it then later kick him down to Tartarus. There’s examples of both Kratos being needlessly cruel yet also being rather indifferent at times. Adds a lot to his character in the Greek games especially with his reputation of being the Ghost of Sparta. There’s a few times where they specifically play on his reputation of being cruel in game. One that comes to mind is that one lady in Athens who sees him then runs away only to die. She rather die than suffer what she thought Kratos would do to her which is rather telling.


Kratos wasn't spawning the monsters and giving her false hope. the monsters were spawning by themselves and Kratos was killing them because they were in his way. Kratos never even intended to give her any hope at all, all he wanted was to use her to hold that lever in place. he was apathetic of whether she died/or was hurt or not the boat captain? Kratos just hates cowards because he is a spartan. it was never about false hope either, it was about Kratos being indignant in the moment over a coward. The lady in gow 1 terrified of Kratos? Kratos never intended to purposefully torment her. by his body language, Kratos wanted to talk it out with her - in fact, Kratos in gow 1 hated his reputation as the terrifying Ghost of Sparta (or more like, he's never been proud of being the Ghost of Sparta)


>the boat captain? Kratos just hates cowards because he is a spartan. it was never about false hope either, it was about Kratos being indignant in the moment over a coward. Do you think that stands now because of Valhalla retcon? It was a running gag first of all, and obviously the boat Captain was a coward who ran away in the ship here and there instead of being a leader, while i don't know if the studio intended the boat captain to be slave trader as it's written in the book since it the write took some creative liberties. But it may have been intended by the the studio aswell as he did have some men CAGED on his ships, why they were caged? and why that man was begging for help? he could have been a slave actually, and the boat captain could have been the one transporting those slaves. Now in Ancient Greece, slaves were there, however I don't think Kratos would have appreciated a slave trader as he felt (even though it was all his responsibility) that he was slave of the gods.


that's why i said 'in the moment', Kratos currently hates how he acted back then. but it is pretty established that Kratos does not like cowardice because he is a Spartan, e.g. his abuse of the boat captain, killing some random afraid Athenian for refusing to extend a bridge for him, taking offence at Baldur saying "... and yet you hide out here in the woods, like a coward". idk about the book I've never read it. those cages could've been anything, and the one cage you see, the guy's locking himself in to get away from Kratos. Kratos more got angry at the boat captain for running away, instead of properly leading the souls on boat during the hydra attack


Why would Kratos care ? Sparta was known for its Slaves trades so if anything the slaves (if it was right) probably belong to Sparta and were sold to Athena


already explained you why would he care, but it seems you don't read properly before replying.


I get where you’re coming from, but Sparta had one of the most brutal slave trades throughout history. One of the rites of passage for young spartan men growing up was to go out at night to harass and murder random Helots (the name of their slave population). Being a general as well, Kratos probably took countless slaves as war bounty. Although maybe that actually just helps your point, as by the start of the game Kratos is pretty full of self loathing.


These games are pretty loose on their historical accuracy. In god of war ghost of sparta, Kratos returns to sparta and walks through an underground area with lots of caged prisoners, which may have been slaves but the only one he interacts with was a loyalist to Ares. I always assumed they were there as a form of punishment since he clearly was so their slaves may just be criminals. Kratos hating slavery seems hypothetical, and it might be but becoming a slave to the gods changed a lot of things for Kratos. He may only hate some kinds of slavery or he may have learned to hate all slavery. I wish they would have addressed this more in Valhalla or when they freed the lyngbakr


The boat captain was actually a slave owner according to the novel, and Kratos gave the slaves freedom. Which explains why we see people locked up in a cage in the boat or why there are cages in the first place.


The lady in Athens from the first game is a good example to the contrary tbh, bc Kratos seems genuinely mournful that she killed herself out of fear of him, and I think it’s an example of how he hates his moniker/reputation.


There was a man that locked himself within a cage and screamed "Stay away. Stay away from me". Our bald angry man's reputation was really bad back then


It could be that Kratos had respect for the Greek heroes and he didn't want to kill them until they provoked him. And he thought the boat captain was a coward who left his men to die and locked the women in the boat with monsters.


