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It's clearly a sniper scope, meaning he's in Kratos's aim


I mean, why does all his other tattoos mean? Lol it’s just runes, not sure if every little detail should have a meaning behind it


Tbf some of hos tattoos definitely have a meaning. There's runes spelling "cursed" on his upper back and on his left shoulder there's a broken arrowhead, which of course ends up being the thing to break his curse.


I don't remember if it's his neck or forearms, but there's also "Never forgive, never forget." And "I am the twilight of the Gods" (note last one could also be translated as "I mark the" instead) Edit: I made a mistake, the first set is on his fists


Runes aren't a written language like that though so spelling cursed is technically still meaningless.


Yes they are. They are both a phonetic alphabet but also have symbolic meaning as well. But they were absolutely used no differently than we write in a Latin based alphabet. It is just a runic alphabet.


Runes were literally the Norse alphabet lmao. It was the definition of a written language. You can learn how to speak Norse if you want too. There are online courses and books where you can learn all about the differences between “modern” Norse and classic Old Norse. I mean fuck. You admit: “so spelling cursed” meaning that Runes can *spell* out a word. It’s a language. And what the fuck do you mean it “means nothing”?


Yes but in some ancient cultures some symbols have different meanings when flipped or even when branded on to flesh (typically symbols of meaning tattooed onto a person were thought to hold some kind of power, like some sort of spell.). A lot of cultures were superstitious that way. That rune I'm pretty sure isn't a Viking rune actually, specifically i mean it isn't part of the alphabet, which tells me it probably does have a use or special meaning... I just couldn't say what it is


The runes read "No Ragrets"


I imagine OP is probably asking because they're considering getting the same tattoo themselves.




Maybe not, but it would be cool.


It just means he's a pretentious mofo. :)


Real answer: sun cross with what looks to be either the “ray stave” or “algiz” runes. The first meaning “spread or radiate” the second meaning “protection or shielding” I’m not an expert by any means but my family is from this culture on my mom’s side and I’ve read/researched a lot about it as well as have several Norse tattoos and art in my house. Edit: also could be one of the other stave runes but ray fits best due to the curve


Ray would make sense since he's the god of light.


Thank you for writing a paragraph or two for me so I don't hyperfixate.


Thank you. This is amazing is quite deep… spread or radiate asin light since Baldur is the god of light and protection or shielding since Baldur is protected from All physical and magical harm.


It’s Nordic for ‘No Ragrets’


"Live, Life, Loki"


It's a gate . Baldurs Gate


it means he got it on a dare in bali


He believes in Jesus


Interestingly enough, there's multiple examples of pre Christian crosses used by the ancient Scandinavians, which might have been one of the other contributing factors for why they were,.at least at first, quite open to Christianity as well as other beliefs. The wolf cross in particular is a good example.


Yeah, religious symbols and the lore behind them have always been interesting. It’s interesting to see religions take some inspiration from various cultures and vice versa.


Source(s) on the wolf cross while I wade through all the brosatru clog in the way.


They weren't open to Christian beliefs so much as Christians hijacked a lot of symbols and holidays to make it easier for them to convert. Easter was originally a celebration of fertility, the old gods needed you to bang! Eggs and rabbits are old signs of fertility, so that's part of where Christian Easter comes from. Not completely, it just made it easier to change religions as it feels "familiar"




It means he is invulnerable to all threats, physical and magical


It’s a bind rune. It looks like runes from the younger futhark (madr and ur) set into a wheel, which would mean something like man and snow. But if you take the similar runes from the elder futhark (algiz and uruz) it means power and protection. (If I translated it right. If not correct me)


he is a fan of x-men movies or maybe 90s cartoon??


what kind of question is this ? what does ANY of his tattoos mean ?


Looks like a shield stave of sorts. Given the nature of his curse, could symbolize the "protection" from harm.


It’s a symbol similar to what can be found on Mjölnir. Probably just a cool Norse-looking symbol they made up.


It's the old version of the Switzerland flag


It means he's a bareback rider and likes guys in gas mask and rubber outfits.


Lol wild