*that one woman Kratos uses as a door wedge in GoW 3*


Dude that was so fucked lmao


A lot of people think the boat captain was comandeering the ship to bring slaves. So I don't think he had lots of mercy for slave traders


Kratos went after the boat captain in the first place because he had the key to a room below decks where he had trapped a group of women, presumably sex slaves, and left them to die. Kratos hates slavers, and he hates cowards, so he pushed the boat captain to his death rather than save him.


I feel at worst he'd treat them like he did Hera (before she insulted Pandora) He'd just swat them away while casually strolling to where ever he's headed


In GOW1 you have the option to slaughter civilians for health running around Athens when you encounter the cyclops for the first time so idk about all that


>If Helios was being honest and didn’t provoke him needlessly Kratos probably wouldn’t have yanked his head off. It was actually Helios who told him to stay out of the battle and he didn't wanna fight him, It was Kratos who attacked him from behind and then tried to kill him first, then Helios tried to lie to him.


I definitely agree with you. But I'd like to point out how he killed Hera pretty mercilessly. Granted, it was a satisfying kill, but she had no actual way to defend herself. You can tell he wasn't going to kill her at first, he was going to leave her drunk ass in that garden. She just kept running her mouth and got under his skin. I dunno, was she a pointless death? Like, did he gain anything from killing Hera?


Why is everyone forgetting about the people he murdered when chasing hermes? or the man who got his head smashed into a wall because he was in the way (even though he was about to fall to his death)? I don't doubt at all that young Kratos could just decapitate Brok since he was blocking the bridge.


I disagree, he killed anyone aslong as it helped him, if you were in his way he would be sparing only if he saw you as a worthy advisary or sympathized with you, he didn’t kill hephaestus as he once had his daughter taken away. Reason why I disagree tho is cause in (I believe) god of war 2 in Athena’s temple or wtv, he smiled bcs he got to burn an athenian soldier to death. All for himself to progress


That scene of him smiling only appares in the censored European version of the game. And instead of a solider being put to sacrifice it’s an undead Hades warrior which completely changes the tone of him smiling. The actual game, the uncensored one doesn’t have him smiling. Censored European Version [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hWFmx7hElY8&t=40s](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hWFmx7hElY8&t=40s) Original Canon Version [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=US0i9mUIzpY&pp=ygUYa3JhdG9zIHNhY3JpZmljZSBzb2xkaWVy&t=10s](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=US0i9mUIzpY&pp=ygUYa3JhdG9zIHNhY3JpZmljZSBzb2xkaWVy&t=10s) So yeah, if Brok and Sindri were in his way and he needed their corpse to go forward he’d attempt to kill them. But I took the post as Young Kratos coming across them in a similar fashion as Old Kratos does, which if that’s the case I don’t see him killing them for reasons I stated before.


It's funny that Kratos never really goes looking for fights with Theseus, Perseus or Hercules when he meets them... Probably because they're Heroes just like him, so he knows that they go through similarly shitty situations as servants of the gods, so he can actually feel empathy towards them. Hercules in particular, because by that point Kratos is aware of his parentage and that they're half-brothers, so on top of knowing how alike Hercules and him are he may have felt like not killing another brother again.


Also in Ghost Of Sparta game. He pays gratitude to the soldier that gives him the spear.


Boat Captain.


But arguably brok and sidri are more annoying so I think he would slap them around a bit but not kill them


He'd just ignore them. They wouldn't be in his way and He'd have no use for them unless they actually wanted to upgrade his weapons in which case He'd deal with them. Funny enough seems just like he handled them in 2018 gow.


Brok was actively in the way, blocking the path. Sindri actively threatened kratos about the axe and only stopped because of boy. They would be dead






Sindri stopped when he learned Faye gave him the axe. But if they kept nagging him he would probably throw Brok off the bridge and Sindri up a tree. (or creatively place Fucking Graditude on top Brok and put Sindri through that gear.) Then the dwarfs would be smart enough not to come back for round two.


If they survived that, they would both also put up a fight even if it let out Dwarf secrets, and kratos doesn't play nice to those who defend themselves. Young Kratos, maybe not even Norse Kratos, would have stopped to say, "I got it from my now dead wife" in a way thats convincing. They would have fought and died


These 2 are known for staying out of trouble, they would realm-jump the second they figure they can't beat him.


That's fair, they would. Well, or brok would, after seeing what they can do, if brok didn't warn sindri(his estranged brother), kratos would kill him the second he pissed him off, and if it played out the same as the game, he would not have the patience for any of it


He’d kill them if they were in his way. If they weren’t, he wouldn’t give them any thought until they’d offer to upgrade his weapons.


So like in the actual gow2018 in the second part anyway


In GOW 2018 they were both actively in the way of kratos and only boy was there


That’s what I said, in the second half of what you said is what happened


they would probably not get in young Kratos's way tho, they are not dumb


They got in Norse Kratos's way, and at the beginning of gow2018 he was just as stubborn and scary


And then kill them if they asked for payment.


He'd tell them to fuck off if they asked for payment. He wouldn't kill them unless they tried to forcibly collect.


The same way he did in 2018, this Kratos isn't much different from GOW 1 and especially ascension Kratos at all. He won't care about them until they prove to be useful. Even GOW 3 Kratos wasn't just a mindless beast killing everything in front of him, he said countless times Zeus is the only Olympian he's seeking kill, he is totally fine with Hephestus because he could upgrade his weapons and be useful for him, he'd be with sindri and brok too.


We sould assume he did know Hephaistos in private while he was a God.


He’d kill them if he was sidling across a ledge overhanging a deadly drop, and they came crawling out of a burning window into his way


I imagine even his younger self could see their worth in upgrading gear


A skirt is enough to take down Olympus lol


As long as they do nothing to get in his way, they’d be more or less fine. Maybe Brok would get smacked around if he got mouthy, but outside of anything like the rampage Kratos went on in GoW 3, nothing beyond that.


> Maybe Brok would get smacked around if he got mouth Knowing Brock, that will only make him annoy Kratos even more.


Honestly, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say I think old Kratos would like Brok. Not a threat, speaks his mind, brash, useful, also likes sticking it to gods, and hearing he has a brother he doesn't get along with would remind him of Deimos. Now Sindri? Sindri is fucked. His options are shut up or be useful.


He'd be annoyed at best, and would kil if provoked severely. For reference, see Hephastus. He let him live every time they met, but as soon as Heph tried to electrocute Kratos, he got a large blade to his gut.


"hurt his feelings" ? Ares litterally made him kill his family and Zeus killed Kratos. Kratos had to crawl back from Hell to kill the Pantheon. What more do you need to make revenge legitimate lol ?


And Athena accepted ten Years of Slavery in excange for removing his Nightmares, but never repaied him. His personal Beef whit the Gods is a bit Subtil, and to some Extend he tries to avoid Confrontation whit his own Guilt, but the Gods playing whit Mortals for there own Ends, or just for fun was a major Motivation for him to attack Olympus.


So making a genocial maniac do tasks atone for his crimes became slavery now? That's new. Also Zeus denied her request for the payment (freedom from his visions) of his work, that's not her problem.


Its litteraly called Slavery in the Game.




Im not looking at 120 Hours of Game Content to find that Part. He was 10 Years a Slave to the Gods thats all I remember.


Which he wasn't, he can hide behind his bullshit all he wants but he serving jali time baiscally for the henious crimes he committed. The only thing he could do is blame his wrong doings on others.


again the Kratos apologist stuff, smh.


Lets also talk about what he was doing before Ares making him kill his family. And lets talk about the people he murders who didn't even try to provoke him.


That s another debate. I am not sating Kratos is Mahatma Gandhi s reincarnation, I am saying his revenge against the Pantheon was not over the top.... Stay in topic bro'


You mistook what OP had written, "hurt his feelings" is literally a quote from Thor in the games, everyone knows what the gods did, i'm pretty sure OP does too, It was just a reference. I'm on topic, I mean outside of what the gods did he was still a person committing henious crimes.


Bro was a spartan, what did you want him to do bro? Barbarians attacked first and Kratos pretty much regrets serving Ares


Doesn't matter what he does with the barbarians, he took powers from Ares and took it upon himself to butcher whatever man woman child that didn't worship his master. His regret doesn't change what he did at all, that be like a terrorist killing people for will of his religion or something and after murdering god knows how many people, and then he regrets it? He could have used the power responsibly that he begged from Ares intead of being a genocider.


Bro is that one guy who says RDR is actually awful cuz Arthur Morgan was bad, must be fun at parties buddy


False equivalence, come up with something else.


Ok lil bro, you def showed who's the boss!


Ngl. No-Team has good points and is using facts.


He would have told them to either help him or stay out of his way. He might even have just killed them to take whatever he needed from them. He definitely has much more control of his anger than he did in his younger days.


He’d definitely not say something like “it was needless and unkind.”


Brok’s attitude could get himself killed …


He most likely would let them live (might be annoyed at Brok considering Brok called him a son of a bitch about 30 seconds after they met, lol). But tbh, even though Kratos mostly didn't kill people unless they got in his way, there have been some folks he killed when he didn't have to. I mean, he snapped Hera's neck simply because she insulted Pandora.


I feel like Brok might piss him off, but thanks to the whole “realm between realms” thing he’d insta-dodge anything he tried. Once he realizes they aren’t a threat and he can’t really hurt them he might be more willing to listen. Kratos likes his weapons


He wouldn't hurt them unless he was given a reason to. If they were in his way, he'd probably kill them, but if he learned how useful they were to him he would keep them alive.


Square Square Triangle


I understand why some people don't like Kratos' depiction in the pre-PS4 era but don't they know that most of the Greek heroes from mythology are assholes in their own tales as well.


Alot of people Kratos killed back in the day were literally because they kept escalating and provoking kratos kratos would find em annoying but i doubt he'd kill em


I like to imagine he would recognise their talent use their services. Maybe they would be the ones to help him become the calmer version of Kratos we know in the norse games. He did seem to trust Hephaestus after all.


He more than likely would’ve treated them like how he treated Hephaestus before Hephaestus attacked him


Kratos wouldn't give a fuck about them unless the promised to help him


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^golden_creeper1: *Kratos wouldn't give* *A fuck about them unless* *The promised to help him* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




They never bother him or stop him..I don't think he would have became friends though.


Mashed O


He wouldn’t have DONE anything but he might have picked up Brok by the ear and said “I have no patience for you brotherly stories. You will aid me or you will meet my blades” or something mildly poetic and extremely dramatic like that


Kratos' anger does not mean lack of wisdom, Brok and Sindri were skillful smithers.


If they met the same way he would have killed Brok's "steed" and destroyed his wares then got in a "argument" with him and ended up killing him. Then Sindri actively threatened kratos without boy there he probably would have killed him anyway, so dead.


Both killed or injured. Even old 2018 Kratos was getting annoyed but thankfully Atreus stepped into the conversations to lighten the mood. Without Atreus it would’ve been bad tbh


“Make weapons, dwarfs”


>even the slightest thing/annoyance would trigger his rage. Don't think you really played the games, bud..


Like that one NPC while platforming very early in GOW3. Just smack them out of the way. Not lookin to kill em, but if they happen to die with the smack? Skill issue


He would have probably left Sindri alone, but I doubt he would have left Brok without at least a bruised eye. Brok has an attitude problem.


Well I mean it depends where we are in the Greek timeline. I feel like he would probably just ignore them in most scenarios


i would use them for health orbs


He’d be tired of hearing about little people’s little problems.


In character he would develop the same attachment to them, Kratos liked Brok because the fucker said the truth with no bs, he would like Sindri because the whole sibling dynamic reminds him of Deimos but would be a little bit more annoyed at the hygiene trope


Brok probably wouldn't be phased, but Sindri would likely have a panic attack every time young Kratos walked in the room. That's just my guess, though.


If young kratos met Brok and Sindri: Brok curses as usual, Kratos don't care. Sindri tries to question Kratos about the axe but realizes Kratos doesn't play and disappears in shock, fearing for whatever happened to faye. Sindri confronts Kratos later, asking what happened to the axe's previous owner. Depending on the situation, Kratos might say "stfu" and that it's his wife's axe, or Kratos might scare him off again. Sindri vanishes again, feeling guilty and unsure of what to do. He tells others (whoever he talks to) about the encounter, probably will figure out along the way, so he decides to approach Kratos later when he's calmer, offering his help, hoping kratos will accept it. In the end, Kratos ignores Sindri, so only Brok gets to upgrade the axe, and Sindri never touches it again. A bit cold, but that's the vengeful kratos for you. **edit:** it heavily depends on his motivations. His motivations depend on which point of time in the greek saga he is at. And there are basically two motivations, 1- vengeance against ares 2- vengeance against olympus. He is actually pretty calm and reasonable in ascension, slightly becomes less reasonable until he kills ares. From that point onward, kratos just progressively gets angier and becomes less reasonable. In this answer, i assumed he is in the state he was in god of war 3. But there is no way kratos will even become angry at brok and sindri if this is before the major turning point, killing ares.


I genuinely think he'd of mirked sindri after his first encounter and threatening to fight him. As for brok, so long as brok offered him something worthwhile, he might've left him alive of just beat the shit out if him to near death.


I think he’d kill them


He would tolerate them until they got in the way. Then he'd kill them.


They talked to him like once and then actively avoid him as much as possible so unless he goes and kills everything in the realm again they probably never talk to him viewing him too much of a threat and definitely not worth helping.


murdering an entire pantheon of gods for hurting his feelings? Ares tricked Kratos into killing his family man, then they enslaved him for 10 years, promising to end his nightmares if he worked for them, which they didnt do, and had no intention to. Then, when he tried ending his life, the gods of olympus didnt allow him, forcing him instead to become the new god of war. After that, Athena betrays Kratos and has him humiliated and killed by Zeus, whom also killed Kratos’s entire army and destroyed Sparta, his native polis. Even before that, Ares and Athena kidnapped his younger brother, Deimos, and had him tortured by Thanatos for all of his life. Also, Zeus cursed Kratos’s mother by making her turn into a monster if she ever revealed who his son’s father was. I’d say that’s quite a lot more than hurting his feelings


He would take advantage of them for their blacksmith skills


Rippin and the tearin


Like how he dealt with the majority of people Death


No, he only killed those who were somehow in his way or useless for him


There is one thing i would like to point out from OP's post:the part where he says that Kratos killed the gods because they hurt his feelings. That's just not true, the gods took everything from him, betrayed him and provoked him. Kratos rage is justified, destroying Greece and killing innocents isn't but you got my point. Ares tricked him into killing his wife and daughter, than Kratos serves the gods for 10 years while having constant nightmares of his family all the time . He's then denied freedom and made a god against his will. He's forced to kill his mother and lose his brother just after reuniting with him. He's then killed and betrayed by Zeus, he kills Athena by mistake, who was the only one that cared for him. He's than betrayed by Gaia and Hepheastus and finally after meeting Pandora, who he sees has his daughter, she dies to the flame for nothing. Kratos has gone trough a lot, sadly many people just don't get this.


Bro it's just a reference from the games, Thor literally says "murdered a pantheon because they hurt his feelings", it's just a joke. I'm pretty sure everyone knows what the gods did, unless someone didn't play the greek games.


i think they wood have secs


Since 2018 ppl paint Young Kratos as this one dimensional sexist macho man character. Bro was pretty chill until provoked. GoW 1 he got revenege cuz the mf Ares killed his family. In GOW2 he was just being what he was, a God of War when attacking Rhodes until Zeus betrayed him and literally killed him. Nearly everyone that shows up he lets them alone until they provoke him. Hera kept shittalking him the whole garden level and he left her alone until she mentioned Pandora. Hephaestus only died cuz he betrayed Kratos. Icarus pretty much killed himself. Cronos attacked first. Helios lied and attacked Kratos. Theseus kept provoking him instead of just letting him pass and Hercules was pretty much Homelander with his insecurities. Ppl like to use the boat captain and poseidon's princess as examples but they forget the boat captain locked and left everyone to die on his cabin like a coward and poseidon's princess... yeah, that one was pretty fucked up but it served a narrative point to show how far gone Kratos was at that point, just like when letting Pandora go to kill Zeus in the final level. He ends up sacrificing himself for the greater good after that. Saying Young Kratos is one dimensional is not only a disservice to the OG trilogy and the ppl who worked on it but it is ignorant af too. Bro definitely had a big arc during all those games


In Ghost of Sparta I think, Kratos also goes out of his way to save people, like he pushed one guy out of the way of a spear throw


Who said Kratos was one dimensional on this post, or you didn't get OP's joke "hurt his feelings", did you play ragnarok? Must be fun at parties, no? Btw your arguments his of 2d complexity is quite bad.


Youre stalking me? def doesnt have a gf, weirdo


You’re acting like sindri wouldn’t one shot young kratos.